Sunday, November 5, 2023

Jan-Feb 2022 Words Part 1: A hidden plan revealed

OK, so I went through a few different posts in my head, and what direction I wanted to take this.  I got a bit stuck between options.  So, until I figure out what I want to do, I am going to leave here some words and my attempted translations from a period of January to February 2022.

I will give some limited commentary and context where helpful, and will likely break this up into a few posts.

The idea here is to give readers additional insight into some of the 'words', what they may say, and how stories have developed from them in my head (and influenced what I am writing here, also).  I am sharing this particular time period because these words do appear to tie into some of the concepts recently posted, but also add some additional ideas.

As mentioned, I've read the idea of a Man and a Stone going to Aman into my words from the very outset (late 2019), so the overall idea is not new by early 2022 (it would have been covered many times by this point) but some of what is said about that is new here, or adds detail.  The words, just like my dreams,  have worked like seeds in my mind where thoughts and ideas will grow from them, but usually over time, and probably not always accurately.

As to who the speaker is, my best guess is this person is the sister of Yavanna.  This would be Vana if the latest version of Tolkien's Ainur family connections are correct, but there were enough iterations and confusion on the matter, where I can't be certain.  I have guessed Tolkien as being Orome (in addition to Earendil and Frodo) among the Valar, and so having this speaker as Vana would make sense since she is his spouse.  As you will see, I have guessed that the audience for this dialogue is the Dead, who Tolkien potentially as Elijah has been working among.  Thus, Vana speaking to the Dead in some capacity might also make sense.

Jan. 17, 2022
Parlu doll entu
To learn time/ occasion secret plan
(It's time to for you to be aware of or learn our secret plan)

Commentary:  So some plan that has been secret, or at least hidden or obscure, is now going to be shared with whomever is being spoken to.  I actually thought about whether 'secret' means it still should be secret, but then I realized I have literally been writing about many thing that I believe the speaker is going to go on and say... so cat's already out of the bag, I guess.  Not secret to anyone who has read any of these posts.  The clue as to who is being spoken to is given in the Feb 1 words, I think.

Jan. 18
Kil ter isla taru dom katu nolkor kaltur eamer nartu eagle
Divide straight through island crossing dark shape-knowledge-round to shine have power to kindle (or make fire) eagle

Commentary:  Tough one, with a few different ways of taking it.  I think the shape-knowledge-round refers to a Stone, these being literally knowledge in a round shape.  This could refer to the knowledge from the Sawtooth Stone crossing over the dark, through the link of the Anor and Ithil Stones, and breaking some kind of darkness and enacting a change on Eressea. It could also be the other way around, and the knowledge sent to Earth and shining a light here.  I don't think it yet involves the physical travel of the Sawtooth Stone, as that seems to be mentioned later, potentially Jan 21

Jan 20
Rak du
to break night
(this will break the darkness)

Commentary:  As mentioned above, the combination of events involve the Stones will ultimately break the darkness that is in not only our world, but likely to some extent in others

Jan 21
Zar ed tuli home
Stone forth to come home

Commentary:  The Stone here I believe is the Sawtooth Stone, but again up for interpretation.  This also might be a play on words with 'Zar ed' being very much like Jared or Zhera', which are both forms of another name for Faramir-Eonwe.  After there is a change on Eressea, Faramir will ascend to Aman including Eressea, at least that is what other words seem to have indicated.

Jan 22 
Noble and Great

Commentary:  this is a strange one because this is the name of my oldest son.  I thought a bit more about it, and ended up solving at least part of the riddle by approaching 'brandon' as an Elvish word.  This worked out very nicely, as shown below

Bran(d) = Noble  (As defined in other Elvish names such as Brandir)
On = Great

Brandon literally means Noble (and) Great in Elvish, and Mormon readers will note that this phrase is also found in Abraham's account of the creation of the Earth, with God finding himself among Noble and Great Ones, of which Abraham was also among.  Further, we will see both Abraham (Aule) and his wife Yavanna show up in these words shortly.

This 'Brandon' word also had a positive impact on me as I thought on it.  I wrote the following short phrase in my notebook after working this out:

"Hopefulness - feeling hopeful.  It will be OK.  Even if don't understand.  I don't understand.

"Let the light in.  Let it shine"

Those positive feelings were short-lived, it seems, as sometime in the next two days, I wrote a few short poems, one of which revealed some frustration with the situation (note the car imagery here, quite awhile before I had come to associate cars and stones):

Waiting for a Tow
Interminable waiting
Unable to understand what is happening
Unable to move on
Like a car in a ditch
Waiting for a tow

In addition to the shorter poems, was also a longer 'poem' or English set of writings, more accurately, that I will post separately, as I think it may deserve its own commentary and context.

Jan. 25
Gorash minu istuli Kementari
To counsel first peak one he to come Yavanna

Commentary: Kementari is the Elvish name for the Vala Yavanna, and it means "Queen of Earth"

The dream associated with these words was interesting. I stood in a room. In the corner of the room was a large basket of fruit hanging from a long rope of some fashion that led up to the sky. As I walked toward the basket, it began to rise up as if being pulled up the rope.

Jan 26
Artu ararat kin Yavanna heir
fortress high out way/ path family Yavanna heir
(the family of Yavanna's heir will be led on a path to a high fortress by that heir)

Commentary:  This connects with writings of myself and others (Doug included) about a fortress or place of refuge being prepared as a place for the Family of Light - those who are identified as the kin or family - to be led to

A couple other words also this day, but not super critical for the story here, I don't think, so I am excluding

Jan 27 & 28
There are some short English phrases here, one of which references Gandalf, but no guess on their meaning or why included at this point.  They are, however:

Of ponies and stone-ies

Jan 31
Yahuna gotu yosu yasura
Ancient accursed war against ? ancient clan

Commentary:  I am not sure on 'yosu' obviously since I put a question mark in its place on the interpretation.   There are a few interpretations here in terms of how this fits into the story.  It could refer to a war against the Family of Light as the clan mentioned.  However, I don't think this is what it refers to.  Rather, there will be a war/battle between the 'ancient accursed' and an ancient clan, perhaps.  They are both enemies of God's Family, and thus both bad sides fighting against each other.  That struggle will necessitate the Family being led up like calves to the stall, to a safe place where they can rest under protection.  

Currently, I view these 'ancient accursed' as being the Dark Numenoreans - those who with Pharazon stood on Aman and were cursed with their wish of never dying.  Eru buried them under the Earth, but at some point it seems they will be released.  The ancient clan might be those who have been enemies of God from a time long before this world.  I had a dream that seems to substantiate this interpretation, at least of the Numenoreans, which I will try and relate in another post

Feb 1
Sar gu Omar du esta Thank You
(V1:  Stone without Omar dark name, V2:  Thank You)

Commentary:  This is an interesting one as it brings up the character I have spent some time on in this blog, Omar-Brigham.  I have V1 and V2 representing Voice 1 and 2 because the "Thank You' seemed to have been in response to the comment that Omar's name will be 'dark' when he is unable to obtain the stone for himself.

After I wrote down the "Thank You", a name popped into my head of a girl I knew in early childhood.  She has the last name of Murdock.  The name did not leave me all day, and I wondered why it had come in association with this phrase.  I ended up looking her name up and for some reason felt there might be a family history connection back to early Mormonism.  It turns out she is (if my research is right) a descendant of a Joseph Stacey Murdock who wrote an LDS hymn entitled "Come Listen to a Prophet's Voice"

My understanding is that the initial lyrics were written by Murdock during Joseph Smith's lifetime in 1844.  He is writing this about Joseph (see verse 3).  It was later put to music and added as a hymn in Utah during Brigham Young's lifetime.  The music was written by a man named Joseph Daynes, who became the first organist in the Salt Lake Tabernacle and for the Mormon Tabernacle choir.  He even, apparently, composed the death march for Brigham Young.

Later, in the modern Mormon church, Bruce McConkie would add a 4th verse to the hymn.  

The symbolism of what happened to this song is rich, in my opinion.  Words originally about Joseph, set to music and incorporated as a hymn to now point to Brigham as Joseph's successor, while then being much later added to by a man in the modern Mormon church claiming to be Jesus' apostle and successor to the line of authority from Brigham and his leadership.

Thus, it is this phrase that give me some clue or idea as to who is being spoken to, or at least who is included in the audience, for much of the words over this period of time.  The audience would include early Mormons who had been both fooled and betrayed by Brigham, Joseph Murdock among them.   They would be among the Dead, and the speaker is letting them know that part of the plan in operation is for Omar-Brigham's name to be blotted out, to become dark or have his evil actions revealed.  These dead Mormons, realizing how badly they were tricked and abused, and how much Omar has and may currently yet still be getting away with his lies, are very grateful for this inclusion in the plan. 

OK, I think I will stop there for now.


  1. Apologies if you've explained this already and I missed it, but how do these "words" come to you? Do you hear them, see them written, or both?

  2. WJT:

    I mentioned it briefly in this post, but probably not very well:

    Short answer is both, but for those 'heard' probably not how you mean it. Vast majority were either in dreams or upon waking up from them where I would have words in my head as pretty clear thoughts.

    Some visual examples would be viewing a scene of some sort, and my vision would zoom in on a word that was written somewhere. Or, a book or some kind of writing like a newspaper was held up, and my eyes would zoom in on a word. There would typically by this kind of 'zoom' experience on a given word.

    On hearing, I mean more like in the dream I would be talking to someone and they would say a word, and this word would strike me in some way. Or, the word would be audibly said within the dream in response to a question I would have while in some kind of dream sequence. More rarely, in that waking up period, I would have the sensation of words audibly spoken, but even then it was more like thought exchange - hard to describe.

    In most instances, the word in the dream would wake me up and I would write it down. This would happen many times in a given night. The frequency and description of what was going on, as well as the fact that in each instance it seemed to jolt me awake, had the doctors thinking that the mostly likely explanation was night seizures. But that was more or less ruled out after tests.

    For those words not from dreams, it would be thoughts while awake - a word or short phrase would just kind of come in to my head as a thought. I think some of the words in this post were like that.

  3. For the words that come in the strange land between sleep and wakefulness, I think the experience is captured well in the third verse of Rainbow Connection. (Sarah McLachlan sings it best imo)

    Have you been half asleep
    And have you heard voices?
    I've heard them calling my name
    Is this the sweet sound
    That calls the young sailors?
    The voice might be one and the same
    I've heard it too many times to ignore it:
    It's something that I'm supposed to be

  4. Thanks for sharing this, Leo. I didn't even know there was a 3rd verse, so my first time seeing this!
