Friday, July 26, 2024

"Asenath to return in with us": Placing Tirion in Sirius

It seems that Verlu was keeping Joseph from leaving, or at least contributing to the problem in some way that isn't quite clear other than we she may have used their previous (and potentially still existing, at least on her end?) marriage, and she apparently knew quite a lot, from what Joseph had taught her.

That is what I have from the statement on February 14th, 2020.

The following day, on February 15th, there is mention of Asenath, which is one other clue I have that we have the overall general idea correct in that the ongoing discussion during this timeline centers on Joseph and that effort.  Here is the phrase from that day:

February 15, 2020
Asenath to return in with us is gwil tiliant dor ansir

The first part is at least helpfully English, but not very understandable.  Translating the rest of the phrase might make it more so.  Starting with is I take the rest of the phrase as Elvish, and meaning something like this:

she to sail shiniest blue star land today

The mention of a blue star is interesting here, given that Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, and which also happens to be blue, has come up several times before.  Could this be a reference to that star?  It is possible.  Let's just say I don't have any other better guesses at the moment.

Til is actually considered a proper noun for a Star in Tolkien's lexicon, at least per Eldamo.  Further, a note captured on Tolkien Gateway indicates that somebody (it isn't clear who, from what I quickly scanned) seems to think that Til is a 'small star near Sirius'.   

Til comes from root word Tili, which means 'to shine blue'.  Thus, my own guess is that Til might actually BE Sirius, and therefore my guess above that Tiliant also refers to Sirius.   In looking at how I got "shiniest blue star" in my translation, -iant can be a superlative ending in Elvish.  So, if Til is "to shine blue", it seems Tiliant would be something like "shiniest blue", and the fact that Til is a star gives me that final phrase.

So, Asenath is to return "in" with whomever the speaker is, and that appears to be something happening in the present - today or now (from ansir), as of February 15th.

My first guess had been that this is a statement about the future, that the Rescuers on Earth, or the Disciples - one of these parties - is referring to Asenath's future descent to our world in April as part of the Sawtooth expedition.  But that wouldn't be considered 'now' as of February 15th - that is still two months away at that point.  I guess 'now' could be different for them, but we have seen ansir or now come up before in relation to the darkening of the Anor Stone.  In that instance, it seems that now or today really meant that day, not some time a couple months down the road.

So, it must be that Asenath has been in one place, and is now, at that time, travelling to join whoever is speaking these words at wherever they are.  Again, one of the more frustrating aspects to these words is not necessarily having a good idea as to who is speaking, and trying to map the various dialogues to different people and places.  In this instance, it is further compounded by the fact that we don't necessary know if she is sailing to Sirius (or wherever this Blue Star is) or from it to somewhere else.  Whoever the speaker is seems to be speaking from wherever it is that she would be travelling to.  If we knew where that was, that might also help identify the speaker, though maybe not.

My own sense is that she is sailing to this Shiniest Blue Star, and not from it.  This is based simply on the fact that Sirius and a Blue Star has come up enough in terms of specific things and symbols, that there is something to it.  My guess is that place she is headed to is also the same place as Tirion, since in my current timeline and story she will be visited by the Disciples after the bring back Joseph on March 10 (a little over 3 weeks later) and that place is Tirion.  So, up until February 15th, she was somewhere else.  Where was she?  Perhaps at her home by Eressea #1.  That would seem to make the most sense.  From there she would have journeyed over to Tirion, and the Disciples and John would have met her there with Joseph less than a month later on March 10.

If this is so, then the speaker in these particular words are neither the Disciples nor The Germans, but whoever is then in Sirius or where this shiny blue star is (it is "us", so a group of people).  Perhaps this communication is letting the Rescuers know what is happening on their end, and updating on Asenath's latest movements and thus where to meet up?  I am not sure, obviously.

As an aside, things in Tirion may not be 100% great, just as with Eressea.  Remember that the Disciples remark, after seeing for themselves what the situation looks like, that Asenath is holding or defending a place there in some amount of darkness in hopes for the "Jewel House" to be "made White" or to Shine.  This place I have further suggested corresponds with Adam-ondi-Ahman.

The implication here for us, stepping away from words on a page, is that the physical location of Tirion (and thus Adam-ondi-Ahman) - if we were to place it somewhere currently in our universe - would be Sirius, in this line of thinking.  A planet or something in that area, I guess.  I hadn't really thought that through until now, in the actual process of writing this post, but that is where this whole train of thought leads me.  Does that ultimately work?  I have no idea, but Sirius and Blue Stars have come enough for me to consider it pretty seriously.  

I do like the idea because of this "Twin" theme that also keeps coming up, and here we have Tirion, one of the Twin Cities (Jerusalem and New Jerusalem), hat would currently be part of a Twin Star system.  Why not.

Another clue that we might be onto something?  Star Wars (of course).

Star Wars imagery has come up quite here and there on this blog and in my thinking.  Sirius is a binary star system, meaning it is comprised of two stars:  Sirius A and B.  Star Wars begins on the desert planet of Tatooine.  This is where we find Luke Skywalker, whose name is relevant for a few reasons that I've mentioned in the past, I think, including this notion of Sky Walkers that seems to keep coming up (Beings actually walking in the sky... with appropriate footwear).

Tatooine, as many of you know, is a planet that is in a binary star system as well.  I don't know - could be a hint.  Neither of them are blue, though.  Strikingly, and perhaps even better, however, they are White and Red.  Ithil Stone and the Sawtooth Stone symbolism, potentially.

Quick update thought (2 minutes after posting):

It occurred to me that we might have multiple speakers here in that February 15 phrase, and that the multiple languages hint at this.  Meaning, it may be that the English is one speaker, and that this Being would be the one living in Tirion / Sirius/ The Shiny Blue Star.  In effect saying Asenath is coming to join us.  The Elvish could then be one of The Germans or The Disciples passing on the news to the rest of their group that Asenath is sailing for the Blue Star.  This seems like it could make sense, and again might be the reason for the two different languages to designate two different speakers and locations.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Numenorean Pandas, Finn-iest adverts, and never say no to a panda

I couldn't pass this one up.

Yesterday, Bruce Charlton, one of William Tychonievich's blogger friends, wrote a post titled "Never say no to a panda...", in which he included a link to advertisements from Egypt featuring a panda who terrorizes people who choose not to eat his cheese.  Here is a screen capture of his post, and you will see at the end of my own post why I wanted to capture the image in case he went back and changed it.

Well, there are definitely some things to look into here.

It should strike any reader here that we are dealing with a "pied" animal in the mighty Panda.  Pied as in the classical term of Black and White.  While not really mentioned too much lately on this blog, we can go back to the Pied Piper of Hamelin for some symbolism here.  The Pied Piper first showed up here on my birthday post just a little over a year ago now, titled "National Rat Catcher's Day", because apparently my birthday does indeed fall on that illustrious holiday thanks to the poet Robert Browning.

I didn't know that Pied meant Black and White, however, at the time of that post.  That realization would not come until earlier this year in March, and I included this in part of my post "The Pi-ed Piper".  In the post, I also tied this back to Pi (the symbol), the Kirtland Temple, other Pied Animals, Steve Miller's Abracadabra, and a whole host of other random things - the works, basically.  Later posts brought in the WWE symbolism of The Rock dressed up in his Pied Vest, and that whole storyline with Roman Reigns was fun to follow.

Throughout this, I have associated the person of Faramir-Eonwe as this "Pied Piper" character, sometimes very explicitly so, also bringing in other Pied things that connected in various ways (e.g., Orcas, Black and White Rabbits, Oreo cookies - you name it).  Later, I would also include Peter-Pharazon as potentially being represented as a Pied Being. 

I went through that background just as a reminder that pied animals have been symbolically linked to the Faramir-Eonwe character for some time - this isn't something I am just doing now because of this recent post by Bruce.  Anyone ever watch Braveheart, by the way?  I have this urge right now to go full-on William Wallace (another WW) and start calling him The Bruce...

Back to things that matter like psychopathic Pandas.

I am going to suggest - shockingly - that this Panda we see here represents Faramir as well.  I know, you didn't see that coming. 

The fact that this is a Panda from Egypt is our first clue.  In addition to the long standing association of Pied things with specific characters here on this blog, Egypt is right up there for being also consistently associated with something else:  Numenor.   Tolkien himself associated Egypt with Numenor, and I have been pretty clear in various thoughts and writings that in many instances when we are dealing with things such as Joseph Smith's Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language (GAEL), in my opinion by Egypt we really mean Numenor.

So, we have this Numenorean Panda.  We know Numenor is associated with Peter-Pharazon for sure, but does Numenor have anything to do with Faramir?  It sure does.  Not only as his former role of Eonwe in helping to establish that land, but also later he would be explicitly tied to it by both Gandalf and Eowyn (beyond just the general fact that Gondor was established by Numenoreans, and thus many of its people were their descendents, from various lines and houses).  Gandalf would acknowledge the strong Numenorean "blood" running in him, as well as in Denethor (but strangely not in Boromir).  Eowyn would refer to him as being of the race of Numenor after she let him out of the friendzone.

Panda is an interesting word.  It's French, apparently. or at least a French take on a Nepalese name, from what I gather.  I had a hard time following the explanation I had read, actually, so we are going to treat it as Elvish for right now, because we can.

Panda as an entire Elvish word means "Enclosure", but not just any enclosure - on Eldamo, it is classified under "circular enclosures".  Further, Panda is awfully close to Panta, which one meaning has "to write a book", and also something like "to open".  Beating this horse further to death, breaking Panda down into parts of Pan and Da, we get something like "to arrange or set in order high".   Fairly relevant terms or actions for Faramir, at least in terms of what we have explored here.  I am not going to go into all of them because they are here on this blog, but take "Enclosure".  Faramir (since he is Zhera') will loosen or enlarge the girdle of Arda, whatever that specifically means.  Per Etymonline, Girdle comes from the root Gher which means "to enclose".  And there has been mention of writing books, and setting some things in order in a high place, etc., in some of my other posts.

Nonsense, you say.  This is a too much of a stretch.  Well, I will point you to my strongest evidence that there is something here to help us see a story, and it comes from Bruce's own typo.

You'll note that it appears he meant to type "Funniest" but instead wrote "Finniest".  Well, you should all know what Finn or Fin means in Elvish by now - yes, hair, but more specifically, this is a name for Finwe.

I have not yet written the post that I said I would try and get to (maybe this is a nudge?), but have stated in a few instances recently that my guess is Eonwe would become Finarfin while still in Valinor (i.e., incarnate as an Elf), and this might be important to our story for a few reasons, not least because he is able to operate outside of the Ban or Doom of the Valar with respect to his House for the rest of the story of this Creation.

Finarfin has Fin appear twice in his name, once at the beginning and then again at the end.  His name would actually loosely be translated as "Finwe, Noble Finwe".  This is a fairly Finn-y name, right?  In fact it is tied for the Finn-iest name in Tolkien's stories, since Finarfin's brother Fingolfin also sported two Fins.  

Anyway, this is all to say that I support the message of these advertisements.  It might be in our best interests to say yes to any Numenorean Pied Piper Pandas showing up.

Note:  I just went back to Bruce's blog as I was wrapping this up and noticed he corrected his typo, so I am glad I took the screenshot above. . . that would have totally wrecked everything!

The Wrongful Binding of Joseph by Verlu

In my Montrose post, although Sammy Hagar worked his way into my writing based on the name of his band sharing that name, the real purpose of the post was to highlight that those December 21 words were likely related to the rescue of Joseph, who was the "married husband" identified, and that whoever shared those words that morning may have been the same Being who had been listening in on my mind the day previous, if that is actually what happened.

In that post, I introduced a woman named Verlu as the cause for Joseph being considered a husband to two women, with Verlu his estranged wife from Numenor whose whereabouts were unknown at his departure from that island, and Asenath his wife from afterward (and, to be clear, his wife from long before this world as part of this Family of Light).

Here is the part from Words of the Faithful where we learn about the existence of Verlu.  At this point, Joseph has been (re)united with Asenath on her island after being cast out of Numenor, and there has been some details given about a record he kept on Numenor, in a language known only to him at first, but that he had taught to Verlu.  It is implied that these record and sayings would later become part of the Brass Plates, by the way.

And though she [Asenath] knew he [Joseph] has been as a man upon Westernesse [Numenor], espoused; and that this woman had borne him sons - called in your (loathsome) bigles, Ephraim and Manasseh, she knew not that to her also Joseph had taught the secret of his reading, and its devising.  This woman had departed from his heart, in her aging, or she had allegiance to kingsmen, by kin-oath; and would not impeach; nor dared she reveal what was known, by her to Joseph; nor to speak of his record-keeping, for it endangered her house, and sons; at the time of his casting forth into the sea, upon a casket, at the bidding of kingsmen, she (called Verlu) was not known to be living, neither dead....

So, we have Verlu who was taught both the language that Joseph had been writing in, and because of this also seemed to have knowledge or familiarity with the observations and prophecies that Joseph would have made while on Numenor.

I made a strange comment in that last post that perhaps Verlu is still around in some capacity, or at least was back in 2020, and I will give my reasons for even entertaining the thought.  I mean, it is a strange thing to consider, but not really the strangest thing I've covered on this blog (though that is admittedly a fairly high bar to clear).

On February 14, 2020, I believe Verlu is mentioned in my words.  The fact that February 14 is Valentine's Day makes this more likely true, in my opinion, as well as makes the reference kind of funny.

Just for context, since it has been awhile on some aspects of the Joseph rescue operation, as of February it appears our Rescuers are still trying to convince or enable Joseph to escape home with them.  They arrived just after New Years Day, seem to have found him relatively quickly thanks to the Anor Stone, but as of mid-February Joseph is still here.  For reference (covered in other posts), January 19 there seems to have been a specific instruction for Joseph to go home with Thingol, with the phrase Benu au doriel mit thingol luke elanor.

This invitation is repeated, perhaps, on February 5, with the saying Star-way they explained; Domno dorno away - Come my darling homeward bound.

There are a bunch of other words and things going on during this time frame that I captured as well, some likely tied to the ongoing discussion or effort regarding Joseph.  On February 10, I got those words that I have since tied to Glorfindel-Helaman and Gildor-Shiblon, in which they explain the Anor Stone is what we would know of as the Liahona (as I interpret their words, at least), and that it therefore serves a much greater purpose than merely being a 'compass'.  It is also now being given to Joseph, who I think is the Steward that is mentioned as having 'hands made sickly'.  Here are those words again from Feb 10 and 11 (with the mention of the Courier names removed), and I am including them because these immediately precede the mention of Verlu a few days later.

Those of us who delivered that ball instrument to Lehi’s family; a compass, yet not wholly so, sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised.

A Palantir it was; a globe of crystal, metallic-seeming, royal ancient sunlight beaming

Singing songs of heroes bold Yet some songs remain untold

Resonant it was, echoing thought commissary needful for instruction, eggs bearing

To learn from who iridescent, a welding link, hands made sickly stewards reward; Needful preparing against a storm breaking

OK, so at this time, I think this all means, that as of February 10, the Anor Stone was given to Joseph.  So, he has all the means necessary, it would seem, to go home.

Thingol?  Check

"Star-Way" explanation?  Check

Anor Stone? Check

What is the hang up?  I've guessed in prior posts that Joseph will not depart for home until nearly another month passes after that dialogue above.  March 5 I have him departing, and it seems at that point it is also in the company of the 3 Disciples who joined up with this group in some fashion.

What took nearly another month for Joseph to decide to go home, if leaving seemed to be a fairly urgent matter?

Part of the answer may lie with Verlu.

After those words related to the Anor Stone on Feb. 10 and 11, it was silent for the next couple days.  On February 14, Valentine's Day, I got this:

Feb 14
Kamut verlugen verdu verloden ista comer

It is in the second word, verlugen, that I think mentions Verlu.  I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me, and helps explain why Joseph is stuck (though the details of just how are not clear).  So, let's get into it.

Jumping right to the translation of the entire phrase, I have something like:

Bind wrongly Verlu earth (or grip/ grasp); dark husband wife path again to know gather one

Like all my guesses and translations, the details of that might not be completely right, but the general idea is that Verlu is wrongfully 'binding' Joseph to this earth, potentially through her grip or claim on him as her husband from long ago.  Again, how that is actually working in practice at this time, I don't know, but Joseph may be confused, under some kind of influence - I don't know.  We already know that if this is the same Verlu from Numenor, that she herself knows quite a lot, having been taught by Joseph himself - is that knowledge being used against him in any way here?   Again, hard to say.

But it seems that Verlu, in some capacity, is responsible for keeping Joseph here on this earth when these other Beings or voices are telling him that he needs to go home.  The 'dark husband' above would be Joseph, by the way, and the "wife path" seems to be a pretty direct reference to those words I received later in 2021 about "the paths which Asenath wrought", which I covered in this post using that phrase as the title.

Those paths I have linked to Stones, and here Joseph is holding his ticket home, it seems. The Anor Stone, likely wrought by Asenath (the Crumb Girl), is in his hands. This is a moment that Joseph foresaw long ago, and which I alluded to in that last follow-up post yesterday. Asenath's Crumbs will scoop her family home. Here is actually that prophecy Joseph wrote down - I didn't include it in that last post because it wasn't central to that point, but I think it is very relevant to what is going on with Joseph at this time back in 2020 (thought I just realized I have included this prophecy in that post I just linked above relative to Asenath's Paths and Crumbs):

... He [Joseph] sat himself at his master’s table-desk, and composed this song, recalling the End-Bring-Maker, Crumb-child, glowy and poor [Asenath]:

Poor beggar, Crumbs handful spilling,
Did lighten, brighten even Baradhi’s stones,
Starry striken, always a glint, sparkling;
Crumb Child, houseless to Powers, came, housing
Ill-omens, of their perpetuance;
Crumbs, all this realm’s lasting holdings,
Hope here, too, is come, that we in her gentle
Scooping, may rest, and safe, save she its health,
In love’s revealing.

A moment that Joseph saw and wrote down in this time long ago is now potentially upon him - Asenath's gentle scooping to safety and rest.   It is one of these "Crumbs", these "lasting holdings" that now lies in Joseph's hands and represents his way home, or at least to a place of safety.  As Glorfindel seems to have explained to Joseph in those February 10 and 11 words, the Stone sitting in Joseph's sickly hands are "sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised", just as it led Lehi's family.

At least that is one way of looking at what is going on here.  Again, I could have a very wrong read, but the story makes sense in the broad strokes, even if I don't know how to explain particulars like where did Verlu come from and how is she wrongfully binding or holding Joseph captive.  Add that to the list of a thousand things I would like to understand a bit better.

But somehow Verlu's hold is broken, if the rest of my guess is correct that he went home in March 5.  So, that would make it just under 3 more weeks of working the situation to get him home, with ultimately the Disciples seemingly showing up to help after, from what I can tell, shepherding the first group of those Fathers to place to wait on our Earth somewhere.  It must be that Joseph needed to go home first, followed by these 3 distinct groups of these 96 Eldar.  Thus, the Disciples, having brought that group of the 46 Teleri (the Last who were First) here, must have realized what was going on with Joseph and joined the effort.  They accompanied him and Thingol home, and then would have have come back at Asenath's urging for the dual purpose of obtaining the Sawtooth Stone, and collecting the 2nd group of Elves, or Finwe's House, perhaps.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Quick follow-up: "All the doors I closed one time will open up again"

I just wanted to get a couple thoughts down quickly as I thought more about those two songs and the inclusion of those those lyrics in the December 21, 2019 words.

Both songs are pretty relevant to Joseph's story.

In "Back in the High Life Again", the chorus starts with the following two lines:

I'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again

So, there is this notion of returning to a 'high life' and as part of this, doors that were closed will be opened.  Not only this, but it will be the person who closed the doors who will open them.

Doug concluded one set of unpublished writings on June 20, 2019 related to Joseph (they may have been published since in his 3rd book - I don't know).  This would be roughly two weeks before my July 4th dream or vision and the accompanying word dealing with "Gim Guru", a fact I wouldn't be aware of until early 2020 when he sent out this other document  with these extra writings.

I've briefly referred to these writings in other posts, for example the reference to Asenath as the "White Crumb Girl" in my post "Autel:  Asenath the Ainu of the End (or of Without End)".  

In the very last part of that final date recorded in that document, Joseph first writes down a prophecy related to Asenath, Crumbs (Stones, in my story), and the rescue of their family.  He then will leave Eru-Place and enter "Time" and Arda (this Creation).  As he does so, he will close and lock the gates behind him.  The whole thing is too long, with too many tangents, for me to want to include for just this short thought or follow-up, but here is the part where it picks up after he writes down his vision of Asenath and the future:

This last Ishbar drew out that pen’s now silvered tip, and no more engraved, there in Aman’s Halls [referencing his vision or prophecy of Asenath].  
For great though yet Eru-host remained, awash His light upon those  shores, resilient to ever withstand onslaught of Melkor-host, so now Ishbar also saw a day, resty for weary hosts of this realm, where no battle-array costume, on-strapping; and only sheaves upon piled sheaves of gold corn grass, amid, scythying, binding, piling, all while Eru Song Redeem Us, a-singing; yet not in this Last Lighted Land, him, this seeing, placed; so he, last of those halls, departing, locking its gates against entry from without, Joseph-Ishbar would in Time, be.

Wherever (and whenever) this was, Joseph was said to be the last to leave, the place having been emptied out before, and that he was the one that locked the gates behind him as he left.

This fits with the lyrics from Steve Winwood's song of a person that will return to a 'high' life (as in literally 'high' above us), and open doors that they themselves had closed.  In this case, the opening will also involve an unlocking.

This also dovetails into SNAP!'s song "The Power", and the way it was used in my dialogue.  There are some things, it appears, that only Joseph has the power to do.  

In November 2019 I had captured the incomplete phrase that started with "Only Joseph can draw..." (covered in some previous post) and then something about iron hills or mountains.  I am not sure that also had to do with gates or doors, but I use it as an example that there are things that "only Joseph" can do, which again, besides being family, made his rescue a critical activity.  Opening and unlocking a door or some doors may be part of that Power that he has.

I don't know - I just had those thoughts a little bit after posting, and wanted to capture them.  Basically, both the song choices that I had been listening to on my run that evening as well as their inclusion in those words the following morning seem to be a direct tie or connection with Joseph, and I think further supporting my guess that this "Bennas Beru" or Married Husband is Joseph.


Prior to Van Halen, Sammy Hagar was part of a band called Montrose.  This was something I didn't know back in the fall of 2019, but found out due to the word appearing in in my set of words from December 21, 2019.

The name Montrose itself should be fairly interesting to us because it is, what else. Gaelic, and its meaning (and the place it refers to) could be relevant for our story.  This is stuff I just learned this morning, by the way, as I wasn't in the practice of looking up name meanings back in 2019.

Montrose means "Moor Promontory".  Mon is Gaelic for "Moor", which can refer to a Swamp or can also refer to Dark based on European usage of that word to describe people who had darker skin than they did.

The "Swamp" term should immediately jump out at any readers of this blog, because this is synonymous with our Swampy-Marshy Peter-Pharazon in my story, and the Dark or Black description has also been used, particularly in writing on Pharazon and the Numenoreans.

Promontory also fits with tying Montrose to Peter-Pharazon in this name, if I take a creative angle.  A promontory is, per Etymonline, a "high point of land or rock projecting into the sea beyond the line of a coase".  A Rock (which Peter's name means, at least a little rock) that goes out into the sea, beyond the coastline, is the journey that Peter would have taken to arrive at our Earth from Valinor, for example.  Venturing out into the sea beyond the coastline is also what Pharazon did, in less happier circumstances.

This notion of a high point of rock projecting out into the sea, now that I think of it, is interesting to me personally because it matches up very well with a dream I had on November 1 of that year, which I related in my post "I think it is Honeycomb and not Juice; and also understanding Starerios".  In my notes I recorded the dream this way:

Also, a dream of a high cliff standing over the sea... first seen as a drawing or sketch, then as a real cliff, sheer sides, very high, on the sea short.

It seems that 'promontory' would be an accurate description for what I saw in that dream, looking at the definition.

The name Montrose is relevant, potentially, for one other reason that also points directly to the Peter-Pharazon character - at least in my current thinking.

William Tychonievich related a dream where Claire offered to share the True Song of the Wandering Aengus.  I have since hypothesized that this Aengus is none other than our marshy friend Peter-Pharazon, and this 'true song' will set the record straight on some false stories we currently have related to both that Being and the events he was involved in.

Montrose is the name of a town in Scotland, and falls within one of 32 regions or local governments.  The name of the region that Montrose sits in?  Angus (the anglicized form of Aengus).

So those are some interesting connections I see now based on everything we've explored about Peter-Pharazon, but I didn't think of any of this back in 2019.  I really didn't know why Montrose was included in my words, other than when I did a google search for it, and wouldn't you know, up came Sammy Hagar!

You've got to be kidding me, I thought at the time, still thinking back to that email correspondence from 2017.

I looked into songs by Montrose, and found their song Space Station #5 and listened to it for the first time.  As I said in my last post, at this point Hagar is specifically writing about Space, aliens, and all of that, so we shouldn't find the overall theme necessarily surprising or interesting on its own, but some of the lyrics and details are.

It would be at some point during that same month, though I can't remember which day exactly because I didn't transfer it over to the word file that I have, that I heard the song "Love Walks In" very clearly as I woke up one morning, and it would have been in conjunction with other words from that night/ morning - I just don't remember which ones.

Anyway, I haven't yet shared what words Montrose came with, and how those came (which is itself pretty interesting).  Here they are, and then I will go into a little bit of the background.

Dec 21, 2019
Net-ensnare this day back to the high life
You have the power, oh, where are you bennas beru?
Nosotros kuy-non com-pord-er nuedicon montros

You'll note that montros is written above without an "e".  That is how I have it in my word file, though I am fairly sure I have different versions that have it with an e as well.  But, as you will see, most of the non-English words I am sounding out and I'll offer different (more accurate) spellings below.  In other words, Montros = Montrose, here, I believe, potentially as another play on words.

The story behind these words is interesting, though, so let me get to that first and then look at what they might mean.

The day before, I had been out on an early evening run.  As I was running back toward home, I suddenly noticed that the entire sky was purple.  The sun was setting, and the sunset effect rather than localized just to the horizon seemed to fill the entire sky.  It was quite stunning, actually.  So much so that I stopped in the middle of the gravel road I was on and just looked up at the sky.  I then had the strangest thought where I wondered whether this was what the sky looked like on Eressea a long time ago.  I am not sure why I had that thought, but it just kind of came into my head.

As I thought about this, I had the strangest feeling that someone else was in in my mind.  I could sense them there, for just a second.  It was a very strange, but real, sensation, like they were in my head monitoring my thinking (or perhaps having placed that thought about the sky in Eressea).  With all of the other strange things that happened during this time period, this was fairly unique.  Once I noticed this other mind in my own, it flitted away very quickly, but perceptibly so.  In other words, once I was aware of it and was prepared to 'look' more directly at what or who exactly it was, it seemed to run away or hide.

So I stood there in the middle of the street like an idiot, looking up at the sky, and having just felt like another Being had been in my own mind.  I realized that my music was still playing, and I became extremely self-conscious - feeling almost naked with that sensation that my mind had been open to something or somebody else.  Had whatever that was in my mind heard what music I was listening to?  That was seriously my next thought, and I got really embarrassed.

I listen to an eclectic mix of music.  At the time I was aware of (or at least thought I sensed) this other mind, "Back in the High Life Again" by Steve Winwood was playing.  I mean, its not a bad song, by any stretch, but it is kind of corny, and I had actually been enjoying it while I was running that particular stretch.  But now I felt like maybe I should turn off my music.  I am a pretty private person (notwithstanding my sharing all of this on my blog), so the thought of someone listening in on my mind and what music I was playing was kind of uncomfortable to me.

Anyway, that is how much this feeling of a presence in my mind both felt real to me and affected me.

After standing there for a little while, debating on whether I should turn off my music, I decided that I didn't care who was listening in, and just cranked up my music louder.  The next song that Spotify served up was "The Power" by Snap!.  I mentally told anyone listening in that I hope they enjoy it and I didn't care what they thought of my music, and then went on running.

So, that was that.

The next morning, the words that I captured above are what came, and you will notice that the lyrics and/ or titles from both of those songs I mentioned were worked into the opening lines.

After the mention of netting or ensnaring (a term I've covered before in my post "Remirath and the Netted Stars: The Seven Daughters of Asenath", and which likely is related to what I wrote there), you have mention that it this would happen 'this day' (now, or in the present period, I interpreted this as) and then the reference to Winwood's song about "back to the high life".

The next line continues by referencing the song by Snap! that had followed Winwood on my playlist.  Snap!'s song has the repeated phrase "I've got the power", and in this case the speaker (whose identity I will guess at the end of the post) has flipped it to say "You've got the power".

This is followed by question, with someone wondering where a "Bennas Beru" is.  What does this mean?

My translation has this come out as "Married Husband".  This is likely referring to Joseph of Egypt, by the way.  Seven days after this, on December 28, Glorfindel, Gildor, and Thingol will leave Tirion or wherever they are coming from, and head to our world.  One of their objectives is to collect Joseph and bring him home - back to the "high life", referencing that Steve Winwood song.

What makes him the Married Husband, though?  In Doug's stories, while Joseph was in Numenor ("Egypt", and where he was known as Zimulof Kloshtuz, it seems) he married a woman named Verlu.  She would later disappear, and it was said that no one knew whether she was living or dead.  While estranged, and with Verlu's whereabouts unknown, Joseph would later be cast out of Numenor, set adrift (apparently sometime after Ar-Zimrathon died, who was the King during most of Joseph's stay on Numenor... so over a hundred years before Pharazon is even born, I believe).

After being adrift for quite awhile, he would eventually be found by Asenath, and they would fall in love and live together on her small island just off of Eressea (since she was a mortal woman, the Elves didn't let her live on Eressea proper, since it was against the rules).

Thus, Joseph was still technically married to Verlu when he met Asenath.  He even had sons with Verlu, apparently, who we would know as Manasseh and Ephraim.  At least that is what it says in Words of the Faithful, for what its worth.  He then would have children with Asenath - the Seven Daughters, who we have discussed here before a fair amount, and Machir.

This is all to say that this is why I interpret "Married Husband" as Joseph.  Now, the intriguing possibility, which sounds ridiculous, is that Verlu is still alive in our day, and that is why we have the commentary in Faithful about no one knowing if she was among the living or the dead back then.  Meaning, something may have happened with Verlu that caused her to have some kind of long or extended life.  I will cover why I think that might be the case in a separate post, though.

But, back to my words, having this Married Husband refer to Joseph makes sense.  The Germans, comprising of our 3 individuals, of which Glorfindel is one, are about to take off in search of him, and so I interpret this line of "Oh where are you Bennas Beru" as a saying from Asenath, likely quoted by the speaker, wondering where Joseph is.

Therefore, due to both the timing of these words in late December, and the content of what they say, I think that these words that came to me on December 21 are from 1 of the 3 Germans.  This seems to be supported by the last line which starts off Nosotros, or "We" in Spanish.  Why Spanish in this line rather than German beats me.  I don't know.

Kuy-non would be an Elvish word that might mean something like "Awake tomorrow" (that is the pretty direct translation).

Com-pord-er likely should have been written as com por dir (remember for words I am writing out without seeing, I am sounding out as best I can).  I've tackled that phrase before, or attempted to, in my post "Come buy milk and honey without money and without price:  The 4 Gathering Angels and John the Elias".  I still don't have a good sense for Por, just like then, but Com seems to clearly mean "Gather, Collect" and Dir means "Man".

Given the words that came along with the other mention of com-por-dir of that other post, where this phrase was right after a "Raymond Carpenter", my guess is this Com-por-dir refers in some way to Faramir-Eonwe.  This would be consistent with the phrasing in the words here.  The speaker is saying "this day" (so today, now) they will gather Asenath's married husband Joseph.  Then non, or tomorrow or the next 'day' (next or after this, I think, in terms of meaning) they will nab or cause to 'awake' Faramir.  This interpretation fits with my earlier take on Asenath's own words that first Joseph gets rescued, then her brother Faramir.  

As for nuedicon, I don't know and am not going to even try right now.  It seems clear to me that I attempted to sound out a word that would look different if I had the proper spelling.  I am also not going to attempt other meanings for Montros(e) in this context, other than to close with why I think it is relevant, and likely does, for better or worse, tie into our friend Sammy Hagar, or at least the symbols, words, and identities he seems to channel.

I mentioned in my last post that I had the clear thought, based on watching Sammy swing around that huge blonde mane in the "Human's Being" video, that he was posing as or channeling Glorfindel (Goldilocks).  Glorfindel would be one of the 3 Being preparing during late December to come to our world on his mission (and still remains here, I think).  Thus, I think it was Glorfindel who these words are coming from on December 21.  This would be consistent with the rest of the timeline that I've put together in past posts, with him and his companions providing updates as to their whereabouts (such as their departure and arrival times) as well as their activities.

Because these December 21 words also specifically mention lyrics to the songs I had been listening to when I had sensed a Being in my mind, I am left to also guess, as strange as this sounds, that it was Glorfindel who I had caught listening in on my mind.  It sounds strange, but it does make sense with some other words and experiences as I get into January and February 2020.  It also frankly makes sense with my guess of Glorfindel as Helaman, and words I heard as I began this blog last summer regarding Helaman.

So, there we have it.  Sammy Hagar remains a symbolic element in our story, and an interesting tie back to Glorfindel and his work and words back in 2019/ 2020 timeframe, and potentially now as well.  We'll see how this part of the story holds up.

I do jump around on topics, but for my next post I will plan on relaying those words about Verlu I alluded to above, and why I think she might still be around in some form, and try to build out what was happening with Joseph and the rescue operation that Glorfindel was part of if I can (and if nothing else comes up in the meantime).

And why not close this post with some Steve Winwood?


I started and ended this post with commentary around Sammy Hagar due to Montrose being in those words.  The most interesting thing to me, however, was how Montrose translated to "Swamp or Black Promontory", its connection to Aengus, and how this seemed to potentially tie to both Peter-Gim Githil in some way, as well as Tirion (of which Gim Githil was the first king).

Meaning, I consider Montrose/ Montros to refer to a place and/ or person, and this is completely independent of Sammy Hagar, by the way.  Just as the Red Rock, and the Red Judge, and all of that has nothing to do with Hagar as a person - those things were thought of and explored independently of him - but yet we see those symbols and references on and around him.  Why?  That is the question in my mind that pulls him into the conversation.

So, that is where my mind was.  The Hagar thread that runs through this post and the previous one comes from me continuing to wonder why he popped up here as well, and how should I think about this (if at all)?  It gets to a larger question that goes beyond Hagar, or Van Halen, and I haven't quite been able to put my finger or form my entire opinion as to what is going on or if it matters.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sammy Hagar: The Red Rock(er)

 Of course, Sammy Hagar had to come walkin' in.

I mentioned Sammy in my recent post on using the movie Twister to highlight some story elements.  For some reason, I thought I had mentioned him before somewhere on this blog, but I hadn't, so why I specifically mentioned him would have been unclear to anybody else but me.

Sammy and I go way back.  Way back.

Late 2017 is when I first came into contact or interacted with Doug and his SLC group.  As I believe I did mention in a previous post, there were a few of us scattered around the US who were invited to join occasional calls that group would have.  They would meet in person, and dial us in.  It was a bit of a study group, I guess.

Since we had opened up a larger group dialogue, we also would sometimes email each other and/ or Doug with questions about Words of the Faithful, which if I remember right, at that time was the only book out (Slumbered had not yet been published, I don't think).  For those who have attempted to read that book, you know how confusing and somewhat unapproachable it can be.  When I first picked it up, I hadn't read the Silmarillion or any of Tolkien's books outside of LOTR, so much of what I read the first time through just went right over my head.  I wasn't familiar with any of the names.  I don't think I even knew what Numenor was.

So I had a lot of questions.  So did others.  Leo, who comments on this blog, was part of this initial non-SLC group, as well.  He kept some of those old emails (I had deleted everything), and some of what I will write here tying some things back to Sammy Hagar is based on reading back through some of those emails that he kept and sent on to me after I asked him if he still had them.  I asked him for them because Sammy Hagar features fairly heavily in those old exchanges.

So, why am I writing about Sammy Hagar?  I will first get into the recent stuff in this post, and then I was going to go into what I think is happening, including referencing some of the topics from those earlier exchanges back in 2017, but I think I will just focus on the first part and save the rest for later (because I am still sorting it all out, and made a stab initially at some things and explanations in this post that I've decided to take out and table until I get a better feel).

It is Sammy Hagar's voice we hear at various times throughout the movie Twister singing "Shine on!".  I mentioned in that post that this would be the last song Hagar would record with Van Halen, because the band had already been in disarray and basically imploded after recording this song for the movie.   In that post, I only alluded to the fact that it was interesting to have Sammy Hagar here in a movie that had so many interesting Easter Eggs that I saw, and it was these previous email exchanges that were on my mind when I wrote that (although I didn't have the emails to reference when I wrote that, I remembered the general points of the exchange).

I left it at that.  But after publishing the post, I went back and watched the music video for "Humans Being" that I included at the end of the post.  I confirmed once again that besides the chorus, which I think is catchy, I really do not care for the song at all.  However, as Sammy Hagar kept flashing up on the screen, along with his long, flowing, golden locks, I had the strange thought: "He is totally trying to pose as Glorfindel!".

Glorfindel was famous for his long, golden hair, so much so that his name literally means "Goldilocks" or "Golden Hair".  

And Hagar, of course, was also well known for his long golden hair.  Here he is from a still shot from that "Humans Being" video:

It is this imagery of his long, blond hair going all over the place that brought Glorfindel to mind.  

Anyway, so I had this thought, and Sammy already had a interesting place in my mind from back in 2017, and I thought I would look into this a bit more.  Van Halen in general seems to be a theme.  I wrote that my youngest son's favorite song is "Right Now" from the Van Hagar era, and, no joke, two days ago my oldest son decided he wanted to learn that song on the piano.  I just heard him playing it on the piano after he had printed up the the sheet music on his own, and he then told me he wanted to learn it.  He hasn't played the piano in years.

Some people might not know this, but Sammy Hagar attributes his rock star status to Aliens.  It was actually Leo that had brought this up initially, I believe, all the way back in that first 2017 exchange.  Sammy has held that two alien Beings situated nearby his home one night in the mid-60s telepathically plugged into his mind.   He would go on to link his future rock star status with this alien experience.  Here is a quote from an interview with Sammy in relation to his encounter:


My ego was telling me: They’ve programmed you to be a rock star! So I used it as a tool to write songs about outer space and the future, songs like Crack In The World and Silver Lights, which is about the second coming of Christ – Jesus coming back in a spaceship.

It is important to note that in Hagar's lyrics, he is explicitly acknowledging that he is writing about or referencing Aliens, Jesus, etc., so we shouldn't be surprised to see those things there when we find them.  He is specifically putting them there, on purpose.   So, the general theme isn't interesting, but rather some of the specifics elements that we might find within those themes and his lyrics are.  I am not going into his songs in this post, though.

So, I already knew this about Hagar from this earlier conversation, and I had looked into a few other things based on a specific song of his resurfacing in my words and dreams back in 2019 (including the song "Love Walks In" playing very clearly one morning).  But I didn't know much more about him, other than I do have a knee-jerk reaction against him that I can't quite place.

I did some more investigating.

Sammy Hagar wrote an autobiography titled "Red:  My Uncensored Life in Rock".  Here is the cover:

The cover immediately jumped out at me because of the red "RED".  I had just recently written a post with the following magazine cover on it:

This stood out to me, that RED in all caps and red, and I thought I might be on the right path here in looking into this and sorting out some thoughts.  I mean, associating anything red with Hagar was a total surprise to me.

Why Red?  Why was that associated with Sammy Hagar?  This was my next question, and it turns out that Sammy Hagar was known as the Red Rocker.  Again, this was unknown to me, and when I read this, it struck me as one of the funniest things I have read in a long time.  The Red Rock-er (or Red Stone).

Beginning with my post "Gold and Red Stars: El-Anor and the Sawtooth Stone", which I wrote a few weeks ago, I've developed a theory that the Sawtooth Stone (Rock) is actually Red.  That initial post also explicitly tied to Glorfindel, because it is when I saw Glorfindel's House Emblem on the back of a truck I was driving behind, but not in gold but rather red, that I first had the thought come to my mind that the Sawtooth Stone is Red.  Here is the picture of Glorfindel's emblem (as portrayed on Tolkien Gateway) compared with the red decal or paint job on the back of the truck as a reminder:

So, here I was already having tied Sammy Hagar to Glorfindel (in terms of being a poser), and now we had this imagery of the Red Rock (Stone) also tying these two together.

As the Red Rocker, apparently Hagar also liked to dress up in Red.  Here is a sample picture:

My goodness.

Here is another of him now as a much older rocker, still sporting the Red Rocker vibe:

Sammy lives in Hawaii now, I believe, which explains the makau  he is wearing as a necklace, but that symbol also came up recently in my dreams of footwear, flip-flops, and cleats.

The dressing up in Red may matter or be relevant because of earlier observations I have made about one Being dressed in Red apparel.  Both Daniel LaRusso from The Karate Kid and Marty McFly from Back to the Future have been associated with the color Red in previous posts, with LaRusso meaning "The Red" and Marty linked to Mars, the Red Planet.  I have linked those characters, specifically Daniel LaRusso, to both Red Sawtooth Stone as well as the Being who will ultimately come into possession of it, Faramir.

Further, in tying some of that imagery to the Stone, I proposed (I think still accurately) that the Being mentioned in D&C 133 (and Revelations 19) as being dressed in red apparel is not Jesus, but the one who will be authorized to act in his name: Ja-ho-e-oop, or Faramir-Eonwe, who is also the Holy Ghost.

Daniel LaRusso means "The Red Judge" and the redness of the apparel mentioned in conjunction with the Being in D&C 133 may at least be in part due to his Red Stone.

So, at this point, not only do we have Sammy Hagar pulling off the Glorfindel look with his hair, but we have him also adopting the apparel of the Red Judge.

And now I understand (I think) my dislike for Hagar, or why some things about him bother me (again, I don't know much about him personally - he may be the nicest guy ever - I am just reacting to perhaps the concept of Sammy Hagar, if that makes sense).

All of this is unknowing, by the way, or unconsciously done on Sammy Hagar's part, I would think. I can't imagine that he would in any way connect his red clothes with the imagery of either Jesus or one acting on his behalf, even though he explicitly mentions singing about Jesus and his Second Coming (said traditional, again, to be performed while wearing Red). These are all emblems and markers that he is doing without knowing it, I assume.

But why is he showing some of these things? And more than that, even though he explicitly stated he is purposely including Christian and Alien symbols into his lyrics, why do we see so many things that actually tie to some specific elements mentioned in concepts explored in Doug's writings, my own words and stories here, and in other places? What is going on?

I don't know exactly. It's actually part of a much larger can of worms, I think. I have several different stories in my head as to how to explain various things, but I don't know just yet how best to attack this and come up with something that makes sense, so I am going to leave off here and save all of that for a later post when I think I have a better handle on some things, maybe.

I will close this post out by saying that for any readers now or in the future who were part of or remember that email exchange, you might recognize how truly ironic it is that I have spent an entire post on Sammy Hagar.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Numenor and The Devil's Eye

 Last week I took my kids to the local library to get them some more summer books to read.

After spending some time helping my youngest pick out a couple books, I went to go pick out a book or two for myself.  I was kind of feeling something science fiction, so headed over to that section.  I didn't really have anything specifically in mind, and didn't really know what I was looking for.  So, I just browsed the shelves, and tried to find something that looked interesting.  Usually I go to the library with a book in mind that I am going there for the specific purpose of picking up, but that wasn't the case here.

After looking at a few options, I picked up a book called "The Devil's Eye" by Jack McDevitt.  There had actually been a couple books before this that I had thought of or that were recommended based on some of the authors' names I had scanned, but the library didn't have any copies on hand.  So I just grabbed this one.

I had never heard of the author before or this book, so I guess we'll see how it goes. 

There was a big soccer tournament in the Twin Cities last week and over the weekend that all 3 of our kids participated in, so it was fairly busy and I didn't really have a chance to read much.  However, after I had gotten home from the library, I did have a chance to read the prologue and started in on the first chapter.

In the very first paragraph of chapter one, Atlantis is mentioned.  This was kind of funny because this is meant to be a book about an adventure in Space, and here the book opens up with Atlantis.  

Atlantis, if you recall, is associated with Numenor in my story here.  In an earlier post titled "The restoration of Numenor", I linked the sinking of Atlantis with the drowning of Numenor:

This 'wave' is the Numenorean wave that completely submerged that 'island'.  Tolkien would associate this event, and Numenor itself, with the myth of Atlantis.  In fact, the Quenyan/Elvish name for Numenor is "Atalante", meaning "the Downfallen".  Tolkien called it a 'happy accident' that the name matched up so well with Atlantis.

That post focused on the theme of the restoration of Numenor.  Specifically, that it is necessary for Numenor to be restored as part of a 'highway' that is cast up in the midst of the great deep (per D&C 133), with the great deep being Space.

So, here I am in the very first paragraph reading about Atlantis (in a book that is meant to be about Space), and the narrator talks about, of all things, the restoration of Atlantis, and whether it should be done.  How funny.

Here is picture of the page, and I will include the relevant quote in case you can't read it:

here is the first paragraph:

Atlantis, despite all the hoopla, was no big deal.  I mean, how could it be after twelve thousand years at the bottom of the sea?  Alex and I looked out the cabin windows at the ruins, which weren't much more than mounds in the quiet, clear water.  You could still pick out a wall here and there.  Not much else.  There'd been periodic talk of restoration over the centuries, but the prevailing opinion had always been that if you restored it, it would no longer be Atlantis.

This is a fascinating phrase not only for the mention of restoring Atlantis right at the beginning of a space novel, but for the mention that if restored, it would no longer be Atlantis.

On that second point, in context of my story, my answer is of course it wouldn't be, and all the more reason to restore it!  Atalante, as mentioned above, means "the Downfallen".  If that world is restored, it will no longer be Downfallen, but something else.  It would require a new Name given to it by the Elves.  Meaning, the author here is writing something they hadn't obviously intended, but works very well with both the concept or idea of restoration and the original meaning of Atalante (Atlantis) that solely points to its downfall.

It needs to be restored, for the very purpose of it no longer being Atlantis, if you follow.

In any case, I hadn't read even a sample of the book at the library, so to come home and see mention of Atlantis and its restoration in the very first paragraph of the first chapter in a book that was about space travel with a picture of spaceship flying toward a star on its cover was something I took notice of.

I thought the caption that started off Chapter 1 was interesting as well.  The quote goes:

Civilization is about constructing and maintaining a coherent time line to the past.  If we are to know who we are, and where we are going, we must remember where we have been and who took us there.

-- Etude in Black

I will need to look up this "Etude in Black" (if it a thing, or just made up for the novel), because this Black mention, along with a song (the Etude), seems to also match up well to the story of Numenor - a Black or Dark Study, perhaps.  But, the quote itself is interesting because that is essentially what I argue that we have lost in our present state.  We have no coherent understanding or our past, and are lost as a result.  This is particularly true for the Numenorean story.  Pippin and Merry worked very hard, apparently, in the years following the War of the Ring to try and reconstruct and capture the timeline of the first 3 ages that led up to their own adventures.  Appendix B "The Tale of Years" captures some of the results of their labor, where we actually are given a literal timeline of dates and important events. 

But, for the period of the 2nd age - the Numenorean Age - we get the disclaimer "Of events in Middle-earth the records are few and brief, and their dates are often uncertain".  There wasn't a lot to work with, basically, and many things were lost.  Part of our story here involves the restoration of not only the land of Numenor, but also the true tales of what happened - a restoration of a world and its stories.

Lastly, the mention of Numenor (in the form of the Atlantis myth) in a book titled "The Devil's Eye" was interesting for another personal reason.  Over the last several weeks, I have had imagery come to my mind of scenes of the destruction of Eressea by the Numenoreans.  These are sort of dramatic scenes, usually set to music while I am on a morning run or something.  Many of these scenes conclude where my vision zooms out, and as I pan away from the scene, I find that these images have been happening within the eye of Sauron, as he sits upon a throne with an evil smile on his face.  In other words, the Numenorean scenes inevitably shift out and away first to Sauron's eye (which encompassed the scene), then to his face, and then finally to his whole Being sitting on this chair as my vision continues to move farther back from whatever Numenorean scene I had been imagining, if that makes sense.

Since Sauron was the "Devil" of the 2nd Age, seeing this mention of Atlantis in a book called The Devil's Eye called to mind those scenes.