Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Michael Jackson and the Stone

Michael Jackson has come up in my dreams twice over the past few weeks, with the second time being this morning.  

There seems to be this whole "Michael" thing going on right now.  In terms of where Michael has come up before in my own posts (in addition to my mention of the St. Michael connection yesterday with the Sync Fairies), I expressed my opinion that Michael was yet another name for Faramir-Eonwe-Enoch-Abinadi-etc., (also the Holy Ghost) in this post revisiting the story of two Beings asking to be the 'sent one' .  This honestly starts to feel like we are grouping a lot of incarnations onto one person, bordering on too much, but that is where things are in my mind.  Who knows if it stays that way.  

In any case, Michael becomes important in my story because if he is also these other identities, that means that it is he who will be using the Sawtooth and Anor Stones.  My first dream left some room for interpretation as to whether Michael Jackson was really referenced.  I guessed he was based on the clues, and they were kind of funny to me in thinking about them, but it wasn't really definitive.  The dream this morning seemed to make me think that I did, in fact, understand and interpret things correctly, so I figured that would be my topic for the day.  Other worlds will have to wait.

I will actually start with my dream this morning, and work back to the first dream, primarily because there isn't much to this recent dream.  It was very short.  There were other things going on before and after, but they kind of slipped my mind and I didn't really hold on to them.  The Michael Jackson reference, however, was very clear.

In my dream, I found myself looking at pages in a book.  The book itself looked to be scriptures of some kind, because they were divided into columns and verses as one would find with a typical set of scriptures, whether a Bible, Book of Mormon, or whatever.  My vision zoomed on particular verse, and I was able to make out writing that went, "... thus the Lord, Michael T. Jackson...".   There was other writing, but I don't remember it.

When I woke up, I looked up Michael Jackson's name, and his middle initial is J for Joseph, not T, and as of right now I have no idea as to why it was T in my dream.  I did take away a few things, however.  First, the way the name was written - with a middle initial, which is a very Mormon thing that is done with their Leadership or General Authorities.  For example,  Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, etc.  Second, that the name was in a religious setting like scriptures, accompanied by 'Lord'.  And third, that the name was Michael Jackson, as this brought to mind immediately my dream from a couple weeks ago, which was also in a church setting.  

Here is then that earlier, first dream:

I found myself walking into the foyer of an LDS/ Mormon church building.  As I then began to enter the chapel, I noticed that I was pushing a rather large baby stroller.  It was definitely a baby stroller, but it was huge and almost in the shape of a box.  It was black in color, and it looked to me almost like a shroud.  And as I noticed this, I also recognized that the stroller was indeed blocking both my ability to see directly at whatever was in the stroller, as well as anybody else's chance to see.  Whatever was in the baby stroller was completely hidden.

As I walked into the chapel, I then became aware that I was really late for church and the meeting had already started.  All eyes were on me as I entered.  The chapel was already full, and so I had no choice but to walk past the back pews and head into the cultural hall.  For those not familiar with LDS chapels, there is usually a fairly large curtain or divider of sorts that separates the main chapel from what they call a cultural hall behind it.  A cultural hall is really just a gym, typically, with basketball hoops and sometimes a stage depending on the size of the meeting house.  Anyway, when the chapel fills up, they will open the divider and set up some chairs in the gym for extra seating.  That is where I was headed with this gigantic black baby stroller.

As I went to find a seat in the very back, I made eye contact with the brother of a girl I had grown up with and gone on a few dates with in high school but never actually dated.  Their family was also apparently in the back of the cultural hall.  He gave me this smile like there was some kind of inside joke I was supposed to be in on.

I found my seat, and pulled the stroller next to me.  It was at this point that I looked down at my legs and became mortified at what I saw.  I was wearing black pants with hems falling much higher up my lower legs than I would generally wear.  I also wore matching black shoes.  So far this is relatively OK, though I would have preferred longer pants (and not black pants).  What shocked me, though, was that I was wearing bright white socks, which I thought made me look ridiculous, particularly since my hems were so high and they really stood out.  I would typically have worn black socks or some other darker color.  I tried to pull down my hems as much as I could to cover the socks, but that obviously didn't work.   The last thing I remember before waking up was having a strong desire to get up and leave because of how stupid I must have looked.

Immediately after waking up, I believed I knew the meaning of the baby stroller, but did not really have a clue as to my outfit with the white socks.  So, I will cover the stroller first here, and then get into the socks.

I believe that the Sawtooth Stone is the thing that was in that stroller.  To understand why I think this, I have to share some additional words and some context around them.

As I have written about in recent posts, I was not really fully aware of timing around the Sawtooth Stone until diving back into some of those older words just last month and writing out my thoughts.  As articulated in those posts (you can reference them - they are a lot of the September posts, I believe, though I tried to summarize an overall timeline in that "that's a wrap" post I wrote before my break),  I have Asenath defeating the 'Son of Baal-ox' likely around April 20 or 21, 2020.  Sometime between those dates and May 7, the Stone was recovered.  In my earlier post on the Stone Couriers I wondered out loud whether the Stone wasn't moved until the next year because they were still trying to find and/or extract it, but I am now (as of today) fairly confident the retrieval happened quickly and during that time frame.

Why?  Because of some additional dialogue captured during that time.

As a reminder, my own written records of that time (April and May 2020) end on April 22.  That is when my electronic file ends, and I burned all of my notebooks.  So, this next bit is from memory.  My words were given to the person mentioned in my post yesterday (which I will provide additional context around), as well as the other person I had been working more closely with.  I say that again just because they would have more detail as to the exact date and whether my memory of the phrases themselves is accurate (I believe it is, by the way).

So, onward...

It was likely either May 1 or 2 (but again, could have been a few days earlier or later... the important thing is it happened sometime between Asenath's confrontation in April and May 7), I captured this phrase:

Yor El

30 pounds, 8 inches

Wait for it

At that time, and after thinking on it for a bit, I did understand it to refer to the Stone, but again not knowing, or at least guessing at, everything I have since about what the Stone actually is.  'El' means 'Star', so pretty straightforward.  'Yor' I understood as a play on words between English and Elvish.  'Yor' sounding just like the English 'Your', but also in Elvish meaning potentially either "enclosed/ bounded" or potentially "old/ancient".  I lean toward the latter as being what was meant, and so we have "Your ancient Star (Stone)". Or it could be both, and something like "Your ancient enclosed Star (Stone)".

The second line simply gives the dimensions of the Stone.  I will go into this a bit more on how it ties to the baby stroller, but will also say here that remember in the dialogue with the Couriers where they were given the Stone (that post here) that there was a remark about the size being something like a cantaloupe, and thinking on this now an 8-inch diameter would be consistent with a medium-size cantaloupe.

And then it closes with an injunction to whomever is being addressed to wait for this 'it', and I take that to mean the Stone itself.

OK, back to the pounds and inches of the Stone and how that relates to a baby stroller.  This actually ties in to my commentary/ confessional at the end of yesterday's post regarding my visit with the unnamed person the evening before I went to the hospital.  Because I still don't want to write the name, but this part of the story is critical for why a baby stroller was seen in my dream, I will just call that person *Doug* so I don't have to keep writing about how I don't want to write their name.  So, up to that time I mentioned that I had never had a conversation with Doug.  I had, however, exchanged many emails.  I say exchange, but it was usually one-way thing.  He was very interested in me sharing all of the words I was getting with him, and eventually set up a spreadsheet that I (and then also the other person who started to have similar experiences) were to use to drop in our words.  At various periods I had reservations about this or felt uneasy, and so would go into fits and starts about sharing things.  But, there was no one else who even believed that this was a real thing, and I was really confused, so it was a tough situation.

By the time I ended up speaking with him on the evening of May 6, I hadn't shared my words for a bit of time.  Part of why the conversation was so long was because I ended up sharing all of the latest stuff from my notebooks that I hadn't forwarded to him.  There was quite a lot of stuff.  It was actually in the course of doing this that I started to feel ill and that this whole thing had been a mistake.  And in hindsight it was stupid, but in my defense I was in a fair amount of distress at that point already.

Anyway, part of the words shared would have been the 'Yor El' reference, and when we got to the weight and length, Doug made a comment that the way it was phrased sounded like how you would announce a baby being born - weight and height statistics.  When he said that, I remember thinking that this sounded exactly right.

Flashing forward to the present and my dream, I believe that this is why I was pushing a stroller.  That weight and height was in fact a reference to the 'birth' or retrieval of that Stone sometime at the end of April/ early May.  The Stone as a newborn baby.  I also will share additional words in a future post that seem to indicate the 'birth' of this Stone was made aware to some as a sign in 'Heaven' (our Earth being in the sky for those individuals, and so people inhabiting another world seeing this Star or Stone born on our Earth in their sky or in their heavens ... if that makes sense).

So, the Stone was being pushed into the church in a baby stroller that also acted as a shroud.  A few things that stood out to me about this part of the dream:

First, it was late and church had already started.  Meaning, potentially, the Stone is/ will be a late comer to the world of Mormonism.  Secondly, and building on this, there was no room in the chapel for it.  The church was full, and so the Stone was relegated to the very back cultural hall (but, I guess, still kind of within or connected to the church somehow).  Lastly, it was shrouded, and although people could see a person pushing it into the church, they could not see the Stone itself.  As in, they were aware of its presence and existence, but could not see it.

There are likely other meanings, and even more accurate ones, but that was my initial take.

But, now those white socks.

I didn't clue in on this until a few days later as I was thinking about it on and off.  And then it hit me - Michael Jackson!  I was dressed up as Michael Jackson in that dream, in his iconic high-water black pants with white socks and black shoes.  Here is an image of the King of Pop himself in the look I am describing:

When I thought of it, it seemed to make sense because again we have this reference to 'Michael', or in other words Faramir-Ether-etc., who will have the Stone. 

The other thought that hits me right now as I type is that those white socks that Michael Jackson wore were made iconic in his famous 'Moonwalk' dance move, and I have mentioned in other posts that Faramir will indeed go on a 'moonwalk' of sorts.   This also ties with a song that I had going on in my head both yesterday and this morning called "One Foot" by a band called none other than "Walk the Moon".  Is that you, Fairies?  

For kicks, here is Michael's first moonwalk (or so the video poster says):

In any case, it made sense when I thought of it, but it was iffy enough where I didn't really know for sure.  Maybe I was making too much of it.  But then I had the dream this morning referencing Michael Jackson (Michael T. Jackson, I guess, more accurately), and I kind of took it as supporting this interpretation.

So, Michael (Jackson) in possession of a shrouded, newly-born Stone entering church a little late, and having to take a seat in the back, but likely with some things to say.  Who knows, maybe he entered a Fast and Testimony meeting and can find a chance to head on up to the pulpit (for those not familiar, this is a meeting where there is essentially an open microphone and anybody can go up to speak).

I mentioned that Walk the Moon song earlier.  Here that is also.

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