Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Updating my read on Jessie, and now reading things as "Holy Ghost [and] Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John"

Leo left a comment on my post earlier today titled "Behold, God's gift!  Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John", that had me rethinking some things, though not in the way that he intended.

In putting together the phrase "Behold, God's Gift!  Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John", I used the word-names from the photo that William Tychonievich shared (because that, of course, makes complete sense and isn't crazy at all).

Because I was focused on Pharazon-Peter in what I was thinking through, and the realization that he may in fact be going back with John, I interpreted Jessie as not representing a name or Being, but rather an introductory phrase to the action of Peter returning with John.

However, in pulling this sentence together, I had a thought that perhaps Jessie represented a person, and in exploring this further, I think this thought was, in fact, correct.  Thus, I am amending my earlier phrase, and we will have Jessie as a character.

That person, as I mentioned in my response to Leo, is the Holy Ghost.  This works out fairly well in my story, and I feel better about the whole thing in making this change (as good as one can feel divining stories from shoe cubbies).

As mentioned in that earlier post, Jessie has a few meanings attached to it.  If Jessie, the female form of the name, it is short for Jessica.   This name apparently means "Foresight" or "To Behold", which is why I included it in that form in my first sentence rendition.  This is actually the name that had me first thinking that this could perhaps be a reference to the Holy Ghost.  Remember in my story that the Seer that Joseph of Egypt himself foretold of is the Holy Ghost (Faramir).  Seers foretell things, and they use Stones with which to do this.

If Jesse, the male version of the name, we have either "the Lord exists" or "God's gift".  These phrases are also descriptive of the Holy Ghost, in a few ways.  According to Abinadi, it will be prophets as Beings standing on Mountains and publishing words with "Beautiful Feet" who proclaim to Zion that "Thy God Reigneth!".  Abinadi, who again I also have as this same reincarnated Holy Ghost, is one of these Beings, and recall that I have him standing before Noah exercising one of the exact missions that is associated with the Holy Ghost:  bearing record of the Father and the Son, which Jesus at Bountiful would later specifically teach as that Being's role.

The Gift angle of Jesse brings to mind what the Holy Ghost will bring and which must be 'received', what is often referred to as the Gift of the Holy Ghost, which I think is probably not really interpreted very accurately in modern Mormon theology.  A Gift, interestingly, also refers or points to the Seer of Joseph's prophecy that I just alluded to.

When Ammon found the people of Limhi, Limhi asked him if he could translate Ether's 24 plates which they had found.  Ammon replied that he could not, but Mosiah could, because he had the 'interpreters'.  In explaining what a seer was, Ammon says this:

And behold, the king of the people who are in the land of Zarahemla is the man that is commanded to do these things, and who has this high gift from God.

And the king [Limhi] said that a seer is greater than a prophet.

And Ammon said that a seer is a revelator and a prophet also; and a gift which is greater can no man have, except he should possess the power of God, which no man can; yet a man may have great power given him from God.

There is no greater gift from God, in Ammon's opinion, than that of being a Seer, and in this story the Holy Ghost is sent back to this world as part of his mission to take on that Seership (and, again, part of the definition of being a Seer is the possession of Stones).

Lastly, with respect to the name of Jesse-Jessie and why I think it may allude to the Holy Ghost is the nature of the name itself.  It is a gender-neutral name that can apply to both a boy and a girl, we we've just seen above.  In the strange story element I have explored here, I have the Holy Ghost being something of a dual entity, comprised of two Beings, a set of Twins comprised of a man and a woman, who are in this case, Faramir-Eonwe and Asenath-Nimloth.  Thus, the choice of a name applicable to both a man or a woman makes sense.

OK, so with this change, we now have a phrase that reads:

Holy Ghost and Pharazon-Peter to come back together with John

With the addition of the second name and companion of Peter, even the translation of yoyo makes a lot of sense, particularly the use of "together".  Yo definitely means 'together' in Elvish, but the translation on Eldamo suggested that this sense of together refers to 3 or more things or individuals.  I didn't think it was a big deal, and even with just Peter and John I thought it worked fine, but now we have 3 individuals and it fits even better, perhaps.

The other things I really like about this change, and the update in my story, is that these two Beings I also have identified as Gim Guru and Gim Githil:  The Gim G's, as I have referred to them as.  This phrase now has them returning home together.

What of the Two Elves, Glorfindel and Gildor?  They are Beings I have identified as ushers, perhaps specifically for Faramir, or one of the Gim G's.   I don't think that changes.  They know where Tom's House is, having found it before, and so they lead the Gim G's to its location in France.  They may also accompany them further "West", but even if so, it seems that John is going to take the lead on that particular leg of the journey, perhaps.  So, I think we are still good, but we will see how things unfold.

It does, however, if true, eliminate Pharazon as a candidate to be the "Man among the Gentiles" who sails across with a corrupted book.  That doesn't work here.  We've first tried Brigham, and now Pharazon, but neither seems to fit for different reasons.  I am down in the count at two strikes.  So, that spot opens up for another Being to step into, and we'll just have to see how that plays out, and wait for the right pitch to swing at.

To conclude, the picture of the two Pandas on the sandals in Yoyo's cubby has me thinking this is a wink that this new interpretation of having both Gim Guru and Gim Githil return with John make sense.  We have two Pied Beings together, and this Black and White reference has seemingly been a theme or reference for both individuals.

So, I think the shoe cubby reading works better this way:  Gim Guru and Gim Githil accompany John back home.

This will also make more sense in the story, I think, after I go through a little of the evacuation from the May-June 2020 timeframe that I believe I see.  82 of the 96 Numenorean Elvish Fathers are apparently safely somewhere and accounted for.  14 are still not, and I believe these are the Vanyar, or the First.  The numbers work out for it to be so, at least.  They Firs shall be Last, it is said, and it is their group that still remains ungathered if my guess right now is correct.  Gim Githil in my story is one of these 14, since he is Ingwe, the head of the Vanyar who led everyone back home to begin with, and so it makes sense that he has yet to go home if the others of his clan or group have not yet either.

Even though 14 are still left, 15 are mentioned as still needing to come home.  The 15th is, in my view, Gim Guru, who will also return as part of this initial scene, potentially acting in the capacity of advocate and counsellor on behalf of the 96 as a story might potentially be shared that will change things in both Heaven and on our Earth, and the these Beings may be re-deemed, in the fullest sense of that word.

That is another post, though, but this alteration of my earlier guess to now include the Holy Ghost in this phrase leads nicely into it in my mind.

Dreams of flip-flops and cleats


I was going to cover this dream from last night in the last post I just wrote, but felt it was too much of a tangent in terms of scope to drag that one on longer just to cover.  So, I will do it here instead.  The tie back to that post, however, just to keep in mind, is this concept of 'footwear' and slippers or slip-shoes, which extends all the way back to at least the Xanadu posts about needing new shoes to roller-skate on, and even a day before that over on William Tychonievich's blog where he had a reference to a running shoe called the Gel-Nimbus.

So, the dream:

I was with my two youngest kids at something like a shopping mall.  I had to leave them in a store for some reason that I forgot, and I told them that I would be back to get them and they needed to stay there in the store until I returned.  No wandering off.  I went off to run an errand or something (I can't remember exactly where I went off to or why), and I eventually returned to the store.

Upon returning, I found my daughter walking around the store and she came up to me and said my youngest had not been really behaving as well as she thought he should have been.  This wasn't surprising given my youngest son's energy and tendency to get into mischief (as well as my daughter's tendency to try and get him into trouble).  I went to go find him, and found both him and a person I took to be the store owner.  As the store owner saw me approaching, he turned to my son and simply said "You need to go now, [son's name]".  He then turned and walked away into a back room.  My first instinct was to think that my son really must have been misbehaving to get that kind of treatment (but I reconsidered this upon waking up, and felt that the store owner was just telling my son that since I was back, it was time for him to leave).

We left the store, and were a little way down the street when I realized I had forgotten my shoes.  This is now the 2nd dream in the last few days involving shoes for me (maybe I will recount the other one here also, now that I think about it).  As I was deciding what to do, two assistants from the store we had been at came running up behind us with my flip-flops (the kind of footwear I had been wearing).  I thanked them for tracking us down and returning them, and then said something like "I wouldn't have gotten very far without these!".

The specific flip-flops I wear are OluKai brand, and it was these same sandals in the dream - this was prominently shown to be what they were carrying.  The symbol for OluKai is the Makau, or fishhook:

Straight from OluKai's website, they say the Makau symbolizes "safe passage over water":

Regarded as a symbol for safe passage over water, the makau, or fishhook, brings good fortune and strength to those who wear it.

One of the assistants also had a single shoe in their hand, and I looked down and saw that my daughter was only wearing one shoe.  The shoe the assistants were carrying belonged to her.  My daughter is always forgetting things in real life, and I asked her how she could have both left her shoe and also failed to recognize this fact as we were walking ("How could you not realize you were walking with one shoe on!?").  She simply replied that she hadn't thought she would need it.  I then told her to take the shoe from the assistants anyway, because a person really should have two shoes on, and even if she didn't want to wear it or think she needed it, we should bring it with us just in case.

I then woke up.

Alright, so there is some pretty obvious symbolism here that ties into other things noted on this blog, but also on William's.   I am not even going to go into them right now, though, so am just logging the dream.

Here is the dream I had a few days ago also related to footwear.

I was playing football for my college team again, though not like back in time - just now and obviously older, or later in time.  This was made obvious by my old defensive coordinator going out of his way to say to me "It is good to have you back!".  The arrangement seemed strange, but I guess I got used to in in the dream-reality.  And I actually had fun playing again, with the added benefit that I felt really young again, even if I knew I was older.

I ended up playing in multiple games, it seemed, or maybe it was during halftime, but I found myself in the locker room unable to find the cleats I had been wearing.  I assumed someone took them by mistake, so I asked around and checked with the equipment manager.

I was directed toward a pair of cleats that, if I remember correctly, were suggested might be mine.  They were white, like my missing cleats, and were my size, but that is where the similarities ended.  I had been wearing Nike cleats, and these were definitely not Nikes.  As I inspected the cleats closer, I saw that they were a brand I had never heard of before.  Running along the back heel of each cleat was the brand name (or what I assumed was the brand name) "ACE" in all caps like that.

I turned the cleats over to look at the condition of the actual cleats or studs themselves.  What I found was surprising.  While the shoes definitely had studs on the bottom, they were covered by a sheet of special material that was stretched over them, running along the whole sole of the shoe, so that for all intents and purposes the surface was flat (i.e., the sheet didn't follow the contours of the studs, but just was laid flatly over them).  The material that covered the cleats looked like they were meant to run on something, for sure, but it didn't seem like it would be grass, given that the studs would not be able to provide any traction or dig into the ground with the sheet in the way.   They looked like they were almost meant to slide or glide over something.   Thinking that this must all be some kind of mistake, I set the cleats down, and then woke up.

Behold, God's gift! Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John

Well, the shoe cubbies at William Tychonievich's language school have become a source of messages and stories.  I guess we should have seen this coming.

In his original post titled Leo, Egbert, Peter, he noted that the order of name labels for 3 of his students' shoe cubbies matched up with the first 3 names the title of my post Leon Egbert, Pharazon, and Sun-Moon Time.  This is only true, however, if we assume that Peter is another name or identity for Pharazon, which is of course what I have hypothesized here on this blog, and specifically in that post that William linked to, to no one's greater surprise initially than my own, honestly.

So, perhaps a wink that this guess has some wings to it.

It gets even a little more interesting though based on recent developments.

I left a comment on that initial post with respect to the types of shoes William mentioned that he has his students change into:  Slippers.  Rather than retyping it or just linking it, here is what I wrote so we have it here:

I wonder if the fact that these labels are on shelves that the students use to change their "shoon" before going upstairs is meaningful?

Slippers comes from the term slip-shoe. To slip can mean both to 'escape, or move softly and quickly', but also 'to glide or slide'. In this definition, it is somewhat of a synonym for 'skate', which also means to glide (as well as to escape, or get away with something), over ice with ice-skates, or along the ground with roller-skates.

Wearing new shoes that slip or glide in order to be able to go somewhere has come up before:


To summarize, when I saw the shoe cubby, my mind went to two things:  William's earlier post regarding 'shoon' (shoes), and the movie Xanadu, where I have made a big deal in the past about people needing new shoes to go to Tirion-Jerusalem, as symbolized by people gliding around on roller-skates.  I first did this in the post I linked in that comment, and then continued with the analogy in posts like "Ho!" and "X marks the spot" and in other posts as well.

I will touch on William's Shoon poem at the end briefly because of a dream I had last night, but I wanted to quickly touch on Xanadu and then bring it back to the latest image William shared of those shoe cubbies and the story I see there.

In Xanadu, my own view is that the character of Danny McGuire is meant to represent John-Thingol.  As part of this role, and within the analogy, we actually see Danny-John as the one who leads the Xanadu procession on roller-skates at the end of the movie.  He is the Master of Ceremonies, and gets everyone on their feet and following him as they skate around and slippers on their way to Xanadu.

Here is the video in case you haven't watched the spectacle lately.

It is Danny-John who is clearly leading the procession, as shown by the Gene Kelly zoom-in here at the outset, before he starts skating around and encouraging everyone to follow him:

OK, but why I am I bringing up John in this context - what does he have to do with William's shoe cubbies?  Well, his name shows up there, based on the latest image that William posted.

In the images and commentary that William shared, we have 6 names:  Jessie, Leo, Egbert, Peter, Yoyo, and Ivan.  

So, let's see what this says, shall we?

William already covered the original 3 names, and combined those into one Being:  Pharazon-Peter.  I agree with this interpretation, so we'll leave that as is.

Turning to the top, or beginning, we have Jessie.  Jessie is a name with a few different meanings.  As a translation of "Jesse", you have a hebrew name like "Gift of God".  It also, however, can mean "foresight" or "behold" if a short form of Jessica.  So, I've lumped those all in together to have this word mean something will - certainly - happen in the future, and it is due to God's gift.

The object of God's gift and grace and this future event is Peter-Pharazon, as is captured in the next 3 words.

The final two words suggest what it is that God's grace and gift now allows.

Yoyo is the next word, and William mentions this is a common English name adopted by his students, thanks to the cellist Yo-Yo Ma.

William also connects this yo-yo with the yo-yo toy in his latest Animalia art reading.  In seeing this, my mind instantly went to the function of a yo-yo.  You throw it down, and it returns back up.  It is hooked to the finger with a string, and all it requires is a 'pull' and the yo-yo comes right back to your hand.  The yo-yo analogy was already going through my mind with respect to Pharazon and the rest of the Numenorean-Elvish Fathers relative to a 'return' when I looked up the word to see if it meant anything, which it does.

The yo-yo name apparently comes from the Philippines, where it means "come, come" (I pulled this from the Smithsonian website which has a history of the yo-yo).  Other translations have it mean something like "come back" or "return".  Any of these work for our purposes as we string these words together.

Interestingly, as a piece of trivia that might blow your mind given the subject matter, the yo-yo is cited as first being introduced to America by a Filipino immigrant in San Francisco named Pedro Flores.  Pedro, of course, is the Spanish form of Peter.

"Yo" has also come up before in my Elvish words, however, sufficiently enough for me to know that it means "together, with" in that language.  And that is how I also saw this word as I looked at the shoe cubby image, meaning we had a double word here in both Filipino and Elvish.

Lastly, we come to Ivan.  Ivan is the Russian form of John, and this is where we see his name.  

Interestingly and as somewhat of a tangent, given all of the Gorilla and Sasquatch references lately, there is a popular book and a movie based on that book called The one and only Ivan, about a Gorilla named Ivan who is freed from captivity at a shopping mall after remembering his life before captivity and making artwork conveying the word "home".  I think relevant, but again, a tangent for this post.

Putting that all together in a sentence that might mean something, we have (as in the title of this post):  


Behold, God's gift!  Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John.

This is a remarkable sentence that we can easily derive from these shoe cubby words, and it is remarkable not only because of the Xanadu analogy.  John, based on his role and mission, perhaps, seems to play a role in the collection of members of this Family and their return Home.  It is referenced once in Doug's writings, as well as one time in my own words.

At the end of Words of Them that have Slumbered, Thingol (who is John, in my book) comes to the island of Tol-Morwen in order to get Nienor and take her home to Aman, where ills done to her and her house will be healed.  At first, Nienor resists and tries to frighten away John, but he persists and tells her he isn't going anywhere without her:

... come, and see

In the waters, new hope, estel living come to thee,  Daughter-Hurin

It is I, Thingol-Elwe Singollo....

Come daughter-Hurin, and find in my paddling, assuage

Of ill done to thee and thy house, I will bear thee

Far off, to lands where thy parentage proceeded,

And where thou may likewise enter a flame-bath

And among Vala-kind, take thy place

In my own words, it seems initially the plan was for Joseph to return home with Thingol back in 2020, as conveyed in words I received on January 19, 2020, and which I covered in an earlier post:

Benu au doriel mit Thingol luke elanor

Which, I have something like:  "Husband away land-daughter with Thingol [and] enchanted El-Anor".  In other words, Joseph would have El-Anor, the Darkened Sun Stone delivered to him by Heavenly Messengers, and Thingol-John to personally escort him home.  Again, this seems very similar to both the account of the rescue and gathering of Nienor, as well as with an earlier finding and rescue of Joseph by Thingol in the depths as captured in Words of the Faithful.

This is also consistent with John's mission as Joseph Smith understood it, and as what seems to be captured in the analogy of Xanadu, which is the gathering of Israel.

In D&C 77, Joseph interprets John eating the little book (from Revelations 10), as him accepting his mission to gather Israel:

Q. What are we to understand by the little book which was eaten by John, as mentioned in the 10th chapter of Revelation?

A. We are to understand that it was a mission, and an ordinance, for him to gather the tribes of Israel; behold, this is Elias, who, as it is written, must come and restore all things.

And so, in our story, and in the analogies explored on this blog, it would be entirely consistent for Pharazon-Peter to return home in the company of John.  Whether that is an individual escort, or as part of a larger group, I don't know, but William's shoe cubbies seem to suggest and support the point that not only is Pharazon the same Being as Peter, but that he will come home in the company of his old partner, friend, and Kin:  John.  

I actually think this will be an individual escort, honestly, as I think about it.  If I am right that Pharazon-Peter is also Gim-Githil or Ingwe, and thus one of the original three who went back to Valinor, in the company of Thingol (John) and Finwe (maybe the Being we know as God the Father), then I think it is a nice touch in the story for those three to be reunited in Aman, with Thingol escorting him there.

I don't know - we'll see how that works, but that is how the story plays out in my mind at the moment, partially thanks to those shoe cubbies.

Also, I do want to note, but not get into, the presence of the Black and White pandas - another Pied animal - on the sandals of those shoes in the Yoyo cubby.

OK, this post turned out long enough, where I am going to cover my dream in a separate post right after this one, just to keep the scope and message of this one a bit tighter.  So, that is a wrap.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Shall indeed see signs but not unto salvation: Additional commentary on May 16

During the Spring of 2020, May 16 became an important date in my mind.  I don't want to misrepresent that or make it seem that this meant less to me than it did.  Reading back through some of these 'new' words that I haven't seen for several years reminded me of this.

That date first appeared in words from February 28, 2020, in which someone is speaking to a group of people:

February 28
Everyone I love you freely
Is everyone ready? 
Suteru instaru 
Outbreak oh dear end near Holy places not here to stand 
Emberu wain-wright aus suteru enyarne entuli

Kuseru May 16

I've been attempting to piece a few more things together regarding just who this group is, and I will cover what I am working through in a different post (or likely several posts).  So, I am not going to get into that aspect here and try and remain as focused as I can on May 16, and specifically what I think that referred to or meant.  For the longest time, I assumed that date was either incorrect, or perhaps I had the year off - another May 16 perhaps or something - but I now believe that something did indeed happen on that date, as mentioned in an earlier post about the recovery of the Sawtooth Stone, and that some important things happened immediately afterward.

In the above words, this is the first time May 16 was brought up, at least from both what I captured in my notes and in what I remember.  That last phrase Kuseru May 16, was captured separately from the rest of those words as part of a dream sequence in which I saw a man rifling through stacks of filing cabinets.  He seemed stressed and was trying to find a specific piece of paper with information on it.  He finally found it, and on the piece of paper was that phrase "Kuseru May 16".

I actually captured it as May 15/16 initially - that is how I wrote it down.  This makes sense given the activities of those two days in what became the retrieval of the Stone (seems like a multi-day effort by the Disciples, if it was truly them?) but I have simplified it to just be May 16 in my latest version.

Anyway, because it was captured separately, this last phrase may or may not have also been part of the dialogue with that group.  I don't know.  Ku is an important word that I don't fully understand the meaning of, and it has come up plenty of times in my words.  So I break this word down as Ku-seru, and it could be that Ku has something to do with the crescent moon (one of its Elvish translations).  Partly to support this view, it is on May 15 and 16 that the moon transitions to a waning crescent moon in that month.  But I really don't know.

What is very clear to me in looking back on things, is that after this dream I began to think that something important was going to happen on May 16.  It just stuck in my mind that this was a big deal.

Fast forward to May 2, and this is when I heard those words which apparently had Eru speaking, first introducing himself, mentioning a few things, and then bringing up May 16 yet again (I have reformatted from the last time to give my guess as to speakers):

May 2, 2020
[Eru]  Eru to speak, my son
[Faramir-Eonwe] I am he faithfully executing your commands to raise up Finwe house
[Eru] When you were born 7 to help; evacuation to begin, a storm breaking;  May 16 a sign in the heavens:  a new star

Earlier in the day, after what had been a pretty crazy night which we don't need to cover here, I had also received these words:

May 2 (morning):
Melian looking forward you coming home
to bear a further weight of glory

I add these other words because of this mention of a 'weight of glory'.  Remember that 'weight' has been used to describe the Sawtooth Stone, specifically with the Being speaking on May 14 that they were going to go and get a 'weight', which was then recovered on May 16.

What I am suggesting is that the importance of May 16 is due to the fact that this is the day that they Sawtooth Stone was extracted or recovered from its Earthly burial place after quite a long time in hiding.  This is the 'new star' that Eru speaks of in his discourse to his son.

But how is this a 'sign in the heavens'?  Trust me, nothing noticeable happened in our sky on that date (I was paying attention).  The simplest answer is that the sign was not intended for us, and thus wouldn't be found in our heavens or sky, and thus it is someone else's sky that is being referred to.  From the perspective of another world, our Earth would be in their sky, basically and somewhat obviously once you think about it.

In other words, the Sawtooth Stone was pulled out of its mountain home in Idaho on May 16, thus becoming a new star (a Star-Stone) and a sign for those living on another world than our own - a sign in their heavens.

This interpretation seems to be supported by words I would receive on May 17, but before I get to those, let me share what was going on in my own world in relation to this date.

Following the Eru dialogue, and the second mention of May 16, I became pretty convinced that something imminent was going to happen and that perhaps something needed to be done about it.  I even remember emailing Doug and the other person I had been communicating with at this time (Doug had wanted my words sent over to him), and suggesting that we do something, potentially urgently, to warn people about a coming storm and an evacuation.  I took it pretty seriously, honestly.

It is also important to note that following May 7, just a few days later, I was in psychiatric care.  In the first day or two after the events of May 7, my psychiatrist was hopeful that what happened to me was a one-time acute event and that I would bounce back fine as I got some rest.  That was the hoped-for short road to recovery.  The longer road was, in her opinion, going to look something like 2 years of healing my brain to get back to some measure of myself.  As mentioned elsewhere, it turned out to be the longer road for me, and that became somewhat apparent in the first couple of weeks following May 7.

I mention this aspect of things again because May 16 became a date I also discussed with my psychiatrist as a date I believed something was going to happen.  Consequently, I think it was her hope that after May 16 came and went, with no new "star in the sky", that this would help me see that these words were just in my head.  

However, as May 16 approached, I actually began to think that there wasn't going to be anything visible or some overt sign in the sky like I previously had.  I don't know exactly why I started to feel that way (perhaps hedging my bets!).  But, ultimately, I didn't really believe less in these words and dreams, and that they meant something, when May 16 came and went.  As in, I wasn't disillusioned or feel like any expectation wasn't met.

This was not necessarily a good thing for me, as these words and dreams had begun causing me extreme distress and anxiety, almost unimaginably so to my present self looking back on that time, and I didn't know how to manage through that, as I have discussed elsewhere.  I partly wanted all of this not to be true or real, and wanted it to go away.  I also didn't want to be crazy either, though, so I found myself in a bit of a double-bind in terms of how to navigate my way through everything.  What was worse - to have something you have become terrified of be actually real, or to have your brain verifiably be something that you can't trust anymore?

In any case, on the morning of May 17, when it was apparent that there was no sign in Heaven, or no new star appeared in our sky the day earlier, these words came:

Shall indeed see signs but not unto salvation

I believe these words describe or support that narrative I've guessed at above with respect to the story of what happened on May 16.  A new star was born, but it wasn't something visible to our world.   I actually take the phrase to potentially mean a couple different things.

I mean, someone may have seen this sign on another world.  Did this mean that this sign they saw was not 'unto salvation' for them?  Part of my story may involve Beings who live in "high places" which have become corrupt.  As Paul noted in his letter to the Ephesians (whoever wrote this, and whether legitimate or not, I am going to use it for how it connects to something C.S. Lewis wrote):

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

When Paul mentions high places, we may just think this means positions of power.  But we might also take this to mean literally 'high places'.  Places above this world, in other words, and to whom this sign would have indeed been in their sky.  This sign may represent the beginning of the end for whoever that Priesthood is and represents.  

Interestingly, in C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy books, he takes a similar interpretation.  Through the character of Ransom, Paul's words are implied to mean or reference other worlds, 'high' in our sky or outer space.  In Perilandra, that is where Elwin Ransom (Elwin means Elf-friend or Aelfwine) will go - to other worlds to combat spiritual evil there, suggesting that 'high places' spoke of those living in our own heavens:

"You are feeling the absurdity of it. Dr Elwin Ransom setting out single-handed to combat powers and principalities. You may even be wondering if I’ve got megalomania” [said Ransom]

 .. I didn’t mean that quite,” said I. [Lewis' character]

“Oh, but I think you did. At any rate that is what I have been feeling myself ever since the thing was sprung on me. But when you come to think of it, is it odder than what all of us have to do every day? When the Bible used that very expression about fighting with principalities and powers and depraved hypersomatic beings at great heights (our translation is very misleading at that point, by the way) it meant that quite ordinary people were to do the fighting.

The 'great heights' is the key mention here, and from which Ransom is alluding to other worlds while suggesting our understanding and the translation isn't accurate.   Recall that in Lewis' first book of that series, Out of the Silent Planet, he mentioned Numenor in the preface (prior to the publication of LOTR), and that book itself will also be the source of much discussion in Tolkien's Notion Club Papers.  Later in the final book of that trilogy, That Hideous Strength, Numenor (spelled by Lewis Numinor) is specifically mentioned in the narrative as something those events call back to - a period before the 'great disaster'.   So, this isn't completely detached from our story on this blog, as we have looked into Numenoreans things such as Pharazon and the "Fathers" of the Eldar, who I think factor into the multi-faceted rescue operation and evacuation of 2019 and 2020 (as a preview to future posts).   Though, it is somewhat of a tangent, which I can't help walking down.

In other words, the sign may have appeared and been clearly seen by those who might interpret it as a threat it may very well be to their rule or darkness and wickedness.  I don't know what that story actually looks like, but I have suggested that all might not be well on Eressea #1, for example, and perhaps even Valinor.  It is definitely not OK on Eressea #2, which is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon where "dark" Lamanites in an endless round of war and bloodshed wait for redemption until a Man sails to their land and begins a process that will ultimately result in their redemption.

Or (and potentially and) this phrase might also apply to our world, where we might be reminded that signs come after faith and belief, and that if we see a sign prior to having those, it might not be the kind of sign we would really want to see, all things considered.   I don't know.

In any case, I've become somewhat convinced that May 16 was likely a very real thing, what happened on that date was in 2020, it was specifically about the recovery of the Sawtooth Stone in the mountains of Idaho, and that it did, true to the words of Eru that I wrote down, initiate or commence an evacuation of some Souls in the weeks following this sign.  That is at least the narrative that I am currently developing as I look into the words of May and June 2020 a bit more, and which I will go through in future posts to at least lay out the case  and see how well it holds together and where it leads.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Retrieving the Stone on May 16

May 16 is a fairly prominent date in my words.  It came up in the dialogue where it seems Eru himself is speaking about an 'evacuation' (i..e, what I take to be a gathering home) as well as seemingly in some discourse with those Beings who were rescued or brought home around the same time as Joseph.  

I have some other commentary on May 16 which I will save for another post, but for now I think the thing to note is that it seems that the Stone was recovered on that date, with the actual decision to go and grab it happening on May 14.  I am not sure the cause of the wait between April 27 and May 16, but it seems they did intentionally wait before getting it based on the dialogue.  In what follows, just remember in referencing a "Weight", they are talking about the Stone, and also punning with "wait".  This has come up elsewhere in my words.  If you recall, William Tychonievich even recently had a dream of a literal weight (a dumbbell on the end of a rope) with how much it weighed stamped on it that matches exactly with the announced weight of the Stone (Yor El) from my words on May 6, 2019 (30 pounds or ~14 kg rounded).

Here are the words from May 14 - 16, 2020:

May 14
Let's get your weight
A good time to wait

May 15
Yore au selk
Arise . . .
Shake the dust from off
Loosen the bands
Neither in haste nor by flight
Enlarge thy stakes
Oh, when the saints go marching in!

May 16
Vir dum
Your secret safe with us

To summarize or guess at all of that as best I can, it looks like on May 14 they decided they had waited long enough and were now going to go get the Stone.

May 15 might be some interesting, double-meaning words about both the Stone and what it is intended to do.  The Stone is being freed from a long stay under ground, and is now being asked to arise, shake he dust off, and loosen the bands that have held it.  However, this language is also directly pulled from words of Isaiah.

In a quick search just now, you can find references to the lines of arise, shake off the dust, and loosen the bands in Jesus' words to those at Bountiful in 3 Nephi 20 (specifically verse 27), which is itself a reference to Isaiah 52.  In this same scene, Jesus encourages the people to read Isaiah (I am guessing their version of Isaiah is ultimately different than ours) and also confirms that Isaiah's words will be fulfilled, which explains the reference.

And then shall be brought to pass that which is written: Awake, awake again, and put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city, for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.

Shake thyself from the dust; arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

In the very next chapter (21) we can find what the reference of "neither in haste nor by flight" was referring to:

And then shall the work of the Father commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people. Verily I say unto you, at that day shall the work of the Father commence among all the dispersed of my people, yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father hath led away out of Jerusalem.

Yea, the work shall commence among all the dispersed of my people, with the Father to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me, that they may call on the Father in my name.

Yea, and then shall the work commence, with the Father among all nations in preparing the way whereby his people may be gathered home to the land of their inheritance.

And they shall go out from all nations; and they shall not go out in haste, nor go by flight, for I will go before them, saith the Father, and I will be their rearward.

And finally, in Chapter 22 of 3 Nephi still we have references to both 'barren' and stakes being enlarged:


And then shall that which is written come to pass: Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child; for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.

Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thy habitations; spare not, lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes;

Something I just realized now in searching for those various terms, is that they represent a sample of Jesus' words to those at Bountiful as found in 3 Nephi 20 - 22, in order by chapter.  I didn't see that coming!  That whole discourse has to do with the gathering or Israel and the establishment of Zion, and so these words from May 15 tie the Stone that is being recovered to Jesus' teachings about that gathering (it could be the snippets I captured are part of that larger discourse fully quoted.  I did write the ellipses after "Arise", indicating there was a larger passage.

And lastly, those May 15 words conclude with a rousing rendition of "Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In".  In looking up this song right now, I think there is a good reason for its inclusion, but will get back to it at the end of this post.

Back to that first Elvish line, I think this could mean something like "Ancient away Bright".  The "Yore" seems to me to be a clear reference to Yor El, which I first mentioned and discussed in the post "Michael Jackson and the Stone", but also again in the earlier post I linked, and this Bright thing (Brighter than the Sun) was hidden away anciently.

However, there might be a second meaning.  I wrote the last two words as au selk, but it is possible the words were actually, or at least could also be read (or heard, in this case, likely) as aus elk.

Given that I think this Stone belonged to Joseph of Egypt, or at least captures his Story, this alternative reading makes complete sense, and I really, really like it now that I just landed on it.  Aus is Dior, another name for Joseph.  An "elk" in Elvish means Spear.  Recall that I have compared the Stone to a Spear before, for example in my post "The Brittany Spears:  A quick follow-up".  If you look at what I wrote there, about a Spear being in Brittany (France), then referring to the Sawtooth Stone, which now resides in France, as the Aus Elk (Spear of Joseph), fits perfectly.  I think this is likely the answer to that riddle, though I will leave my first answer above as is because it might be a double-meaning, which seems to be fairly common.

With that, on to May 16.  On this date the Stone is retrieved.

We have another case where I have bracketed a word:  Instaru.  I can't even remember really how I got these words, so I can't be sure why I bracketed them.  However, in past cases, as with Hodnil and Gildor, this indicated that the words ought to be considered apart from the rest of the text, and can potentially be explanatory, sometimes indicating the name of the speaker, as was the case with those two names.

I believe it is the same in this case, and Instaru ought to be considered as another form of the word Istaru.  I either added the N in how I heard it, or this is a legitimate other form.  I don't know.  The dialogue from the day before on May 15, as well as the fact that I place the Three Disciples at Sawtooth at this time strongly support this interpretation in my mind, however, as I will briefly explain.

Istaru is a word that specifically applies to the Five Wizards, of which Gandalf was one.  It means Wizard, or One Who Knows.

My belief is that Instaru is bracketed here because it is Gandalf himself that is speaking, and has been since May 14 in this instance.  He is the Instaru.  In my story, Gandalf is the also the Being we know as Nephi - the Nephi that was at Bountiful when Jesus visited and who recorded all of his words.  This same Nephi was the one who visited Joseph Smith (a reunion between Gandalf and Pippin) in what Mormons now confuse with a story involving Moroni.  My story has this Being as Nephi, one of the Three Disciples, and 'translated' for the very purpose of allowing him to visit and appear to Men when needed.

Placing these words as coming from Nephi-Gandalf then makes perfect sense of the May 15 phrases in which 3 whole chapters of 3 Nephi are picked from and referenced.  The account of these words, or rather Mormon's summary of them, would have come from none other than Nephi-Gandalf and his record.

OK, so we have the Elvish phrase Vir dumDum very straightforwardly means "Secret".  What about Vir?   A little less obvious.  My best guess at the moment (in looking at if for a couple minutes) is this is a derivative of Virim, which is a "glassy substance".  Now, I go there because I think the Secret we are dealing with here is the Stone, obviously, which is a Glass Crystal-like thing, and so this phrase would mean a Glass Secret:  the Stone, or Star-Stone.  There may be other explanations or translations, but that is what I will go with for right now.

This leads into the concluding phrase that this Secret (or the secret of whomever is being addressed - likely Faramir in this case per the story I have been piecing together) is safe with "Us", and by Us here I again think on and identify the Three Disciples, with Nephi-Gandalf as still the speaker.  They are now the stewards of this Stone Secret, until they pass it over to Glorfindel and Gildor to take over to France.

OK, this all came together really well!  It always feels pretty good when puzzle pieces click together like this and the story not only holds together, but you get an additional peak into what happened and understand the story a bit better (possibly - it is always up for revision).

I mentioned an interesting thing about the reference to "Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In!".   First off, this is about Saints marching Home, and that there is a 'number' to them.  In my words to the Stone Couriers, I have Tom Bombadil explaining that likely both Beings and Stones are numbered and will counted.  The phrases that precede Gandalf's mention of this song all come from 3 Nephi 20 - 22 and have everything to do with the gathering of these numbered and loved members of that Family.  These phrases also tie the Sawtooth Stone with the events of that gathering, so just in looking at the lyrics of the song alone its inclusion here makes sense.

However, in my search, it seems that indisputably the best known and most popular version of this song was sung by Louis Armstrong.  The name right off the bat was interesting, combining a French first name with the last name of Armstrong (Strong Arm - this has come up before).  Two interesting things about Louis Armstrong:  He is Black (and the song was first a Black Gospel song, I believe), and he plays the trumpet.

The point about being Black is interesting for non-racial but importantly symbolic reasons.  We are all on this earth Black, if by that term we means something like its original meaning of being devoid of Light (i.e. it's not about skin color).  But the Family of Light will not stay that way, even if they find themselves currently in that situation.  They are meant to Shine again.  

The trumpet is interesting both for who I have identified as speaking, as well as a prophecy regarding the gathering of Israel, which 3 Nephi 20 - 22 deal very specifically with.  

Many LDS Temples have an angel on the top of a spire.  This angel is traditionally called the Angel Moroni, and he holds a trumpet in his hand.  However, as mentioned above and in earlier posts from awhile ago, I believe the Being referred to as the Angel Moroni is actually the Angel Nephi, or in other words, Gandalf.  Further, you may remember that I have the Three Disciples travelling through Salt Lake City on their way to the Sawtooth Mountains back in March 2020, and causing the earthquake that knocked the trumpet from the angel's hands on top of the Salt Lake City temple, which occured on March 18.  Gandalf-Nephi, the Being I have saying these words above, was thus there and specifically responsible for knocking that trumpet out.

As for gathering and prophecy, in Joseph Smith's version of Matthew 24, we have the following reference of a trumpet and the gathering of the Elect (i.e., the Family of Light):

And whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived, for the Son of Man shall come, and he shall send his angels before him with the great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together the remainder of his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.



Updating the timing of the Sawtooth Stone confrontation

Up until yesterday, I just had a file with my 2019-2020 words up through April 22, plus a few other days around the first week of May.

I now, however, am in the possession of a file I created back in 2020 that has words extending all the way through June 23.  Most of these days and words I had completely forgotten about - I was actually surprised there were as many days with these words post-May 7 as there were.

I've just had one initial read through, but it is obvious that I will need to seriously update my assumptions regarding specific events around Asenath's encounter in the Sawtooth Mountains.  I was way off.  What I see will also likely have implications for the Stone Couriers and timing around their adventures.

There have also been some fun and interesting little discoveries.  Glorfindel and Gildor are mentioned fairly obviously now that I know to look for them.  I think we also get more color on Joseph's return, potentially, as well as the Dead or whoever it was that also headed home around that time.  So, I anticipate that storyline being both updated and changing in some significant ways from what I had guessed at before.

I am extremely interested to dive in and see how things look.

For this post, I want to correct the timing of Asenath's confrontation in the Sawtooth Mountains.  I was also going to clarify the timing of the retrieval of the Sawtooth Stone, but after getting into it and typing most of it out, I am going to put that in a separate post that will follow this one.

Asenath and Baal-Ox:  Updated dates

I had Asenath's confrontation occurring somewhere between April 20 and 21, which was primarily guided by the overly exuberant group of Beings declaring "Good times to roll!".  I assumed this meant Asenath had been successful and there was a celebration.

But this is not so, and I guess I shouldn't necessarily have assumed this was the case.  These Beings, who I guess are the Daughters of Asenath, seem to have a different relationship with Time in terms of being able to understand future events, so I don't if their exuberance, celebration, or whatever it was needed to wait until something had actually happened.

Between the celebration outburst that I captured on April 22, it was radio silence for the ensuing 3 days.  Finally, on April 26, there were what I recorded as 'faint words', which said simply:

This is what matters

This apparently was followed by a song called "I hope you dance" by Lee Ann Womack (I don't remember the song, but I do remember hearing those faint words).

I attribute those initial words to Asenath, likely spoken or thought as she is now descending to take on her Enemy.  This guess is further supported by the following words that I received later that same afternoon.  I had grown really tired and had taken a quick nap.  During that nap, I wrote down the following (I am adding speaker guesses and punctuation to make it easier to follow):

[Voice 1]:  Your Majesty, it has began

[Asenath]:  Wish you were here

[Voice 1]:  It is based on tentatives, and is being monitored

[Asenath]:  For Joseph truly saw our day, son of Baal Ox

In my original writing I wrote Baal Ox as one words spelled "Baelox".  My belief is that I was clearly sounding out phonetically the voice I heard, as Bael would likely be the way I would have sounded out someone saying Baal.  But this is a guess, in the end, and I suppose that a Baelox might be someone different altogether than Baal.  It is the best guess I have at the moment.

In any case, in reading those words, that day came back to me, and I remember being nervous or having some anxiety that afternoon.

It would be that night (so written down that next morning,  April 27) that I wrote the phrase about "Mommy's home!" that I attribute to the Daughters welcoming Asenath home, and which she seemed to need some medicine - a drug - which was referred to as Milk and Honey.

I captured those April 27 words in the post "6 days from our Earth to Tirion", and called out that with the prior assumption of Asenath encountering Baal Ox on April 21 and leaving the 22nd, then this seemed to be consistent with the 6 days of travel phenomenon I had seen in some of my other words.  

These new dates and timing obviously make that observation and the implications I made from it completely wrong.  It would seem that Asenath was home no more than a day after her encounter, if these new dates are to believed.  How that works, I don't know.  Maybe there are different forms of travel for different Beings.  Maybe these were the real time stamps or reflected the actual occurrence of these events in real time.  Maybe there wasn't really anything to that 6 day travel interval I had noticed - it was just a couple examples, so not a very large sample set.

OK, so I will stop there with my latest correction to the Sawtooth confrontation, and then follow up on this post with some details with respect to the actual retrieval of the Stone.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Why Tom Bombadil's House?

In the post on Glorfindel's 'prophecy' regarding Tom Bombadil, I cited the fact that the Council, and most importantly Elrond and Gandalf, concluded that the Ring ought not to be sent to Tom's House.

Yet, in my story here, we have the Sawtooth Stone being sent directly there, and where I believe it currently remains.  And not only the Stone, but also other important artifacts are there, such as the Brass Plates.

The difference, of course, is that the Ring was a thing of Evil - Sauron's Creation - and that as Gandalf said, this Evil had no sway or power over Tom (being a Free Man), and that asking him to be a guardian of such a thing made no sense in this context.

My own personal belief extends beyond this given reason to some speculative considerations.  Tom Bombadil, as Ki-Abroam, set bounds on his own land and power for reasons, some only known to him, but likely at least some of them tracing back to the destruction of Numenor itself, and the breaking of the world.

Tom broke Eressea.  He did it due to the assault of the Numenoreans and Pharazon, which can ultimately be traced back to, in part, Sauron's evil influence as he sat behind the throne (and later openly in front of it, for all intents and purposes) and used the Numenoreans as his puppets.

The Numenoreans invaded Eressea.  It is written the Eresseans would not fight back.  And so Tom, if this part of Doug's record can be believed, swung down his axe and split Eressea in two.  The part that had been invaded and spoiled by the Numenoreans (and 3 of the Nazgul, apparently), would become Eressea #2 in my story here, go under the wave, but come back up again from those waters and become the land that the Jaredites would land on.

The other part would become Eressea #1, and be lifted up along-side Valinor and removed in some fashion.  My general sense is that when we talk of a Great and Spacious Building, and the Empire State Building, it is to Eressea #1 that we might presently look, but that is just my guess.  My hypothesis is that not all is well on that world presently, that we on this Earth feel some of the effects of that, and that any return to Valinor will have to pierce through, around, or over the GSB-ESB to reach Valinor.

Ki-Abroam-Tom had to assist in destroying a world to save it, in other words, and it may be that his self-imposed exile and boundaries at his House relate back to this, at least partly.  He would continue to play a pivotal role in the resistance to the Void, and the Sauron at that time, but it would be in a different way and he wouldn't be asked to display such powers openly again.  Assisting the Hobbits was one such way that he did this, and in curious fashion, too.  For example, if the Hobbits had not both stumbled into the Barrow Wights, and been rescued by Tom, Merry would never have acquired just the sword needed to maim the Witch King and thus allow Eowyn to finish him off.

Anyway, this might be a bit of a tangent, but it just could very well be that such an open display of power in the face of Sauron's assault (through the Numenoreans) by Ki-Abroam was one reason why he chose to draw the lines he did in the ensuing ages.  I don't know, but there could be something there.

In any case, the Ring was Evil, and needed to be dealt with sooner or later, and whether stored at Tom's House or somewhere else, that fact wasn't going to change.   As Gandalf put it, paraphrasing his words, if it falls within their power in their age to do something about it, they ought to do it.

Juxtaposed and directly opposite with the Ring, you have the Sawtooth Stone, which I have down in this story as a creation that is wholly Good.   The Ring was created to enslave, while the Stone was created to set free.  And not just that, but the Stone directly links back to Tom and his Family.  This is something that belongs to them.  My current guess is that Asenath created these Stones in some fashion.   The promise is that through Abraham's seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.  My view is the Stones are part of that promise, with Abraham being the same Being as Ki-Abroam and Tom Bombadil, and Asenath being his literal child, in what appears to be multiple instances and lives, I believe.

Thus, the situation of sending the Stone to Tom Bombadil's House couldn't be any different than sending the Ring.  This is a homecoming, of sorts.  The Stone belongs there, if anywhere on this world.  And if that Stone represents the beginning of a reunion between both Family and their Lands, then I think it makes complete sense for that to commence in the House of Tom Bombadil.  

This is a story of redemption, remember, and if Tom was asked to split families and lands in an age past, then let that action be reversed and healed starting under his roof, as it were.

The Brass Plates are also no stranger to Tom.  He wrote them, sans any histories or prophetic words that came after he and Asenath's session with the plates.  As Asenath lay dying on a ship out at sea, after the Numenorean Fall, Asenath dictated the that Book, and it was Ki-Abroam who engraved her words on those Plates.  

... thus he [Ki-Abroam] engraved all her [Asenath's] words, in books numbering five... 

... in whole, after months told by her aging daily, he hefted himself a Bronze Book, of his making:

-- Almost, she laughed, a coffin for all knowledge.

-- Not so, but a barge, to sail it wheresoever the winds release, take thy voice's words...

Later, after Asenath died, she, as a Spirit apparently, further amended and cleaned up any potential errors that came through from her dictation ( a reference that likely ties directly to the quote heard in my dream of someone "washing the dishes", dishes meaning Plates in this sense, I think).

So, both the Stone and Brass Plates, and likely other artifacts belong at Tom's House, as do the Being who will be invited there to use those gifts.  This is a Family Reunion, after all, and I like the idea of it starting at the House of Tom Bombadil.