Sunday, August 18, 2024

Circular Saws and "Will you step through?"

After I wrote about my dream involving the stolen pumpkin money, Leo forwarded me a very short note with a dream I had related to him back in 2020.  He had thought to send it because some of the themes seemed very similar to what I had shared here.

I remember the dream very well, though didn't remember when I had it or what I had shared about it.  As I've mentioned before, I destroyed all of my notes and everything from that time period, and while I have a word document with most of the "words" I collected from that timeframe, along with a few selected dreams and other events (particularly early on), details like this dream weren't captured there and are gone.

I had shared the dream with Leo in an email on March 27, 2020, and he basically just sent back what I had sent to him.  Here is what I had written:

After a few crazy dreams, I found myself in something like a third-world country, though not sure where. There was a wagon hitched up that was set to leave for home. I had a bunch of stuff I was trying to load onto it. For some reason, I was really worried about my stuff, which was mostly in the form of tools. Someone was warning me that if I left them unattended on the wagon, they would get stolen, so I seemed to be spending some time trying to hide them away/ secure them on the wagon. As we were getting set to go, I noticed that I had left my circular saw back on a table. I went to go get it, and as I turned around the wagon took off. I tried to chase it down, but it just kept going faster and faster - eventually just crazy fast. I eventually gave up the chase, turned around to head back to where I started with the thought in my mind that I needed to make a call and ask for some help to somehow find a way back on that wagon.

I have a vivid memory of this dream, including the driver of that wagon.  He wore a wide-brim hat, and it was he that seemed to be driving the horses that the wagon was hitched up to faster and faster as I was attempting to chase after them.

So, a few things about this dream before I get to the critical point, which is this idea of a circular saw.

First, obviously a very similar theme regarding theft, in that I turned my back, and this is when things were stolen from me.  In the pumpkin dream, it was in the form of money that had been earned through the sale of pumpkins.  In this dream, it was tools - all sorts and varieties.

Second, this theft or betrayal seemed to come from an unexpected source.  I had implicitly trusted that the wagon itself was safe, spending extra time securing and hiding my tools on it, apparently not considering that the wagon and its driver might not be trustworthy, or would take off without me if given the chance.  I was hiding my tools from the wrong threat, basically, in the end.  At least that is one view.

Third, and building off that second point, unlike my dream of the pumpkin money, in this dream there was an explicit warning about what would happen if I left my tools unattended.  And this proved to be be true.  Even though I hid and secured my tools, I left them unattended when I went to retrieve the circular saw, and that is when both the driver and the wagon took off.

Fourth, and lastly, there was once again this element of speed.  I remember in the dream running at an almost incomprehensible speed to catch this wagon as it sped off with my tools, but no matter how fast I ran, I could not catch the wagon.  This syncs up very well with my recent comments about speed in these other instances, and even the need to go faster in some capacity (Mach 10, The Flash, etc.).

But for my post here, and why I wanted to log this dream, the comment about the circular saw stood out to me.  That was the one tool that I had been left with, as everything else was taken.  As I think about it now, it may well be that one interpretation of this dream is that although all else was gone, the most important thing had been left.

Interestingly, one thing that I have suggested is that these Stones are cutting weapons - analogized to Swords, Spears, and Sticks, that can pierce and cut a path, for example.  Take a look at a circular saw blade:

Per Etymonline, the earliest root that leads to Sword and other similar words is swer-, meaning to cut or pierce.  It is hard to imagine a more apt analogy for a Ball or Disc that is also a sword meant to cut a straight line than the blade of a circular saw.  It is, quite literally, a sword in the shape of a circle.

Looking back at this dream 4 years later, with the benefit of hindsight and what we've explored on this blog, we might say that yes, the wagon and its driver escaped with many tools that will probably be useful, and quite frankly for all we know would have been useful to have around, but it may be that the most important tool - this Circular Saw that might just represent a Stone or Stones - was still safe.

Anyway, just a few quick thoughts I had when I remembered or read that in my dream it was the circular saw that was left off of the wagon of stolen tools.  It is a similar message, perhaps, as my recent dream of pumpkin money, although in that dream I interpreted the money as counterfeit and of no use, whereas in this one I interpret the tools as useful and real, but the most important one not having been stolen.

And I thought it would be good to include given the similar theme and story elements to the Case of the Stolen Pumpkin Money.

"Will you step through?"

I am kind of still not feeling great, and this afternoon after lunch I got pretty tired and ended up falling asleep for several hours.  So I guess I needed the sleep.

I had many dreams involving words or complete phrases where I would read the words, try to commit them to memory, but each time I had sort of a mini wake up after reading them and I would forget them.  They would just slip away, like I couldn't quite bring them through from dreamland.  Some were in English, others what seemed to be other languages, and for those I remember thinking I was very interested to look up what they might mean when I woke up.  I don't remember any of them, except for one short phrase, or at least a fragment of one that I will get to later.

First, however, there was a dream scene that I do remember that seemed relevant only because as I thought about it later it had undertones of Herbie the Hamster, particularly the ending where Herbie is hesitating or having final misgivings about stepping over the wall.  The overall dream was clear, but some dialogue was hazy - I am going to represent the dream by the dialogue, because it seemed important, but just know that I can't be 100% sure each word is exactly what was spoken or thought, but it does capture the overall intent or message of what was being discussed and the situation at hand.

In the dream, I was in my barn loft office.  I painted the walls white in real life, which makes the room naturally bright, but in this instance the room seemed even brighter than usual.  There were other people in the room besides me.  I don't remember seeing them, but they seemed to be a collection of family and friends.  At this point, I heard a man's voice asking me a question:  "Will you step through?"

In hearing the question (I am not sure whether it was actually spoken or the voice communicated in my mind), it felt directed to me as the dreamer.  They were looking for a "Yes or No" answer to the question, I felt, but in my mind I hesitated.

At this point, I heard a girl's voice, who seemed to either be speaking to another or having a thought in her head about the situation that I could hear.  She said, "Why does he hesitate?  Is he afraid?  If it were me, I would have stepped through already."

The man's voice turned his attention to the girl and said or thought to her, "He understands the implications much better than you do.  That is why he hesitates." 

I felt him turn his attention back to me and ask for the second time, "Will you step through?"

In my mind I again hesitated, and thought, "If I do, everything will change.  It will be different."

To this the voice responded, "It was never meant to stay like it is now forever.  You know this."

And then he asked for a third time, "Will you step through?"  I woke up right after this, or I don't remember anything after that last question.

Not sure what to make of it, and don't have any other insights right now other than I am logging it because if felt Herbie-esque as mentioned before.

Either before or after this, I was looking at what I thought was that piece of homework I shared in my earlier post with the Amazing Talking Dog and the Spelling Bee.   However, replacing much of that were other words written on the paper.  I missed most of it, but remember the phrase "Beware the friendly Wilson".

Friendly was underlined just like that on the paper, as a point of emphasis perhaps.  Wilson seemed like another tie to my dog.  Her name is actually Willow, but for some odd reason one of the nicknames I call her is Wilson.  I don't know why.  I had just written about "My Dog" earlier in the day, this writing in my dream was on the homework sheet that references a dog, and here was a name I called my dog.  Seemed like at least one angle of looking at it.

Wilson is interesting as well because it means "Son of William", so there is a William connection.  In addition, it has that opening "Beware..." again.  I have shared another phrase from back in 2020 that went "Beware this one!" in what I have since guessed might have been about William Tychonievich.  And here we had Beware again in the the context of a William-oriented name, though this time a Son of William.  As to why "friendly" would have been underlined, the only connection I can make is that "Friend" came up at the very beginning of this blog with respect to the "Sons of Alma".  A woman's voice was heard saying a phrase as I was waking up from a dream that went, "You will be friends with the Sons of Alma".

I have since landed on a guess that the Sons of Alma are the Stone Couriers:  Glorfindel and Gildor.  Perhaps the "friendly Wilson" is one of these?  With "Beware", I had gone from this being potentially negative word as originally imagined back in 2020 (as in, "be careful or wary) to the more neutral to positive definition of "Perceive, watch for".

One thought, anyway, but I am sure there are other ways of looking at it.

I had what is probably a tangential thought as well related to another Wilson, this one from the movie Castaway.   That Wilson is the volleyball that Tom Hanks' character anthropomorphized, but being a ball might tie into something here.  And actually, now that I think about it a bit, it might not be that tangential, but I'll save exploring that for another post.  Could be a few winks there.


  1. That’s a cimeter head.

  2. As I was reading this post, which mentions both running fast and Herbie the Hamster, a TV near me was showing the women’s marathon event from the recent Olympics, and the camera kept focusing on a runner named Herbiet.

  3. A 'frisbee with spikes on it" definitely fits. You have both the Disc and Ball versions of this concept in that post.
