Wednesday, July 19, 2023

The Seer from 2 Nephi 3 as the one who will use Daniel's stone

OK, taking a break from evil things for now... back to a better topic building on the earlier Stone post regarding Daniel 2.

So a Stone comes forth.  Someone needs to use it, however, and that person by definition would be a seer.  In finding the people of Limhi in their captivity to the Lamanites, Ammon gave that definition (the seers are those who use stone) to Limhi when they ask him about the records they found and whether he can translate.  Ammon says that there is a way to translate them, and it is through the interpreters or stones that the king of his people back in Zarahemla possesses.  Looking through them, one can interpret languages and records, but even more, one can see of the past and the future - all things will be revealed by seers, and they will bring hidden things to light.

The one who will use this stone cut out of the mountain, then, will be a seer.  My own perspective is that this seer will be the same one mentioned by Lehi in quoting Joseph (of Egypt) to his own son Joseph. 

Joseph says that he has received a promise that a seer will be raised up who will be given specific commandments by God (which will be followed exactly, apparently) and ultimately what God will bring about by the hand of this seer will bring Joseph's people specifically, and Israel more broadly, to 'salvation'.  It will be a redeeming and restorative work.

Since very early on its inception, Mormonism has interpreted the seer mentioned as being Joseph Smith.  So prevalent is this interpretation that in their canonized version of the Book of Mormon, the section heading states that it is Joseph Smith being referred to.

These guesses came about, I imagine by the the fact that Joseph Smith had some stones, he interpreted the Book of Mormon by them, apparently, and his name was Joseph, just as Joseph of Egypt seemed to suggest his name would be.

It seems a reasonable guess.

However, what the seer was to accomplish, as briefly mentioned above and outlined more specifically in 2 Nephi 3, never really materialized with Joseph Smith, and this - the results, or lack thereof, in relation to what was promised - ought to at least give people pause in fully committing to this guess without exploring other possibilities.

What Jesus said about his own words that Mormon was including from his teachings at Bountiful also ought to make one reconsider whether the Book of Mormon is the same thing that Joseph of Egypt mentions as being the words that would accomplishing so many great things.  When Mormon thought of including all of what Jesus taught, the clear answer was that only a lesser portion be included with the intent of 'trying' the faith of those reading them.  Meaning, the Book of Mormon may have been more of an introduction, an opening salvo, to see and test just how ready Men were for God's work to truly commence, rather than being the book that signaled it has begun.

So, if not Joseph, then who?  I don't know, for sure, just that I think it is someone else, and that this seer along with this stone have yet to do the work that has been prophesied.  We are still waiting for the answer to that question, then.

I do, however, think that the identity of the seer is the same servant that Jesus talks about when he taught the people at Bountiful (see 3 Nephi, and perhaps Chapters 20 and 21 more specifically).  A servant that will be 'exalted and extolled [lifted up] and be very high' (meaning the same thing as 'raised up' as mentioned in Joseph of Egypt's words... a term I know Mormons assume means born or raised like a child, but they might want to reconsider that in this other light).  The servant/ seer will tell of things unknown and unconsidered, work wonders, be marred at some point, and will also lead a gathering of God's people out of the land (and be just as Moses in this way), as well as cutting off all of their enemies.

It will be by and through this Stone cut from a mountain (primarily, there will be other gifts and others bearing and using them, I think) that this seer will accomplish these things - a magical gift preserved and prepared for this purpose.

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