Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Behold, God's gift! Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John

Well, the shoe cubbies at William Tychonievich's language school have become a source of messages and stories.  I guess we should have seen this coming.

In his original post titled Leo, Egbert, Peter, he noted that the order of name labels for 3 of his students' shoe cubbies matched up with the first 3 names the title of my post Leon Egbert, Pharazon, and Sun-Moon Time.  This is only true, however, if we assume that Peter is another name or identity for Pharazon, which is of course what I have hypothesized here on this blog, and specifically in that post that William linked to, to no one's greater surprise initially than my own, honestly.

So, perhaps a wink that this guess has some wings to it.

It gets even a little more interesting though based on recent developments.

I left a comment on that initial post with respect to the types of shoes William mentioned that he has his students change into:  Slippers.  Rather than retyping it or just linking it, here is what I wrote so we have it here:

I wonder if the fact that these labels are on shelves that the students use to change their "shoon" before going upstairs is meaningful?

Slippers comes from the term slip-shoe. To slip can mean both to 'escape, or move softly and quickly', but also 'to glide or slide'. In this definition, it is somewhat of a synonym for 'skate', which also means to glide (as well as to escape, or get away with something), over ice with ice-skates, or along the ground with roller-skates.

Wearing new shoes that slip or glide in order to be able to go somewhere has come up before:


To summarize, when I saw the shoe cubby, my mind went to two things:  William's earlier post regarding 'shoon' (shoes), and the movie Xanadu, where I have made a big deal in the past about people needing new shoes to go to Tirion-Jerusalem, as symbolized by people gliding around on roller-skates.  I first did this in the post I linked in that comment, and then continued with the analogy in posts like "Ho!" and "X marks the spot" and in other posts as well.

I will touch on William's Shoon poem at the end briefly because of a dream I had last night, but I wanted to quickly touch on Xanadu and then bring it back to the latest image William shared of those shoe cubbies and the story I see there.

In Xanadu, my own view is that the character of Danny McGuire is meant to represent John-Thingol.  As part of this role, and within the analogy, we actually see Danny-John as the one who leads the Xanadu procession on roller-skates at the end of the movie.  He is the Master of Ceremonies, and gets everyone on their feet and following him as they skate around and slippers on their way to Xanadu.

Here is the video in case you haven't watched the spectacle lately.

It is Danny-John who is clearly leading the procession, as shown by the Gene Kelly zoom-in here at the outset, before he starts skating around and encouraging everyone to follow him:

OK, but why I am I bringing up John in this context - what does he have to do with William's shoe cubbies?  Well, his name shows up there, based on the latest image that William posted.

In the images and commentary that William shared, we have 6 names:  Jessie, Leo, Egbert, Peter, Yoyo, and Ivan.  

So, let's see what this says, shall we?

William already covered the original 3 names, and combined those into one Being:  Pharazon-Peter.  I agree with this interpretation, so we'll leave that as is.

Turning to the top, or beginning, we have Jessie.  Jessie is a name with a few different meanings.  As a translation of "Jesse", you have a hebrew name like "Gift of God".  It also, however, can mean "foresight" or "behold" if a short form of Jessica.  So, I've lumped those all in together to have this word mean something will - certainly - happen in the future, and it is due to God's gift.

The object of God's gift and grace and this future event is Peter-Pharazon, as is captured in the next 3 words.

The final two words suggest what it is that God's grace and gift now allows.

Yoyo is the next word, and William mentions this is a common English name adopted by his students, thanks to the cellist Yo-Yo Ma.

William also connects this yo-yo with the yo-yo toy in his latest Animalia art reading.  In seeing this, my mind instantly went to the function of a yo-yo.  You throw it down, and it returns back up.  It is hooked to the finger with a string, and all it requires is a 'pull' and the yo-yo comes right back to your hand.  The yo-yo analogy was already going through my mind with respect to Pharazon and the rest of the Numenorean-Elvish Fathers relative to a 'return' when I looked up the word to see if it meant anything, which it does.

The yo-yo name apparently comes from the Philippines, where it means "come, come" (I pulled this from the Smithsonian website which has a history of the yo-yo).  Other translations have it mean something like "come back" or "return".  Any of these work for our purposes as we string these words together.

Interestingly, as a piece of trivia that might blow your mind given the subject matter, the yo-yo is cited as first being introduced to America by a Filipino immigrant in San Francisco named Pedro Flores.  Pedro, of course, is the Spanish form of Peter.

"Yo" has also come up before in my Elvish words, however, sufficiently enough for me to know that it means "together, with" in that language.  And that is how I also saw this word as I looked at the shoe cubby image, meaning we had a double word here in both Filipino and Elvish.

Lastly, we come to Ivan.  Ivan is the Russian form of John, and this is where we see his name.  

Interestingly and as somewhat of a tangent, given all of the Gorilla and Sasquatch references lately, there is a popular book and a movie based on that book called The one and only Ivan, about a Gorilla named Ivan who is freed from captivity at a shopping mall after remembering his life before captivity and making artwork conveying the word "home".  I think relevant, but again, a tangent for this post.

Putting that all together in a sentence that might mean something, we have (as in the title of this post):  


Behold, God's gift!  Peter-Pharazon to come back together with John.

This is a remarkable sentence that we can easily derive from these shoe cubby words, and it is remarkable not only because of the Xanadu analogy.  John, based on his role and mission, perhaps, seems to play a role in the collection of members of this Family and their return Home.  It is referenced once in Doug's writings, as well as one time in my own words.

At the end of Words of Them that have Slumbered, Thingol (who is John, in my book) comes to the island of Tol-Morwen in order to get Nienor and take her home to Aman, where ills done to her and her house will be healed.  At first, Nienor resists and tries to frighten away John, but he persists and tells her he isn't going anywhere without her:

... come, and see

In the waters, new hope, estel living come to thee,  Daughter-Hurin

It is I, Thingol-Elwe Singollo....

Come daughter-Hurin, and find in my paddling, assuage

Of ill done to thee and thy house, I will bear thee

Far off, to lands where thy parentage proceeded,

And where thou may likewise enter a flame-bath

And among Vala-kind, take thy place

In my own words, it seems initially the plan was for Joseph to return home with Thingol back in 2020, as conveyed in words I received on January 19, 2020, and which I covered in an earlier post:

Benu au doriel mit Thingol luke elanor

Which, I have something like:  "Husband away land-daughter with Thingol [and] enchanted El-Anor".  In other words, Joseph would have El-Anor, the Darkened Sun Stone delivered to him by Heavenly Messengers, and Thingol-John to personally escort him home.  Again, this seems very similar to both the account of the rescue and gathering of Nienor, as well as with an earlier finding and rescue of Joseph by Thingol in the depths as captured in Words of the Faithful.

This is also consistent with John's mission as Joseph Smith understood it, and as what seems to be captured in the analogy of Xanadu, which is the gathering of Israel.

In D&C 77, Joseph interprets John eating the little book (from Revelations 10), as him accepting his mission to gather Israel:

Q. What are we to understand by the little book which was eaten by John, as mentioned in the 10th chapter of Revelation?

A. We are to understand that it was a mission, and an ordinance, for him to gather the tribes of Israel; behold, this is Elias, who, as it is written, must come and restore all things.

And so, in our story, and in the analogies explored on this blog, it would be entirely consistent for Pharazon-Peter to return home in the company of John.  Whether that is an individual escort, or as part of a larger group, I don't know, but William's shoe cubbies seem to suggest and support the point that not only is Pharazon the same Being as Peter, but that he will come home in the company of his old partner, friend, and Kin:  John.  

I actually think this will be an individual escort, honestly, as I think about it.  If I am right that Pharazon-Peter is also Gim-Githil or Ingwe, and thus one of the original three who went back to Valinor, in the company of Thingol (John) and Finwe (maybe the Being we know as God the Father), then I think it is a nice touch in the story for those three to be reunited in Aman, with Thingol escorting him there.

I don't know - we'll see how that works, but that is how the story plays out in my mind at the moment, partially thanks to those shoe cubbies.

Also, I do want to note, but not get into, the presence of the Black and White pandas - another Pied animal - on the sandals of those shoes in the Yoyo cubby.

OK, this post turned out long enough, where I am going to cover my dream in a separate post right after this one, just to keep the scope and message of this one a bit tighter.  So, that is a wrap.


  1. I think Jessie, Leo, Egbert, Peter, Yoyo, and Ivan works more naturally as a list of individuals rather than a coded message using name meanings. I know that works against your story in some ways but I think you are shoe-horning this one a bit. It’s easier (for me at least) to say each person gets a cubby and each person gets some shoes and therefore these are all different people. And just to say it, the “Leo” in that list by no means has to connect to me in any way lest you think that’s my motivation for saying so.

  2. That could be.

    I honestly was going back and forth on whether Jessie/ Jesse was the name the Holy Ghost (God's gift, and also that which proclaims that God Exists, which is another meaning of that name). I kind of like it in a way, but I wanted to leave this about Peter.

    Even if I changed Jessie to the Holy Ghost, I still only have two Beings (the Holy Ghost and Peter-Pharazon... who would be Gim Guru and Gim Githil, by the way) who return together with John.

    These are just symbols, and we see what we want to see, I guess, which is what you are saying with me shoehorning, if I understand your meaning right. I kind of go by asking myself did I learn something with what I saw, and does it make sense. I hadn't thought of John's involvement here with Peter, but it makes sense as I think about it, so I go with it. It isn't any more complicated than that, if you boil it down. And I put it in my thinking and story and see how it goes.

    If you want to take the picture much more literally and have 6 people identified here because you have 6 cubbies with names, who are the 6? Tell me a story, if you can, that makes more sense. To me it is a fairly simple observation that Leo Egbert Peter maps fairly directly to my post on Peter-Pharazon, but I am open to your view of these being 3 individual names if you have something better.

  3. I kept thinking through, this and I have updated my view to more align with what I alluded to in the above comment. Two Beings are mentioned here:

    Jessie = Gim Guru / Holy Ghost

    Leo Egbert Peter = Pharazon / Peter / Gim Githil

    Details in my new post:

  4. Also, I forgot to mention that I think Leo's use of "Shoe-Horning" in this context on this post is pretty interesting and actually hilarious.

    "Horn" can mean the like what animals have on them. William has written about bulls for a bit now, and just in his latest post talked about Horns being used to gently push people to Zion.

    Equipped with the right footwear, such Beings might be said to be "shoe-horning'.

    Horn also means Peak (in German). In my story, shoes are associated with reach the Peak, just as changing one's shoes in William's school is also required to ascend the stairs to the classroom. The classroom reference at the top of the stairs is interesting because Isaiah mentions that when the Mountain of the Lord's House is again established in the top of the Mountains, people will want to go there so they can learn, like one does in a classroom:

    "Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths"

    Anyway, to reach the Peak (or Horn) wearing your special Xanadu Shoes might also be accurately described as Shoe-Horning. Or maybe Horn-Shoeing?

  5. Forgot to paste in the link to William's post above:


  6. It sounds like you've found your answer on this so maybe it's a moot point but what I want to point out is maybe you have something like Peter, James, and John being referenced here as Leo, Egbert, Peter instead of a 3 for 1 deal. PJJ feature very prominently in Mormon temple theology, of course, I suspect as Finwe, Ingwe, and Thingol from Tolkien's world. In your recent post you seem to have the Holy Ghost/Faramir, Peter, and John, unless you think the HG is James, which seems a bit off.

  7. I like your thought around Finwe, Ingwe, and Thingol. And yes, I suppose we have John and Peter represented here with Ingwe and Thingol. So, your question then is what about James?

    Finwe in this story is Israel, who used to be named Jacob. Jacob is the same name as James, or comes from the same Hebrew name. So that would fit really well with your guess that perhaps he should be represented in this picture with Ingwe-Peter and Thingol-John.

    But I have the Holy Ghost-Faramir travelling with them instead. How to explain? It may be that Finwe is otherwise occupied and has other tasks that he couldn't leave to recreate this journey, and so the Holy Ghost is his representative or stand-in, at least if we are wanting to keep the symbolism of the journey of those 3 intact.

  8. Thinking more on this, a more straightforward answer is that it is the Holy Ghost who is sent by the Father, in Jesus' name, to do the work of the Father. As part of this, it seems that doing things in their stead, in their name and with their authority, comes with the job.

    If my guess is right that Finwe is also the same Being who Jesus refers to as the Father, then it would be perfectly natural for the Holy Ghost to step in where required, since it is Finwe who sent him to act on his behalf. This would include taking his place with Peter-Ingwe and John-Thingol if needed.

  9. But again, just to clarify, I find the Holy Ghost, Peter, and John represented by the names Jessie, Leo-Egbert-Peter, and Ivan (literally John).

    In fact, I think the proper use of the term shoe-horning (cramming into inadequate space) more appropriately applies to where you have gone with it - trying to cram all 3 names into what I take as just Peter's, particularly when you have Ivan-John already hanging out there separately. Give Peter's name some space!

    I am somewhat inexperienced at shoe cubby reading, though, and the fact that we are having a difference of opinion on how best to interpret the cubbies is kind of funny. Are you sure you aren't taking a more favorable view of these winks than you are letting on?

  10. My participation in this discussion is very much despite myself, I assure you. It still makes very little sense to me why this would be a form of communication heaven would adopt. My son says maybe it's the best they can manage for some reason bc it's too dangerous to do something more direct. I guess that's possible but I can't think of a good reason why that would be the case. And if that's not the case, I can't think of a good reason why they'd mess around w sync-winks. But this cubby thing is pretty hard to ignore so I'm playing along for now.
