Sunday, September 1, 2024

Burning Man

It occurred to me as I was writing the last post, and making some connections with Fawkes the Phoenix and Faramir, that going on right now in Nevada is the annual event known as Burning Man.  Faramir-Eonwe became early on in this blog the symbol of a Burning Man, due to his past history of being burned alive, or attempted to be burned (as Abinadi, Faramir, etc.), his identity as Eonwe, who was also known as Urion (Orion) which in Elvish means "Blazing, Fire, or The Sun", and also his guessed at identity as the Holy Ghost, the one said to baptize with Fire.

WanderingGondola just left a comment on that last post referencing Guy Fawkes within the context of "V for Vandetta".  In that movie, a Guy Fawkes mask is used by the main protagonist (V) and also adopted by a mob or protestors who storm the British Parliament.

This mention caused me to look into Guy Fawkes a bit more as I was curious, and one thing jumped out at me.  There is actually an annual commemoration known as Guy Fawkes Day, held on November 5, which is also known as Bonfire Night or Fireworks night.  As one might expect from these names, fire is involved in these observances.

Specifically, it seems that effigies of Guy Fawkes are made, and these are thrown on top of bonfires all around Britain every year as part of the festivities.  As an American, I had never even heard of this whole thing until now.

It was interesting to see that connection not long after I realized that we are currently in the middle of that Burning Man celebration.  Do you want to know the name of the place Burning Man is held every year? I think it is relevant and consistent with our symbols:  Black Rock City.  It started for less specific reasons than Guy Fawkes Day, with Burning Man originating on Baker's Beach in San Francisco (I would expect nothing less, by the way) in the mid-1980's for no better reason than a couple guys spontaneously deciding they wanted to build a wooden man and dog on the beach and set them on fire.  Seriously.  

But wait - did I just say a Man and a Dog?  Yup.  Kind of like Orion and Sirius, right?  In any case, the event was moved out to Black Rock a few years later and that is where it has stayed.  

The event started last Sunday, and is set to end tomorrow, on Labor Day in the U.S.   While similar to the Guy Fawkes celebrations in that it involves bonfires and burning an effigy, in the case of Burning Man it is the Man himself (and that is what they refer to him as - Man) that is set on fire in the main event.  The effigy's height has been capped over the last several years at around 40 feet tall, so this is a really large effigy to burn.

Strangely, and unknown to me when I both started this post and wrote my last one earlier this morning, the Burning Man was actually lit on fire just last night at 9pm local time.  How random is that?  

I am not sure they have photos out yet of whatever they burned last night, but here is a random picture I found that shows what it looked like one year.  In this one, it kind of looks like it was designed to have the Man stand on a Flying Saucer (though definitely not tight like unto a dish...)


  1. Ha! Just before seeing this post, I was singing a TMBG song to myself: “You’ll miss me with effigies / Lighting up your house like Xmas trees …”

  2. WJT,
    Interestingly ( and I think I shared this on your blog WJT)....
    but on Aug 1, 2020 I had a dream which I titled:
    Obama the Wicker Man at the Window , and the Door.
    In that dream Obama, in addition to being inside a Wicker cage
    right outside my living room window,
    he was also driving a Maserati however he wasn't inside
    the wicker cage at that point in the dream.

    If you recall when I shared the Wicker Man dream a year or two ago
    on your blog I mentioned that in my research (after having
    the dream) I found some very interesting
    connections with Poseidon and the Trident. Maserati's logo.

    Do recall my comment about the World Trade Buildings
    and the Trident.
    Sep 11 2001 was the ritual of the Silver Gate.
    The next ritual will involve the Golden Gate(s)

    Everything in this dimension has a dual nature.
    It's called twinning.

    Also everything is connected much like a wheel.
    "What goes around comes around"
    also known as : " There is nothing new under the Sun".

    And speaking of wheels and Eight Point Stars, check out
    the symbolic logo of the United States Atomic Energy Commission.
    Count the 'points'.

  3. WJT,
    I just wanted to add one more thought to my previous comment,
    and while it may seem as if I'm going too far astray from the original topic
    of this post, however I beg to differ, because this post is about Burning,
    and so are my comments.

    My reference to the US Atomic Energy Commission
    and its Eight Point Star logo I believe supports my theory about WHO
    the architects are in this duality dimension, which I believe to be
    the eye on the detached capstone, whom
    the El's ( 11's ) serve and work for.

    I don't think all of these connections are a coincidence,
    and if they are not a coincidence begs the question:
    then what are they? And more importantly WHY?

    The reason why the US Atomic Energy Commission randomly
    came to my attention yesterday was because of a documentary
    that I was watching titled: Target; St. Louis,
    about a Cold War experimental project targeting people ( mainly
    Black people ) in and around an inner-city neighborhood
    and Housing Project (Pruitt Igoe) in St. Louis.

    In the documentary, the US Atomic Energy Commission was discussed
    and when I saw the logo, I immediately stopped the vid and
    counted the points.
    Lo and Behold, the wheel again appears.

    Fire and Water, both destroyers AND both Life givers.
    Two sides of the same coin.

    The random find of the Atomic Energy Commission's Eight Point
    Star sparked my curiosity, so I decided to watch the
    2023 movie Oppenheimer and yet again
    there were many connections to my own puzzle pieces
    in that movie as well.

    One connection being Los Almos
    and its coordinates : 35° 53′ 28″ N, 106° 15′ 50″ W.

    The 33 degree parallel and the 104 Meridian West. ( Actual
    lat 35 and long 106 but do factor in the Law of the Three).

    Recall I shared my perspective about the 104 Meridian West,
    Colorado Springs and Denver Ley Lines many
    times on your blog.

    A few other interesting and personal connecting puzzle pieces
    in the movie (which I also shared this with you as well )
    are the Manhattan Project, Miamisburg Ohio
    and the Miamisburg Mound.

    I grew up right across the bridge ( Miami River)
    from Miamisburg in West Dayton.

    Small world in a vast and connected universe, no?

    Oppenheimer | New Trailer

  4. WJT:

    That is one crazy song.

    "Your money talks but my genius walks". Definitely some references to shoes, walking, and being among the stars.
