Tuesday, October 31, 2023

"I'll call ya, pal!": Linking stones, 'aliens', and a toast to Tron

In my post yesterday, I mentioned that there were some more interesting dreams from the night before last as well, but I didn't have a chance to go through them then.  So, here we go.

A couple nights ago, I had a series of short bursts involving various scenes accompanying dialogues that kept me kind of in and out of sleep for quite a while.   

It started with me in some situation that I can't remember talking repeatedly about an "Athal Stone".  I just kept using this word "Athal" when I meant to call it the "Ithil" Stone.  Even as I became aware of this, and knew that I was referring to the Ithil Stone, I still kept with the name change of calling it the Athal Stone.

Sometime later, I was looking at a woman's face, although I could not make out clearly what she looked like.  I am not sure how much she said that I forgot, but I remember very clearly her saying "I'll call ya, pal!", due to my waking up right after she said it.

In another sequence, I did not see anybody, but heard a woman's voice say some things which I could not clearly make out.  I responded with "Huh?", to which she said much more clearly "Oh, it was just Empire State Building stuff".  "

Lastly, a woman's voice said very clearly "An opportunity to drink you".

OK, so pretty weird and random, but interestingly enough, everything except for the reference to the Empire State Building I think I have a pretty good read on the meaning, or at least stories flow from them (whether right or wrong) and/or they connect back to other stories.  In one case, they connect back to some of my 2019 words and helped me shed a little light on what was going on there.   

Athal (Ithil) Stone

After waking up, I had a hunch that the substitution of Athal was intentional and that I might find this substitute word was another Elvish word.  So, I looked it up in Eldamo, and sure enough I found an exact match.  Here is what we have:

Athal:  noun.  "Stranger, guest"

This notion of 'stranger/ guest' has come up before, so this got me interested.  It has come up before in the context of 'aliens'.  And by aliens, I am not trying to refer to anything that looks like E.T., but rather simply Beings who are like us but just simply live on another world.  Here is the definition or history of the word 'alien' from Etymonline:

c. 1300, "strange, foreign," from Old French alien "strange, foreign;" as a noun, "an alien, stranger, foreigner," from Latin alienus "of or belonging to another, not one's own, foreign, strange," also, as a noun, "a stranger, foreigner," adjective from alius (adv.) "another, other, different" (from PIE root *al- (1) "beyond").

The meaning "residing in a country not of one's birth" is from mid-15c. The sense of "wholly different in nature" is from 1670s. The meaning "not of this Earth" is recorded by 1920. An alien priory (mid 15c.) is one owing obedience to a religious jurisdiction in a foreign country.

OK, so as weird as everything else I have written is, just try to remember that when I reference aliens, I am really just talking about them in the way one would talk about any Being (human, elvish, or otherwise) living on a land or world that is not the one we presently occupy.  

The Anor Stone and Ithil Stone will link worlds, and the Beings communicating from each of them, so it seems natural to suggest that this involves alien contact... from both points of view, it is important to remember.  They would view us the same way, and as much as we would call them strangers and foreigners, we are probably just, if not more, strange to them.

This actually, as a slight aside, reminds me of a dream from last fall.  I found myself at a house, with a fairly good size group of people gathered around outside of it.  It occurred to me that these were all members of the same family, and this was something of a reunion.  I heard the laughter of my youngest son, and turned to see where it came from.  I found that he was wrestling with something that looked like a big, hairy beast, and somewhat deformed.  Something like Bigfoot with strange proportions.

I started to wake up, and as I did so, I openly wondered who these people I saw were.  A woman's voice came loud and clear just as I opened my eyes answering my question with one word:  "Aliens!"

I mentioned that it took me awhile to figure out that many of my dreams are from a perspective that is not my own, even when I am interacting with someone or even assuming a specific character.  In this case, it became clear only much later that I was seeing that scene from a floating/ non-personal view AND that the hairy Being I saw wrestling with my son was me!  I was seeing myself in a bit of a caricature of how these 'aliens' must view us, I believe, and the current state of our bodies.

Anyway, so the Ithil Stone as an Athal Stone, in terms of being in the possession of and being used to communicate with these Beings in other worlds.  That is my takeaway from Athal, and it does tie to the next dream sequence.

"I'll call ya, pal!"

"I'll call ya, pal!" was said in such a deliberate way, I felt there were some double meanings hidden here.  

First off, it is a very casual English phrase with someone telling a friend that they will give them a call.  "Pal" is used for a friend, someone one can be a bit informal with, and that is certainly the feel of that phrase.  Again, it will be Eowyn and Faramir talking to each other, so although alien and strangers in terms of the state of their beings and where they live, yet there is a connection there that will be like the reunion of friends.  This might also be a reference to when Eowyn called Faramir her friend as she was still trying to figure out where she stood with things.

However, beyond that, it struck me that the Pal was likely an elvish word or at least part of one, and it took me a second to realize that it is an abbreviation or potentially a nickname for a Pal-antir.  I was further convinced this was the case when I also noticed that 'ya' was likely an Elvish word also.  Sure enough, it is of a similar vein as the 'yor' in 'Yor El' mentioned in my Michael Jackson post (here).  

Ya:  formerly, ago (also root for ancient, old, etc.)

So, the phrase then becomes something that references not only someone calling their friend, but doing so on an old Stone/ Palantir (Ithil Stone).  Like my post yesterday, this is a good example of how simple 3 or 4 word phrases will grow into more complex thoughts or expressions as multiple word meanings and references in different languages are considered together.

"An opportunity to drink you"

Rather than be concerned for whomever is being addressed here, I think it is safe to assume that this phrase is crossing from one language into English (either by the person speaking, or by me in hearing it), and so we are just missing a "with" after drink.  So, should be something like "An opportunity to drink with you".  

This was actually the most interesting one of all, because I instantly thought of words involving people drinking that I hadn't been able to make complete sense of (and still can't!), but based on this and the thoughts that grew in my mind as a result, I think I understand at least who is being referenced.

Going back to Dec 12 - 14, 2019, we get the following words:

Look for the bright coming day to be baptized

Ancalima vinyaren yularsen alumane kenwe

Aman miur malliard gilyard banyo alle umane

That second line contains the phrase "Ancalima vinyaren yularsen", which broken down can be something like this:

Ancalima:  Brightest

vinya:  young or new

ren:  cousin or kin

Yul:  drink

ar:  beside

sen:  child

So, the speaker is telling someone that their 'brightest' young cousin or kin will drink beside their own child.   I take the 'young or new kin' remark to mean something like an in-law.  

Putting this together, a parent of Eonwe-Faramir is saying that their kin by marriage (Eowyn) will drink physically beside Faramir in Aman.  The earlier dream references state how this is possible - a call from the Ithil Stone to the Anor Stone, creating a link between worlds that can be crossed in some fashion. apparently.

Lastly, as mentioned, I don't have any clue on the Empire State Building reference, so who knows on that one, or even if it is worth mentioning.  I looked into it for a few minutes and didn't see anything immediately obvious.

I also left comments off when I resumed writing, but I am turning them back on now.  

Oh, another interesting thing:

Last night after I finished that Addendum post, I decided to watch the first part of the movie Tron, of all things.  I haven't seen it in years, and I figured I would give it a go.  It was getting late, and so I knew I was only going to watch part of it before going to bed.

As I started watching it, I got a sense that Tron might be an Elvish word, also.  I think this is probably because these multiple meaning phrases have been popping up, and so it is top of mind.  Anyway, I looked up the word, and sure enough we have Tron in Elvish:

Tron:  A cross, or crossing.

I thought this was interesting because, again, all of this story in my head of a connection or link established between worlds that both information and people will be crossing (and also of 'Great Waters' between those worlds being crossed, which I will get to in some post), and here that is captured in the name of the movie.

Further, I started thinking about the plot (which I didn't realize until this last watch how overtly religious the themes and dialogue are).  [SPOILER ALERT] You have Beings attempting to break out of their prison or conscription forced on them by the Master Control Program, MCP, and his evil underling Sark.  A few successfully do escape, including Tron, and create a link or point of contact between their world and the 'real' world at an I/O tower using Tron's circular disc (a Stone?).  The information he receives back from this real world is what they need to destroy the Master Control Program, or MCP.  Once Tron destroys the MCP, the programs are once again free and able to communicate with their Users in the real world (up to that point the MCP had blocked all communication and access for the Users into this digital world).  The main protagonist Flynn is also able to physically travel or reappear back in the real world

I don't know - I seemed to see the basic outlines and sketches of some of the plot points in my story and that of Tron.  Seeing shapes in clouds?  Subliminal remembrances of this plot and many others stories from childhood creating some strange things in my head?  Who knows.

By the way, I am not saying that I believe we are in some digital simulation like Tron (I don't), but only pointing out that there is an allegory here in this story that seems to match up on some broader points on the story that has grown in my head.  The world we live in is likely just as 'unreal' as the digital world those programs lived in compared with the reality we are meant to enjoy.

Anyway, I actually thought the best part or connection I made while watching part of Tron was, after two posts yesterday writing about a 'Deadly Head', I see the arch villain MCP portrayed as, what else, a Deadly Head that talks (I guess a face, more accurately).  I had forgotten that this was the case, so I was both surprised and amused when MCP's face first came up.

I also just had the thought right now that the discs that each program has are called 'identity discs'.  I suppose if one has an identity, they have a name.  The stones that each person receives in the Celestial Kingdom, per Joseph Smith, each has a new name - a Stone with an identity - and that name is their key.


  1. Commenting on my own post:

    I mentioned above that the Empire State Building reference I didn't really have any ideas on.

    I continued to think about it this afternoon after writing this post and I *think* this could be a reference to the great and spacious building mentioned in the Book of Mormon. In Lehi's dream (and Nephi's) he saw that building high above the Earth in the sky. The fact that it was high above the Earth might be more than just symbolism (as I was taught: pride, riches, evil, etc. being without a foundation, etc.) but also in some way indicate that this building is literally high above the Earth... as in, upon a different world. This thought then takes me to Eressea.

    I assume things must not be 100% OK on Eressea (the/a promised land?) if there needs to be a change there. Perhaps the building Lehi dream of the building and this Empire State Building are about the same place. In my dream perhaps I did not hear the statement clearly is because it wasn't directed toward us on Earth but rather toward others regarding Eressea. The brush off comment I got in response to my 'Huh?" was basically a way of saying don't worry about it... not about you (but here is a hint).

    Anyway, a wild guess perhaps, but it is the best I can come up with at the moment. To think on it in this way, you have to have a broad definition of 'Earth' involving many worlds that all used to be linked but are now separated (which I do), Eressea being one of them.

  2. You will remember that I connected the They Might Be Giants song "The Statue Got Me High" with you and your Stones in this post:


    I don't know if you watched the music video, but starting around the 40-second mark, it shows the Empire State Building blasting off into space as a rocket ship.


  3. WJT:

    I do remember the post, but I never watched the video - I just remember reading the lyrics you posted and then the follow-ups you had with the still shots of the saucer, Matrix, etc.

    So, just watched it now, and saw the Empire State Building scene. Strange. So, maybe the reference in my dream didn't have anything to do with Lehi's vision of the building after all. Still a clue, but perhaps not the one I was thinking of. I don't know.

  4. WJT (and anyone else):

    I went to your blog and saw you posted something on this. As I was typing my comment, it struck me that perhaps I shouldn't back away from the Lehi connection. As I said there, Eressea used to be part of this Earth, linked in some fashion, but was separated or 'launched' in space away from our world. So, perhaps my take on the clue is still a potentially valid interpretation.
