Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Zelda's Trident

I had a brief dream this morning which involved Zelda holding a Trident.  It was just really an image, basically, that was up long enough for me to recognize what I was looking at, and then it was gone.

I've already proposed Zelda as a symbol of Eowyn in this story, at least with respect to that opening scene from the Nintendo video game The Legend of Zelda:  Tears of the Kingdom.  So, it was under that same assumption that I tried to make sense of the image after I woke up.

By the way, before I get to that, I just realized that the common title to all of these various Nintendo games featuring Zelda is pretty relevant for our purposes here:  The Legend of Zelda.

I've brought up the Elvish words Nyarna before, interestingly enough in the same post that I mentioned the Brittany Spears.  These "Spears" I think may tie to the Trident visual (since a Trident is a Spear, I suppose), but in that earlier post I had just commented that Nyarna had come up in a dream for me, and that this word was also found in my 2019-2020 words.

The word Nyarna means "long epic tale, story, legend".  


When one reads the phrase The Legend of Zelda, you can interpret it as meaning a Legend about Zelda.  That would be likely the way the Nintendo creators intended it, and I think works for us as well.  There is definitely a Story that needs to be shared or told about who Zelda represents in our Story, meaning Eowyn.  Things like what exactly transpired following her ascension, why her to take on that role, etc.  

But, you can also read that phrase as meaning the Legend that Zelda has, or the Legend that comes from her or that she compiled.  This fits very well with the story here, in which we have Eowyn collecting a Legend or Story on her Ithil Stone that will ultimately be shared with Faramir and the Rose Stone.

Anyway, just a thought I had that is probably a tangent, but might also fit in with this Trident theme in some way.  But, let's get back to that Trident.

My first thought honestly went to Neptune or Poseidon.  The Trident is that God's famous symbol, and so I tried to make sense of the image in relation to that.

Poseidon was the Greek God of the Sea, and there has obviously been quite a lot of symbolism and discussion around the "Sea".

I could go a few places with this, but because the dream was again in a Zelda-based theme, I'll stay focused on that aspect and go back to my last Zelda dream.  In that dream, I was shown something as a "Main Quest", with a short description appearing that said:

To be led into the realm of Thingol
There to find that which you most desire

In that post, I had guessed that the "realm of Thingol" was a reference to the "Sea", and by that I meant something like the space between Worlds.  I've described or referenced it as Outer Space or something like that, but I truly don't know how to imagine or think of whatever it is this "Sea" represents.  I just think it is real and will be entered and crossed at some point.  Outer Space is probably the best thing I can picture in imagining what lies between Worlds, I suppose, but at the same time who knows what it is that we are actually talking about here.

As part of this guess as to Thingol's realm, I included a passage from Words of Them That Have Slumbered which mentions that Thingol would inherit or be given Ekkaia - the Waters the encircle the Earth - from Ulmo, the Vala of Waters and Sea.   There is specific mention of a "scepter" in that excerpt that I didn't highlight then, but which might be relevant in thinking about this Trident symbol:

Westward rowed Thingol-king, alone across the vast ocean Ekkaia encircling, traversing what would be - should Eru's promise not withholding - his own kingdom of waters, Ulmo not supplanting, but receiving of him vice-regency, in scepter, when the Vala retires;  As surveying prospective places for improvement in Eru's Original Designs, yet within its manifold layers, immeasured and without end... 

A scepter is a staff that is linked to royalty or some specific sovereign, but also, per Etymonline, based on words which mean "Spear, lance, stick" etc.  And so, in this scepter mentioned here you could picture the Trident, potentially, given its association with the God of Waters.  I do, actually, based on the dream from this morning.

Eowyn is John-Thingol's daughter from a long, long time ago (I think), and her holding the Trident might represent this.  I've also indicated that she may have been (I think probably was) Earwen on Aman for a time (having condescended into that Elvish form after being Ilmare, the Maia).  Earwen was known as the Swan Maiden, but of note in how it fits with this symbol of the Trident, her actual name means "Maiden of the Sea" or just "Sea Maiden".

Lastly, there is also just the general notion of the Trident being a Spear used at Sea.  This is where I go back to the Brittany Spears that I mentioned above.  It appears something - whether a veil, darkness, space itself, I don't know - will be 'pierced' or divided, and a path created.  Think of my dream with the voice asking if I will "step through".  Some passage was created whereby that step could be accomplished.  Which would be an impossible step without the passage or path having been created where there wasn't one before.  In the dream, it was like a portal or door had opened up in the loft of my barn, demonstrating that this isn't some normal door we are talking about here, I don't think.   Again, I don't know how to exactly even visualize or try to get my mind wrapped around what this means, but there is something to this idea or this theme that keeps coming up.

So those are a few random thoughts in relation to the image of Zelda holding a Trident.  Maybe some other things will come of it, but just logging the image and some connections while it is on my mind.  I guess one other thought is that I did write about the Tri-Rod earlier in that new Zelda game.  Tri-Dent is like that, I suppose, at least in that they both have the Tri- element.

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