Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The asymmetric objectives and strategies of Good and Evil

I don't think the objectives, and therefore strategies, that Good and Evil have are necessarily opposite when it comes to souls, in that it is not Good immediate objective to redeem as many souls as possible and Evil playing counter to that by trying to bring mass damnation.  

Rather, the primary objective of Good is to restore all those who were once Good, or known as Good, back to their natural state.  Part of this restoration involves a reuniting with an extended family that existed long before this Earth, but has been separated, scattered, and lost throughout the drama that has played out here.

This Good Family are those who Jesus promised that he will save.  They are his sheep - the covenant people.  He has numbered them, and not one of them will be lost.  They will be saved, however, not by force or a destruction of their agency, but actually because of their agency - meaning, they will choose Good once they know it as such, but it will be a choice.  Jesus can't force anyone to Heaven or to any other fate without himself becoming something other than who he is, which would be catastrophic.

Just as with any family that is bound with love, the loss of just one would be unthinkable - it would be an eternal blight that would prevent true joy for those bereft of their love one.  This is why Jesus' plan involved the utter and complete redemption of that family.  That family came here willingly following Jesus, and he promised he wouldn't leave any behind.

Jesus' redemption is not limited to that family, however.  While there are many beings on this Earth who have no history or association with them, the opportunity has been made available that they can, if they so choose, join with them - be adopted into that family and become one with them.  But the choice is theirs, and in this case it is a little less certain and somewhat unknown as to what those choices will ultimately be for each individual.

Further, in addition to redeeming and reuniting family, and inviting others to join with them, there are certain individuals who the forces of Good expressly are not intent on redeeming and who are not invited.  This is based primarily on actions and evil designs which existed also long before we came to this earth, being enemies, and in some cases traitors, to Jesus and those who he calls his people.  To invite them would be to invite evil into a place where it is not allowed and the plan is to never allow again forever, and so to them they don't even get a choice.  Their choices were made long ago, and all that is left is to reveal their dark works so that the judgment that falls on them is known to be just.

To summarize then, the objective of Good is to completely restore a family that existed once before, invite others to join them, while ensuring that evil is kept away from them forever.

Evil's objective then, at least for those beings and demons who have some intelligence and awareness with which to plan, is fairly straightforward in terms of how it can (or at least wants to) thwart Good.

It is not necessary, in this scenario, for Evil to try and claim or overthrow as many random souls as possible.  Rather, Evil 'wins' by preventing just one soul that Jesus promised to rescue and redeem from being so.  If the purposes of Jesus and Good will not be achieved without a complete restoration, than Evil must work to prevent that complete restoration, and one soul is enough.  One soul achieves the same thing as a thousand or a million.

So long as one covenant soul remains in jeopardy or in a blind, confounded state, Evil remains 'free' to pursue their ends.

It would seem, then, that the work of Good is much harder than that which Evil must achieve, and that the odds are stacked against it.  Good's success can be no less than fully complete, while Evil's success can be almost non-existent and still achieve its ends so long as whatever success it does attain is targeted correctly.

But Good has two cards in its hand that ensures the odds turn back in its favor - and in fact guarantee success in the long run.

The first is that Jesus is more intelligent than all of us, including the Enemy and those of Evil.  To those at Bountiful, he declared that his wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil, so no matter what aims and plans are in place to prevent the attainment of ultimate Good, it has not escaped Jesus' intelligence and wisdom in designing and executing a plan to overcome Evil designs.  His sheep will not be lost.

The second card is the nature of this family itself - the Family of Light - and how they will respond to Good when they discover it.  They are naturally drawn to and choose the Good, this being what they are, and so in some sense all that is needed is for them to be reminded or to be exposed to that Good in a way that they can recognize it for what it is.  The rest should take care of itself, as Light cleaves to Light, and this family is drawn back together, leaving behind dark things and stories, while bringing along also all those who are also drawn to and choose this light.

In light of that second card, the only play that Evil really has is to try and keep this family from Light in any way that they can - lies, deceptions, hypocrites, treachery, outright removal of true stories, whatever.  But this is where the first card - Jesus - comes in, and where his intelligence and wisdom has taken all of this into account.  The plan, as I see it, that is underway and that will continue to play out is all about ensuring the the Family of Light receives Light once again.  

It will be through stories, I think, that this is done.  This is why I write and think about these other stories and records that are promised but not yet here, as I believe the salvation and redemption of this Family, and many more, is written in these stories.  Evil can try and keep them from coming, and try to prevent them from being received as Heaven would have them be (as I believe has been done with the Book of Mormon), but I don't think they will be able to.  The path of Good's triumph was laid at the very foundation of this Earth, and my belief is nothing Evil can do will stop it.  

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