Monday, October 23, 2023

Ithil Stone, Anor Stone, and Sawtooth Stones: Some thoughts and implications

In my last post I was openly wondering a little bit about how the Anor Stone comes into play in all of this with the Sawtooth Stone and the Ithil Stone.  

In an earlier post on Eowyn and Faramir and their use of the stones (which I also linked to in yesterday's post, and can be found here), I wrote this:

Eowyn will use the Ithil Stone, I think, fully healed from its capture and service to Sauron - on her end of the communication.  Faramir will once again play the role of steward as he watches over the Sawtooth Stone (which is really associated with Joseph and I think will be returned to him at some point), and ultimately uses it on his end of the communication.  In the future, thinking speculatively, I think Faramir will receive and use the Anor Stone in the place of the Sawtooth Stone once he has returned it.  I also believe that Faramir will return to Aman/ Eressea and reunite with Eowyn there, at least for a time, by virtue of these Stones.  This, or some situation like this, is what Jesus meant at Bountiful when he said this servant would exalted and very high... he meant it quite literally.

thought more about this since my post yesterday, and thinking about my clumsy fiber optic cable metaphor I wish to amend this view to what I now think how it goes (again, always speculative at this point).

In my statement above, I said that the Anor Stone would be at some point given to Faramir after he would have used the Sawtooth Stone. My thinking on this was that the Anor Stone would not be here on Earth and only travelling to this other location would he have access to this Stone.

I now think this isn't right after mulling it over more, and would amend the story to be something more like this:

Ether-Eonwe-Faramir is given two stones by True Messengers - both the Sawtooth Stone and the Anor Stone. The Sawtooth Stone's primary use, at least as far as Faramir is concerned, is to obtain the story/ song/ sayings of Joseph. He will not, however, use that same stone to communicate with Eowyn-Ilmare and the Ithil Stone. Rather, he will use the Anor Stone.

The Anor Stone (Sun Stone) and the Ithil Stone (Moon Stone) share a special bond or connection. They are, in their own way, Beings just as you and I are, and their names give us a clue as to that connection. It is this connection, I think, which will allow them to connect over such a vast distance. It is also the connection of their 'users' or recorders, the married couple of Eowyn and Faramir, that will further assist with the strength of the connection of these stones.

So, to state again in another way, while the Sawtooth Stone will provide the Story, it is the Anor Stone that will serve as the means of communication. Thus, Ether-Faramir will be in possession of two stones, each used for a different purpose, with the Anor Stone ultimately creating the link with the Ithil Stone, and between Earth and Heaven.

This situation seems cleaner to me, and it also helps make sense of some words from back in 2020 referencing a sun and a moon. Here are the words, and I will give some brief guesses as to their meaning and implications:

Words from March 1, 2020:

As soon as change comes upon Eressea, thou shalt rise to it beyond
Keno ansilio insgwiliant osse enflorien Finu
Sun Moon time

It's nice that the first and third lines are in English, but we do have that second line that is in Elvish or some form of Tolkien's language. I don't really know what it means for sure, but one guess (and a likely one to me) is that it expands on the English phrase above it by referencing a sailing voyage to Eressea ('enflorien Finu' likely being another name for Eressea, but could be another place, I suppose, or perhaps even to Finwe himself). In any case, I think the speaker is telling someone that they will sail across a 'sea' as part of rising to it, but not until there is a change that happens on Eressea.

The Sun Moon time is an interesting reference, and I remember when I first wrote this down, I assumed it referenced something like an end-of-the-world prophecy... something like the common phrase of the Sun being darkened and the Moon being turned to blood. I think it was the 'time' thing that had me first thinking that - like this Eressea event would happen as that was happening, perhaps. I don't think that now, however.

Interestingly, that first English phrase about Eressea came in a dream sequence where I found myself talking to what seemed to be a bright shining ball of light. As I looked at the ball of light, I said those words. One important thing to note here is that I have found that many, but not all, of my dreams are actually from the perspective of another person or Being. It took me awhile to figure this out, but once I did it really helped me understand things better (or at least not as badly as I previously was), and I could take myself out of the equation in trying to understand more of what the Story actually was or what was meant or intended by a dream or something similar.

With that in mind, I think that dream sequence or context holds a clue to who was speaking and the intended meaning, which will bring us back to my musings on 'Sun Moon time'.

I believe the person in my dream that was speaking was Eowyn-Ilmare, and it was an event that has yet to happen. She was speaking to this bright ball, which I think was meant to represent the Ithil Stone, and thus informing Faramir-Eonwe on the other end of that link, who would be looking at the Anor Stone, as to what is going to happen or what the next steps are basically.

There is going to be a change on Eressea. What kind of change? I think I will try to muster a post about that, because it involves the content on the Sawtooth Stone. After that change happens, rather than just communicating from a distance, Faramir-Ether will be brought in person to Eressea, and this will also be by means of the Anor Stone.

In my September 15 post on the 'Stone Couriers' I shared the following words that had been communicated on February 10 and 11, 2020:

Those of us who delivered that ball-instrument to Lehi's family;

a compass, yet not wholly so, sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised.

A palantir it was - a globe of crystal, metallic-seeming royal ancient sunlight beaming


Singing songs of heroes bold, yet some songs remain untold

Resonant it was, echoing thought commissary needful for instruction, eggs bearing


to learn from who irradescent, a welding link, hands made sickly stewards reward


I mentioned at the time there was a bit in there that was going to be for another post because I was mostly focused on the names of Hodnil and Gildor for purposes of what I was writing at the time. Well, here is a bit more on what I think relative to what is said here.

The speakers (as mentioned, likely Hodnil and Gildor) state upfront that the Liahona is a Palantir and thus also more than just a compass. Alma the Younger told his son Helaman that Liahona meant 'compass' (see Alma 37) and acted in that capacity. This is the only place that the Liahona is both given that name, and said to be a compass, so I assume this is the statement that is being referenced [Correction:  Nephi also calls the ball a compass, so the statement above could be also referencing that description as well]. In effect, the speakers are saying that, yes, as Alma stated it was a compass, or used in that capacity, but it is also much more than that. Meaning, Alma' description is not quite accurate, or at least complete. What I will save for another post to explain, but briefly mention here, is that the Anor Stone-Liahona did not just point the way to the Promised Land, like Alma states, but it also created the path or enabled that voyage to even occur in the first place. In other words, even if you knew the way, without that stone onboard their ship and functioning properly, there would have been no path to take. Again, I will explain my thoughts on this in a follow-up post.

In any case, the possessor of the Anor Stone has the means at their disposal to travel to 'lands promised' existing across 'seas'. This is what will happen to Faramir-Ether, who will use the Anor Stone to go to Eressea. He will bring with him the Sawtooth Stone, which I believe will be returned to Joseph (of Egypt) at that time, since there will be more on that Stone that Faramir will not have extracted, being left for Joseph to have responsibility for.

So, going back to those words from 2020, 'Sun Moon time' simply refers to the time in which a link between the Anor Stone and the Ithil Stone is established, information is shared across that link, a change happens in Eressea as a result, and Faramir-Ether is raised to that land using the Anor Stone. That about sums it up.

To wrap this up and as a preview to what I will try to build on in future posts, I would just say that I don't think it is possible to overestimate how radical this view of the Liahona-Anor Stone is and its implications for all sorts of stories we think we understand so well. For example, if the Anor Stone (Liahona) is sufficient to lead people to a Promised Land, and that Land is Eressea, what does that mean for Lehi and his family, for example? Where did they land? Are we sure it was in North America or even anywhere on what we currently think of as Earth? Why would it not be the same place the Anor Stone is going to take Faramir: Eressea? Was that 'sea' or 'ocean' they cross really anything like the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean? The same questions arise for the Jaredites, and it is interesting (again, to me at least) to think of the possibilities.

To be more specific, in a previous post I ripped away the Shire from England and landed it squarely in France. In a future post, I will do worse to the Americans, and take away from them their land's status as the Promised Land.

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