Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Theodore as Moses and the Brother of Jared?

 I am back to thinking about our 3rd mysterious Magi.  I think I left off with him posting about the Green Jell-O escapade.

We've mapped our Magi to not only the Chip Monks Alvin, Simon, and Theodore, but I've also tied them to another trio from Star Trek:  Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.  Kirk and Spock seem to have come through clearly, or I can see them as symbols for Alvin-Gim Guru and Simon-Gim Githil, but Theodore remains a little more cagey, at least to me.

I do think Moses is involved here, somehow.  That one morning last week when I woke up super hungry and had a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios strangely reinforced this notion in my mind.  If you were to ascribe hunger to one prophetic character, I think there are many who could be in the running, but doesn't Moses' story of the Exodus and wandering around the wilderness for 40 years, relying on daily manna to stave of starvation take the cake here?  I mean, things looked so bad at the outset that the Children of Israel were begging to go back to Egypt rather than starve:

And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.

It is this point that first tied Theodore to Moses for me, although this is admittedly a creative read. Theodore is famously always on the outlook for food - trying to obtain it or stash it away.  Food is on that poor Chip Monk's mind, and this seemed relevant, if only because I've seen so many winks with the other two Chip Monks that I figure it has to mean something.  In that song from "A Chipmunk Adventure" alone he is seen attempting to get food 3 times in the span of a 2.5 minute song.  He is also trying to get food at the beginning of the other video clip I included in that post.

So, that is all to say, when I woke up hungry that morning AND thinking about Moses, my mind went to Theodore, food, and Moses out with the Children of Israel worried about perishing from hunger.

Beyond the food aspect, though, and the Green color (that ties him to the Wise Man named Caspar, who is traditionally portrayed in Green) there isn't much to go on here, however, in terms of narrowing down Theodore's identity.

So, instead I looked at his other doppelgangers in Dr. McCoy and Caspar.

Let's start with names, shall we?

Dr. McCoy's first name is Leonard.  So that is interesting, right?  We have another Leonard/ Leon/ Leo reference.  It is even more interesting when taken together with Spock, or rather, the actor who plays Spock, who is Leonard Nimoy.  Two of our Three Star Trek characters tied to the Chip Monks and Wise Men have Lion symbolism in some way from names.  Two Lions.

McCoy itself simply means "Fire", but it gets a little more involved than just that.  It also stands for "Son of Aodh".  Aodh was a Celtic Sun God (so we have Gaelic involved here yet again), and that name, per a few sources including the always-infallible (just kidding) Wikipedia, means "Bringer of Fire" or "The Kindler".

OK, so do you remember how I have both Moses and the Brother of Jared in my mind for Theodore, and that this would mean that Moses is the Brother of Jared?  Well, this name definition took me straight to the Brother of Jared when I read it.  How so?  Because he was the one that brought light or fire to the barges in the form of those 16 Stones that Jesus touched with is finger.  Literally, the Light of the Son was what this man brought down from the Mountain.  And again, it was done by the touch of Jesus' finger.

Moses also brought something down from a mountain top that was said to be created by the touch of Jesus' finger, and it also involved Stones.  I am referring to the tablets containing the commandments, of course, written also with God's own finger.

Potentially a precarious connection between the two, but it is something.

In any case, in Dr. McCoy's name you have, perhaps, a reference to both Moses and the Brother of Jared's role to bringing Light and Fire to Men - like a literal and symbolic Prometheus.

Captain Kirk famously refers to Dr. McCoy simply as "Bones".  This name is so conspicuously used, that I had to look into it.  I mean, thinking just creatively at first you could say we have an oblique reference to the hunger theme again - when someone has not eaten enough and is looking too skinny, they are said to look like "Skin and Bones".

Yeah, maybe, but I wanted to see what the real origin for that name was.  It turns out that Bones is a shorthand name for Sawbones.  Sawbones was an old term (I don't think used very much anymore) for a surgeon, you know like someone whose tools and practice consisted sometimes of literally sawing through a patient's bones.  Kirk took that "Saw" out, and just simply called him Bones.  I will note, however, that here was see "Saw" come up again, implied at least, and maybe made even more obvious in its absence.  We are talking about a witness here, someone who "saw" things, including Jesus and the entire story of this World, so that is something.  We are also, as I've noted in past posts and probably more relevant for our purposes here, talking about curved blades in the form of Circular Saw Blades, or Stones, Records, and the like.

If you'll humor me on this meandering mental journey, this is particularly relevant when one considers that this Saw Blade has been compared with the Word of God, and there are many instances where this Word has been compared to a blade that cuts through bodies like a surgeon's knife or saw.  For example, from Paul's epistle to the the Hebrews (appropriate for the topic of Moses):

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Further, that Saw Blade I have tied directly to Ezekiel 37 and 2 Nephi 3, in reference to the Two Sticks (which I believe refer, at least in part, to the Ithil and Rose Stones).  Ezekiel 37 starts off with the prophet being carried away to a "valley which was full of bones".  In fact, the entire first part of that chapter, before we get to the Two Sticks, refers to Bones and their resurrection or taking on new life.  I think that might be relevant here, specifically since we have tied that chapter to the Stones and Records, and we have also tied Dr. McCoy to them as well as one of the three Magi called to the place in France where those Records are kept.

Surgeon is what Bones or Sawbones stands for again, so I also looked up what that word means.  This is also interesting.  Looking at Etymonline, you basically have a reference to one who works with their hands.  Simply "Hand Work, or Working by Hand".

This brings to mind another Brother of Jared connection.  In Doug's story, it is said that the Brother of Jared is a reincarnated Celebrimbor.  Celebrimbor was one of the greatest of Elvish smiths - certainly the greatest of his time - and we would know him primarily from his creation of the Three Rings of Power.  But we also know him due to his involvement in creating the Doors of Durin, which I covered in a post some time ago.  It would be as the Brother of Jared that he would return to Moria and use the Door he had created in another life to create the Stones (made out of mithril, presumably) that Jesus would touch.

The name Celebrimbor means "Silver Fist" or "Hand of Silver".  In using Fist, Tolkien was clear to specify that in the case of the word that is used in Celebrimbor's name (Paur which became Bor), "its chief use was in reference to the tightly closed hand as in using an implement or a craft-tool rather than to the ‘fist’ as used in punching”

So, a hand that holds or uses a tool or instrument to perform a work or craft.  This is pretty much the same definition as that of surgeon I cited above.

It if feels like I am throwing a bunch of spaghetti on a wall and seeing what sticks, I kind of am.  I have this hunch that Theodore is Moses and the Brother of Jared (at least one or the other, but I am thinking right now both), but it isn't as "clear" to me in some of the symbols and references as the other two Chip Monks, so I am basically pulling on some small threads and seeing if this goes anywhere.

Proceeding on, we should at least note the actor's name:  DeForest Kelley.  The first name simply means "Of the Forest".  Kelly means "Bright Headed".  Just listing those out - I don't know where to go with those at the moment.  Perhaps Bright Headed could refer to the knowledge or light in the mind of that Being?

Let's try a different tack.  We also have the Green Magi named Caspar or Gaspar.  I mentioned in an earlier post (where I first listed my guess that the Brother of Jared was perhaps involved) that this name means Treasurer or Treasure Bearer.  Here, again, I have a very tenuous link.

Interestingly enough, the Brother of Jared is told by Jesus to 'treasure up' the things that he saw and heard and not to show it to any person.   This directly ties to the Sealed Portion of the Golden Plates, where it is said that at least one version of the Brother of Jared's vision resides:

And it came to pass that the Lord said unto the brother of Jared: Behold, thou shalt not suffer these things which ye have seen and heard to go forth unto the world, until the time cometh that I shall glorify my name in the flesh; wherefore, ye shall treasure up the things which ye have seen and heard, and show it to no man.

And behold, when ye shall come unto me, ye shall write them and shall seal them up, that no one can interpret them; for ye shall write them in a language that they cannot be read.

In this way, the Brother of Jared may be considered the "treasurer" of these Sealed Plates, and perhaps has some involvement or keys relative to them at the House of Tom Bombadil.

In fact, whatever the Brother of Jared saw and wrote sounds awfully similar to what Moses saw and heard, likely similar to what the Three Witnesses saw and heard, and to what Joseph-Ausir saw and placed on the Rose Stone.  Thus, to me, it makes complete sense to place him at the House of Tom Bombadil in France along with those Beings and Records.  That is one reason I identify him with Theodore, and I am attempting to back into some support for that with these various little winks, including the connection to Moses, though he remains slippery.

In fact, it is interesting to imagine both Moses and the Seer being present together at that House, and that they would be Jared and the Brother of Jared.  In 2 Nephi 3, it is said the Seer (who I have pegged as Faramir) would be both like Joseph, as well as like Moses.  Having Moses-Brother of Jared and Faramir-Jared there - two Seers who have and will use Stones to view and relate true accounts of this Earth - might make sense.

So, I do think there is something here, and the end result of having Moses and the Brother of Jared (as the same Being) round out our Trio of Chip Monks makes sense to me, even if the connections and the path to tie various winks to support that seems a little more vague in my mind.

Anyway, we'll see where it goes, or if we need to change that.  For now, I will stick with this for our Green Monk.


  1. DeForest “Dee” Kelley has appeared on my blog a bit in connection with seer stone users John Dee and Edward Kelley, and with the 42/333/Tenth Aethyr theme and the yellow balloon. Just in case any of that is synchronistically helpful.

  2. I have mentioned this before somewhere but WJT's Animalia post for the letter L features two lions. One appears to be reading a green book (with a title I can't read) aloud to the other lion who is eating a book called Lassie Come Home. https://narrowdesert.blogspot.com/2024/06/this-episode-is-brought-to-you-by.html

  3. WJT:

    Nothing necessarily sticks out, other than the seer stone connection to John Dee and Edward Kelley, I suppose.

    I've compared Hermes' Caduceus to Two Stones, so who is to say that the stick with a serpent that Moses supposedly raised in the wilderness wasn't also some kind of Stone in his possession. It took 'looking' for the Israelites to be healed, and a Stone is something one can look at and into.

    42 has the Jackie Robinson connection as well, I guess, and he appeared in my dreams back in 2020, with the number 42 very prominent (my vision zoomed in on the number during a scene where he slide into home plate, and was afterward surrounded by friends who began wiping the dust and dirt off of him).

  4. Leo:

    That is a good catch. Seems relevant, the fact that we have two lions lounging in a library. "Local", what the library is called in that book, seems to have been originally used to designate a specific spot or place (as opposed to only meaning something nearby). Tom Bombadil's Study?
