Sunday, September 17, 2023

The voices we choose to listen to; A thing found; and... that's a wrap!

[NOTE:  I mention this in an update note further down also, but also wanted to call out here in the beginning.  After writing this post and focusing only on summarizing the Stone story events after Sawtooth, I thought more on it overnight, and came back here the next day to add the detail around Stone events prior to Sawtooth also, while also adding a few bullets on Joseph of Egypt.  It seemed better to try and capture it all here in one spot in a general summary.  For more details, you can refer to the individual posts that discuss those story elements.]

A little over two months ago I started this blog, and I believe it is with this post I will conclude it.  As stated in my opening, I wished to use writing here as a method to explore, not knowing exactly where things would take me.  Truthfully, much of what I have written here are just some of the topics and ideas that have already been bouncing around in my head for some time, in many cases several years.  In writing them down, though, I was able to put some concrete shape to them and see what they looked like in a place not completely inside of my own mind.  In doing so, in many cases I was able to pick up additional nuances, see things in a different way, and establish other interesting connections.  In my opinion the thoughts I've rummaged through here remain in my mind very serious possibilities, but still only that.

It was only in this last week, though, that my mind caught on entirely new ideas and possibilities specifically relating to what exactly happened with the Sawtooth Stone, both in the events leading up to its retrieval in April and May 2020, as well as afterwards.  It is an interesting thing for me to explore - in many ways the open question in my mind as to what happened to the Stone can't be completely separated from the question of what happened to me, as both were left somewhat in the air and subject to interpretation.

I think I have found what I was looking for with respect to Stone happenings, and thus I am simply not sure there is much else to write about.  There are a lot of other interesting ideas to explore, but it is really the Stone that was on my mind after all, and now knowing a bit more as to its fate, and the events surrounding it, I lost some motivation to write, maybe.  

Having uncovered this story, and thinking more on it last night, I went to write some more things (I had some thoughts on Hodnil, for example) and found I was already thinking about this blog in the past tense.  I just couldn't find the motivation to write.  I closed my computer, turned on a football game, and it felt pretty good.  I figured that I wanted to write one more post, though, to have some closure to this particular series of writings.

I have just a thought or two on the voices that we choose or do not choose to listen to.  Then I will summarize the story as I see it regarding what happened to the Stone before putting this blog to bed.

The voices we choose to listen to

Part of my journey over the last several years has been accepting the fact that our thoughts and minds are not completely our own, no matter how much we would wish this to be.  Lehi in the Book of Mormon talked of those who act and those who are acted upon, and I fear we are far more oriented to the 'acted upon' category than we think in general.  There are many voices trying to get our attention, and these voices are attached to Beings.  

I believe I have come across good Beings and bad Beings, and even some Beings who I can't tell if they are good or bad, but just seem to want to be heard.   Who do we choose to listen to, and how do we know they are our friends?  I don't have any simple answer to this, being one who has found myself on the receiving end of listening to the wrong voice and looking back and only being able to wonder "How did I get here?" enough times to suggest advice from me would be dodgy at best.  At many points, it seemed better to me to just to consign myself to having some serious mental and behavioral disorders than to view the world through the lens of many Beings and voices vying for our minds, but I think that is how it is.

There is too much darkness in each of our minds, I feel, for any of us to be immune to this.  But we still have to try.  The only way that has seemed to work for me is to do as Alma said in planting the seed and seeing what grows.  If it feels good and delicious - something like 'home' - then I say why not.  I don't think there is a penalty for guessing wrong if it is done with the right intent and it truly feels and does good.

Seeds don't grow in a vacuum, and the type of seeds I think we are talking about, and the way that they grow, ultimately do so in the form of stories.  Much can be said about Joseph Smith, whether an imposter, confused individual, the devil, or a son of God, but no one can argue with the fact that he brought a story, whatever you think of it.  It is one of the most overlooked but yet powerful witnesses, to my mind, that Joseph did a good work.  

And so I think it is stories that we are after.  Have an idea?  Great, plant it in a story and see where it goes.  There is both a power and protection in good stories, and only good can come by growing them even more, I think.  

A thing found

When I started this blog, I didn't know where it was going.  Was it going to just be getting a few things down, or was this going to be something into perpetuity?   I was exploring, and leaving it open.  It was only in the last week that I believe I found what I was looking for, or even understood what I was looking for.  This came in the further development of the story of what happened to the Stone before and after Sawtooth.

I know it is probably hard to relate, but it is a very love-hate relationship I have with some of the words that I have shared on this blog, for obvious reasons.  The words I pulled from my notebooks this past week in examining what happened were things I hadn't looked at for 2.5 years, in some cases, and it was a trip initially going back to them.  But, while there, someone just kind of pulled back the curtain a bit and let me see a story that had been hidden from me for quite some time.  A gentle hand on my mind, when so many other hands have not been that way.  And it was a good story, or at least a sequence of events, that made sense if not likely believable or to be taken seriously by many.  I believe it, though, and I trust the Beings that let me have that look.

It was a revelation of sorts, and it felt really good.  Something completely new and fresh in addition to all of my other thoughts.  In the end it was incredible, actually, for me to see that little story come out in these past few days.

I will briefly summarize that story of the events surrounding the Stone both before and after its recovery at Sawtooth below (in bullet form) since I know it is spread out over a couple posts, and even when found in the same post it kind of bounces back and forth (these are definitely not polished essays).  I have a few more general bullets to add, also.  

[Note:  An earlier version of this post just had events following Sawtooth listed here.  After thinking about it more overnight, I came back here the day following to put a more complete list that summarizes events leading up to Sawtooth since these were also things I learned more about in the course of this writing.]

Here is how things developed as best as I can tell (as always, open to revision or for another to make clearer):

  • At some point, Joseph-Dior (Joseph of Egypt) leaves the region of Eressea, comes to Earth (not born as a person, though), and looks for the Stone.  On this Stone is a story-song he put there a very long time ago.
  • Joseph runs into trouble in the course of his search and a rescue mission is launched from Aman/ Eressea to locate him and bring him home.  This mission launches sometime in the latter part of 2019 [it is unclear to me when Joseph originally left on his search].
  • Joseph is eventually found through means of a palantir-stone (likely the Anor Stone-Liahona), and his rescuers, as well as those from Aman/ Eressea communicating to him through that stone, try to convince him to return home.
  • He is hesitant to return home, worrying that in doing so his family (the Family of Light) would be at risk.  He finally does return, however, likely accompanied by John-Thingol himself in the company, around the beginning of March 2020.
  • Not to linger long, some of the rescuers are welcomed back to Eressea but are asked to quickly come back to Earth, even though they are tired, and assist in recovering the Sawtooth Stone (arriving back on Earth prior to March 15).
  • By March 15, the party, which includes the 3 Disciples from Bountiful, are in enemy territory, making their way to Idaho.
  • March 18 they stop over in Salt Lake City and use a tactical earthquake to remove Moroni's trumpet from off the top of the Temple.  
  • On March 31, the Quest for the Sawtooth Stone will have reached their destination at William's Peak in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho and commence creating a path to go down into the depths of the Earth in pursuit of the Stone using the 3 Disciples' power over the Earth.
  • With the commencement of the activity at Sawtooth, Asenath prepares to leave her home on/ next to Eressea to go and confront the Balrog - "Son of Baal-ox".  On April 2, she tells her husband Joseph, who she has been watching over in Eressea, that she needs to depart for Earth.
  • By April 16, Asenath has joined the party at Sawtooth, and they begin their descent into the Earth
  • The confrontation between Asenath and the Balrog occurs sometime between April 20 and 21; she wins and the Son of Baal-ox takes an oath; Asenath returns home to Eressea
  • Following the confrontation, it would be sometime before the Stone itself was recovered and/ or deemed safe to move - almost one year later.  It is unclear how much of this time lapse is due to finding and retrieving the Stone vs. waiting for the right time to mobilize.
  • In February 2021, the Stone was sent from Sawtooth with two couriers/ guardians on its way to the House of Tom Bombadil, in what is now France
  • After a 17 day journey (of which we have no detail yet as to whether eventful or not) the Stone arrives with Tom, and they wait for nearly a month. 
  • During the wait,  Tom teaches them lore, which from the words I picked up are likely about the ways the Earth will be blessed through his seed.  Tom is Abraham, I believe, and Aule, by the way.  Both Eonwe-Faramir and Este-Asenath would have been his children in Aman at the beginning (one of the posts I hadn't been able to get to, I don't think).
  • Aragorn-John arrives in April 2021 and takes the Stone to the Drudain, who it is thought can potentially fix the Stone (which has been damaged) with their skill and craftsmanship.  They agree to do so, or at least give it a try
  • The Stone undergoes extensive repairs over the course of more than 1.5 years.  The Good Guys were wanting it done by the Fall of 2022, but this deadline is missed, it seems.  It is slow and tedious work, apparently.
  • By November 2022, however, I believe the Stone has been repaired and delivered back to the care of Tom-Abraham.
  • The Stone remains under Tom-Abraham's care in his House until perhaps late summer of this year (just in the last few months), when I think it goes on the move again.
  • The movement of the Stone from Tom's House is based on it being ready to be delivered to the one who will use it.  Everything else has been done (even preparation work among the Dead, potentially), and thus it is only a matter of Time - when is the right Time?

Assuming the Stone is real (I believe it is), it could be not long potentially before things get rolling.  I've thought that before, though, and it is probably more of a hope than anything based on facts.  Yet, there is some reason to believe this is so.  My sense is that if the Stone would have met the hoped-for repair deadline last year, then it would have been delivered last fall.  A window was missed, and so there is a wait for the next one.  But better good work and late, than a useless Stone on-time.  It is ready now, so I don't know what the hold up would be other than delivering it in the way the Good Guys have decided it should be, which includes at the time they have decided.  It is hopeful thought, at least.

And... that's a wrap!

The fact that it felt like a breath of fresh air when I didn't want to write here told me this was the right choice.  It seemed to end as soon as it began, however.  As I said, this past week in particular has been a good one with respect to understanding events around the Stone better, and I had assumed I would just keep writing.  There seems to be significant momentum in my thoughts on this topic and there are also a number of 'for another post' types of comments and loose-ends I left in several posts.  

But I don't see myself going on with writing more on it currently.

And there is the matter of the Stone itself.  I think it is all that matters, frankly.  And unless you have it then I don't think whatever you have to say on these types of matters is really worth listening to (though you might have many good thoughts on other things!).   I apply that standard to myself, and as I also don't have the Stone you shouldn't probably bother with much of anything I am writing, either.  So, we wait.

I will leave this blog up (not deleted like my last one) and feel free to dig into ideas and see where your imagination takes you.  The comments were moderated, and I am disabling them going forward since I won't be monitoring or reviewing regularly.  I think this removes all current comments from a couple commentators who took the time to add their thoughts, unfortunately.  I didn't know if anyone would read or stumble across this blog, let alone comment, so I appreciate the time and thought they took in addressing what has been written here.

I hope and believe in a better story than we have received and that we have been convinced we are in.  A much better story.   I am not sure how right some of these things I have written are, or even how relevant they might be.  But I do feel strongly that right or wrong on anything else, this Story does involve a Stone, and Good Times Rolling.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Rolling the Stone: Who were the couriers and where did they go?

My youngest son got in the car this morning for school, and said "Let's rock and roll, Dad!".  I've never heard him use that phrase before.

As with surfing, if your mind catches a wave, and it feels like a good one, you may as well keep riding it.  You never know when you'll get another crack at it.  That is what I am going to keep doing with this path I started exploring yesterday.  I have been sitting on those words for a couple years now and haven't really tried to put them together like that.  Having come up with a story that seems to hold, no matter how implausible it might sound, I am going to see how much more runway we are working with here.  This means that some of the things I said I was going to write about after Part 2 related to Stone pre-events (e.g., Joseph.) will need to wait until we have seen where this current wave leads.

In determining yesterday that there was an exchange in Idaho where the Stone was handed to new actors who were charged to take it over to Europe, with the ultimate intent (whether known to them or not) that it be taken to the Drudain for repairs, the two biggest questions in my mind were i) who were the individuals that were charged with taking the Stone, and ii) where would they have gone to stay while waiting for John-Aragorn?   My thoughts kept touching back on these two questions, and so below I will articulate where I have arrived so far.

The Stone Couriers 

When I was thinking about who could possibly have been entrusted with the task of carrying the Stone from Idaho to Europe, I was reminded of words I had received back in February 2020 (right in the middle of the fairly intense period of words, before things went south) that mentioned not only a palantir, but also that some people had delivered one at one time.  These words were actually where I first got the notion that Lehi's Liahona was a palantir:

Feb 10 & 11 2020:

Those of us who delivered that ball-instrument to Lehi's family;

a compass, yet not wholly so, sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised.

A palantir it was - a globe of crystal, metallic-seeming royal ancient sunlight beaming


Singing songs of heroes bold, yet some songs remain untold

Resonant it was, echoing thought commissary needful for instruction, eggs bearing


to learn from who irradescent, a welding link, hands made sickly stewards reward


There is a bit in there that is probably for another post, but the biggest thing that caught my attention for our purposes here was the 'delivered' portion of the first line.  Somebody is speaking here about an 'us' (more than one), and that they were the ones who had originally delivered the Anor Stone to Lehi, who opened the tent one morning and found it sitting there.

I think that perhaps these Beings might be the ones who were asked to deliver the Stone to Europe.  I mean, it seems like they proved themselves in the past in performing this function, maybe there is something unique about their talents that gave the Good Guys confidence that they could make the journey safely and deliver the Stone.  It might have been that the 17 days of travel weren't a picnic, necessarily, with all sorts of bad actors on alert to potentially find and intercept this Stone, or disrupt it as much as possible.

I have Hodnil and Gildor in brackets in the quote above because these came slightly different than the other words; almost the sensation of someone whispering them.  I wrote them down, never considered them part of the dialogue itself, and always had the sensation that they were names.

It is then, perhaps, in these names - Hodnil and Gildor - that we have the individuals who were speaking about their past delivery to Lehi.  I am not familiar with the name Hodnil... it could mean something like "Hope-friend".  Gildor is more familiar, and I wonder if we are dealing with the same Gildor who met the hobbits as they starting their journey out of the Shire on there way to ultimately run into Tom Bombadil. I think it may be so.

In any case, I believe it is these two being addressed in the Sawtooth Mountains.

This also makes the opening line spoken to them in Idaho make fairly good sense.  The words spoken to them (or probably more accurately, the summary of what was said) as I mentioned yesterday were:

A bright star - brighter than the Sun

 In delivering the Anor Stone previously, Hodnil and Gildor would have been familiar with it.  Anor means 'Sun', so what is being referred to as the Sun is the Anor Stone here, I think.  Thus, this is a comparison that would make sense to Hodnil and Gildor, and I think the speaker is using it to let them know just how important the package they are delivering is.  It is critical that this not fail.

As an aside, a few days after I wrote down these words originally in 2020, I turned on the radio in my car, and "Brighter than the Sun" by Colbie Callait started to play.  I looked up the lyrics at that time, and I thought they were very relevant to the Stone, or the effects its story is supposed to have on people.

Anyway, the Good Guys call in the tactical SWAT team duo of Hodnil and Gildor - stone delivery specialists - and off they go.  But to where?  It was clear they needed to get somewhere prior to the Drudain, but why and where was it?  

The House of Tom Bombadil

So it just keeps getting nuttier, right?  

My guess is that they needed to find a place of refuge while waiting for John-Aragorn to take this to the Drudain.  First question on this I had was why the interim stopover for what looks to have been almost a month before the Drudain - why not leave it at Sawtooth until ready?  Simplest answer I could come up with is that perhaps they felt it would be safer out of 'enemy territory' as quickly as they could get it out.  There was probably a feeling that, once removed, it should go to the safest place possible that still exists on Earth while things were getting worked out (and that would be somewhat close to the Drudains' locations).   But where is that?

For my guess, I ended up starting based on where we left off yesterday and that is with Hodnil and Gildor landing in Europe with the Stone.  If they did indeed end up in Europe, this would actually be the lands of Middle Earth (several ages later, of course), and so I started working with that geography and asked myself if I was back in Middle Earth of the 3rd age (the latest we have record of anything having to do with Middle Earth) where would we take the Stone for refuge?

I thought of the three primary places that would seem to be the best bastion against evil forces, particularly spiritual ones (someone can let me know if I missed one):  Rivendell, Lothlorien, and the House of Tom Bombadil.  If I had something like this in the 3rd age, I think it would be at one of these places that I would feel safest and the Stone would have the most protection.

Then it was from that list that I just used a process of elimination to determine that Tom Bombadil would be the only possible answer in our late age.  Here is my reasoning:

Rivendell is simply no more.  Elrond and his people sailed away after the 3rd age.  His ring had lost its power, anyway, and the protection it afforded.  Without Elrond there, Rivendell would have faded and ultimately closed up shop, I think.  Furthermore, apparently Elrond was here only very recently rocking out as Tom Petty, so he wouldn't have really been spending any time rebuilding Rivendell.  Thus, we can cross it off.  

That leaves two.

Similar story as we consider Lothlorien.  Following the 3rd age, Galadriel departed the Golden Wood and sailed across the sea also.  Just as with Elrond, the power and protection of her ring faded.  Thus,  Lothlorien also does not exist today to offer any refuge.  I suppose one could suggest that Galadriel might have returned at some point and rebuilt it - perhaps she has spent some time doing that rather than rocking out?  Alas, however, I think that Galadriel is indeed on the Earth, but as a mortal woman who has no idea who she is, and so thus could not really be doing anything with Lothlorien presently.  It is not around.

This leaves us with Tom by process of elimination, but not just by that - I actually think it makes a good deal of sense.  

Tom's little land and the boundaries he set for himself were on his own terms.  There is no indication at the end of the 3rd age that Tom or his House were going anywhere or folding up shop the same as Rivendell or Lorien, departing across the sea like the Elves, Maia, and everyone else.  In fact, there is every reason to believe this would never be the case.  Just as he was the first, it would not fit for him to not also be the last, or to consider leaving mid-story.  He was here before it all, and here he remains.  Keeping to the bounds he has set, of course, but also opportunistically waiting for fellow travellers who might be in need of a safe stop-over on an important quest.

It is a tenuous tie when it comes to phrases and languages, but the 'have fun' comment communicated from the Being at Sawtooth to the Being I now consider to be Tom in letting Tom know that visitors were on their way makes a bit more sense if this is so.  I went back and read a few pages of Tom's part in the the LOTR.  As the hobbits finally come into view of Tom's house (right at the end of Chapter 6), he sings:

Hey! Come derry dol!  Hop along, my hearties!

Hobbits! Ponies all!  We are fond of parties.

Now let the fun begin!  Let us sing together!

Apparently, Tom found the thought of visitors to be quite fun, and this may have been been what was relayed of the conversation in my words meant.

In LOTR, we also get an idea for what Tom's version of parties, fun, and singing means.  It involves, in large part, the sharing of stories and lore, which is what he and the Hobbits spend quite a lot of time doing.  This also might make some of the phrases captured in my words during that month make more sense (captured in my last post as being mentioned during the month of March when the travelers would have been at Tom's).  They represent Tom teaching Gildor and Hodnil a bit more of the Stone and the story that they now were more fully involved in.

This view also coincides nicely with who I believe Tom's identity to actually be, but that will also need to be a different post.

But sticking with this story, pegging the location that the Stone Couriers sought refuge in as Tom Bombadil's House leaves us with one small problem:  


I landed on France due to the 'best wine' comment, and I am not about to let go of it just yet.  It doesn't, however, work with traditional maps of Middle Earth vs. Europe.  Every map I have seen (in my albeit not exhaustive searching) seems to have the Shire, and thus close-by-in-proximity Tom's House, in England, not France.  I will, however, suggest that this is not right.  The Shire was in what would become France.

I can just imagine the potential thought of some of our friends in England imagining their beloved Shire wrested away and planted firmly across the channel in France, of all places, as something being an unimaginable horror.  Yet, even so, I think it is the right thing to do.  Too much weight had been given to Tolkien's own feelings, and the British sentiment overall, of having a legend of and for England and assuming this must then also mean the geography of the Shire must be in England, or that that the events of LOTR even include England.

Tolkien wished to write of his home.  As Frodo (as told elsewhere, I believe Tolkien is Frodo) the Shire was in fact his home, and I imagine that as he was writing his story as Tolkien, it was not hard to reimagine and give the hobbits the spirit and character of England, but yet still not have it be England.

We see signs of this in his 'translation' of the tale that would become LOTR.  Names, places , and perhaps even customs and technologies adjusted for a modern audience who could then better relate to and understand their characters and the places they found themselves in.  

But for purposes of this tale today, since being able to relate to the story in the most believable way is not the main criteria (clearly!), then I think we can think more critically about locations and geography, and so I place what was the Shire, and what still is Tom's domain, in France.

But all lands have changed since the 3rd age, as Tolkien noted in his intro to LOTR, so I think it is hard to transpose anything, anyway.  It likely doesn't matter that much, other than to say I think whatever those changes were it seems that Tom's House ended up in modern-day France.

So, to briefly summarize what I've written here:

  • Hodnil and Gildor were charged by the Being at Sawtooth, based on their expertise and role as Palantir Couriers, to deliver the Stone.
  • They went on the potentially treacherous mission to bring the Stone across the sea to Europe.
  • Following instructions they received at Sawtooth, they came to the House of Tom Bombadil (in France!).
  • At that House, they waited for the next step involving John-Aragorn and the Drudain, and learned lore from Tom during their wait.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Exploring what happened in the time following Sawtooth, Part 2: Stone on the move

 I'm glad I went through some of my notebooks over the past two days to just sort of revisit what was going on at that time (both for me personally as well as with this story!).  Some of the material I hadn't seen for a couple years.

As mentioned in my last post, Tom Petty-Elrond appears to have helped launch these new notebooks with "Learning to Fly".  It is on Feb. 19, 2021 when I started writing again, though it would take a different form than in the past.  At that point in time, I wouldn't have written anything since the summer of 2020.  The starting of these new notebooks represented my first attempt to make sense of things.  Many times my writings would take the form of Q & As, where at various times of the day I would just ask questions and write responses to those questions as I felt them.  I think it was a bit of an outlet for a mind that was still searching and confused.  

But, this is not the only thing I was writing, and there would be many mornings where I would wake up early with phrases very firmly planted in my mind (usually in English, or mostly so, in this phase of things), and I would write them down.  In reviewing this material again, it is in these phrases I see the progress of events surrounding the Stone, and it will be in using those 'timestamps' and brief dialogues that I will try to recreate a story of what may have happened, with obviously some gaps and guesswork about certain things.

Please note that it would have been around this February timeline that I re-established contact with the individual I had been working with before.  I would not have spoken with him since I think the late summer or fall of 2020.  From February to July, I forwarded my various phrases, writings, Q&As, etc., and he also shared with me some writings that he had done back in 2020 when I was largely out of commission.  We would spend time also on the phone talking about potential meanings and generally trying to figure things out.  After July, I felt it was best to perhaps not stay in touch for a bit.  He reached out in September 2021 to see how things were going, but I never responded, and that was that.

I mention this because this other person spent some time in 2020 writing about developments of the Sawtooth Stone, and he had certain actions happening either sooner or somewhat differently than what would seem to come out in what I began writing in 2021, or at least what I guess that writing means looking back on it from 2023.  As to the truth of the matter, I don't know.   For purposes of my writing, I will assume the date of the phrases match up, at least loosely, with the actual events (i.e., these are more or less real time updates).  But, it could be that they just represent a delayed retelling of the story, since I had been out for so long on this whole thing.  My gut tells me that it is the former - that these were meant to align with real-time updates, but time will tell (if at all).

Also note that I believe that second Balrog (Mrs. Baal-ox) was revealed somewhat in my writing of that time - meaning that certain things in what I wrote may have come from that Being, sneakily inserted in such a way that I wouldn't notice or would seem to be coming from a good source.  Which I know sounds far fetched, but far fetched pretty much sums up this whole story anyway, so why not.  Thus, my writings during this time of Feb - July 2021 I don't believe are completely reliable.  However, I do not - currently - think that extends to the phrases I would have been aware of in the early morning.  I don't think those were faked or from a bad source, and thus can be reliable indicators of Stone happenings, as vague as they are.  

Regarding Mrs. Baal-ox, I wrote something on July 26, 2021 from a source I think is trustworthy:

She is gone.  The other.  No more tricks.  I know it is confusing, but it will make sense!

It would only be later that I realized that this 'she' might be this other Balrog.  Strangely, this day was also the last I communicated with that other individual and felt it might be best to drop our regular communication.

Anyway, that was a bit more context than I planned on, but I thought it might be helpful in giving a background for the words involving what happened after Asenath and the Balrog.

So, with that out of the way...

Following the launching of the new notebooks on Feb. 19, 2021, I wrote down the following phrase from the morning of Feb. 21:

Sawtooth Mountains

3 hours from Boise

I think at the time I thought this was some sort of confirmation to me that in the previous year we had the right location in Idaho (vs. the Sawtooth ranges of either Minnesota or New York).  However, I now view this as communications to a second group of individuals from the first group (or whomever is there) at the Sawtooth Mountains.  The first group is telling the second group where to meet them, basically.  Either that or this is a dialogue amongst the second group confirming directions on where they need to go.  In any case, it individuals need to get to a certain location, and this is confirming where.

The 3 hours is interesting and weird.  I ran Google maps from Boise to Williams Peak this morning (the name of the mountain I thought I saw in my dream), and it indeed checks out at 2 hours and 56 minutes.  I was surprised that Google ran a route to that location, and it looks like it runs through Stanley, Idaho to a trailhead.

But the 3 hours is by car, so this would mean that whomever is being told about the location is going to be driving.  So, I don't know, but it appears that driving is going to be the means to both pick up the Stone and take it somewhere.  I am actually amazed the time checks out, but I am not sure who is driving to that location or why that would be the case.

Moving onward down into the rabbit hole...

On Feb. 25, it seems that the Stone is now officially on the move.  So, whoever showed up in their car has arrived, and the Stone is going somewhere.  Words from that morning:

A bright star - brighter than the Sun

Going to have the experience of Joseph Smith

We need to write all of this down

[A comment that whatever it is that they were talking about being the size of a cantaloupe, but I didn't catch all of the words]

A stone to come.  Soon.  Be ready, and have fun.

OK, so the weirdness just grows here obviously, but if we try and set that aside, there are some things that I think can be learned with the strange dialogue.  Here is what I can parse or see in these words (and trust me, if anyone wants to throw their hat in the ring on this, go for it).  The first two lines are likely spoken by the person or people who have had the Stone in their possession, and reflect a small sample of the things they are explaining to those who have arrived as to the nature of the Stone itself (a bright star) and the means that it will be delivered to another (Joseph Smith experience).  

The third line referencing writing this down seems to indicate that there are quite a few instructions that are being passed along with the Stone (that obviously aren't captured in this short dialogue), enough so that whomever is responsible for executing these instructions feels the need to note them all down.  They are specific and important.  

I attribute the fourth line or comment relative to the size as being the moment that the first Beings hand over the Stone to the Beings who just arrived after the instructions are complete.  Their remark upon seeing the Stone and comparing it to the size of a cantaloupe not only helps us understand something of the Stone's size, but also the people making the remark.  They are familiar with cantaloupe, and so I think perhaps indicate that this 2nd group of Beings charged with the Stone's care may have been already here on Earth living among us, eating cantaloupe, etc.

The last comment I believe could be from the first Being to another who is at the next stop where these second individuals are headed, giving them a heads up that the Stone is arriving shortly.  

It seems that on March 13 they might arrive at wherever that location is.  Here is the phrase from that morning:

Fellow travelers.  House richly, and bring forth the best wine.

So, 17 days between their departure and arrival at their new spot.  17 days is too long to suggest they would have driven the whole time.  Anywhere on the Western Hemisphere could be reached by car in shorter time than that, particularly if you are trying to get somewhere with precious cargo in some kind of haste.

Based on this (and the words that follow below) I think they go over to Europe and by boat.  Given the fact that they have the Stone, and are not likely going to have it out of their sight, air travel is ruled out since they can't check it (that would be a pretty stressful lost luggage event!) and I don't think it is going to be OK'd going through security as a carry on.  So, boat it is.  It looks like its a 7-8 day trip by boat from New York to London (and perhaps longer if they are going by private boat), so this general interval would seem to work with a car driving to some city or port on the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S., taking a boat ride across the Atlantic, and then driving to their final location

The 'best wine' here also might be a clue as to the part of Europe they are going to.  I don't drink, so am not familiar with wine in general, but it seems that France, Italy, Spain, etc. seem to have the best vineyards, so it is to perhaps one of these countries that they arrive?  Between those three, from my online search (a quick one right now) it seems France is typically known as having the best wine, so perhaps we pencil in somewhere in France as their destination and where the individuals and the Stone were 'housed richly'? But, it probably honestly could be anywhere in that region.

They seem to stay there a few weeks before anything of real consequence happens.  I picked up a few snippets of what might be commentary or conversation, but don't really assist (right now at least) in shedding further light on their journey.  From March 18:

To be gathered

To be counted

And from March 22:

Designated as the paths that Asenath wrought.

It would apparently be on April 9 that a new visitor arrives at wherever they are, or is about to:

It's time for Johnny Baracus

The Baracus here I believe is a reference to a character named B.A. Baracus from the television show "A-team" played by Mr. T.  I think there are some clues as to why this name is used.  Johnny is the obvious one, pointing to John.   The initials are J.B., further refining this to John the Baptist.  Mr. T's name also points to Thingol with the large 'T'.  As I mentioned in a previous post on Return of the King (here), I believe Thingol and John the Baptist are the same person, and that John the Baptist and John the Beloved are the same person also, and that this person is Aragorn.

So Aragorn-John is apparently joining them at this undisclosed, nicely-appointed, well-imbibed hideout.

I think this, then, calls into question my assumption that John was with the party in the quest for the Sawtooth Stone. It was only my assumption or guess that he was, figuring the importance of obtaining the Stone, and I hadn't yet looked back through these notebooks.  I am going to rule him out of being at Sawtooth for now, and amend that previous post based on this information.

Why was Aragorn-John needed here?  Well, apparently the Stone had been damaged in the long years between its burial before the First Age and its removal in 2020.  As to the nature of the damage, it seems like it was crusted over (I am basing this on a dream I had later) and this crusting has fused with the surface of the Stone.  In esscence, the surface has been destroyed or damaged, which is probably important with how it is supposed to be used.  As to what caused this I don't know.  Water deposits, lava-heat... I am not sure.  In its present condition, however, it was unusable.

In any case, part of the plan or the instructions that were given before now is revealed as taking the Stone to the Drudain people, who are apparently still in Europe somewhere.  It is at this point that I will again write that I know this sounds crazy.  I believe Aragorn-John was the one needed to approach the Drudain and ask for their assistance in repairing the Stone.  This may have mostly to do with the fact that Aragorn had been the one that granted them their forest and forbid anyone from entering without their permission.  Perhaps he was the only one who could enter and find them?  In any case, this is a part of that dialogue:

Nature has stones, too

What do you think, Dru-i?

The "Dru" here is a Sindarin word for the the Wose, which is turn another name for the Drudain.  So, I believe you have Aragron-John here talking to multiple Drudain about the possibility of fixing the Stone.  It would have been left in there possession at that time, I believe, and I am not sure whether John stayed with them or not, though probably he left it and he would keep tabs on progress at intervals.

Why the Drudain?  It seems they have special magical skills specifically associated in working with stone.  My guess is that, based on the short dialogue above, John took it to them and asked if they thought it was something within their skill to fix and whether they would be willing to do it.

In combing through the rest of my notebooks, there are other things on the Stone, but I can't find anything else that really helps with location or movements specifically after this time.  So, I lose the trace in April 2021 somewhere in Europe within the forests of the Drudain.

Makes perfect sense, right?

There is reason to believe that it stayed there for quite some time, however.  I mentioned above a dream I had relative to the Stone and its repair and I will relate it below.  It came on August 31, 2022, so about a year ago.  I believe my dream was from the Stone's perspective:

I was lying on something like a table or stone slab, with individuals around me and leaning over me.  It felt like I was in something like a dark cave.  The individuals were carefully examining me.  They began using instruments to remove what looked like dark and rocky chips or fragment from off of my skin, which I now noticed completely covered me.  As they removed a piece of this rocky fragment, I looked at the area where I should have expected to see my skin now exposed.  Instead, I saw a yellowish-grid covering, which was alarming.  

I then had a dream that I was in negotiations with a mysterious professor regarding a final assignment that needed to be done next week, but that I was behind in completing.

When I woke up, I thought more on the yellow covering that my skin appeared to be, and realized very clearly that it was honeycomb.

In reflecting on it now, I think the dreams are tied, in that the first dream was about the repair work being conducted by the Drudain.  The second dream seemed to reflect that the work was not yet done, and the Drudain were negotiating or updating the professor (perhaps John?) on when things would or  needed to be wrapped up.

If correct, this puts the Stone in the possession of the Drudain from April 2021 to at least August 2022 - almost 1.5 years!  For all I know, it is still undergoing repairs, as I don't have any other thoughts or updates on it moving or being delivered elsewhere.  I will double check my notebooks again, but I don't think there is much relative to developments or movements regarding the Stone specifically after that time.

So there you have it, whatever you make of it.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Deseret Book vs. Deseret's Book

OK, so a 2nd very short post today just based on a thought I had earlier this evening.  

I had visited a blog where someone was putting a pitch in for a new book being published by the LDS church's publishing subsidiary, Deseret Book.  

As mentioned in my earlier post on Deseret (here), during 1800's Utah Territory Mormonism, the name of Deseret popped up literally everywhere based on Brigham's obsession with that name.  I have mentioned the source of that obsession in that post, also.  In modern times, the name of Deseret continues to live on in the name of not only that publisher and book retailer, but also in the company that manages all of the for-profit entities for the LDS Church:  Deseret Management Corporation (which Deseret Book falls under).

Anyway, when I saw "Deseret Book" on the site, a funny thought came to me.  As I said in my other post, I believe Deseret is a name/ title for a person - Ilmare-Eowyn.  I have also mentioned that Ilmare-Eowyn has been charged with putting together a record, or book, in Heaven/ Aman and sharing that record through the use of the stones to those on Earth.

We could very well call this record "Deseret's Book".  When published, I think Deseret's Book will be of much more value than anything one could find in Deseret Book.  I also don't think Deseret Book will publish or in any way be allowed to distribute Deseret's Book.  Just as with Moroni and his feelings about being propped up on temples, I can't necessarily speak for Eowyn-Deseret but my guess is that she might be sick of having one of her names tied to Brigham's church also, particularly the commercial arm.

Lastly, whatever WJT has must be contagious, because I have Shark Tank running in the background right now and as I am typing that last sentence, I look up at the TV and the first thing I see is an entrepreneur wearing a shirt with "Bee" written across the top as part their logo (Bee as the obvious tie to Deseret).  The business is "Bee Sweet Lemonade".  So, right as I am typing of Deseret being associated with the commercial arm of the LDS church, there is a Bee-affiliated business trying to raise capital on Shark Tank.  I don't know.  Seems to tie right into this juice/ nectar thing, also.

Rock & Roll in Rivendell: Tom Petty, Elrond, and Alma the Younger

12/4/2023 UPDATE:  I no longer believe that Tom Petty is Elrond.  While it could be (I am leaving all possibilities open at the moment) I doubt that this is true.  While I do believe that the Elrond and Alma the Younger story makes sense in many ways, and so leave that as something that still fits into my story, I can't see a story in this Tom Petty narrative besides these 'syncs' seem to point to it, but unfortunately that isn't good enough anymore.  I very briefly go through some of my reasoning on this in this post:

So, I said I was going to do Sawtooth aftermath Part 2 today, but I think I am now going to try and do that tomorrow.  I remember doing this in my last blog, trying to map out in advance what I was going to write about next, and then getting sidetracked with another thought and feeling like I would rather write about that.  I should just stop saying what I am going to do next, perhaps, and let it flow.  That is kind of the idea with what I am writing about here anyway.  Bouncing around keeps it interesting.

Writing here has given me a chance to consider and revisit some things I haven't thought on for some time.  Yesterday, I pulled out some notebooks from 2021-2022 to kind of get more of a sense of what I was writing about during that time.   I mentioned I had burned my notebooks and books from 2019-2020, but I began keeping notebooks in later 2020 and into 2021.  I started out as part of my therapy, where I would write out thoughts that were really distressing me and go through a cognitive behavioral approach on working through them.  My therapy writing would ultimately start blending with other type of writing, much of it related to the kind of stuff I am writing about here.  It was interesting going back and looking at where I was at during certain periods.

In any case, what made me switch topics for today is Tom Petty came bounding back into the picture yesterday as I revisited some of that writing.  

I wrote an earlier post (here) on my experience on the plane ride last month where I watched a documentary on Tom and the creation of the Wildflowers album.  I had remarked at the time how interesting it was to see artwork for "Wake Up Time" reflect a dream I had about an "El-anor/ Elanor" playing the piano.  Even the sub words, "Rise and shine", underneath the picture had relevance.

I confess that I've had ideas around Tom long before that plane ride, which made the experience also something that I paid more attention to.  

Of all the crazy ideas that have come jumping into my mind, my thoughts on Tom are among the strangest.  They were/ are so strange, that I was working to dismiss them and find reasons that this couldn't be the case.  I've had strange ideas before and after working through them a bit, you realize there is nothing there, and it just fades.  I've had that happen with thoughts I've considered to be valid though, also, where it seems to make sense, but over time or after investigating more, it doesn't hold water.  This, however, is a strange thought that no matter how hard I try to shake it, it just persists.  And not just persists, seems to grow!

The idea is that Tom Petty is Elrond.  And not only that, Petty-Elrond was also Alma the Younger from the Book of Mormon.


The original thought dating back to 2020 was the Petty-Elrond connection.  It came like a pretty clear and surprising thought into my mind.  The connection with Alma the Younger did not actually come until just a couple months ago.  The idea hung around long enough, basically, over the years to to now grow and also encompass Alma. . . making the whole thing stranger.

But, yesterday sealed the deal for me at least with being able to feel comfortable about publicly hazarding a guess or submitting the idea, so I figured why not write about it now.  I haven't done a character study/ connection post for a little bit.

Anyway, yesterday as I went through the notebooks, I found that in two of them on the very first page - the very first thing written - I had written out the lyrics to "Learning to Fly" by Tom Petty.  The first notebook was dated Feb. 19, 2021, and I had started the book in an attempt to revisit what had happened to me.  At that point in my therapy, I was still lost, and I began writing about my confusion as to pretty much everything.  I started off by quoting the first two lines of the chorus:

I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings

Coming down is the hardest thing

I then proceeded to write a sob story about how I felt which we don't need to get into here, but I closed by asking something around what did I do wrong to end up in this place, and asking for guidance, basically.  In response, it seems, I wrote down the following two lines:

The pen is mightier than the sword!

What goes up, must come down

As I mentioned before, I've had this thought that Tom Petty was not only Elrond but also Alma for a few months now, so it is fairly recent in my mind.  Perhaps because of this, that line of the pen being mightier than the sword jumped out at me.  It recalled Mormon's description of Alma's approach in going to teach the Zoramites.  At the time, conflict was brewing, with the Nephites concerned that the Zoramites would form an alliance with the Lamanites and but them in a difficult positions.  Here is what Mormon wrote:

And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just - yea, it had had more powerful effects upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened to them - therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God.

When I read the comment about the pen being mightier than the sword, it brought this to my mind, where Alma also considered the pen (the word) more powerful than the sword, specifically in relation to how minds are influenced.  In fact, the words I wrote right before before that phrase in my notebook were specifically about my mind.  This then took on the additional, personal meaning that just as I said in my post yesterday that it felt like a sword had pierced my very brain, that ultimately a pen (or a word) which is stronger than that sword will ultimately come along to heal me, along with everyone else.  It is in the telling of the stories, I believe, that we will be healed.

That, of course, is what Elrond was - a healer and loremaster, but also a warrior, protector, etc.  You will find all of those attributes rolled into Alma, also, and so that connection makes sense to me.

In addition, there is also a tie with my guess of Elros (Elrond's brother) being Melchizedek.  Alma's discourse and mention of Melchizedek found in Alma 13, can in this case now be viewed as Alma-Elrond teaching the people about his brother, Elros-Melchizedek.

Just what Elrond-Alma was doing or hoped to accomplish as a rock star in the form of Tom Petty, I have no idea.  For other figures the mission was clear.  Frodo as Tolkien, for example.  Fairly clear that Frodo-Tolkien was here to write LOTR, and then continue on with work among the Dead.  As to what the mission and overall impact of Petty, though, remains a bit of a mystery and maybe will be expounded or cleared up at some point (if true)? 

The line immediately following about "What goes up, must come down" also has meaning to what I would go on to write about in the period after.  Simply put, I think this phrase was there to refer to the return of Aman, Eressea, and Zion to the Earth.  They were taken up, and they will come back down.  Much of what the work that the Stone will kick off involves just such a thing happening:  the return of worlds and people to this Earth.

But, as Tom and Jeff Lynne also wrote in "Learning to Fly", it won't be just a return of the good old days (and apparently rocks will melt, and seas will burn!), as this will be a new earth, and a new heaven, with evil banished forever.  It will be shown that the 'good old days' weren't really that good compared with what is hopefully in store.

As another interesting connection, my wife and I saw Tom Petty in concert back in June 2017 during his 40th anniversary tour.  As for someone reading that line and now thinking that I am a big Petty fan and that this must explain the Tom Petty connection and why I am bringing him into the story, that wasn't actually the case.  We went to the concert due to my position at work.  Our company had a box at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul that we would use to entertain customers.  I had just moved into a new position, and was asked if I would like to attend a concert that weekend with some of these customers in order to get to know them.  The concert just so happened to be Tom Petty - the first and only concert I went to in that position.

It was a good show and I was glad I got to go.  I remember him stopping things at some point and mentioning that he had been made aware (I imagine before the concert) that there was a little girl in attendance who was very sick - had been battling a disease, and the way he brought it up made it sound like this wasn't going to be something she was going to get better from.  He didn't elaborate more on it than that, but just asked that everyone remember this girl and send prayers and thoughts her way.  

Tom would, of course, die just a few months later as he was finishing up the tour, which I guess freed him up to be involved in other ways.

Lastly and in addition, I have reason to believe that Alma's sons, at least two of them, if not all, from the Book of Mormon (Helaman, Shiblon, and Corianton) are here on the Earth.  They would be in the same position as the rest of us, potentially - not knowing who they are just yet, or perhaps not.  Regardless, I believe they will be involved.

Helaman was given specific charge by Alma at one point of keeping the Brass Plates safe, was instructed in some detail as to their ultimate purpose in a future day, and was also instructed as to the Stone itself that would shine in darkness (the Sawtooth Stone).  He was also told more of and instructed of the Liahona (Anor stone palantir) that I also believe will come back into play when all of this happens.  And lastly, he was also instructed on and familiar with the oaths and evil works of the secret combinations that will be mentioned in what will come.  In summary, he knows a lot and was given certain responsibilities.  I think it will be important for him to be present and participate when all this stuff starts happening.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Exploring what happened in the time following Sawtooth, Part 1: Balrogs in my mind

In my last post, I mention the Good Times Roll communication on April 22, and how everything felt pretty good.  That communication would be the last thing I would log in my files (I kept an excel and word doc of everything, in addition to my notebooks).  I would have continued to email everything I was 'getting' to the other individual, as well as some of it to the author I had mentioned also in a previous post, who was encouraging me to send him things.  Those two would have had, and maybe still do, things I would have sent, but everything else I recall now about that specific time period of April - June is just that... a recollection or memory.

Far from Good Times rolling my way shortly after April 22, I found myself in hell, basically.  And again, I don't think there is any need to go into more detail than I have, but the deterioration between that time and May 7 was swift and complete.  

As I've mentioned before, there are perfectly good medical reasons for much of what happened to me, and might be more believable than having to consider that there really was a Balrog-demon hiding out under Idaho who was confronted by a Heavenly Maiden in order to obtain a really old stone that is necessary to save us.  If I was a medical professional, I know which door I would pick given those two options.  One of the benefits of being in a place where it is OK not to know whether something was real or not, however, is that I can describe an alternative story or reason and just let it be.  In many ways it doesn't really matter at this point.

In this alternative story, rather than rapid onset of psychosis (though based on building trends of underlying disordered thinking in the weeks and months leading up to it), my deterioration was actually a result of what Asenath would have communicated to the Son of Baal-ox in their confrontation.  When her words to the Balrog were conveyed, I also caught words between what I assume were Baal-ox and his son, themselves, strangely enough, which would have occurred after his defeat.  Again, I don't have the specific words anymore, but based on memory, the son described how he was made to take an oath.  Apparently, though, he would have also passed on other information to Mr. Baal-ox that Asenath would have said, as Baal-ox asks his son to look into some some of what was learned in that confrontation.  Even though the oath has taken out the son from direct conflict, apparently he is still free to look into those things.

I think the son looks into this, returns and reports on his findings, and somehow I and my mind are now involved.  I am not sure how I play into this, but I as much as I try to avoid it, I can't separate the fact that just by 'hearing' all of this over those several months, that my own story somehow relates to this.  I have guessed many times as to how, and been demonstratively wrong on several of those occassions, so I won't publicly hazard any guesses now.  Perhaps I listened in too closely.  For purposes of this particular part of the story, I believe, I think it is OK just to say that I think I was given the highly desireable role of Bait.

My belief is that the location of the other Balrogs was not known, but that somehow they needed to be also addressed to clear a way for this Stone.  In this narrative, part of what Asenath shared with the Son of Baal-ox was specifically designed as a trap in order to draw out these other Balrogs.  The thought was that these Beings would act in exactly the manner that they did, expose themselves, and then someone would be able to eliminate them (through oath or otherwise).  I was the unwitting bait, in this scheme - something I would not have known at the time, obviously, since I didn't even have a clue as to what was going on.

In essense, a trap was set for the Balrogs.

I believe Baal-ox would have been armed with some type of intelligence from his son at some point shortly after April 22.  How I became involved in this intelligence gathering, I do not know.  It may be that my listening in on things was known prior to this.  On February 26, I received these words from what seemed like a not-very-friendly source:

I do not know the future but this Mormon I have already sent feelers into.

Perhaps that is when I got pulled into this.  I am still technically Mormon, with records still with the church though not actively participating.   Or not - like I said, it wouldn't be the first time I've incorrectly inserted myself into the story.

But assuming that we are on the right train of thinking, by the first week of May I think Baal-ox decided he would strike.  I can't relay really into words what May 6 and 7 was like, but that is exactly what it felt like - a quick, lethal strike directly in my mind.  A Morgul blade to my brain.

Though my recovery would take a couple years, I believe that the actual attack from this Being did not last much longer than those days.  Whoever was waiting to ambush Baal-ox when he revealed himself was waiting and ready to take action, thankfully, but the damage had been done to me.  I'd like to think that if this is really how it went down, at least the Powers-that-Be had enough confidence in me that I wasn't going completely lose myself.

Coat of Skins is the name I gave this blog, not really knowing why fully, but I think this experience is one reason.  My coat of skins - my body - which was designed in the beginning to be some sort of shield or protection against evil, did its job and held - barely, and not without medical intervention. But it - my brain specifically - in the aftermath was like a car that just survived a high speed crash, an analogy Sophia would use on several occasions.  The problem, though, with this analogy is that a car can kind of just rest in the shop waiting to get fixed.  There is no resting for the brain (unless in a coma or something) and I was misfiring all over the place.  I was more like the Starship Enterprise after being ambushed and nearly destroyed by Klingon warships, engines firing all over the place trying to get to some kind of safe port before my lifesupport completely fails, with Scotty telling me that the engine room is about to blow.

So, bait, and I guess it worked.  

I mentioned two Balrogs, though.

I will be short about this one in saying that it would not be until July 2021 - over one year later - when she was uncovered and dismissed.  A short phrase from a longer English set of words from July 20, 2021:

She is gone.  The other.  No more tricks.

The 'she' here, I believe, is Mrs. Baal-ox, an imitator and trickster, and nothing more needs to be said about her on the matter, I don't think.

I fully recognize that I may, in fact, have just suffered from some psychosis-type events and there isn't any other type of explanation.  It is a truth and possibility I have had to look in the eye and be OK with.  I don't know what the answer is.  I am convinced that no matter what someone thinks of the things I relate, they also don't know what the answer is, either.  

Anyway, so this turned into a bit of an update on Balrogs - there were 3, and now they are no more, at least in this tale.  

In Part 2, I will just focus on the Stone - where is it?  2020 was awhile ago, and it seemed urgent to get it, so some kind of activity around it would be expected.  I don't have as much insight as I'd like, but we'll dive in with what I do think I know and see how it goes.  I know I said in my last post that I would tackle events leading up to this, but I broke this post into two parts, so I will try to do that after this next one.

Monday, September 11, 2023

Asenath vs. the Son of Baal-ox within the Sawtooth Mountains

In passing through Salt Lake City, and then continuing on to Idaho, the Good Guys had entered into enemy territory.

I need to be very clear on what I mean here, though, when I say that.  I am not talking about the people (humans) of that region when talking about enemy territory - just simply the spiritual evil beings that live there... though there are actually a few evil humans there, now that I think of it. But the point is that I am not calling Mormons of this region (Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, etc.), that represents a significant number of their membership, evil. On the contrary, I think as I have said, my family are all Mormons, and many of my friends, and I consider them the best people I know.  Some of my extended family live in those areas.

Rather, Mormons settled themselves in an area of profound evil - spiritually.  Brigham Young led them out there for that purpose actually. A cursed people led to a cursed land by a cursed and evil Being.

It is the demons upon that part of the land that makes it evil, and many Mormons and non-Mormons alike are oblivious to it, and try to lead good lives unaware of how that land is viewed by those in Heaven.

At the center of this evil circa 2020 was a Balrog - some still were around and it is in this general area that one of them resided.  An evil Being that would need to be confronted within the Sawtooth Mountains for the Stone to be safely removed.

I am not sure if the Balrog was guarding a specific location of the Stone.  It seems unlikely, as I am not sure that until this mission to obtain the Stone was initiated and the team was on the ground that its exact location would be made known. But, there are some of these evil Beings - the 'aware' ones - who know quite a lot of a history that we have completely forgotten (one of these Beings being Dairon-Brigham), and so this general region was, I believe, known to some as the area where the Stone resided or would have been buried before the first ages of this Earth.  I think, however, if the forces of evil knew exactly where it was, then they would have gotten rid of it (or attempted to use it for their purposes) awhile ago if they could.  They just knew general location.

This means that I don't think the Balrog knew where the company was headed, and in fact, I don't think he knew they were there until the Disciples began their work on March 31.  The Balrog would have then been notified or alerted to both their presence and their location at that time.  Maybe, by chance, he was already there, or he had to also travel a short distance to meet them there under the Earth.  

I do not think he would have been aware of their presence before that, even in Salt Lake, as on April 4 there was chatter that included the line:

He failed to see the Good Ones

The 'He' here, I believe is the Balrog, and the remark references how the company that was after the Stone was able to slip into his lands and make it all the way to their desired location without drawing attention to themselves (despite their antics in Salt Lake, apparently).

The existence of the Balrog was not a surprise to the Good Guys. They knew that in extracting the Stone (or in making the attempt), that they would bring out this Evil Being. In a future post (maybe the one after the next), I will cover some of the ground work that those of Heaven had to perform before openly taking action and revealing their plan and intent. One of these foundational actions was to find and rescue Joseph of Egypt (Lorien-Irmo-Dior), removing him to safety in Aman/ Eressea before risking the confrontation. I will get into that detail in that later post, though.

As early as March 6, 2020, if not well before, there was reference to this Balrog - a 'horned creature' in  a land of 'dark-phantom magic':

... tarun gulian in the game plan
(something like: horn-creature (bull) dark-magic-land in the game plan)

It would only be a few days after that - March 11 - that at least some members of the company departed Eressea for Earth, and thus begin their journey.  Part of their discussion:

Now we go today
we must go to sail
Ausir ungmar besse garilyo
jewel-house to gather
made white

Which means approximately a one week time lapse between departure and their stop over in Salt Lake. Thus, it seems that once commenced, things happened fairly rapidly.  I do not know if the entire company left Eressea on March 11, or there were some on Earth already that they joined up with.  I know at least some would have returned to Eressea with Joseph, being part of the rescue mission, and they would have had a fairly quick turnaround in coming back for the Stone.... I just don't know if some were left behind or stayed here on Earth during that visit back to drop him off.

I do believe, however, that at least one member stayed behind in Eressea for just a little longer while others departed for Earth.  This Being was Asenath-Nimloth.  My guess is she stayed behind for a bit to ensure Joseph would be alright, before taking off to join the others.  On April 2 these are her words, I believe, perhaps to Joseph telling him where she was going and why:

Journey toward bed of wheat and tares
others to come
jewel to gather
never before waking you waking thus
Marsella (?) to understand names are sacred here
A new name wheeled (wield?) when once helmets

It would also be her that made the remark on April 4 mentioned above, where she would have noted 'he' had not seen or noticed the advance group.  I do not know the exact date of departure for her, but I think she would have arrived or joined them by April 16.  On that date, Asenath and others would have descended below into the caves/ passages created by the Disciples toward their destination and the ensuing conflict with the Balrog.

A quick note here:  Up until very recently (earlier this year), my assumption was that the Being who came to confront the Balrog was actually Ilmare-Eowyn.  From other words that were said at this same time in 2020, it became apparent that an "Ar-wen" (Noble Maiden... not the same Arwen as a proper noun from Aragorn/ LOTR) was being mentioned as taking on this creature.  In my imagining both at that time and in the time after as I tried to understand what happened, I assumed that if a woman was going to take on this task, it would naturally be Eowyn.  She seemed like the person for the job.

My assumption was incorrect, however, and it was Asenath.  It was almost like a role switch, as I would think the Maiden who was in Heaven collecting and writing this new record would likeliest be Asenath - it just seemed much more suited to her in some way?  But it was/is Eowyn in charge of completing this record , I think, and thus Asenath took on the responsibility of disposing of the Balrog.  Perhaps this in some way kept the forces of Evil on their toes, also?  If they also got wind that a Maiden was coming to take them on, preparing for Asenath would be a far different thing, I think, then preparing for Eowyn, with different strengths and attributes, and so perhaps this gave an advantage to the Good Guys.  I don't know.

In any case, in this confrontation I think you basically have the Holy Ghost against an anti-Holy Ghost, for that is in many ways what the Balrogs became.  Where as the Holy Ghost was likened to a flame and fire, so too were the Balrogs, but only also wreathed in shadow and darkness.  Where the Holy Ghost dealt in truth to the mind, the Balrogs dealt lies and deceit.  

The other thing to note is that I am not sure why this was necessary.  Given who was in the party (Disciples, Moroni-Gandalf, etc.) it seems like one of them might have been able to handle things?  This was obviously not the case, however, and it was up to Asenath to do so - the situation requiring the Holy Ghost (herself) coming to do the job.  And perhaps it was for her benefit, also - something she felt she needed to do, maybe.

It was mentioned that contingencies were also part of Asenath's plan .  When things commenced, there was some discussion that it had 'begun', but this statement was also followed up with someone mentioning these 'contingencies', which I interpreted as that if Asenath failed, there was a backup plan to potentially help her should things go south.  I believe these contingencies were mentioned to Joseph specifically back on Eressea in order to reduce his anxiety for her safety.

I believe there was some extreme nervousness on Asenath's part regarding the ordeal ahead.  The Evil that Good is engaged with is the real deal.  This isn't a game, or merely a learning experience we face in this story ... this evil has power, and there are real consequences.  This Evil has seemingly destroyed everything in its path with the exception of this Earth and what belongs to it (all that remains of a universe that used to be filled with life) and the path to victory over it is a narrow one, which is one of the reasons why the fact that Jesus' wisdom is greater than the devil's cunning is something to be eternally grateful for.

It is also perhaps important to consider that this would have been, I believe, Asenath's first time down below in caves since the horrible events at Doriath, when evil was done to her and her family at the hands of betrayers.  This evil has not been fully remedied to this day, with Joseph not fully recovered from that ordeal, and some of her children still captives.  I am sure the Balrog would have taken full advantage of this to plant in her mind all sorts of dark thoughts, doubts and fears as to her chances for success during their face-off.

I am not sure in what form the duel of confrontation took.  I did catch (or was relayed to me, perhaps) her words to the Balrog at the height of the contest, when she declared with a loud voice:

"For Joseph truly saw our day, Son of Baal-ox!"

The contest ended with her victory, and it appears she returns to her home and Joseph on Eressea immediately following.

The victory over the Balrog took the form of an oath, meaning this "Son of Baal-ox" was constrained to make a binding oath.   As to what the details of the oath were I can only guess at, but apparently the result is that he was put out of commission in terms of direct conflict or influence.  Perhaps an oath like Captain Moroni required of his enemies that if they would put down their arms and promise never to fight again, he would spare them.  I believe, however, that the oath still left wiggle room for this Balrog to still be of assistance to his fellow Balrogs in other ways.

I say fellow Balrogs, because unfortunately having a Son of Baal-ox can imply that there is an actual Baal-ox still at large, and this turned out to be the case.  In fact there were two remaining Balrogs (though not there in that location, obviously), as I would come to find out by personal experience over the next few months.  That will also be a topic for the next post.

As to events at Sawtooth, though, the defeat of the Balrog meant the coast was clear to continue on toward the Stone for the rest of the party.  But time seemed to bog down here as it would take quite a bit more effort (and earthquakes) to locate and access its exact location.  Perhaps like looking for a needle in a haystack.  As mentioned before, however, it was at this time that my mind failed and so I don't have a lot of insight into that period.  I would have been keeping notes through the summer, even in the state I was in, but these notes would have been among those I ended up burning.

I will conclude this post on an upbeat note.  The day after the successful mission of Asenath and her return home (April 22) a few Good Beings seemed really happy with the state of affairs.  After communicating a few thoughts, they referenced a well known song by The Cars "Good Times Roll", by saying basically just that:  "Good times to roll!"

The reference actually gained a bit more meaning and humor to me only earlier this year.  I had actually not connected the Sawtooth Stone with the stone cut from the mountain without hands (referenced in one of my earlier posts) until just a few months ago, for whatever reason.  D&C 65:2 is where we get the very Mormon reference of that stone rolling forth to the ends of the Earth:

The keys of the kingdom of God are committed unto man on the earth, and from thence shall the gospel roll forth unto the ends of the earth, as the stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands shall roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth.

I now believe that the Beings who said that were having fun in tying the title and lyrics of that song to the Stone.  A path had now been cleared for the Stone, which will create some Good Times, to do some rolling.  

Anyways, that is how that conflict ended, a victory for the Good Guys against the Balrog and his forces, and hopefully Good Times Roll here sometime soon whenever that Stone makes an entrance.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Diverse earthquakes: The Beloved Disciples of Bountiful and the quest for the Sawtooth Stone

On the morning of March 17, 2020, I had a dream in which a list was held up for me to see.  Across the top of the list was a title “Diverse Earthquakes”.   Below, the items of the list were broken down into two columns. However, the items themselves were too blurry for me to make out.  When I woke up, I wrote down the title.  As was the usual practice by this time after months of this type of thing going on every day, I forwarded the words to the other individual who was working with me, and then at periods throughout the day I would look into the phrase more.

I found the section in the Doctrine and Covenants I believed the phrase was pointing to - Section 45, where "earthquakes also in divers places" is mentioned.  There is a lot in that section relative to what I think is going on, but the purpose of this post isn't to try and dig into that.

The next morning, March 18, these were the words:

Zim uln
poured out without measure

I hadn't yet had a chance to forward these to my partner in crime yet, when he texted me to let me know about the earthquake in Salt Lake City that morning, and obviously made a connection to the "diverse earthquakes" phrase from the day before.  I hadn't heard about it, and the timing definitely did seem to be more than chance.

The interesting thing about the Salt Lake earthquake is that it knocked the trumpet out of the hands of the Angel Moroni that sits on top of the Salt Lake Temple.  Here is a picture of Moroni without his horn following the earthquake:

It's actually kind of funny.  What makes it even kind of more funny is that I now consider it a fairly amazing surgical strike and message deliberately leveled at Brigham Young's Mormonism that was carried out, I guess, by Heavenly Vandals.

Who were these Beings who disarmed Moroni of his trumpet?  I actually think their party included the 3 disciples from Bountiful.  Mormon lists some amazing powers that were given to these disciples, including their power over matter, the earth, etc.  From 3 Nephi 28:

And they were cast into prison by them who did not belong to the church. And the prisons could not hold them, for they were rent in twain.

And they were cast down into the earth; but they did smite the earth with the word of God, insomuch that by his power they were delivered out of the depths of the earth; and therefore they could not dig pits sufficient to hold them.

So, these disciples can rend prisons and smite the earth and be delivered from pits, depths, etc.  This power will be important to remember when we get to the Sawtooth Mountains later in this post.  For our purposes here, we will assume this same power enables the Disciples to also cause earthquakes.

And they are pretty good - obviously - with the power.  I mean to design an earthquake in such a way that you can dislodge the trumpet from Moroni, while keeping fatalities to zero and minimal damage in the city has got to take some skill.

The symbolism of the angel is what is important here in understanding this action, as I believe the Disciples are not just doing this out of spite or no love for the Mormon Church, but to formally relieve or disabuse that Church of the responsibilities it believes it bears, but in fact does not and hasn't for some time.  As church president Gordon Hinkley explained in 1997 about the angel symbolism:

The figure of Moroni, atop many of our temples, is a constant reminder of the vision of John the Revelator: ‘And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people’

What makes this even more interesting, as I believe the Beings of both John and Moroni were there in the company of the Disciples in knocking off that trumpet.  I can't speak for him, but I imagine Moroni might be tired of having his likeness (of one of his lives) paraded on the top of these temples.

[UPDATE:  In the above paragraph I note that I thought John was among the party.  For reasons now captured in my post dated Sept. 14 regarding the second part of Stone happenings after Sawtooth, I do not believe John would have been among the company.  I am not sure on Moroni, either, but definitely the 3 Disciples - in this story - seem to have been there]

In any case, it will not be through the Mormon church or its temples that the everlasting gospel will be preached. That gospel, or good news, will come from the Sawtooth Stone and the records and witnesses that have that gospel to share. Thus, on their quest to reclaim that Stone, this band of Good Guys stopped off to send a message that the true 'trumpet' or good news to preach to all nations will be forthcoming, and not from everything that Salt Lake temple is and represents.

Two weeks after the Salt Lake earthquake, on March 31 a quake measuring 6.5 occurred directly within the Sawtooth Mountains. Aftershocks continued through into September. As far as I know, records seem to show that this is not an area where earthquakes occure frequently, with no sizable earthquake happening within 30 miles of the zone over the last 50 years.

I was not aware of this quake at the time, and I hadn't even heard of the Sawtooth Mountains yet.  It wouldn't be until April 14 - two weeks later - that I heard about them.  That morning, I recorded these words:

Sawtooth Mountains
eldil balin

[Update:  The 'eldil balin' here is likely an oblique reference to a Balrog, which will become relevant in the next posts on what happened at Sawtooth.  I had included this in the comments section, but I disabled that and so it is not longer accessible.  Thus, referencing here for the curious.]

I saw the words 'Sawtooth Mountains' in a dream, and then a picture of a mountain was shown to me. I remembered it pretty vividly when I woke up, and would go on to describe it as kind of having the shape of a wide shark tooth (it seemed to me, at least).

I began searching Sawtooth Mountains. I found 3 ranges that were named this in the U.S. (At the time, Idaho hadn't shown up on my radar, so I didn't know where I was looking, but assumed U.S.). One was in northern Minnesota, another in upstate New York, and the third was in central Idaho. Each non-Idaho possibility looked interesting for different reasons. I live in Minnesota, so that seemed like a close connection. The word 'Albany' had shown up in other words, and the NY Sawtooth Mountains was north of Albany.

However, it was in looking up the Idaho Sawtooth range that I found the exact picture that had been shown to me in me dream. The mountain was conveniently named "William's Peak" - so with the picture lining up as well as the name, I felt like I found what I was looking for. Here is the mountain in question:

I am not sure if events that would later transpire happened actually at this mountain, or if whoever was sending me this info picked this mountain since it shared my name as a way to confirm I was in the right area. I lean toward the latter explanation, but I am not sure.

The Stone was a big enough part of the story by this point (always on my mind, basically) that I figured that this must be where it was located. In the following weeks, events would happen there that involved a fairly direct confrontation between good and evil in order to reclaim this stone.

This is also the exact time where my mind began to fail me, and it would be 3 weeks after first learning about the Sawtooth Mountains that I would have deteriorated significantly enough to go to the hospital. I would have gone from a person fairly (or very) obsessed and emotionally invested at this point in the words and story, to what I consider largely non-functional over that period of time.

So, what I piece together, is that our travelling band of Good Guys traveled to the Sawtooth Mountains, and stopped in Salt Lake on the way. Beginning on March 30, I believe the 3 Disciples commenced with their powers over the earth in creating a way for the Stone to be extracted. In other words, I don't think this was a 'bring your shovel' type of excavation. The Stone would be been deeply buried in the depths of  the Earth, and would have required the magical powers of these Disciples in order to have any hope of accessing it.

Thus, we have at least one answer to the riddle as to why these 3 Disciples were allowed to tarry on this Earth, and why they were given certain powers. Mormon said they would be among the Gentiles (us) in the Last Days performing a 'great and marvelous work' and that we would not know them. I believe their work at the Sawtooth Mountains was part of the great work they are performing today.

In my next post, I will go over a little more of the actual retrieval of the Stone, or at least some highlights of it, as well as the aftermath.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Ancient Juice as something that will be brought with the Sawtooth Stone

The concept of a stone came up fairly early in my words - right at the beginning when things began in earnest - and even though I struggled with understanding many other things, understanding both that a stone was being discussed and that this was important was something I understood very clearly early on.  That part of the story has always been with me, though I did not know what it was or what it was supposed to do.

As I have understood more of the words, and more importantly, understood and reflected on the story in general a bit more, I can see in hindsight that a majority of the words and experiences over the September 2019 to April/May 2020 timeline involved the Stone as its central theme.  Meaning, specifically, the entire reason I was receiving these communications was in relation to activities and decisions surrounding this Stone. 

There were also strange references with and around this Stone that didn't really make sense, or I didn't fully understand even when I thought the translation was pretty straightforward.  The concept of an "ancient juice" is one such example of something I really didn't understand at the time, but with the benefit of time and hindsight, makes a bit more sense now, at least in a possible version of the story.

The first words that mentioned this 'juice' came on Nov 1 as:

Sardi ar dyenido Starerios aman-ore

My translation is:

With stone and ancient juice/nectar Starerios Aman to perceive (and/ or rise)

Starerios here is a name/ title for a Being, I believe, and what is being said here is that this individual will be able to perceive (and later even rise to) Aman using both a stone and ancient nectar-juice.  I think Starerios here refers to Eonwe-Faramir (Holy Ghost), and is fully consistent with my overall thought that through the stone that Eonwe (who is on Earth) will be able to communicate with Ilmare-Eowyn, who is in Aman, and even join her and others there for a time.

But what about this juice? 

It is a strange reference, and in my earliest translation attempts, I had the word as 'will' (as in 'the will to do something') because that is the other potential definition for that part of the phrase, and it seemed to make more sense than juice.  Basically, in my mind, this Starerios would use his will with the stone and perceive Aman, or something like that.

However, it is indeed meant to be something like juice or nectar, I think (having also something to do with bees and honey, not suprisingly, perhaps, given Eowyn-Deseret's involvement here).

I believe the juice will be required to be taken by Eonwe prior to him being able to use the Stone.  The juice is designed to change his body, quite literally.   Without this change, he would either be unable to use the Stone, and/ or the use of it would be too much for his physical body and mind to deal with.

There is meant to be a link established between he and Ilmare-Eowyn, and between Earth and Heaven, but there is a vast difference between the glory in general of these two places, as well as the individuals involved.  On the cosmic scale of intelligence, we here on Earth are morons, I think, and it is the extreme limits and fallen nature of the bodies we inhabit that makes this so.  Our brains are part of these bodies, and though our spirits can and do shape these brains to our use the best that we can, still we can't get past the fact that the hardware we are working with is pretty bad.

Thus, I think without this juice, the interaction between Ilmare and Eonwe, at least for purposes of transferring complex thought, ideas, words, etc., would probably be as effective as me trying to transmit what I consider complex thought to my dog.  My dog might understand that I love her, and even gather general words and meaning, but would be unable to fully grasp what is being said.  She would need a significant change or boost in how her mind operates for that to be possible.

So it is with Eonwe in his current form. 

Another example would be Moses and his interactions with God, in which a change was needed for Moses to be able to both abide God's presence as well as understand what was being said.  It is likely, in my opinion, that although not recorded in any account we have, Moses likely also needed to drink this juice-nectar as part of his own experiences.  In addition, Moses was told of a seer that would be raised up in the last days just as he was, and this seer would be like Moses.  The experience of taking this drink may be one way in which they will be alike - both the act of drinking it, as well as the change that was wrought on them and their bodies.  Moses was changed so as not to experience death (translated, essentially), I think by means of this drink.  So will it be with Eonwe, who after drinking, will be like Moses in the nature of their bodies.   This change also allowed or enabled Moses to visit and live in these Heavenly places (without which he would not have been able), and Eonwe will do likewise.

In any case, I think this is why the juice/ nectar is mentioned in conjunction with the Stone, as they will both be given to Eonwe at the same time with instructions, likely, on taking the juice prior to his use of the Stone.

I mentioned Moses, but this juice is not without precedent or mention in other stories.  When Jesus visited those at Bountiful, he mentioned that he also drank something - the bitter cup that was given to him.  We have taken this figuratively thanks to the confounded tales in the bible.  If you take the bible tale away, however, one might be free to understand Jesus' commentary here in a much more literal (and accurate, I believe) way.

Jesus drank a bitter drink that was given to him, which I believe also changed him just as Moses, and gave him power to fulfill the will of his Father (Manwe, who Jesus has condescended to serve and become his son).  Eru-Jesus' own son, Eonwe/ Holy Ghost, will follow in his footsteps and drink the same drink (perhaps from the same cup?) that Jesus also drank, which will enable him to fulfill the tasks in front of him also, one of which is using the Stone to both receive the story that Joseph put on it as well as share it with Ilmare in Aman, while receiving the story that she has assembled and written.