Tuesday, October 31, 2023

"I'll call ya, pal!": Linking stones, 'aliens', and a toast to Tron

In my post yesterday, I mentioned that there were some more interesting dreams from the night before last as well, but I didn't have a chance to go through them then.  So, here we go.

A couple nights ago, I had a series of short bursts involving various scenes accompanying dialogues that kept me kind of in and out of sleep for quite a while.   

It started with me in some situation that I can't remember talking repeatedly about an "Athal Stone".  I just kept using this word "Athal" when I meant to call it the "Ithil" Stone.  Even as I became aware of this, and knew that I was referring to the Ithil Stone, I still kept with the name change of calling it the Athal Stone.

Sometime later, I was looking at a woman's face, although I could not make out clearly what she looked like.  I am not sure how much she said that I forgot, but I remember very clearly her saying "I'll call ya, pal!", due to my waking up right after she said it.

In another sequence, I did not see anybody, but heard a woman's voice say some things which I could not clearly make out.  I responded with "Huh?", to which she said much more clearly "Oh, it was just Empire State Building stuff".  "

Lastly, a woman's voice said very clearly "An opportunity to drink you".

OK, so pretty weird and random, but interestingly enough, everything except for the reference to the Empire State Building I think I have a pretty good read on the meaning, or at least stories flow from them (whether right or wrong) and/or they connect back to other stories.  In one case, they connect back to some of my 2019 words and helped me shed a little light on what was going on there.   

Athal (Ithil) Stone

After waking up, I had a hunch that the substitution of Athal was intentional and that I might find this substitute word was another Elvish word.  So, I looked it up in Eldamo, and sure enough I found an exact match.  Here is what we have:

Athal:  noun.  "Stranger, guest"

This notion of 'stranger/ guest' has come up before, so this got me interested.  It has come up before in the context of 'aliens'.  And by aliens, I am not trying to refer to anything that looks like E.T., but rather simply Beings who are like us but just simply live on another world.  Here is the definition or history of the word 'alien' from Etymonline:

c. 1300, "strange, foreign," from Old French alien "strange, foreign;" as a noun, "an alien, stranger, foreigner," from Latin alienus "of or belonging to another, not one's own, foreign, strange," also, as a noun, "a stranger, foreigner," adjective from alius (adv.) "another, other, different" (from PIE root *al- (1) "beyond").

The meaning "residing in a country not of one's birth" is from mid-15c. The sense of "wholly different in nature" is from 1670s. The meaning "not of this Earth" is recorded by 1920. An alien priory (mid 15c.) is one owing obedience to a religious jurisdiction in a foreign country.

OK, so as weird as everything else I have written is, just try to remember that when I reference aliens, I am really just talking about them in the way one would talk about any Being (human, elvish, or otherwise) living on a land or world that is not the one we presently occupy.  

The Anor Stone and Ithil Stone will link worlds, and the Beings communicating from each of them, so it seems natural to suggest that this involves alien contact... from both points of view, it is important to remember.  They would view us the same way, and as much as we would call them strangers and foreigners, we are probably just, if not more, strange to them.

This actually, as a slight aside, reminds me of a dream from last fall.  I found myself at a house, with a fairly good size group of people gathered around outside of it.  It occurred to me that these were all members of the same family, and this was something of a reunion.  I heard the laughter of my youngest son, and turned to see where it came from.  I found that he was wrestling with something that looked like a big, hairy beast, and somewhat deformed.  Something like Bigfoot with strange proportions.

I started to wake up, and as I did so, I openly wondered who these people I saw were.  A woman's voice came loud and clear just as I opened my eyes answering my question with one word:  "Aliens!"

I mentioned that it took me awhile to figure out that many of my dreams are from a perspective that is not my own, even when I am interacting with someone or even assuming a specific character.  In this case, it became clear only much later that I was seeing that scene from a floating/ non-personal view AND that the hairy Being I saw wrestling with my son was me!  I was seeing myself in a bit of a caricature of how these 'aliens' must view us, I believe, and the current state of our bodies.

Anyway, so the Ithil Stone as an Athal Stone, in terms of being in the possession of and being used to communicate with these Beings in other worlds.  That is my takeaway from Athal, and it does tie to the next dream sequence.

"I'll call ya, pal!"

"I'll call ya, pal!" was said in such a deliberate way, I felt there were some double meanings hidden here.  

First off, it is a very casual English phrase with someone telling a friend that they will give them a call.  "Pal" is used for a friend, someone one can be a bit informal with, and that is certainly the feel of that phrase.  Again, it will be Eowyn and Faramir talking to each other, so although alien and strangers in terms of the state of their beings and where they live, yet there is a connection there that will be like the reunion of friends.  This might also be a reference to when Eowyn called Faramir her friend as she was still trying to figure out where she stood with things.

However, beyond that, it struck me that the Pal was likely an elvish word or at least part of one, and it took me a second to realize that it is an abbreviation or potentially a nickname for a Pal-antir.  I was further convinced this was the case when I also noticed that 'ya' was likely an Elvish word also.  Sure enough, it is of a similar vein as the 'yor' in 'Yor El' mentioned in my Michael Jackson post (here).  

Ya:  formerly, ago (also root for ancient, old, etc.)

So, the phrase then becomes something that references not only someone calling their friend, but doing so on an old Stone/ Palantir (Ithil Stone).  Like my post yesterday, this is a good example of how simple 3 or 4 word phrases will grow into more complex thoughts or expressions as multiple word meanings and references in different languages are considered together.

"An opportunity to drink you"

Rather than be concerned for whomever is being addressed here, I think it is safe to assume that this phrase is crossing from one language into English (either by the person speaking, or by me in hearing it), and so we are just missing a "with" after drink.  So, should be something like "An opportunity to drink with you".  

This was actually the most interesting one of all, because I instantly thought of words involving people drinking that I hadn't been able to make complete sense of (and still can't!), but based on this and the thoughts that grew in my mind as a result, I think I understand at least who is being referenced.

Going back to Dec 12 - 14, 2019, we get the following words:

Look for the bright coming day to be baptized

Ancalima vinyaren yularsen alumane kenwe

Aman miur malliard gilyard banyo alle umane

That second line contains the phrase "Ancalima vinyaren yularsen", which broken down can be something like this:

Ancalima:  Brightest

vinya:  young or new

ren:  cousin or kin

Yul:  drink

ar:  beside

sen:  child

So, the speaker is telling someone that their 'brightest' young cousin or kin will drink beside their own child.   I take the 'young or new kin' remark to mean something like an in-law.  

Putting this together, a parent of Eonwe-Faramir is saying that their kin by marriage (Eowyn) will drink physically beside Faramir in Aman.  The earlier dream references state how this is possible - a call from the Ithil Stone to the Anor Stone, creating a link between worlds that can be crossed in some fashion. apparently.

Lastly, as mentioned, I don't have any clue on the Empire State Building reference, so who knows on that one, or even if it is worth mentioning.  I looked into it for a few minutes and didn't see anything immediately obvious.

I also left comments off when I resumed writing, but I am turning them back on now.  

Oh, another interesting thing:

Last night after I finished that Addendum post, I decided to watch the first part of the movie Tron, of all things.  I haven't seen it in years, and I figured I would give it a go.  It was getting late, and so I knew I was only going to watch part of it before going to bed.

As I started watching it, I got a sense that Tron might be an Elvish word, also.  I think this is probably because these multiple meaning phrases have been popping up, and so it is top of mind.  Anyway, I looked up the word, and sure enough we have Tron in Elvish:

Tron:  A cross, or crossing.

I thought this was interesting because, again, all of this story in my head of a connection or link established between worlds that both information and people will be crossing (and also of 'Great Waters' between those worlds being crossed, which I will get to in some post), and here that is captured in the name of the movie.

Further, I started thinking about the plot (which I didn't realize until this last watch how overtly religious the themes and dialogue are).  [SPOILER ALERT] You have Beings attempting to break out of their prison or conscription forced on them by the Master Control Program, MCP, and his evil underling Sark.  A few successfully do escape, including Tron, and create a link or point of contact between their world and the 'real' world at an I/O tower using Tron's circular disc (a Stone?).  The information he receives back from this real world is what they need to destroy the Master Control Program, or MCP.  Once Tron destroys the MCP, the programs are once again free and able to communicate with their Users in the real world (up to that point the MCP had blocked all communication and access for the Users into this digital world).  The main protagonist Flynn is also able to physically travel or reappear back in the real world

I don't know - I seemed to see the basic outlines and sketches of some of the plot points in my story and that of Tron.  Seeing shapes in clouds?  Subliminal remembrances of this plot and many others stories from childhood creating some strange things in my head?  Who knows.

By the way, I am not saying that I believe we are in some digital simulation like Tron (I don't), but only pointing out that there is an allegory here in this story that seems to match up on some broader points on the story that has grown in my head.  The world we live in is likely just as 'unreal' as the digital world those programs lived in compared with the reality we are meant to enjoy.

Anyway, I actually thought the best part or connection I made while watching part of Tron was, after two posts yesterday writing about a 'Deadly Head', I see the arch villain MCP portrayed as, what else, a Deadly Head that talks (I guess a face, more accurately).  I had forgotten that this was the case, so I was both surprised and amused when MCP's face first came up.

I also just had the thought right now that the discs that each program has are called 'identity discs'.  I suppose if one has an identity, they have a name.  The stones that each person receives in the Celestial Kingdom, per Joseph Smith, each has a new name - a Stone with an identity - and that name is their key.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Droned: An addendum

 After publishing that last post earlier today, I realized I forgot one additional drone story.

It also occurred to me sometime this morning that 'drone' might be in some way an Elvish word also (similar to how I thought 'hum' might be).  It turns out it is, or at least a form of that.

In looking up 'drone' on Eldamo, nothing with an 'e' came up, but there was 'dron' also spelled 'drond'... I'll take it.  Then I saw the 3rd word down which was "Dronurin".  I had never seen this name before.

Dronurin, it turns out, is the name for the "Messenger of the Gods".  He also goes by the name of Nornore, which means "Herald of the Gods", and if that sounds familiar, then you are right... this Dronurin-Nornore is another name for the character that would become Eonwe, the Herald of Manwe.  The same person I have as being on the other side of the connection with Ilmare-Eowyn, and this then ties very cleanly and clearly with the rest of the story as to the 'Morley Hum Exterminator'.  In other words, the droning (endless droning) of the Deadly Head will be 'droned' by Dronurin.

But the name doesn't just reference Eonwe.  The actual character of Dronurin would not survive Tolkien's drafts, and he would become split between Eonwe (who took on the heralding duties), and Orome (who would be the one to lead the Elves back to Valinor).  This is interesting for a few reasons, and particularly when you look at the definition of the name Dronurin itself

Dron(d) means something like 'path' or 'course', while 'Urin' means 'sun' and/ or 'fire'.  So, something like "Path of the Sun", maybe, or "Path of Fire".  Which is the path that those early Elves took in returning to Valinor, figuratively at least, in traveling from the East and heading West.  This is the very first adventure of these Elves after awakening at Cuivienen, who were then summoned by the Gods to come and live where they are.  This was all done at the beginning of the First Age of this world.

 I propose that as the First Age began, so will the Final Age of this world end. with Elves (Israel) once again being invited to follow messengers - to wake up once again! - and leave this Earth for a period of time.

Both Eonwe and Orome (Elijah-Tolkien) will take part in this, as I think Jesus is alluding to in 3 Nephi 24 and 25.  

The Path of the Sun will be something like a literal thing, perhaps, brought about by the connection between the Anor and Ithil Stones.  The Sun and Moon follow a path in the sky, and perhaps the Stones bearing their names will make a path for us.

Additionally, I have said that it could be that Eonwe is the male Holy Ghost (being the brother of Asenath-Nimloth), and so the establishment of this path seems to connect to the words of Nephi in the Book of Mormon where he taught his 'brethren' (speaking to an unidentified group of people in the future) that once they 'received' the Holy Ghost they would find themselves on a path.  A straight and narrow one that they would need to 'endure to the end' in following.  (See 2 Nephi 31).

In Tolkien's writings there was also a straight road that led one, if they could follow it, to Aman itself.  Not all of those first Eldar endured to the end in following Orome along that road home.  Many tired of the road, or chose to settle at various parts in Middle Earth.  They never became High Elves (a High Priesthood?) or saw Valinor and the Light of the Trees.

This road existed before the creation of Numenor, but it seems that Numenor itself may have become part of that road and a potential path for even more to be brought Home.   After the destruction of Numenor, Aman and Eressea (what was left of it) fled this world, and the straight road was gone.

The Holy Ghost (Eonwe), in work with others, will reestablish this ancient straight road by means of these Stones, the sins of those who are to follow that path will be forgiven, and they will be invited to follow that path back home.  I also think of the quote from the time the couriers were with Tom Bombadil about the paths that Asenath (also the Holy Ghost) wrought, and it must reference these Stones.  I had thought at one point that this simply meant the stories that came from the Stones, but seeing how it may be that others, such as Eowyn, were charged with pulling those stories together, perhaps that phrase rather points to or means that the Stones themselves were wrought or created by Asenath herself.  None of what may happen in the future would have been possible without these Stones. 

Anyway, that is another story that both already existed in my head, as well as expanded as I thought on this Dronurin, and the combined work of Eonwe and Orome in the redemption of both the living and the dead here on Earth.

"Deadly Head Droned" and the Morley Hum Exterminator

I was going to write Part 3 on the "Voice of Saruman" and discuss some insights and story implications regarding our well-versed adversary, but I am going to take a break from that and use the last couple of days to illustrate the things that go on in my head, how I approach them, and how they affect me.  And some of it does tie to Saruman, anyway.

Sometime early morning I had a brief dream sequence where I was looking at what appeared to be a newspaper (looking at writing is a common theme in many of my dreams).  There was a phrase that my eyes zoomed in on that looked to be in the form of either a headline or caption that read:

"Deadly Head Droned".

That was it, and I woke up.  As has often been the case with me, I felt like the phrase had meaning and that I was supposed to have seen it, although the nature of the words themselves seemed silly in some way and without a clear story or purpose.

This is how these things often go - either in forms of languages I can't understand, with images and pictures that aren't quite clear, or with even English phrases that don't seem straightforward.  But then, as is usually the case, I begin to find meaning in them.  The phrase won't leave me, and I will continue to find layers of meaning in it as the day goes on.

When I was in therapy, this was viewed as likely not a good thing.  I had a condition that made me attach meaning to what was otherwise gibberish and nonsense, and making all sorts of connections that weren't there.  They made no sense to anyone else, and so I should take that as a cue that they probably shouldn't mean anything to me, either.

It is hard to let them go, though.  The best analogy I can use is it really is like someone came along and planted a seed in my mind, and then it just starts to grow, with stories just kind of coming out of it.  It gets tiring sometimes because many times the dreams that are like this - where you feel that you are supposed to be paying attention to something - come multiple times during the night and I don't sleep very well.  I just keep waking up with some new thing I saw, heard, or experienced.  And then in waking life, they occupy my mind, even if not always at the forefront, always working in the background so I could be working, talking to someone, or whatever, and some new insight will suddenly present itself.  Eureka!  It's kind of fun but kind of exhausting.  It comes in waves, and I am on one again right now and again it gets a bit tiring.

Anyway, on this phrase from this morning, here is how my mind approached it.

It seemed right away that the 'droned' had multiple levels of meaning, and even different descriptions of actions (meaning, the deadly head both droned, and was droned).   That was the first thing.

The second is that this Head was a Being or entity, and obviously not good from its description of it being deadly.  Since Saruman was where I left off my last post, and I have done some more thinking on him, I quickly assumed that the Head in question was Saruman.  He was the former Head of both the White Council, but also more importantly I believe he is the defacto Head behind many things, including the corrupt Mormon church, which is where I was going using the imagery of that last music video (and which I still plan to go into more detail on).

So, I settled quickly on Saruman as the being referenced, and this seemed right, or at least it seemed to open up or allow for other aspects of the story that opened up as I thought more on it.  I also see this is a potential thing for Brigham, but I am not sure if he is grouped in here or not.

So, back to 'droned', both as a thing the Head did, as well was what was done to the Head/ Saruman.  First off, it occurred to be that drone, without the d at the end, is actually the name for a male bee (keeping with the honey/ Deseret themes that keep coming up), specifically the types of bees that hope to mate with the queen.  I have already mentioned the corrupt sexual nature and crimes of those that belong to Saruman's true order, and which potentially influence him also, but what came specifically to my mind in this instance was what happens to drones heading into winter.

In the fall as things start to wrap up resource-wise and the colony looks to conserve its resources, all of the worker bees (who are all female) take all of the drones in their colony (who are all males), and kick them out of the hive, where they will die of starvation or hypothermia.  It should also be noted that drones are used in a figurative sense to talk about an idle or lazy worker, since they do not make any honey.

So, in this case, I took the Deadly Head as being 'droned', as being that he was going to get the drone treatment.  The Honey Queen Deseret-Eowyn was going to ensure that this Being was going to have no more place in her kingdom, basically.  Simple enough, I guess.

But I also felt like 'droned' was something the Head did.  Made sense since heads do have mouths with which to speak.  I actually think of the talking Head from C.S. Lewis' "That Hideous Strength" also here, but will save some things from Lewis and his Space Trilogy for another time. 

Looking up 'drone' as a verb in Etymonline gives me this:

mid-14c., drounen, "to roar, bellow;" c. 1500, "to give forth a monotonous and unvaried tone, hum, or buzz," imitative (see drone (n.)). In modern times it often is the characteristic sound of airplane engines. Meaning "speak in a dull, monotonous tone" is from 1610s. Related: Droned; droning.

That last definition on speaking in a dull monotonous tone is how I thought of the word, meaning that the Head spoke in that fashion - droning on and on.  This brought to mind another dream I had a couple years ago:

In that dream, I stood at the back of a chapel in a Mormon church building.  At the pulpit was my best friend from childhood.  He was delivering a talk that was the most boring thing I had ever heard.  It was delivered in a dull and monotonous way, just like the definition of droning.  It was a chore to listen to him, and I looked around me and noticed that everybody was bored out of their mind, some were dozing off... everyone sitting in their pews completely checked out.  As I stood there and saw this, suddenly a wave of emotion hit me extremely hard.  It was one of absolute sadness . . .this feeling essentially swelled within me and I began to cry.  I noticed I was holding something, and when I brought it up to my eyes I saw what it was that had suddenly given me this feeling.  It was the charred and severed foot of a small child.  I think I wondered why no one else could feel this, and I then woke up.

I will have to elaborate on the child's foot at the end of the post, but for now I will just note that when I realized this morning that the 'Droned' could be also what the Head did, I first thought of that dream with my friend speaking in such a boring, and yet somehow hypnotic, way.  I didn't need to look up a definition to make that connection automatically.

However, what was interesting in that definition I pasted in was the reference to a 'tone, hum, or buzz', and this is where it gets fascinating to me, and where I will have to give a tip of the cap to the Fairies.

I mentioned in my allegory of the fiber optic cables (that post here), that this was all part of my effort to make our barn a habitable space for activities other than farming.  I originally planned to have our loft an area where the kids could shoot hockey pucks and have other exercise equipment.  In the middle of the project, as I was putting up the walls, I realized that this loft could be like the best room on our property.  So, I changed plans, moved that recreation area downstairs to where the chickens were supposed to be (thus necessitating the chickens' move to the outside shed for winter... sorry chickens!), and finished the loft as a really nice room.  I have my office up here, but also made half of it into a live music room.  My daughter had just switched over from piano to guitar lessons, I play the piano/ keyboard, and our youngest son was interested in the drums... so, I figured I would create a jam session room.

It has turned out pretty cool - we have the full deal up here, including a full drum set.  Why not?  (There is a point to this, by the way, trust me).

However, the guitar thing is new.  She had an acoustic guitar, but she is young and acoustic strings are thicker and harder for her to press, so her teacher suggested she get an electric guitar.  Which meant another guitar and an amp.  No problem.

The only issue, though, in setting everything up was that the amp was generating this crazy buzzing sound.  I went through everything to try and resolve this... switched out the amp, had the guitar checked out, and had the electrician out to check all of the grounding wires and connections to make sure everything checked out there.  After that all checked out, I even had the energy company out and they drove around scanning for electrical mains that might be off, and even seeing if they could detect air interference.  It was nuts.  I ultimately found a way to eliminate the buzz by going into the amp software and ratcheting up a noise suppression setting, which helped greatly.  It just wasn't fun to play with that level of buzz.

In any case, something that had been recommended to me in my efforts to get to the bottom of the buzz was a product called the Morley Hum Exterminator.  A lot of rave reviews about how it worked exist, but it didn't do the trick for me.  I still have it, and it is currently sitting on my digital piano like this:

Yes, I took a picture.  I told the Fairies while I put them under evaluation that I wasn't going to take pictures, but this one was too good to pass up and it was sitting right next to me, so perhaps they thought that even I wouldn't be too lazy or disinclined to snap a shot.

In the picture, you will note, are gold and silver stereo adapters.  The funny story about them is that they were sitting on my desk next to my computer last week as I was typing out my post on the gold and silver crossed keys.  I noticed them, and then didn't want to notice them, so I moved them to the top of the piano which sits next to my desk.  I unknowingly moved them next to the box containing the Hum Exterminator, which I guess I had left there at some point.  

I noticed this actually over the weekend, and it struck me at the time that "Hum" might actually be a double-meaning word, as in it means something in Elvish.  Sure enough, it means "to sleep, slumber, or be drowsy".  You have got to be kidding me.  When I realized this, I was tempted to take a picture, but utterly refused out of principle.  So, we have something that could be known as the "Morley Sleep or Drowsiness Exterminator".  To exterminate sleep or drowsiness might also be called "Waking Up", right?

It gets better.  For the first time the name Morley also struck me.  Morley is the maiden name of my great-great-great-great-great-grandmother (I forget how many greats, but I think that is right).  Her name is Diantha Morley, and the farm she lived on and her brother, Isaac, figure prominently in Mormon history.  They and their families became converts to Campbellism under Sidney Rigdon in Ohio.  When Parley Pratt came along and introduced the Book of Mormon to Rigdon and the Morleys, the were baptized.  Diantha's husband, Titus Billings, was said to be the first person baptized after Sidney Rigdon when this occurred.

The interesting thing about the Morley Farm is that they practiced communal living during those years before they became Mormons, and were called "The Family".  When the Joseph Smith and other Mormons relocated out to Ohio, Isaac Morley invited many of them to live on his land.  He even built a house for Joseph and Emma there on his farm.

Later, Titus Billings would later sell the Morley Farm in 1832 as he was told to do in a revelation that is now D&C 63 (it is an interesting revelation if anyone wants to look into it... not completely unrelated to events now).

Anyway, I am looking at this stupid box with this hum eliminator and these two stereo jack adapters, and a whole story unfolds in an image.

It is the gold and silver 'keys' (or Stones) that will be used in stereo.  The song or stories produced by these keys will exterminate sleep (meaning, it will be "Wake Up Time"), and for who?  A group of people I have consistently referred to as a Family - the Family of Light.  It is they who will finally wake up.  This box has now morphed into the "Family Sleep Exterminator" now for me.  Crazy, right?  

I think the Deadly Head has droned on for long enough, using the pipes and pulpits of Mormonism to confound a message and cast a spell of sleep on the Family for too long.  He, and his droning, will be droned - identified and cast out, not having any more place in that Good Family.

And perhaps we will be hum and buzz free, awake, and finally able to get on with playing some real music.

I was about to sign off, but remembered I mentioned the child's foot in my other dream.  What was that all about?

Briefly, this has to do with the assault by Pharazon on Eressea.  Tolkien didn't give any detail on this in his own writings, or at least only very vaguely in what Christopher Tolkien has in the Silmarillion.  Doug included a more detailed account in his second book entitled, aptly, "Words of them which have Slumbered".  It is a pretty horrific account of what actually befell those on Eressea by the hands of the Numenoreans on their way to Aman in their quest for eternal life and power.  I will not quote it here, but it mentions that children were hunted and killed by ravenous wolves and their bodies were piled up on a hill.  That land was also set to fire, thus explaining the foot being charred in my dream.  Only through the intervention of a man named Ki-Abroam (Abraham-Tom Bombadil) and Eru was any part of Eressea saved, but much (half) was lost.

I also mentioned 'last couple of days'... there were some interesting dream sequences from the night before last that I was also going to tie in or at least review, but I will leave that for another post.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Stones and Keys, part 2: Desperate thieves

Its a strange thing to use bizarre music videos to make a point, but here we are.  I figure if Joseph Smith can take some old papers from a travelling Egyptian antiquities dealer and pull out a story, we can use some artsy imagery put to music to do likewise.

In reviewing my post yesterday, I realized I kind of just dumped the first music video into the post, made a few comments, and left it at that.  I didn't really realize my goal of tying everything together like I had intended to.  Yes, there was the brief imagery of the crossed keys, and an LDS temple, and I kind of left it all hanging.

This post will hopefully bring more clarity to my thoughts yesterday, and push our story forward just a bit.  At the very least, in viewing this video, you should have some additional thoughts in your head on what is happening in that video from yesterday.  Whereas we had some brief imagery of keys in the video yesterday, as you'll see today, crossed keys are everywhere.

As I mentioned, I found the first video a couple years ago and felt it had some kind of meaning, but was not sure what it was.  I found today's video later, and also had similar thoughts.  

I am going to post the video first here, and you can watch it and then go on to my summary and thoughts, or you can read my thoughts first and go back and watch the video, or not even bother with the video if it doesn't sound interesting to you.  We are just passing the time here anyway, right?

Here is Woodkid's video for "Iron":

The scene opens with a banner of the crossed keys, similar to what we would have seen in the first video flying in the heavenly white city.

At around the 0:20 mark, we see these keys now tattooed on the back of the neck of an individual.  Keep this individual in mind, as I will be going in depth on him.   He is, of all the characters, the most developed and 'richest' character with his tattoos, which actually turn out to be quite revealing.

We are introduced to various characters throughout the opening.  The woman with the owl (not a hawk, interestingly).  

The man holding a book with those crossed keys.

And then the figure of a boy lying on a stone altar.  At this stage, with the lighting, it is 100% clear whether this is a real boy, or a boy carved from the same block of stone he is lying on.  A stone boy, or a real one (we kind of know already because of the other video)?

We see more characters, with some now having additional marks of the crossed keys, like this one wearing the keys around his neck on a chain.

And we continue to see that man with the tattoos, with even more close-ups of what they are.  Eventually, he turns to face us, now shown to be carrying a mace, matched with a menacing and serious look on his face.  Again, I will go into this man more, but here he is looking at us.  Feeling the love?  

Black ash and cinder (at least from what I can tell) begins to fall from the sky, at around 1:30 in the video.  We see both the characters and the animals taking note.  A sign, and likely one that indicates that both the end is near and their time is running short (in my opinion).  The horse becomes agitated, the dog begins the bark, and they all prepare for action.  A cry goes forth, and we see now see them running toward something, though it is unclear at this point what it is.  The presence of tracking animals like the dogs and the owl (taking the place of a hawk) seems to indicate that they are stalking or chasing something.

It is important to note that while at the very first we see each of these characters alone and separated, as they begin their charge they have now been gathered into a loose band or group.  At the very least, they are all together in one spot now in their chase.  You can continue to watch the man with the tattoos as, again, I will get into that shortly, and I think it will be worth it for anyone who reads on to that point.

We see briefly the boy again, and if you were like me when you first saw the video, you start to get the sense that they are after him, particularly since we have seen the "Run, boy, run!" video showing a boy very similar to this running away from something in a very scared fashion.

We then get the man with the book bearing the crossed keys.  He is not among those making the charge, but is rather standing somewhere else, now reading from this book in what seems like a pretty intense manner.  Our vision then shifts and we get the first glimpse of something that seems Mormon, at least to me.  Organ pipes, looking very similar to imagery associated with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

The camera goes back to the man speaking, and if we were in doubt as to his intentions before, his face and manner of speaking now seem to strongly suggest that he is not probably up to any good.  What is he reading, and who is he reading to?  (And what is he wearing?)

In an interesting sequence, we see the camera switch back and forth between the boy on the stone altar and the intense man reading from his book of keys.  The lighting has changed, and we now can tell very clearly that this is a real boy, but he either dead or asleep.  As we will see him later running, we can assume he is asleep.  But why is he still sleeping?  Doesn't he know his enemies (assuming that those other characters are after him) are running toward him with clear intent to do harm? 


It is time to wake up, boy!  Or, as Tom Petty-Elrond would say, "It's wake up time!".  Time to rise and shine.

But the boy sleeps on, and lies there defenseless against what is coming his way.  With no means to defend himself, it might be assumed that this ends badly for the boy, but we know that he does get away and eventually because we see him running in the next video.  In the next sequence of events we see how this is done (or at least how his enemies are dealt with).

Starting at 2:40, destruction from the skies falls on those running toward the boy.  Heaven itself, it seems, has intervened.  When I first saw this, and when I see it now, the phrase that Jesus spoke to those at Bountiful came and comes to my mind:

But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil. (3 Nephi 21)

The destruction of these enemies is accomplished.  We see the key necklace flying through the air without its owner, and we see the book of the crossed keys now burning by itself on the ground.

We now have a close-up of the boy's face, and then travel through thick fog and clouds to arrive at the very same temple we will see the boy running from in the next video.  It leaves us asking the question of whether he is awake during his sequence of "Run boy run!" or whether his journey in that next stage in the story reflect his efforts to 'wake up'.  I don't think it matters, as he is effectively in the same situation regardless... needing to find a way back to Heaven, which I believe also is his home.

I was going to spend some time on the overall story theme, but maybe let me spend some time on Tattoo Man, and you can see if that helps fill in at least how I am viewing the story as it unfolds in this video, and then how it leads into the next.  

Tattoo Man

I will get right to it and say that this man represents Brigham Young-Dairon-Omar.

In represents him to such a degree that it is shocking to me even now as I watch the video.  The tattoos are what give him away.  And before I get into them specifically, just think of what tattoos here can represent.  These things have been imprinted on his very being, and they are not possible to remove.  It is what makes him a Son of Perdition, ultimately... the very nature of his Being has been imprinted with desires that are not his to have, and he cannot give them up.

Here is the first shot we get of his hands:

I will draw attention to two things here.  First is the spider on his left wrist, spinning a web, or at least having a trailing thread behind it.  Keep this in mind, as we will see another spider later.

Second, is the phrase "Your Round" on his hands.  This could be a reference to someone saying they expect a drink, and for you to pay for it.  I am thinking that ancient nectar or Juice that I highlighted in an earlier post that will be delivered along with the Sawtooth Stone to Faramir-Eonwe.  This phrase also points to the Stone itself.  "Round" is what the Stone is - a circle, or globe.  In an earlier post, I also conveyed the phrase that came when, in hindsight, the Stone was 'born' in its recovery from Sawtooth. "Yor El" was the first line.  At the time I surmised that the Yor was a play on words for both "Your" as well as meaning ancient or enclosed.  We see, then, that same phrase show up on these hands, with Round being another reference to the Stone.  "Your Stone" we can see here also.  This man expects to get his hands on both a drink (that you get to pay for) as well as a Stone.

A little while later we get another angle of his hands:

I will just focus on one thing here:  Lisa.  Lisa is an abbreviation for the name Elizabeth.  In the bible's tale, Elizabeth was the mother of John.  The name has something to do with God and an oath, it seems.  However, the name is also another play on words, and references the Elvish "Lis" or "Lisse", which means "Honey" and "Sweet".  In reality, the person whose name this refers to was the daughter of John-Thingol, not his mother, but other than that what we find matches up well with none other than Eowyn-Deseret.  The woman associated with Honey.

So, far we have references to the juice, stone, and Eowyn.  All things that we would associate with Faramir-Ether (at least in my story), but here written out in ink on the body of this fellow.

Let's look some more...

Here we now get a good shot at the chest and neck area of our man:

I will first draw attention to the spider which shows up again on his neck.  With a spider on both the hand and throat, I think we may see here the influence of evil (perhaps even the nature of Ungoliante herself) in the words that will and do come from both the voice of this man, as well as his writing.  Ungoliante was that Being who first stole / destroyed the Light of Aman, and killed the Two Trees, and this man - Brigham Young - is in league with all that she represents.  The Sawtooth Stone, by the way, ties to this because it was hidden and buried prior to those horrible deeds, I believe.

Next, start from his right hand (our left side) and work your way across his upper chest.  You will see three words:  Sink, Friends, Family.  We might be tempted to consider at least the Sink word separately from Friends and Family, but I suggest that we not give into that temptation and see this as one complete phrase... Sink friends family.  This guy doesn't look like much of a friends and family man, so I also suggest he is referring to someone else's family and their friends.  Specifically, I think this is the Family of Light and all of their good friends.  They will go on a voyage across the 'sea' to escape what is on its way for this man, who I think will likely lack a ticket to get on that same voyage.  This man - Brigham - would stop them to sink them and prevent them from rising, as is their right to do.

Next, below on the center of his chest we get more support for this interpretation (in my view).  We have a crown over a jewel.  I think this represents, in my opinion, the Jewel House - the Family of Light, here again.  The Jewels or Beings that Jesus will gather and save.  However, adding the wings to this overall image, we can see another level of interpretation or definition.  This is Faramir-Eonwe - the Jewel Hunter, a Royal Son, and also the Sun of Righteousness. The Holy Ghost.  In Jesus' words to those at Bountiful, he speaks of this person by quoting Malachi (in 3 Nephi 25):

But unto you that fear my name, shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves in the stall.

He also quotes on either end of those words a few things relating to burning, ash, etc. that might also be relevant for our story.

In any case, these symbols bearing Faramir's identity are, again, tattooed or inked on the very Being of Brigham-Omar.  He desires to be this person, and to be and have all that he has.  As I have written before, this goes back all the way to before the creation of this Earth when two Beings stood before God and offered to be "sent", and it was Faramir-Eonwe and not Brigham-Omar who was chosen.  And if he cannot be that Being (though he has not given up on that effort - thus his pursuit of those Keys, as well as what lies beyond it), then he will sink Faramir and his House if he can.  And again, Brigham's motivation for those Keys/ Stones lies in both what and who is on the other side (Heaven and Eowyn), but also in possession of those things change a few elements of the story in his favor, covering up his own sins.  It wouldn't be the first time such attempts have been made, I don't think.

Let's move on...

Further down the line, after some more yelling from this man, we now see him in the fray, but carrying a banner with the emblem of the crossed keys.  

This one is pretty straightforward.  There was and is a banner bearer of Heaven:  Eonwe-Faramir.  But, again, Brigham-Omar-Dairon wanted to play that role, and here he is, living out that fantasy in pursuit of what he probably believes is rightfully his.  I don't doubt that Brigham then, and in whatever form he is in now (as I have written before, I believe he is among us now), has any doubt in his mind that this is his destiny.  How could you, when you have it literally tattooed all over you? He is all in, and thus no repentance, only perdition.

I think we will leave it off there, as we see ultimately what happens to Brigham (he does catch some serious height as he goes down...).  We also see that it is his set of keys, around a chain, are removed from him and fly away.  Any semblance, real or otherwise, of either authority or access to Heaven or with the Family of God is completely removed.  He wanted to be something that he wasn't, and was willing to kill and steal so that he could have it, and this is how it ends for him.

I got tied up more than I thought with work and family things earlier today, so I will leave this off here, knowing that it probably still seems vague - are you seeing what I am seeing?  I don't know.  In identifying Brigham, maybe you can see the other parts of the story, and how they relate to the Keys/ Stones and what is going on.

I do want to cover that man who reads out of the book with the crossed keys.  That will need to be a later post, but I didn't want to leave it off without at least giving him his name:


Thursday, October 26, 2023

Stones and Keys: Run, boy, run!

And a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom, whereon is a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. The new name is the key word.

--D&C 130:11

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

--Matthew 16:18

I am going to try and tie a few things together here and we will see how it goes.  Fingers (and keys) crossed...

Below is the coat of arms of the Holy See.  I took it directly from Vatican City's website:

A description from their website:

The symbolism is drawn from the Gospel and is represented by the keys given to the Apostle Peter by Christ.

The insignia is red with the two keys crossed as the Cross of St. Andrew, one gold and one silver, with the cotter pointed upwards and towards the sides of the shield. Two cords hang from the grips of the keys, usually red or blue.

The shield is surmounted by the tiara or triregnum.

Two ribbons hang from the tiara, each with a patent cross.

Ordinarily the keys have the mechanical part placed up, facing to the right and the left and usually in the form of a cross, not for the mechanisms of a lock, but as a religious symbol. The grips vary according to artistic taste, from the Gothic to the Baroque.

Since the XIV Century, the two crossed keys have been the official insignia of the Holy See. The gold one, on the right, alludes to the power in the kingdom of the heavens, the silver one, on the left, indicates the spiritual authority of the papacy on earth. The mechanisms are turned up towards the heaven and the grips turned down, in other words into the hands of the Vicar of Christ. The cord with the bows that unites the grips alludes to the bond between the two powers.

So, as I look at the coat of arms, it just screams "Sun Moon time", and the connection of the Anor Stone and the Ithil Stone.

Just a few things I notice:

  • You have a gold key (Anor Stone/ El-Anor) and a silver key (Ithil Stone)... obviously
  • The grips of each of the keys are round shaped, like the stones I believe they actually represent.
  • Interestingly the grips (stones) are the part of the key you would hold, and I did write last night that the Stone (and stones generally) were the only way I could think of to shake hands with a thought (more on this in a bit).  
  • The cotter or beam extending out from each of the stones connects or is linked to the other.
  • If you imagine hard enough, you might even see spectacles, something like the Urim and Thummim - stones tied together in a bow. 

Probably other things, too.

Anyway, I think my story of two stones linking with each other and establishing a connection between Heaven and Earth goes along way to explaining what are 'keys', what to do they do, why does tradition have Peter holding two of them, and why are they crossed, etc.  It actually seems to answer these questions quite nicely.

The keys of the kingdom - the ability to access 'Heaven' directly - is in these stones, perhaps.

I won't belabor things... you can look at the image and reflect on the stones, and come to your own conclusions.

I did want to touch on this handshake notion as it relates to my crude analogy of linking my house and the barn together with my ceramically-terminated light-carrying data pathway (fiber optic cables).  There are handshakes that occur in this type of telecommunications set up.  From wikipedia:

In telecommunications, a handshake is an automated process of negotiation between two participants (example "Alice and Bob") through the exchange of information that establishes the protocols of a communication link at the start of the communication, before full communication begins.[1] The handshaking process usually takes place in order to establish rules for communication when a computer attempts to communicate with another device. Signals are usually exchanged between two devices to establish a communication link. For example, when a computer communicates with another device such as a modem, the two devices will signal each other that they are switched on and ready to work, as well as to agree to which protocols are being used.[2]

Anyway, sounds like a decent explanation, in digital/ computer speak, for how I see the stones establishing contact with each other.  Maybe my fiber optic metaphor wasn't so bad after all.

It also is interesting to think of the LDS temple drama.  Not giving too much away (because I don't want to offend, even though I guess I did call them satanic earlier...), the true messengers engage in various handshakes with Adam and Eve (both in the drama as well as with the temple patrons, who are Adam and Eve by proxy) prior to then disclosing additional information and activities associated with that handshake.  It is by the type of the grip of the handshake and the 'sign' associated with it that Adam can know both that the messengers are true and the that their information is valid.  It works the other way also, with Adam needing to provide the handshake and signs in order to ultimately enter heaven.   

And it all seems to tie to these stones.  Apparently all who enter the 'celestial kingdom' have to have one, so there might be something here.  We will have to see.

Run, boy, run!

My daughter is a dancer, and in the spring of 2021 her dance studio put on their end of the year performance.  One of the dance routines (not my daughter's) featured a song called "Run, Boy, Run!", but Woodkid.  I had never heard the song before.  It was catchy, and the routine was very well done, so it really caught me attention and it stayed on my mind.

Later that night at home, I got this strong desire to pull up the music video for the song.  I actually battled this for quite some time, as this was 2021 and I was right in the thick of it.  After white-knuckling it for awhile, I finally gave in and pulled up the music video. 

It starts with this:

That's right.  That is an LDS/ Mormon temple.  The Bern Switzerland Temple to be exact (a replica of it, anyway).  As soon as I saw this come up, I knew I was screwed.  I didn't want to watch, but I couldn't look away.  You'll notice that it doesn't have its Angel Moroni on top, which should make Moroni-Gandalf somewhat happy.

The video goes on to show a boy running from the temple as fast as he can.  He is alone and scared and keeps looking back to see if anyone is following him.  

At sometime during his run, the boy is no longer running away from the temple and whatever he is afraid of, but now he is running toward something, which we get brief views of.  At about the 2:30 mark of the video, we finally see what it is that the boy is running to, and it is introduced with this image:

There are those keys, but just flipped, and we find out that the boy is running toward what seems to be Heaven... or at least a great, white city in the clouds.

Anyway, I will let you watch for yourselves and see what stands out to you.  One of my personal favorites is the scene of the flying ship at the end (starting around the 3 minute mark):

I am sure there are bunch of other things you can find here if you look, and listen.  Here is the video:

Additionally, the phrase "Run, boy, run!" comes from the musical Camelot, when King Arthur tells a young boy by the name of Tom of Warwick, who he has just knighted right there on the spot, to run from the battlefield so that he can keep the dream of Camelot alive.

Camelot and the myth of King Arthur factors into C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy books, and so I bring that up here as I will turning to Lewis in a little bit as I try to make headway on this whole thing about worlds, promised lands, etc.

However, that will not be next post.  The song and video of "Run, Boy, Run!" actually has a prequel, or at least I found it after I found this video, and so consider it a prequel.  It gives a little more context and background on the boy's situation, and I am going to turn there next.

The song is called "Iron" if you want to preview it for yourself.

A quick follow-up on syncs

Two posts in one day... 

After I hit publish on the Michael Jackson post earlier today, I went over to William Tychonievich's blog since I hadn't been there yet and I have been checking in mostly every day to see what is new there.

He had published a few new posts, and in one of them he made a reference to what I wrote that had me a bit worried that maybe I hadn't been clear or had stated something wrong.  So, I wanted to clarify, and then potentially use the clarification to illustrate a few of my thoughts and where I stand on some things.

In his post, "I know I pioneered some things, no doubt. I'm not really sure how I feel about it", he says this

William Wright mentions at one point becoming rather distressed by the invasion of the sync fairies into his life, and that playing a role in his decision to stop blogging. I know of at least two other cases in which readers of this blog have ended up with psychological issues with a little help from my friends. Is it irresponsible of me to share all this stuff so openly? I was bred en bawn in a brier-patch, but for those less accustomed to high strangeness it can be rather shattering.

It was his comment that I was 'rather distressed' that caught my attention, and then when he went on to liken it to psychological issues developed with other readers of his blog and seeming to imply that the strangeness was shattering to both them and me, due to some level of not being accustomed.

I went back to what I wrote to see if I had given that impression - that these Sync Fairies were distressing to me, because if I did I wanted to clear that up.

In looking back on the post, I didn't see any reference to that level of distress that warranted psychological issues or an aversion to strangeness.  I think what I write about is pretty strange.  I did say that these Fairies were partially responsible for my stopping (which is true - also meaning not the only reason) and that they had bothered (meaning, annoyed) me the more I thought about their approach, particularly in the last week.

As I have tried to be very open about in several of my posts, I developed extremely severe psychological issues long before I heard of William or had any encounter with the Beings who seem interested in making connections between our thoughts and words.  Those psychological issues developed from the weight of weirdness and activity that really a few synchronicities that have happened recently don't hold a candle to.  I have alluded to some things, but not many others.  2019 - 2022 was the strangest, most distressing time of my life, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  Compared to that, these Sync Fairies are not distressing in the least.

So, the types of things going on don't seem unusual to me.  What did seem a bit unusual is that these Beings were kind of annoying, somewhat pushy, and their intentions are not clear to me.  I experienced this a bit in my own interactions with them, and one only needs to read William's blog to see the kind of compulsive behavior they can generate.

And its not my first time with much of this type of thing, or with Beings who display these types of abilities.     Here is an example I don't mind sharing because I also used it with those in the U of M psychiatry department as I was trying to get answers as to what happened to me:

When I was engaged in working with my friend in early 2020 as we were both receiving just a steady flow of words in these strange languages, one night I had a dream where I saw a collage of the word 'Why?" all around.  I mean, like all sorts of sizes and shapes of this word just plastered all over the field of my vision.  The next day, I am sure I had other words to share with him since we were doing this on a daily basis, and then I mentioned this dream of the "Why's".  My friend thought this was interesting because at that time I was having this dream, he was lying awake in bed just asking "Why" questions over and over in his mind - things like, why is this happening, why are we having these words delivered like this, etc.  We determined that in some manner I somehow saw visually in my sleep these questions he was asking.  Telepathy?  Some spirit or Being linking our minds?  Some cheap parlor trick where a Being was aware my friend was asking those questions, and then inserting the Why's into my sleep?  I don't know.

I used that as one of many examples in my initial psychiatric treatment.  If what I went through was just a prolonged psychotic episode, what is the scientific explanation for something like that (assuming neither of us is lying)? 

In any case, I was more interested in this kind of stuff back then and willing to let it pretty much take over my life when I was desperate and didn't have answers to a lot of the really, really weird stuff that was happening (not captured in this blog) and I thought "doing" something or figuring things out was paramount.  It did take over my life, actually. 

And I have been down enough dead-ends to say with some level of knowledge that just because a Being knows something, and perhaps lots of things, and makes you feel like you know lots of things, or that they can show power or ability in some impressive fashion, even syncs, this doesn't make them your friend, necessarily.

As I wrote in an earlier post on Lehi and the man in the white robe, this very lesson is one the Lehi had to learn the hard way in his vision, and it is one that I also learned, and am not interested in repeating.

Joseph Smith, in advice that sounds absurd today, gave some pretty detailed instructions on how to tell if a heavenly messenger who visits us can be detected as Good or Evil.  You can find them in D&C 129.  The issue we face today, of course, is that Beings like those behind these syncs don't seem interested in making themselves known in bodily form.  How do you shake hands with a thought or a sync?  I don't have a clear answer to that, other than the Stone.

If there is anything that can be salvaged from Brigham Young's likely satanic temple ceremonies, one is the notion that waiting for true messengers is really what it is about in our fallen and confused world.  How do we know if they are true?  That is the query Adam found himself in in that drama.  The short answer is that they come with names, signs, and tokens -  whatever those are.  My feeling now is that there is something quite literal that survived in those temple plays.  Adam, of course, is Michael, the same Being I believe who will receive some Stones from some messengers.  I think these will be some of the tokens, and they will have names, signs, and miracles associated with them (like El-Anor).

Someday, someone will have a stone and a story that will allow them to slip past those angels that stand as sentinels that Mormons learn about in their temples.  We have for too long assumed those sentinels are Good Guys.  I tend to think of them more now as prison guards.  I had a dream about this once.  It was a curious one and somewhat confusing before I started developing more of my thoughts on Brigham Young (that he is evil).

In the dream, I was standing in a long white hall.  At the end of the hall was Steve Young.  For non-Americans (or those who aren't American football fans), Steve Young is both a descendent of Brigham Young and a famous Hall of Fame quarterback in the NFL.  He stood standing very still like a statue and staring straight ahead with glowing eyes.  I found myself transported to just below Young, in that I was suddenly at the end of the hall crouched down at his feet, but didn't recall walking down the hall to get there.

He continued to stare straight ahead down the hall with those glowing eyes.  "He can't see me!" I thought to myself in relief, and I found that there was an open door off the hallway to my right (Young's left), and I quickly slipped through.

I found myself in a large white room, and around the room were tables of puzzles and games.  I was only in there briefly before waking up, but I found that I was able to solve any puzzle or game I picked up with ease.

A lot to think about there, but I just use it to illustrate that I take the need to get past angels/ guards in order to reach a different place as perhaps more literal than most (and that there are angels and Beings of power who want nothing more than to confuse and trap us).  It is these stones - the Sawtooth Stone,  El-Anor, etc. - that will allow us to escape, I think.

In any case, that is a bit of a tangent, but not fully.  Maybe the Sync Fairies have something more to say on the topic of stones, maybe they don't.  All I know is that without a Stone and other tokens, I am not sure it is required to listen to them, or devote your life to them, at least.  Only if you want to, and I found myself not really wanting to.  They seemed to have really latched onto my writing, and so I thought maybe not writing was one way they could bother someone else for a bit, while I waited for a Stone to pop up somewhere.

I also had Beings of the human kind very interested in my writing at the same time and using it as a means to support their own stories about themselves.  That was actually another contributing factor to my not writing more, and may have actually been a bigger factor than the syncs.  My intent wasn't to confuse people or to have them dig in on potentially harmful beliefs, and I felt that perhaps I was unintentionally doing that.

And it was a good little break, and probably good timing also for a few reasons (work, farm, kids, etc.)

So, with the Sync Fairies, I am interested, curious, but somewhat skeptical of their intentions and whether they actually have anything good or of value to share.  My skepticism has grown.  Lately, William has mentioned being led to some videos that he is also now syncing.  I watched part of the first one, and then left it.  The individual used psychedelic mushrooms to induce spiritual experiences, and frankly this goes against everything I understand to be good.  It even goes against assumptions behind the name of this blog.

I had written of my theory that our 'coat of skins' were actually bodies that had to be made by Eru-Jesus himself following Man's fall and subsequent death.  The bodies created (the coats of skins) would serve as a shield and protection for their wearers from evil forces, so long as those bodies were not defiled.  My own view is that once you start purposefully chemically altering your body and brain in order to induce these kinds of experiences (with anything other than the Juice, of course!), you are forfeiting that protection and inviting something into your life you probably shouldn't.  I have no doubt that the individual had encounters with real Beings.  I doubt very much that those Beings were Good or mean him well in any manner.

The fact that the syncs led William there to those videos puts another demerit on their intentions, in my book.  One could reply that they also led him to my blog, and making connections here, so does that potentially put this stuff in the same category?  It would be a good question, and I guess that is something he and others would have to sort out with their sync friends.

Anyway, that turned out longer than I thought it was going to.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Michael Jackson and the Stone

Michael Jackson has come up in my dreams twice over the past few weeks, with the second time being this morning.  

There seems to be this whole "Michael" thing going on right now.  In terms of where Michael has come up before in my own posts (in addition to my mention of the St. Michael connection yesterday with the Sync Fairies), I expressed my opinion that Michael was yet another name for Faramir-Eonwe-Enoch-Abinadi-etc., (also the Holy Ghost) in this post revisiting the story of two Beings asking to be the 'sent one' .  This honestly starts to feel like we are grouping a lot of incarnations onto one person, bordering on too much, but that is where things are in my mind.  Who knows if it stays that way.  

In any case, Michael becomes important in my story because if he is also these other identities, that means that it is he who will be using the Sawtooth and Anor Stones.  My first dream left some room for interpretation as to whether Michael Jackson was really referenced.  I guessed he was based on the clues, and they were kind of funny to me in thinking about them, but it wasn't really definitive.  The dream this morning seemed to make me think that I did, in fact, understand and interpret things correctly, so I figured that would be my topic for the day.  Other worlds will have to wait.

I will actually start with my dream this morning, and work back to the first dream, primarily because there isn't much to this recent dream.  It was very short.  There were other things going on before and after, but they kind of slipped my mind and I didn't really hold on to them.  The Michael Jackson reference, however, was very clear.

In my dream, I found myself looking at pages in a book.  The book itself looked to be scriptures of some kind, because they were divided into columns and verses as one would find with a typical set of scriptures, whether a Bible, Book of Mormon, or whatever.  My vision zoomed on particular verse, and I was able to make out writing that went, "... thus the Lord, Michael T. Jackson...".   There was other writing, but I don't remember it.

When I woke up, I looked up Michael Jackson's name, and his middle initial is J for Joseph, not T, and as of right now I have no idea as to why it was T in my dream.  I did take away a few things, however.  First, the way the name was written - with a middle initial, which is a very Mormon thing that is done with their Leadership or General Authorities.  For example,  Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, etc.  Second, that the name was in a religious setting like scriptures, accompanied by 'Lord'.  And third, that the name was Michael Jackson, as this brought to mind immediately my dream from a couple weeks ago, which was also in a church setting.  

Here is then that earlier, first dream:

I found myself walking into the foyer of an LDS/ Mormon church building.  As I then began to enter the chapel, I noticed that I was pushing a rather large baby stroller.  It was definitely a baby stroller, but it was huge and almost in the shape of a box.  It was black in color, and it looked to me almost like a shroud.  And as I noticed this, I also recognized that the stroller was indeed blocking both my ability to see directly at whatever was in the stroller, as well as anybody else's chance to see.  Whatever was in the baby stroller was completely hidden.

As I walked into the chapel, I then became aware that I was really late for church and the meeting had already started.  All eyes were on me as I entered.  The chapel was already full, and so I had no choice but to walk past the back pews and head into the cultural hall.  For those not familiar with LDS chapels, there is usually a fairly large curtain or divider of sorts that separates the main chapel from what they call a cultural hall behind it.  A cultural hall is really just a gym, typically, with basketball hoops and sometimes a stage depending on the size of the meeting house.  Anyway, when the chapel fills up, they will open the divider and set up some chairs in the gym for extra seating.  That is where I was headed with this gigantic black baby stroller.

As I went to find a seat in the very back, I made eye contact with the brother of a girl I had grown up with and gone on a few dates with in high school but never actually dated.  Their family was also apparently in the back of the cultural hall.  He gave me this smile like there was some kind of inside joke I was supposed to be in on.

I found my seat, and pulled the stroller next to me.  It was at this point that I looked down at my legs and became mortified at what I saw.  I was wearing black pants with hems falling much higher up my lower legs than I would generally wear.  I also wore matching black shoes.  So far this is relatively OK, though I would have preferred longer pants (and not black pants).  What shocked me, though, was that I was wearing bright white socks, which I thought made me look ridiculous, particularly since my hems were so high and they really stood out.  I would typically have worn black socks or some other darker color.  I tried to pull down my hems as much as I could to cover the socks, but that obviously didn't work.   The last thing I remember before waking up was having a strong desire to get up and leave because of how stupid I must have looked.

Immediately after waking up, I believed I knew the meaning of the baby stroller, but did not really have a clue as to my outfit with the white socks.  So, I will cover the stroller first here, and then get into the socks.

I believe that the Sawtooth Stone is the thing that was in that stroller.  To understand why I think this, I have to share some additional words and some context around them.

As I have written about in recent posts, I was not really fully aware of timing around the Sawtooth Stone until diving back into some of those older words just last month and writing out my thoughts.  As articulated in those posts (you can reference them - they are a lot of the September posts, I believe, though I tried to summarize an overall timeline in that "that's a wrap" post I wrote before my break),  I have Asenath defeating the 'Son of Baal-ox' likely around April 20 or 21, 2020.  Sometime between those dates and May 7, the Stone was recovered.  In my earlier post on the Stone Couriers I wondered out loud whether the Stone wasn't moved until the next year because they were still trying to find and/or extract it, but I am now (as of today) fairly confident the retrieval happened quickly and during that time frame.

Why?  Because of some additional dialogue captured during that time.

As a reminder, my own written records of that time (April and May 2020) end on April 22.  That is when my electronic file ends, and I burned all of my notebooks.  So, this next bit is from memory.  My words were given to the person mentioned in my post yesterday (which I will provide additional context around), as well as the other person I had been working more closely with.  I say that again just because they would have more detail as to the exact date and whether my memory of the phrases themselves is accurate (I believe it is, by the way).

So, onward...

It was likely either May 1 or 2 (but again, could have been a few days earlier or later... the important thing is it happened sometime between Asenath's confrontation in April and May 7), I captured this phrase:

Yor El

30 pounds, 8 inches

Wait for it

At that time, and after thinking on it for a bit, I did understand it to refer to the Stone, but again not knowing, or at least guessing at, everything I have since about what the Stone actually is.  'El' means 'Star', so pretty straightforward.  'Yor' I understood as a play on words between English and Elvish.  'Yor' sounding just like the English 'Your', but also in Elvish meaning potentially either "enclosed/ bounded" or potentially "old/ancient".  I lean toward the latter as being what was meant, and so we have "Your ancient Star (Stone)". Or it could be both, and something like "Your ancient enclosed Star (Stone)".

The second line simply gives the dimensions of the Stone.  I will go into this a bit more on how it ties to the baby stroller, but will also say here that remember in the dialogue with the Couriers where they were given the Stone (that post here) that there was a remark about the size being something like a cantaloupe, and thinking on this now an 8-inch diameter would be consistent with a medium-size cantaloupe.

And then it closes with an injunction to whomever is being addressed to wait for this 'it', and I take that to mean the Stone itself.

OK, back to the pounds and inches of the Stone and how that relates to a baby stroller.  This actually ties in to my commentary/ confessional at the end of yesterday's post regarding my visit with the unnamed person the evening before I went to the hospital.  Because I still don't want to write the name, but this part of the story is critical for why a baby stroller was seen in my dream, I will just call that person *Doug* so I don't have to keep writing about how I don't want to write their name.  So, up to that time I mentioned that I had never had a conversation with Doug.  I had, however, exchanged many emails.  I say exchange, but it was usually one-way thing.  He was very interested in me sharing all of the words I was getting with him, and eventually set up a spreadsheet that I (and then also the other person who started to have similar experiences) were to use to drop in our words.  At various periods I had reservations about this or felt uneasy, and so would go into fits and starts about sharing things.  But, there was no one else who even believed that this was a real thing, and I was really confused, so it was a tough situation.

By the time I ended up speaking with him on the evening of May 6, I hadn't shared my words for a bit of time.  Part of why the conversation was so long was because I ended up sharing all of the latest stuff from my notebooks that I hadn't forwarded to him.  There was quite a lot of stuff.  It was actually in the course of doing this that I started to feel ill and that this whole thing had been a mistake.  And in hindsight it was stupid, but in my defense I was in a fair amount of distress at that point already.

Anyway, part of the words shared would have been the 'Yor El' reference, and when we got to the weight and length, Doug made a comment that the way it was phrased sounded like how you would announce a baby being born - weight and height statistics.  When he said that, I remember thinking that this sounded exactly right.

Flashing forward to the present and my dream, I believe that this is why I was pushing a stroller.  That weight and height was in fact a reference to the 'birth' or retrieval of that Stone sometime at the end of April/ early May.  The Stone as a newborn baby.  I also will share additional words in a future post that seem to indicate the 'birth' of this Stone was made aware to some as a sign in 'Heaven' (our Earth being in the sky for those individuals, and so people inhabiting another world seeing this Star or Stone born on our Earth in their sky or in their heavens ... if that makes sense).

So, the Stone was being pushed into the church in a baby stroller that also acted as a shroud.  A few things that stood out to me about this part of the dream:

First, it was late and church had already started.  Meaning, potentially, the Stone is/ will be a late comer to the world of Mormonism.  Secondly, and building on this, there was no room in the chapel for it.  The church was full, and so the Stone was relegated to the very back cultural hall (but, I guess, still kind of within or connected to the church somehow).  Lastly, it was shrouded, and although people could see a person pushing it into the church, they could not see the Stone itself.  As in, they were aware of its presence and existence, but could not see it.

There are likely other meanings, and even more accurate ones, but that was my initial take.

But, now those white socks.

I didn't clue in on this until a few days later as I was thinking about it on and off.  And then it hit me - Michael Jackson!  I was dressed up as Michael Jackson in that dream, in his iconic high-water black pants with white socks and black shoes.  Here is an image of the King of Pop himself in the look I am describing:

When I thought of it, it seemed to make sense because again we have this reference to 'Michael', or in other words Faramir-Ether-etc., who will have the Stone. 

The other thought that hits me right now as I type is that those white socks that Michael Jackson wore were made iconic in his famous 'Moonwalk' dance move, and I have mentioned in other posts that Faramir will indeed go on a 'moonwalk' of sorts.   This also ties with a song that I had going on in my head both yesterday and this morning called "One Foot" by a band called none other than "Walk the Moon".  Is that you, Fairies?  

For kicks, here is Michael's first moonwalk (or so the video poster says):

In any case, it made sense when I thought of it, but it was iffy enough where I didn't really know for sure.  Maybe I was making too much of it.  But then I had the dream this morning referencing Michael Jackson (Michael T. Jackson, I guess, more accurately), and I kind of took it as supporting this interpretation.

So, Michael (Jackson) in possession of a shrouded, newly-born Stone entering church a little late, and having to take a seat in the back, but likely with some things to say.  Who knows, maybe he entered a Fast and Testimony meeting and can find a chance to head on up to the pulpit (for those not familiar, this is a meeting where there is essentially an open microphone and anybody can go up to speak).

I mentioned that Walk the Moon song earlier.  Here that is also.