Sunday, March 17, 2024

A few February 2022 Words I had missed

Yesterday morning I took our oldest son to a hockey lesson.   After I dropped him off, I ran a few errands like picking up some chicken feed, and ordering another package of bees for next month (one of my hives made it through winter just great, the other not so much.... 50% hit rate is about average, and actually pretty good for me, honestly), and found myself back at the rink with a few minutes to spare before his practice was over.  I had my computer with me, so I thought I would get a few thoughts down for the next post while I waited.

The rink we were at is attached to a high school, and relies on its network for wifi.  After I logged in, I tried to access my account, and got an error message that came with this picture:

It's Gandalf in Moria, obviously.  I thought it was kind of funny that Gandalf popped up telling me I can't access my LOTR-connected blog.  Apparently the school district has a blocker on for Blogger, and I definitely did not pass it while at the rink.

Overlooked words

A couple days ago, some things I had written about what it means to be strong came into my head.  I think it was because I referenced the "Armstrong" material in my recent post about the Rock and his 22 inch guns, and this must have jogged the thought.

I had written just some brief thoughts on trying to capture what I thought it might mean to be strong, but I couldn't remember exactly what I had written.  I didn't know where I had written it, either, but I knew it had to be in one of my notebooks.  I checked the ones that had been more 'this stuff' oriented from 2021 and 2022, but it didn't come up anywhere after flipping through them. 

By then it had become a bit of a mission to track it down, and I looked in a few other places.  I opened up my gray notebook which had been my therapy notebook starting in the summer of 2020.  I didn't think I had written these thoughts down that early, but I was looking everywhere at this point.  Plus, a lot of my therapy had been focused on building resilience and trying to become 'stronger' mentally, so I thought perhaps I had written it down in that context.

It turns out that I DID write it down in that notebook, but not while I was in therapy.  Rather, I wrote it down in 2022.  For whatever reason, I must have had that notebook with me while thinking of some things, and ended up writing about some of the stuff that had popped into my mind.  

Nothing earth shattering (I'll share some of it at the end of the post), but I think that perhaps one reason it came to my mind and I felt this need to search for it, is that in finding it, I also stumbled across some words from February 2022 that I hadn't included in my earlier post that had those words and some very rough, and likely somewhat wrong, translation options and thoughts.  So, that was pretty cool!  I hadn't remembered writing them, and I don't think I would have found them otherwise, as my old therapy notebook isn't something I really go through anymore.

Anyway, that is how I know I wrote these other thoughts down about being strong during that February 2022 timeframe as well - it is inserted between the various dates in February comprising these other found words.  These were all found on the last couple pages that I had written on in that notebook.

I am including them below because when I shared my January and February 2022 words in earlier posts, I thought that had been it, but clearly there were a few more days, and so I think it would good to include for completeness sake.  It actually looks like there are a couple days from those earlier posts that were also in this notebook, so I must have first written them down in this one before transferring them over to my other notebook where all of the other words that I already shared were.  This means that at least some of these words were received in that usual dream or sleep way based on my handwriting in this other notebook.  They were written pretty neatly in the notebook I referenced for those other posts, and so I assumed they must have been received while mostly awake, but that wasn't the case for several of them per this recent finding.

Recall that I had shared those words in two parts, with the last one ending on Feb. 19 (the second post is the one linked above, and you can get to the first through a link in that post, I believe).  In a separate post, dealing with Xanadu, I also share a later phrase I wrote down with those words (but did not date, for whatever reasons), that were "Abracadabra - Magic!".  

So, these newly discovered words pick up on Feb. 21:

Feb. 21
Men to be drawn
Estel granted
through God's own words
Ngal em

Feb 24
(that was it, though I also wrote about lots of strange dreams and thoughts, though I didn't capture any detail about them.  I don't remember what they would have been about.)

Feb 25
Son-ship (Sun-ship?) to descend

Feb 28
Forsio nosdo
(Nosdo would have been a 'sensed' or sounded out word, because next to it I wrote "Nass-doe", with a bar over the a, long a long a sound)

In terms of Feb. 21, ngal em has straightforward Elvish translations.  Ngal has one match, but there are multiple options for em.

Ngal = gleam, sheen, shine (by reflection)
em = named, called by name OR mother


In addition, Ngal has a similar root as Nal.  In fact, when you look up Ngal, you get N(G)al, and plenty of variations that are NalNal, besides meaning "to shine by reflection", can mean "to call".  

As I thought a bit more on this phrase yesterday, and other things, I think we could use both meanings to potentially come up with something.  Might not be right, but it is plausible.

First off, Men will be 'drawn'.  The first and easiest interpretation is something like "led, brought, pulled" or something like that.  The first thing that comes to my mind in reading men to be drawn are the words that Jesus told his disciples at Bountiful:

And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, that as I have been lifted up by men even so should men be lifted up by the Father, to stand before me, to be judged of their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil—

And for this cause have I been lifted up; therefore, according to the power of the Father I will draw all men unto me, that they may be judged according to their works.

However, tt may in fact be a different 'drawing' of Men that is being discussed.  Or maybe this is limited to Step 1 in the the drawing of all Men.  It may be in multiple stages, with the Wheat gathered out first and brought home.  This might make sense.  The words I had written on on Feb. 19 and mentioned in my earlier post seemed to cover some kind of  fortress (what I have perhaps identified as Tirion).  Where my mind is right now is that  it is this place that some Men are drawn to.

If this is the case, these "Men" will be this Family of Light that are now among Men (living as Men, completely ignorant of who they are), along with those who will come with them.

Hope will be given to this group of people (Estel means "hope, trust, faith"), and it will be "God's own word" that gives it to them, and perhaps is the vehicle, in some way, that allows these men to go to this place.

God's own word, in this case, may refer to the records such as the Book of the Lamb that will come to those on our world through the Anor-Ithil Stone connection (Deseret's Book).  Since they will have the complete record, maybe somehow this allows them to go straight to Tirion.  Again, I am not sure how this all works, in terms of the mechanism or way that this all plays out.

Ngal em may have something to do with this then.  First, let's just look at Ngal as in what I had first with "to shine".

In my post "The Great Pumpkin and waiting", I wrote some words I had received on March 7, 2021, which were just a few English phrases:

The story on the stone is the story of our family. It is meant for our family, to cause them all to shine. It is a story of love, of our love undying and unending, even in a void. To bring forth, even in this nothing-place, love's power - our family's power.

You came powerless, as did others, with hope in a promise. The story is the promise, and the power.

And the void, now de-void it own power, recedes; what WAS NOT now becoming IS.

So the Family will shine, and it will be by means of the story, specifically associated with the Sawtooth Stone in the words above, but which I have guessed joins with the rest of the words and story assembled by Eowyn, perhaps.

I think this story is what is meant by the "God's own word" reference, at least in part, and so these "Men" that are drawn back to Tirion will shine.

Em gets at how I think this Family is drawn home, as well as what makes them shine.  The will be called by Name.  Their own Name.  This is part, I think, of Joseph Smith's words of every person receiving a Stone and on that stone is new Name.  It would be a New Name, but an Old Name, also, I think.  It would be their own story and identity, or something like that.  Something that is intrinsic to that unique individual is restored to them.

Again, I am not sure how this all happens, or how a story, whether on or from Stones, causes all of this, but that is the rough sketch in my mind

The word on Feb. 24 as just Maia I think is ultimately what these Men on Tirion become.  As Alma taught of the Holy Order in Alma 13, and of people being made "white" and entering into God's rest (Tirion), this is what will happen to this Family.  They will also become part of that Order, and so would be of the order of Maia, of something like what Mormon's call the Melchizedek Priesthood.

The Feb. 25 words about a son-ship or sun-ship descending I don't really have a good read on right now, so I will just let that sit for the time being.

On Feb. 28, these Elvish words are translatable in a straightforward way, but I am not 100% clear on what the phrase we get from it means.

For = North
sio = hence
Nosdo = one of the family

To get Nosdo to mean "one of the family", I basically copied what was done with the word Noldo, in relation to Elves.  Nol means The Wise, Noldor means The Wise Folk (Finwe's House), and Noldo is singular as "one of the Wise Folk".

Similarly, I took do and added it to the Family reference, to have it mean "One of the Family".  Who knows if that is right, but the approach at least seems plausible and consistent with other instances.

So, you could have the phrase mean "North away/ from one of the Family".  One member of the Family to either go somewhere from the North, or to go away to the North?   I don't really have any strong sense for it right now.

Anyway, those are the words that were lost, but now are found, as of my search the other day.  If I think of anything else I will post something on it, I guess.  I have just had this little bit to think on them.  They seem to fit in with the other words, but there is always the chance my understanding of the other words (which may or may not be correct) are leading my mind that way, so it wouldn't be surprising.

As far as my thoughts on what it means to be strong, or the words that got me on this whole word hunt to begin with, in what I wrote I went through a bunch of different definitions or ways of explaining it.  I was trying to land on what strong would mean in a more complete sense, or in a way that wasn't like perhaps how you might at first interpret that word (e.g., someone following The Rock's weightlifting routine or some very superficial definition like that).  I  wrote some things down, none of which is probably very interesting here, and then I began to compare two Beings:  Tom Bombadil and Sauron, as two very different representations of strength.  Bombadil became, in a way, my representation of strength or what I was trying to find a way to define, in that he was 'the Master', but a master that used no compulsion, force, or sense of ownership upon other Beings in order to bring about Good.  He also knew his Name - as in who he was, which is something he brought up with Frodo, and mentioned that Frodo himself at that time was Nameless.

Anyway, after writing some thoughts down about Bombadil, I came up with a phrase for strength that I liked and so I stopped there.   The definition sounds a bit hokey, probably, but it does seem to fit with this whole theme of a family being reunited together.  Here is where I landed:

Strong:  To be with those you love

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