Friday, July 28, 2023

Sawtooth Mountains and the Stone

I had indicated in my earlier posts on the Stone (I am not sure what else to call it at this point) that I believed that the part of the prophecy that it would be cut out of a mountain without (human) hands had already occurred.

I thought I might put down a thought or two on that since it seemed like a good time to return to the topic.  As with other things, this isn't necessarily a comprehensive or completely accurate accounting of things - just me trying to piece some things together.

It also sounds absurd, so that is another reason to put this down sooner in my thought downloads than later - at least any reader who comes across this collection of writings will know what they are getting into from somewhere closer to the start.  

On March 31, 2020, a fairly significant earthquake struck within a semi-remote mountain range in the state of Idaho known as the Sawtooth Mountains.  Aftershocks continued in the area throughout the summer and into August.  I believe it is within those mountains that the Stone was found and recovered, having been buried there prior to even the first age of this earth, as I understand things - going all the way back to the Years of the Trees.  In other words, it is a very old stone.  It was prepared in the very first of days to come forth in the very last of days.

How it would come to be in Idaho, of all places, or at least understanding why that would be the case is just a matter of understanding what (and who) used to reside over the North American continent in the days of old.  Certain lands used to be here, associated with the Earth, but were taken away as a result of the Numenoreans' mad assault on both Eressea and Valinor.  These lands I will simply group together as part of the continent known as 'Aman' in Tolkien's writings.  This continent lay to the west of Middle Earth, and for our purposes, I will place it roughly or associated it with where the current North American continent is.

As Silmarillion readers would also know, the Years of the Trees ended with Melkor and Ungoliant destroying the trees, as well as many other things of light.  I think there is potentially significant symbolism here with the light of the trees representing truth and knowledge, and when these things were destroyed, there was a darkness - even in heaven - that would never fully be cured.  Yes, there were the Silmarils, containing the light of the Trees, and the thought was that planting these might in fact replace the Light lost, but that did not come to pass.

And so a void came to be made greater, and certain things were lost.  As Joseph Smith wrote (in words he associated to a heavenly messenger) - light and truth forsake the evil one, but the evil one takes away light and truth.  I wrote previously on the Fall of Men, but with the destruction of the trees, we have here the very real and terrible reality of the Fall of Heaven, where even the Gods were left with diminished light (a loss of truth and knowledge that has yet to be fully restored).

I believe that the Stone was prepared prior to the destruction of the trees, in Valinor itself.  Since Valinor used to reside over the North American continent, it then just naturally follows that the Stone, if left behind (which I believe it was), would be found here.  Idaho just happened to be where.

So, it was found, but not without difficulty extracted.  The redemption of the God's children and the destruction of their enemies is written on that Stone, and although I would guess a majority of evil beings are not aware of this fact, yet there are some who were and are.  There were delays in obtaining the Stone (once it was located), with evil and seemingly very powerful Beings holding up forces of Good in bearing it away.

Ultimately, the Holy Ghost herself (I am speaking of the female individual in this case) condescended to overthrow those who were blocking the Stone, thus enabling those entrusted with its care to remove it.

This is my guess at events during that 2020 time period based on things I was working through, more or less.  I was not aware of the earthquakes overlapping that time frame until later, and I have included them in my overall narrative 'after the fact', assuming that they were both associated with the struggle between Beings, as well as perhaps the movement of earth and elements in order to access the buried Stone.

I don't have a guess where the Stone is now, only that it isn't buried in its ancient burial place anymore.

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