Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Updating my read on Jessie, and now reading things as "Holy Ghost [and] Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John"

Leo left a comment on my post earlier today titled "Behold, God's gift!  Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John", that had me rethinking some things, though not in the way that he intended.

In putting together the phrase "Behold, God's Gift!  Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John", I used the word-names from the photo that William Tychonievich shared (because that, of course, makes complete sense and isn't crazy at all).

Because I was focused on Pharazon-Peter in what I was thinking through, and the realization that he may in fact be going back with John, I interpreted Jessie as not representing a name or Being, but rather an introductory phrase to the action of Peter returning with John.

However, in pulling this sentence together, I had a thought that perhaps Jessie represented a person, and in exploring this further, I think this thought was, in fact, correct.  Thus, I am amending my earlier phrase, and we will have Jessie as a character.

That person, as I mentioned in my response to Leo, is the Holy Ghost.  This works out fairly well in my story, and I feel better about the whole thing in making this change (as good as one can feel divining stories from shoe cubbies).

As mentioned in that earlier post, Jessie has a few meanings attached to it.  If Jessie, the female form of the name, it is short for Jessica.   This name apparently means "Foresight" or "To Behold", which is why I included it in that form in my first sentence rendition.  This is actually the name that had me first thinking that this could perhaps be a reference to the Holy Ghost.  Remember in my story that the Seer that Joseph of Egypt himself foretold of is the Holy Ghost (Faramir).  Seers foretell things, and they use Stones with which to do this.

If Jesse, the male version of the name, we have either "the Lord exists" or "God's gift".  These phrases are also descriptive of the Holy Ghost, in a few ways.  According to Abinadi, it will be prophets as Beings standing on Mountains and publishing words with "Beautiful Feet" who proclaim to Zion that "Thy God Reigneth!".  Abinadi, who again I also have as this same reincarnated Holy Ghost, is one of these Beings, and recall that I have him standing before Noah exercising one of the exact missions that is associated with the Holy Ghost:  bearing record of the Father and the Son, which Jesus at Bountiful would later specifically teach as that Being's role.

The Gift angle of Jesse brings to mind what the Holy Ghost will bring and which must be 'received', what is often referred to as the Gift of the Holy Ghost, which I think is probably not really interpreted very accurately in modern Mormon theology.  A Gift, interestingly, also refers or points to the Seer of Joseph's prophecy that I just alluded to.

When Ammon found the people of Limhi, Limhi asked him if he could translate Ether's 24 plates which they had found.  Ammon replied that he could not, but Mosiah could, because he had the 'interpreters'.  In explaining what a seer was, Ammon says this:

And behold, the king of the people who are in the land of Zarahemla is the man that is commanded to do these things, and who has this high gift from God.

And the king [Limhi] said that a seer is greater than a prophet.

And Ammon said that a seer is a revelator and a prophet also; and a gift which is greater can no man have, except he should possess the power of God, which no man can; yet a man may have great power given him from God.

There is no greater gift from God, in Ammon's opinion, than that of being a Seer, and in this story the Holy Ghost is sent back to this world as part of his mission to take on that Seership (and, again, part of the definition of being a Seer is the possession of Stones).

Lastly, with respect to the name of Jesse-Jessie and why I think it may allude to the Holy Ghost is the nature of the name itself.  It is a gender-neutral name that can apply to both a boy and a girl, we we've just seen above.  In the strange story element I have explored here, I have the Holy Ghost being something of a dual entity, comprised of two Beings, a set of Twins comprised of a man and a woman, who are in this case, Faramir-Eonwe and Asenath-Nimloth.  Thus, the choice of a name applicable to both a man or a woman makes sense.

OK, so with this change, we now have a phrase that reads:

Holy Ghost and Pharazon-Peter to come back together with John

With the addition of the second name and companion of Peter, even the translation of yoyo makes a lot of sense, particularly the use of "together".  Yo definitely means 'together' in Elvish, but the translation on Eldamo suggested that this sense of together refers to 3 or more things or individuals.  I didn't think it was a big deal, and even with just Peter and John I thought it worked fine, but now we have 3 individuals and it fits even better, perhaps.

The other things I really like about this change, and the update in my story, is that these two Beings I also have identified as Gim Guru and Gim Githil:  The Gim G's, as I have referred to them as.  This phrase now has them returning home together.

What of the Two Elves, Glorfindel and Gildor?  They are Beings I have identified as ushers, perhaps specifically for Faramir, or one of the Gim G's.   I don't think that changes.  They know where Tom's House is, having found it before, and so they lead the Gim G's to its location in France.  They may also accompany them further "West", but even if so, it seems that John is going to take the lead on that particular leg of the journey, perhaps.  So, I think we are still good, but we will see how things unfold.

It does, however, if true, eliminate Pharazon as a candidate to be the "Man among the Gentiles" who sails across with a corrupted book.  That doesn't work here.  We've first tried Brigham, and now Pharazon, but neither seems to fit for different reasons.  I am down in the count at two strikes.  So, that spot opens up for another Being to step into, and we'll just have to see how that plays out, and wait for the right pitch to swing at.

To conclude, the picture of the two Pandas on the sandals in Yoyo's cubby has me thinking this is a wink that this new interpretation of having both Gim Guru and Gim Githil return with John make sense.  We have two Pied Beings together, and this Black and White reference has seemingly been a theme or reference for both individuals.

So, I think the shoe cubby reading works better this way:  Gim Guru and Gim Githil accompany John back home.

This will also make more sense in the story, I think, after I go through a little of the evacuation from the May-June 2020 timeframe that I believe I see.  82 of the 96 Numenorean Elvish Fathers are apparently safely somewhere and accounted for.  14 are still not, and I believe these are the Vanyar, or the First.  The numbers work out for it to be so, at least.  They Firs shall be Last, it is said, and it is their group that still remains ungathered if my guess right now is correct.  Gim Githil in my story is one of these 14, since he is Ingwe, the head of the Vanyar who led everyone back home to begin with, and so it makes sense that he has yet to go home if the others of his clan or group have not yet either.

Even though 14 are still left, 15 are mentioned as still needing to come home.  The 15th is, in my view, Gim Guru, who will also return as part of this initial scene, potentially acting in the capacity of advocate and counsellor on behalf of the 96 as a story might potentially be shared that will change things in both Heaven and on our Earth, and the these Beings may be re-deemed, in the fullest sense of that word.

That is another post, though, but this alteration of my earlier guess to now include the Holy Ghost in this phrase leads nicely into it in my mind.

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