Friday, October 27, 2023

Stones and Keys, part 2: Desperate thieves

Its a strange thing to use bizarre music videos to make a point, but here we are.  I figure if Joseph Smith can take some old papers from a travelling Egyptian antiquities dealer and pull out a story, we can use some artsy imagery put to music to do likewise.

In reviewing my post yesterday, I realized I kind of just dumped the first music video into the post, made a few comments, and left it at that.  I didn't really realize my goal of tying everything together like I had intended to.  Yes, there was the brief imagery of the crossed keys, and an LDS temple, and I kind of left it all hanging.

This post will hopefully bring more clarity to my thoughts yesterday, and push our story forward just a bit.  At the very least, in viewing this video, you should have some additional thoughts in your head on what is happening in that video from yesterday.  Whereas we had some brief imagery of keys in the video yesterday, as you'll see today, crossed keys are everywhere.

As I mentioned, I found the first video a couple years ago and felt it had some kind of meaning, but was not sure what it was.  I found today's video later, and also had similar thoughts.  

I am going to post the video first here, and you can watch it and then go on to my summary and thoughts, or you can read my thoughts first and go back and watch the video, or not even bother with the video if it doesn't sound interesting to you.  We are just passing the time here anyway, right?

Here is Woodkid's video for "Iron":

The scene opens with a banner of the crossed keys, similar to what we would have seen in the first video flying in the heavenly white city.

At around the 0:20 mark, we see these keys now tattooed on the back of the neck of an individual.  Keep this individual in mind, as I will be going in depth on him.   He is, of all the characters, the most developed and 'richest' character with his tattoos, which actually turn out to be quite revealing.

We are introduced to various characters throughout the opening.  The woman with the owl (not a hawk, interestingly).  

The man holding a book with those crossed keys.

And then the figure of a boy lying on a stone altar.  At this stage, with the lighting, it is 100% clear whether this is a real boy, or a boy carved from the same block of stone he is lying on.  A stone boy, or a real one (we kind of know already because of the other video)?

We see more characters, with some now having additional marks of the crossed keys, like this one wearing the keys around his neck on a chain.

And we continue to see that man with the tattoos, with even more close-ups of what they are.  Eventually, he turns to face us, now shown to be carrying a mace, matched with a menacing and serious look on his face.  Again, I will go into this man more, but here he is looking at us.  Feeling the love?  

Black ash and cinder (at least from what I can tell) begins to fall from the sky, at around 1:30 in the video.  We see both the characters and the animals taking note.  A sign, and likely one that indicates that both the end is near and their time is running short (in my opinion).  The horse becomes agitated, the dog begins the bark, and they all prepare for action.  A cry goes forth, and we see now see them running toward something, though it is unclear at this point what it is.  The presence of tracking animals like the dogs and the owl (taking the place of a hawk) seems to indicate that they are stalking or chasing something.

It is important to note that while at the very first we see each of these characters alone and separated, as they begin their charge they have now been gathered into a loose band or group.  At the very least, they are all together in one spot now in their chase.  You can continue to watch the man with the tattoos as, again, I will get into that shortly, and I think it will be worth it for anyone who reads on to that point.

We see briefly the boy again, and if you were like me when you first saw the video, you start to get the sense that they are after him, particularly since we have seen the "Run, boy, run!" video showing a boy very similar to this running away from something in a very scared fashion.

We then get the man with the book bearing the crossed keys.  He is not among those making the charge, but is rather standing somewhere else, now reading from this book in what seems like a pretty intense manner.  Our vision then shifts and we get the first glimpse of something that seems Mormon, at least to me.  Organ pipes, looking very similar to imagery associated with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

The camera goes back to the man speaking, and if we were in doubt as to his intentions before, his face and manner of speaking now seem to strongly suggest that he is not probably up to any good.  What is he reading, and who is he reading to?  (And what is he wearing?)

In an interesting sequence, we see the camera switch back and forth between the boy on the stone altar and the intense man reading from his book of keys.  The lighting has changed, and we now can tell very clearly that this is a real boy, but he either dead or asleep.  As we will see him later running, we can assume he is asleep.  But why is he still sleeping?  Doesn't he know his enemies (assuming that those other characters are after him) are running toward him with clear intent to do harm? 


It is time to wake up, boy!  Or, as Tom Petty-Elrond would say, "It's wake up time!".  Time to rise and shine.

But the boy sleeps on, and lies there defenseless against what is coming his way.  With no means to defend himself, it might be assumed that this ends badly for the boy, but we know that he does get away and eventually because we see him running in the next video.  In the next sequence of events we see how this is done (or at least how his enemies are dealt with).

Starting at 2:40, destruction from the skies falls on those running toward the boy.  Heaven itself, it seems, has intervened.  When I first saw this, and when I see it now, the phrase that Jesus spoke to those at Bountiful came and comes to my mind:

But behold, the life of my servant shall be in my hand; therefore they shall not hurt him, although he shall be marred because of them. Yet I will heal him, for I will show unto them that my wisdom is greater than the cunning of the devil. (3 Nephi 21)

The destruction of these enemies is accomplished.  We see the key necklace flying through the air without its owner, and we see the book of the crossed keys now burning by itself on the ground.

We now have a close-up of the boy's face, and then travel through thick fog and clouds to arrive at the very same temple we will see the boy running from in the next video.  It leaves us asking the question of whether he is awake during his sequence of "Run boy run!" or whether his journey in that next stage in the story reflect his efforts to 'wake up'.  I don't think it matters, as he is effectively in the same situation regardless... needing to find a way back to Heaven, which I believe also is his home.

I was going to spend some time on the overall story theme, but maybe let me spend some time on Tattoo Man, and you can see if that helps fill in at least how I am viewing the story as it unfolds in this video, and then how it leads into the next.  

Tattoo Man

I will get right to it and say that this man represents Brigham Young-Dairon-Omar.

In represents him to such a degree that it is shocking to me even now as I watch the video.  The tattoos are what give him away.  And before I get into them specifically, just think of what tattoos here can represent.  These things have been imprinted on his very being, and they are not possible to remove.  It is what makes him a Son of Perdition, ultimately... the very nature of his Being has been imprinted with desires that are not his to have, and he cannot give them up.

Here is the first shot we get of his hands:

I will draw attention to two things here.  First is the spider on his left wrist, spinning a web, or at least having a trailing thread behind it.  Keep this in mind, as we will see another spider later.

Second, is the phrase "Your Round" on his hands.  This could be a reference to someone saying they expect a drink, and for you to pay for it.  I am thinking that ancient nectar or Juice that I highlighted in an earlier post that will be delivered along with the Sawtooth Stone to Faramir-Eonwe.  This phrase also points to the Stone itself.  "Round" is what the Stone is - a circle, or globe.  In an earlier post, I also conveyed the phrase that came when, in hindsight, the Stone was 'born' in its recovery from Sawtooth. "Yor El" was the first line.  At the time I surmised that the Yor was a play on words for both "Your" as well as meaning ancient or enclosed.  We see, then, that same phrase show up on these hands, with Round being another reference to the Stone.  "Your Stone" we can see here also.  This man expects to get his hands on both a drink (that you get to pay for) as well as a Stone.

A little while later we get another angle of his hands:

I will just focus on one thing here:  Lisa.  Lisa is an abbreviation for the name Elizabeth.  In the bible's tale, Elizabeth was the mother of John.  The name has something to do with God and an oath, it seems.  However, the name is also another play on words, and references the Elvish "Lis" or "Lisse", which means "Honey" and "Sweet".  In reality, the person whose name this refers to was the daughter of John-Thingol, not his mother, but other than that what we find matches up well with none other than Eowyn-Deseret.  The woman associated with Honey.

So, far we have references to the juice, stone, and Eowyn.  All things that we would associate with Faramir-Ether (at least in my story), but here written out in ink on the body of this fellow.

Let's look some more...

Here we now get a good shot at the chest and neck area of our man:

I will first draw attention to the spider which shows up again on his neck.  With a spider on both the hand and throat, I think we may see here the influence of evil (perhaps even the nature of Ungoliante herself) in the words that will and do come from both the voice of this man, as well as his writing.  Ungoliante was that Being who first stole / destroyed the Light of Aman, and killed the Two Trees, and this man - Brigham Young - is in league with all that she represents.  The Sawtooth Stone, by the way, ties to this because it was hidden and buried prior to those horrible deeds, I believe.

Next, start from his right hand (our left side) and work your way across his upper chest.  You will see three words:  Sink, Friends, Family.  We might be tempted to consider at least the Sink word separately from Friends and Family, but I suggest that we not give into that temptation and see this as one complete phrase... Sink friends family.  This guy doesn't look like much of a friends and family man, so I also suggest he is referring to someone else's family and their friends.  Specifically, I think this is the Family of Light and all of their good friends.  They will go on a voyage across the 'sea' to escape what is on its way for this man, who I think will likely lack a ticket to get on that same voyage.  This man - Brigham - would stop them to sink them and prevent them from rising, as is their right to do.

Next, below on the center of his chest we get more support for this interpretation (in my view).  We have a crown over a jewel.  I think this represents, in my opinion, the Jewel House - the Family of Light, here again.  The Jewels or Beings that Jesus will gather and save.  However, adding the wings to this overall image, we can see another level of interpretation or definition.  This is Faramir-Eonwe - the Jewel Hunter, a Royal Son, and also the Sun of Righteousness. The Holy Ghost.  In Jesus' words to those at Bountiful, he speaks of this person by quoting Malachi (in 3 Nephi 25):

But unto you that fear my name, shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves in the stall.

He also quotes on either end of those words a few things relating to burning, ash, etc. that might also be relevant for our story.

In any case, these symbols bearing Faramir's identity are, again, tattooed or inked on the very Being of Brigham-Omar.  He desires to be this person, and to be and have all that he has.  As I have written before, this goes back all the way to before the creation of this Earth when two Beings stood before God and offered to be "sent", and it was Faramir-Eonwe and not Brigham-Omar who was chosen.  And if he cannot be that Being (though he has not given up on that effort - thus his pursuit of those Keys, as well as what lies beyond it), then he will sink Faramir and his House if he can.  And again, Brigham's motivation for those Keys/ Stones lies in both what and who is on the other side (Heaven and Eowyn), but also in possession of those things change a few elements of the story in his favor, covering up his own sins.  It wouldn't be the first time such attempts have been made, I don't think.

Let's move on...

Further down the line, after some more yelling from this man, we now see him in the fray, but carrying a banner with the emblem of the crossed keys.  

This one is pretty straightforward.  There was and is a banner bearer of Heaven:  Eonwe-Faramir.  But, again, Brigham-Omar-Dairon wanted to play that role, and here he is, living out that fantasy in pursuit of what he probably believes is rightfully his.  I don't doubt that Brigham then, and in whatever form he is in now (as I have written before, I believe he is among us now), has any doubt in his mind that this is his destiny.  How could you, when you have it literally tattooed all over you? He is all in, and thus no repentance, only perdition.

I think we will leave it off there, as we see ultimately what happens to Brigham (he does catch some serious height as he goes down...).  We also see that it is his set of keys, around a chain, are removed from him and fly away.  Any semblance, real or otherwise, of either authority or access to Heaven or with the Family of God is completely removed.  He wanted to be something that he wasn't, and was willing to kill and steal so that he could have it, and this is how it ends for him.

I got tied up more than I thought with work and family things earlier today, so I will leave this off here, knowing that it probably still seems vague - are you seeing what I am seeing?  I don't know.  In identifying Brigham, maybe you can see the other parts of the story, and how they relate to the Keys/ Stones and what is going on.

I do want to cover that man who reads out of the book with the crossed keys.  That will need to be a later post, but I didn't want to leave it off without at least giving him his name:


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