Thursday, October 26, 2023

A quick follow-up on syncs

Two posts in one day... 

After I hit publish on the Michael Jackson post earlier today, I went over to William Tychonievich's blog since I hadn't been there yet and I have been checking in mostly every day to see what is new there.

He had published a few new posts, and in one of them he made a reference to what I wrote that had me a bit worried that maybe I hadn't been clear or had stated something wrong.  So, I wanted to clarify, and then potentially use the clarification to illustrate a few of my thoughts and where I stand on some things.

In his post, "I know I pioneered some things, no doubt. I'm not really sure how I feel about it", he says this

William Wright mentions at one point becoming rather distressed by the invasion of the sync fairies into his life, and that playing a role in his decision to stop blogging. I know of at least two other cases in which readers of this blog have ended up with psychological issues with a little help from my friends. Is it irresponsible of me to share all this stuff so openly? I was bred en bawn in a brier-patch, but for those less accustomed to high strangeness it can be rather shattering.

It was his comment that I was 'rather distressed' that caught my attention, and then when he went on to liken it to psychological issues developed with other readers of his blog and seeming to imply that the strangeness was shattering to both them and me, due to some level of not being accustomed.

I went back to what I wrote to see if I had given that impression - that these Sync Fairies were distressing to me, because if I did I wanted to clear that up.

In looking back on the post, I didn't see any reference to that level of distress that warranted psychological issues or an aversion to strangeness.  I think what I write about is pretty strange.  I did say that these Fairies were partially responsible for my stopping (which is true - also meaning not the only reason) and that they had bothered (meaning, annoyed) me the more I thought about their approach, particularly in the last week.

As I have tried to be very open about in several of my posts, I developed extremely severe psychological issues long before I heard of William or had any encounter with the Beings who seem interested in making connections between our thoughts and words.  Those psychological issues developed from the weight of weirdness and activity that really a few synchronicities that have happened recently don't hold a candle to.  I have alluded to some things, but not many others.  2019 - 2022 was the strangest, most distressing time of my life, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.  Compared to that, these Sync Fairies are not distressing in the least.

So, the types of things going on don't seem unusual to me.  What did seem a bit unusual is that these Beings were kind of annoying, somewhat pushy, and their intentions are not clear to me.  I experienced this a bit in my own interactions with them, and one only needs to read William's blog to see the kind of compulsive behavior they can generate.

And its not my first time with much of this type of thing, or with Beings who display these types of abilities.     Here is an example I don't mind sharing because I also used it with those in the U of M psychiatry department as I was trying to get answers as to what happened to me:

When I was engaged in working with my friend in early 2020 as we were both receiving just a steady flow of words in these strange languages, one night I had a dream where I saw a collage of the word 'Why?" all around.  I mean, like all sorts of sizes and shapes of this word just plastered all over the field of my vision.  The next day, I am sure I had other words to share with him since we were doing this on a daily basis, and then I mentioned this dream of the "Why's".  My friend thought this was interesting because at that time I was having this dream, he was lying awake in bed just asking "Why" questions over and over in his mind - things like, why is this happening, why are we having these words delivered like this, etc.  We determined that in some manner I somehow saw visually in my sleep these questions he was asking.  Telepathy?  Some spirit or Being linking our minds?  Some cheap parlor trick where a Being was aware my friend was asking those questions, and then inserting the Why's into my sleep?  I don't know.

I used that as one of many examples in my initial psychiatric treatment.  If what I went through was just a prolonged psychotic episode, what is the scientific explanation for something like that (assuming neither of us is lying)? 

In any case, I was more interested in this kind of stuff back then and willing to let it pretty much take over my life when I was desperate and didn't have answers to a lot of the really, really weird stuff that was happening (not captured in this blog) and I thought "doing" something or figuring things out was paramount.  It did take over my life, actually. 

And I have been down enough dead-ends to say with some level of knowledge that just because a Being knows something, and perhaps lots of things, and makes you feel like you know lots of things, or that they can show power or ability in some impressive fashion, even syncs, this doesn't make them your friend, necessarily.

As I wrote in an earlier post on Lehi and the man in the white robe, this very lesson is one the Lehi had to learn the hard way in his vision, and it is one that I also learned, and am not interested in repeating.

Joseph Smith, in advice that sounds absurd today, gave some pretty detailed instructions on how to tell if a heavenly messenger who visits us can be detected as Good or Evil.  You can find them in D&C 129.  The issue we face today, of course, is that Beings like those behind these syncs don't seem interested in making themselves known in bodily form.  How do you shake hands with a thought or a sync?  I don't have a clear answer to that, other than the Stone.

If there is anything that can be salvaged from Brigham Young's likely satanic temple ceremonies, one is the notion that waiting for true messengers is really what it is about in our fallen and confused world.  How do we know if they are true?  That is the query Adam found himself in in that drama.  The short answer is that they come with names, signs, and tokens -  whatever those are.  My feeling now is that there is something quite literal that survived in those temple plays.  Adam, of course, is Michael, the same Being I believe who will receive some Stones from some messengers.  I think these will be some of the tokens, and they will have names, signs, and miracles associated with them (like El-Anor).

Someday, someone will have a stone and a story that will allow them to slip past those angels that stand as sentinels that Mormons learn about in their temples.  We have for too long assumed those sentinels are Good Guys.  I tend to think of them more now as prison guards.  I had a dream about this once.  It was a curious one and somewhat confusing before I started developing more of my thoughts on Brigham Young (that he is evil).

In the dream, I was standing in a long white hall.  At the end of the hall was Steve Young.  For non-Americans (or those who aren't American football fans), Steve Young is both a descendent of Brigham Young and a famous Hall of Fame quarterback in the NFL.  He stood standing very still like a statue and staring straight ahead with glowing eyes.  I found myself transported to just below Young, in that I was suddenly at the end of the hall crouched down at his feet, but didn't recall walking down the hall to get there.

He continued to stare straight ahead down the hall with those glowing eyes.  "He can't see me!" I thought to myself in relief, and I found that there was an open door off the hallway to my right (Young's left), and I quickly slipped through.

I found myself in a large white room, and around the room were tables of puzzles and games.  I was only in there briefly before waking up, but I found that I was able to solve any puzzle or game I picked up with ease.

A lot to think about there, but I just use it to illustrate that I take the need to get past angels/ guards in order to reach a different place as perhaps more literal than most (and that there are angels and Beings of power who want nothing more than to confuse and trap us).  It is these stones - the Sawtooth Stone,  El-Anor, etc. - that will allow us to escape, I think.

In any case, that is a bit of a tangent, but not fully.  Maybe the Sync Fairies have something more to say on the topic of stones, maybe they don't.  All I know is that without a Stone and other tokens, I am not sure it is required to listen to them, or devote your life to them, at least.  Only if you want to, and I found myself not really wanting to.  They seemed to have really latched onto my writing, and so I thought maybe not writing was one way they could bother someone else for a bit, while I waited for a Stone to pop up somewhere.

I also had Beings of the human kind very interested in my writing at the same time and using it as a means to support their own stories about themselves.  That was actually another contributing factor to my not writing more, and may have actually been a bigger factor than the syncs.  My intent wasn't to confuse people or to have them dig in on potentially harmful beliefs, and I felt that perhaps I was unintentionally doing that.

And it was a good little break, and probably good timing also for a few reasons (work, farm, kids, etc.)

So, with the Sync Fairies, I am interested, curious, but somewhat skeptical of their intentions and whether they actually have anything good or of value to share.  My skepticism has grown.  Lately, William has mentioned being led to some videos that he is also now syncing.  I watched part of the first one, and then left it.  The individual used psychedelic mushrooms to induce spiritual experiences, and frankly this goes against everything I understand to be good.  It even goes against assumptions behind the name of this blog.

I had written of my theory that our 'coat of skins' were actually bodies that had to be made by Eru-Jesus himself following Man's fall and subsequent death.  The bodies created (the coats of skins) would serve as a shield and protection for their wearers from evil forces, so long as those bodies were not defiled.  My own view is that once you start purposefully chemically altering your body and brain in order to induce these kinds of experiences (with anything other than the Juice, of course!), you are forfeiting that protection and inviting something into your life you probably shouldn't.  I have no doubt that the individual had encounters with real Beings.  I doubt very much that those Beings were Good or mean him well in any manner.

The fact that the syncs led William there to those videos puts another demerit on their intentions, in my book.  One could reply that they also led him to my blog, and making connections here, so does that potentially put this stuff in the same category?  It would be a good question, and I guess that is something he and others would have to sort out with their sync friends.

Anyway, that turned out longer than I thought it was going to.

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