Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bigfoot walking on water at the Minnesota State Fair

 Well, its that time of year for the Minnesota State Fair.

The State Fair is the largest Fair in the US as measured by average daily attendance.  Texas has more total visitors at 2.3 million vs. 1.8 million for Minnesota (which comes in 2nd behind Texas), but Texas' fair also runs for about twice as many days.  So, in terms of people per day, it is no comparison - Minnesota has a really, really big fair.

I say this not to brag about my current home state, but only to give you some perspective for why I say this event is not really my thing.  I am a low-crowd, need-my-space kind of guy, and that is not this.  It is a sea of humanity, eating fried foods on sticks.

We actually haven't gone for several years now (I don't think since before 2020), but my wife thought maybe the kids would like to go this year.  We leave for vacation tomorrow and won't be back before the end of the Fair (which kicked off this past Thursday), so it was either today or never. 

It was hot, but it is supposed to be even hotter tomorrow, so it seems like the crowds today were even worse than I remember as everyone decided Saturday was the day.  But, the kids had a fun time, and by a little after noon everyone was ready to go home, so it wasn't so bad.

The Fair has a shuttle service or Park and Ride, where you can park in various places all around the Twin Cities, and they will bus you for free to and from the Fair.  It's a great service that really saves on the headache of parking closer to the Fairgrounds - it is a zoo.

Anyway, the bus took as over to fair, and as we were getting off, I noticed the woman immediately in front of me as we were walking down the bus aisle filing off was wearing a Bigfoot shirt.  Well, given how Bigfoot has been a thing, like with Harry and the Hendersons recently, the shirt caught my attention.  So much so that I did something I told myself I would never do after reading about William Tychonievich doing it once awhile ago on his blog:  I clandestinely took a photo of a complete stranger's shirt, like an absolute stalker.  Something about Bigfoot positioned in front of the Moon holding a fishing pole just screamed "Take a picture!" to me, for whatever reason.  There was a detail I didn't realize the shirt had until I got home after and pulled up the photo, that made me glad I did, though.  Here is the image (I took the picture after we were off the bus and milling around so it wasn't as obvious how completely creepy I was):

What I hadn't picked up when I first saw the shirt print, but what I immediately saw once home and pulling up the picture, is that Bigfoot is not walking on land, but rather he is surrounded by and walking on water.  I mean, yes, his feet have sunk down to his ankles, and we could imagine that this is just a shallow few inches of water over dry land, but we can also imagine that this is Bigfoot walking on Water.

So there are a bunch of symbols all combining with each other in this particular "walk" our hairy friend is on.  I already alluded to Harry and the Hendersons, and recall in that post, and in that context, I linked Bigfoot to the character of Gim Guru-Faramir (and also postulated that he was the same Being as Finarfin).

Furthermore, it is this same Being that I have indicated that will go on a Walk, of sorts, and I have interchangeably called this a Moon Walk (as in the case and symbolism of Michael Jackson, and also that song "Walk the Moon") and a Sky Walk.  And specifically I have likened or analogized the Sky with Water, and suggested that accounts of both Jesus and Peter walking on water might actually be accounts of Sky Walking.  And here we have Bigfoot walking on Water in front of a giant Moon.

Seems pretty dead on.

It stays interesting with the name of Remer that is also shown on the shirt.   Despite a similarity with the character of Ramer from Tolkien's Notion Club Papers, my mind didn't go there.  I first went to what that word or name might mean in our world and languages.

Remer has two different and valid definitions.  The first is Famous Counsel.  The second is Leather Worker.  Both seem interesting to me.  Let's start with Famous Counsel. 

In my post where I utilized the greatly under-appreciated divining medium of French's Mustard Bottles, I specifically linked the Rose Stone (and thereby its potential future steward, Faramir Gim Guru) with Ron Burgundy, the Anchorman.  In doing so, I then translated Ron Burgundy's name to reveal its true meaning:  The Red Ruler's Counsel (with the Red Ruler as Gim Guru, the real Red Rocker):

It is also, and I absolutely have to throw this in because I did do a post on the Anchorwoman (Eowyn), the last name of Ron Burgundy, the Anchorman. Probably strangely relevant, I hate to say it. In fact, Ron Burgundy could be interpreted to mean "The Red Ruler's Counsel", perhaps referring to both Stone and Man. Remember just yesterday that I mentioned a "Golden Counsel" and wondered what that Stone that would have referred to. Well, maybe that really was the Anor Stone (Golden in color), and the Red Counsel - as represented by the Anchorman Ron Burgundy - is actually the Sawtooth Stone (with a 'counsel' referring to the Stone itself).

At that time I hadn't yet given the Rose Stone its new name for purposes of my blog, so I had referred to it as the Sawtooth Stone in the above quote, just to clarify.

Anyway, so we have our "Counsel" as it pertains to Bigfoot.

Leather Worker, as the other meaning for Remer, was also interesting.  Leather, in terms of an actual definition, means (per Etymonline) "tanned or otherwise dressed hide or skin of an animal".  A skin of an animal, as in one might refer to in other words as, say, I don't know, a "Coat of Skins"?   Bigfoot is the very representation I have used to indicate that we have Heavenly Beings dressed up in the bodies (our current Garments) of animals - in our case, primates like Gorillas... like Bigfoot.

In other words, we can take that word and, with not too much creativity, have it mean something like "Worker in a Coat of Skins", which is what I proposed Gim Guru (the Bigfoot from the Harry and the Henderson's post), Gim Githil, and our mysterious Theodore are, as well as many, many other characters and Beings yet to have their stories told and currently living as Men.

Last, but not least, we have our Fishing Pole.  Peter was a Fisher Man, as were a few other Apostles of  Bible tradition.  As Jesus was reported to say to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of Men".

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