Friday, October 20, 2023

The Great Pumpkin and 'waiting'


About a month ago I called a wrap on this blog.  In finding a few things out for myself relative to stones, I had lost the motivation to write and didn't see myself continuing on here.  I didn't know exactly what I was trying to do in setting out in the first place on this blog, and in exploring and coming to some sort of resolution regarding events surrounding the Sawtooth Stone, in particular, it didn't seem there was much else to write about.

So, waiting has become the thing.  

I feel there is an actual Stone that will be given to somebody at some point, but that is on a timeline that I don't have much insight into.  So waiting in that kind of situation is tough.  I just find stones are on my mind constantly, even as I go about other things.  It is just always there.

In the past week or so I thought maybe writing more about stones will help in the waiting process.  I have been of two minds on this, though.  The first has been that, well, I said I wasn't going to write anymore, and maybe I should stick to that.  I felt good about it at the time I made that choice, and perhaps it is better that I not, for all sorts of reasons.  My second mind, however, has come from the angle that I stopped writing because I didn't see myself writing anymore, but that I didn't make a promise or anything that I not write ever again.  Thus, it would seem to be up to me on whether writing anymore is something I wish to do - if I find it helpful or not.  The choice is mine, in other words.

The fact that I am posting this shows which mind won out.  I think I will write a bit more about stones, or at least some of the thoughts going on in my head relative to them, as I think it might help with the waiting.

In terms of the waiting, I thought the picture that I posted at the beginning of this post does a good job of capturing my situation.  For those not familiar, it comes from the Peanuts cartoon "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown".  One of the characters, Linus, is convinced that there is a Being known as the Great Pumpkin and that this supernatural pumpkin will visit believing children with toys on Halloween night (at some point it seems Linus has confounded Halloween with Christmas and Santa Claus).  He waits there all night while all of his friends go trick-or-treating so he doesn't miss the Great Pumpkin's visit.  Spoiler alert:  The Great Pumpkin never shows.

It's an absurd belief, and everyone (but Linus) thinks so.  I feel like that relative to the Stone.  It is a crazy idea, and may be wrong, but it is too engrained in me at this point to convince me otherwise, if I am honest with myself.  In fact, as I look at a pumpkin at this time of year I see echoes of another stone - El-Anor, the Sun Stone (Anor Stone) - a yellow-orange ball of crystal.  The same El-Anor that introduces himself in my dream I related of the piano player.  El-Anor is not the Sawtooth Stone, but they seem to be connected somehow, and I have wondered lately on the future role of El-Anor.

I am also prepared for the possibility that these stones are a figment of my imagination, and that there might not be any stones forthcoming simply because they don't exist.  

In Linus' story, he felt that one slip into unbelief would potentially cause the Great Pumpkin to not materialize.  That if it turned out that the Great Pumpkin did not come, it would have been his fault.  I admit that in the past I have felt like that relative to the words I have shared in past posts, and with the hope of certain events happening.  I needed to 'do something' - whether more words translation attempts, or writing, or wracking my brain on a certain riddle or perceived clue for the the thousandth time to show some kind of faith in this whole thing and thus hopefully accelerate or bring about what could potentially happen, but might not if I let the moment slip.

I don't feel that way anymore, and am quite convinced the matter is out of our hands.  If the Stone reveals itself in our world it will be simply because it is real.  If it doesn't, then it will be because it is not.  It is not any more complicated than that.

Furthermore, if the Stone is real then the faith, and ensuing choices flowing from that faith, necessary to bring it into our world happened long before our day.

I look to the story, or rather my updated story, of the Brother of Jared to demonstrate the truth of that sentence I just wrote.  He moved a mountain by faith.  In an earlier post, I suggest that the mountain that he moved was actually Durin's Door in order to access the mines of Moria, obtain Mithril that could be fashioned into stones, and have Jesus fill those stones with light.

Where was the faith in that story?  It was in the actions of that man as an earlier incarnation (Celebrimbor) creating a door and fashioning it with power that he would need to use in a later day - another life even, having no memory of his role in creating that door - so that he could obtain the necessary material to lead the Jaredites safely to a land of promise.  The faith was in his preparation and actions, looking forward to a future day when the fruit of those actions would be fulfilled.

We are powerless here at present, but it was not always this way.  How did we use our power when we had it, whatever it was?  The Brother of Jared used his to make a door (among many other things like rings, etc.) that he would not need until a time far in the future.  We may ourselves find out in a day of judgment how we used our own power, when deeds both good and evil are returned to us.  The Sawtooth Stone, its creation and ensuing care and actions around it, was a good deed, done in faith, that will be returned to those who took part in those deeds, I believe, regardless of the present state in which they find themselves.  In fact, it was likely because of the powerless state of disbelief these characters would find themselves in in our day that made the creation and care of this Stone so vital.  The powerless to receive power.  Believing souls willingly stepping into a state of unbelief based on the promise that they would not be left alone or forgotten.  

So I will write a few more posts on stones, not because I think it will do anything in relation to events surrounding them, but because these thoughts are on my mind and it seems to me at this time that writing about them might help in the waiting.

On the themes I just touched on, I will close this particular post with two more things: 

One is another passage of words that I received on the morning of March 7, 2021, and I think touches on what I am trying to say with respect to the Stone and its purpose.  As a reminder, based on the Stone timeline that I attempted to piece together in my earlier posts, these words would have come during the time the 'Stone Couriers' were taking the Stone over to Tom Bombadil's House (Abraham-Aule).  As with most of these words, it is not initially clear who is speaking or who they are addressing, but again, it touches on this notion of stories and power which is why I think it is relevant here.

Words from March 7, 2021:

The story on the stone is the story of our family.  It is meant for our family, to cause them all to shine.  It is a story of love, of our love undying and unending, even in a void.  To bring forth, even in this nothing-place, love's power - our family's power.

You came powerless, as did others, with hope in a promise.  The story is the promise, and the power.

And the void, now de-void it own power, recedes; what WAS NOT now becoming IS.

The second thought has to do with waiting.  Sometimes when I find myself getting tired or frustrated by waiting for something that I don't even know if it is real or not, the chorus to a song by none other than Tom Petty (Elrond) comes bouncing into my head.  The song is appropriately titled "The Waiting".


UPDATE:  After posting this, I decided to watch the music video of "The Waiting" that I had included in the link.  In viewing it, I was surprised at how it matched up with the March 7 words I had shared directly above it.  It could just be me seeing shapes in clouds, of course, but it was interesting to me nonetheless.

In the video, there are 3 colored triangles and also loose colored string on the set.  At the midpoint of the video (about the 2 minute mark), we find Petty singing in front of a black backdrop.  He then proceeds to smash through this backdrop to reveal a member of the band behind it.  With that band member is the red triangle, and the red string now seeming to extend out from both him and the triangle.  We then see the blue triangle with the same band member now with blue string, and lastly the yellow triangle, but this triangle is inverted and now, to me at least, resembles more something like a jewel or diamond.

The black backdrop points suggest to me this void that is mentioned in the dialogue, and Petty smashing through it with his guitar is symbolic of the void now being without power and receding.  As it goes away, the Family of Light (as I have come to call them), as represented by the guitar player, is revealed.  A jewel and a source of light, with light rays literally coming from them as well as flowing through them.  They are now shining, just as the dialogue that I shared above the video states.

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