Saturday, September 7, 2024

Love Pop

 Love and the Ace of Hearts symbol came up a couple times for William Tychonievich in his last post and update.  Last week it did for me as well in a slightly different way, and I wasn't going to post anything on it, actually, but I figured why not log it given William's last post.

I wrote about my run in with Perfect Harmony at the Coca-Cola store last Saturday while we were on vacation and cruising around a series of shops.  We left the Coca-Cola store to walk to the other end of the shopping complex, and on our way we passed a store I had never heard of before.  But the sign on top of store just jumped out at me, in a very similar way that red Coke shirt did.  In fact, as I was looking at it, a man (presumably an employee of the store) walked out the front door of the store wearing a red shirt with the store logo on it.  I took a picture of the store sign, but it doesn't fit or format well here, so this is the same logo, basically, that was on the sign:

Now, two things jumped out at me simultaneously:  The "Pop" and the image of the Red Book with a heart in the middle of it.

By the way, it turns out the store is a card store, and they specialize pop-up cards, where you open up the card and get some kind of 3-D art that unfolds.  Here is a Disney example from their very simple line-up of cards (the first good example that came up in my search of their online store), and they get much more involved with cards transforming into things like flower bouquets:

So, clearly the "book" that I saw in the logo was actually meant to represent a Card, but I saw it as a Book.  But, a Red Card with a Heart in the middle of it - where have we seen that before?

But the Card connection I didn't make until this morning after reading William's latest post.  Up until then, I was still thinking about it as a Book.  Which, as I highlighted in an earlier post, is really the same thing in the symbolism we are dealing with here.  That post was titled "Ace in the Hole", and it was about the Rose Stone, where I directly linked the symbolism of the Ace of Hearts Card to that Stone.  I cited a dream I had about a Red Card, and mentioned after looking it up on Etymonline that a Card can refer to both a Playing Card (like that shown above) but also to a tablet or writing - something like a story or book:

Here, I think, is the answer to the mystery about why the topic of soccer penalties had come up in my dream. A Red Card can mean "Red Writing" or "Red Tablet or Charter". This is, in my mind, a clear reference to the Red Sawtooth Stone [Rose Stone], and specifically the story that comes from it. William saw a Red Book in his dream titled Unhenned, which I've linked with this same Stone, with the Hen in question being potentially a reference to Jesus.

As you can see in that excerpt I re-posted here, I also linked William's Red Book from his dream and, further, mentioned that this might have something to do with Jesus.

The story on the Rose Stone is said to be one of Love, and about a Family, at least those were words I wrote down one early morning back in March 2021:

The story on the stone is the story of our family. It is meant for our family, to cause them all to shine. It is a story of love, of our love undying and unending, even in a void. To bring forth, even in this nothing-place, love's power - our family's power.

You came powerless, as did others, with hope in a promise. The story is the promise, and the power.

And the void, now de-void it own power, recedes; what WAS NOT now becoming IS.

Thus, the symbolism of the Heart that is at the center of this Red Book or Card.

And a Family needs, ultimately, a Father.  A "Pop".  When I first looked at the sign, it was William's posts or references to "Hop on Pop", the Dr. Seuss book, that came to my mind.  In that phrase, it was clearly meant to refer to a Father.  And on the logo for this business, that is how I saw it as well, although clearly it was intended to refer to the art or images that pop up as you open the card.

In other words, I saw the phrase as "Love Dad", both without a comma like that as in something you feel or do for your Father, but also with a comma, as in a Father signed the Card "Love, Dad", as many people do when they finish off a letter or a card that they they might send or give to somebody.

William wrote about the warning to not "hop on pop".  That some Pops are not to be hopped on.  He actually extended this warning or interpretation to one of my dreams in which a man drove off with a wagon filled with all of my tools except one - my circular saw (which I have since analogized to the Rose Stone).  His opinion was that this might fit into that overall theme of not 'hopping' on something (in the dream I had been desperately running after a wagon at extremely high speeds in an effort to 'hop on' the wagon that was getting away).  I like that interpretation.

But where there are false "Pops" or Christs, there is also a true One.  And in looking at this sign, and in thinking about it now, that is kind of what I see in that logo symbolism:  Love Jesus (your Father).

I think that ultimately the Family of Light is all brought together as the family of Jesus.  In that poem I wrote to myself a couple years ago, that is essentially what I found myself writing out whatever was going through my head - here are the last few lines:

Understanding from experience hard-earned
that where the light shines
darkness cannot stand
This light now being made manifest in us
Never to be again overcome
Children of Christ
His family eternal, bonds unbreaking
Happiness abounding


So, Children of Jesus is ultimately what we are and will be known as again, I believe.

In a strange phrase regarding the Stone, and captured in the same morning or setting as mention of another set of "Pops", that of the 96 Fathers, I wrote down that the Stone has quite a lot to say about Jesus:

October 10, 2022
Jah ni sola gross determino ascertain to come back
Stone - there is so much hurray about Jesus Christ
Pas gar 96

I looked up "hurray" to see if it added any clarity to that statement.  Apparently, per Etymonline, it came originally from a battle cry used by the Prussians during the War of Liberation in the early 1800's.  Ever since, it has traditionally been a cry of "exultation" by sailor and soldiers, apparently.  The "Liberation" context relative to its first recorded use caught my attention, since I think that is exactly what this whole thing will be about.  Liberation and prisoners going free in some way.  A Declaration of Independence.

So that helps explain the "Love Dad" reading, with Jesus as the Father mentioned.  Whatever is on that Stone will, perhaps, place Jesus as that Father, and remind his Family that they are his.  Further, there are other "Fathers" to be reconciled to and love.  Finwe's House, for example, with him as their Father.  Gim Githil, the 96th Father - the Last and the First as it relates to those Eldar - and his own redemption along with all of those Fathers.

But, I just had a thought this morning with respect to the "Love, Dad" aspect of the phrase.  The Rose Stone, apparently, was created at the advice and counsel of Jesus himself.  I interpret a specific collection of words from 2020 as a dialogue between Joseph-Ausir and Gim Guru-Faramir, with respect to the need to make this Stone.  

Gim Guru says the Story needs to "come out".  Joseph replies that he feels we will all "wake up" before it is written.  This is perhaps a reference to an opinion that we might need to experience or live the story before it can be written, but likely has other symbolic elements in it was well.

Gim Guru replies that the Story needs to be written "before all else", and the statement that follows seems to suggest that it is Jesus (Eru) who has asked that this Story be written now, and that it be placed on the Rose Stone.  Here is part of the strange dialogue:

May 4, 2020
[Joseph?] Ah, but you are so little
[Joseph] Yea, though the starry heavens shall pass away yet my love shall not depart from thee, O house of Israel; though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as the driven snow
[GG] You should get the story out, a min
[Joseph] Feel we will wake up before we get it out
[GG] Let it be written before all else, trust in Eru good alone can come

So, the creation of the Rose Stone was an exercise or act of trust or Faith, and done at the request, as I take it, or counsel of Jesus.  Thus, the "Love, Dad" reading of that LovePop phrase - a letter or book from the past meant for a far future day, with him as its author in the sense that it was his idea in some fashion.

In any case, that statement from Joseph about scarlet sings becoming white is part of this story of "RED-emption" and also symbolized by the Red Book or Rose Stone, and thus further support the additional reading that it is not only Jesus as the Father of his Family that the Book will have something to say about, but also the redemption of the "true Fathers" within that Family, perhaps.  Again, I don't have a very clear idea of what that looks like, but I guess that is why we will have the Book at some point.

Anyway, just wanted to get that down - the imagery of the Red Book with the Heart inside of it, along with LovePop was very interesting when I saw it initially.  There are so many little symbols and stories going through my mind that I don't know necessarily what to write about, but when I saw William's latest post, I thought may as well do a quick post on Love Pop.

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