Thursday, August 8, 2024

Harry and the Sons of Harry (Harry and the Hendersons)

My problem now is too many thoughts that are interesting to me, and they keep multiplying like rabbits.  My recent trend has been multiple posts per day, finding time to get them published, because the backlog in my mind is growing fairly large.  I see stories and symbols everywhere, though I am not sure that is a completely positive thing.  Time will tell.

So, maybe I will try more frequent, shorter posts to get some thoughts down and I can get more out of my head.  Although the trend has been the more I write and observe, the more there is to write about.  The prize for winning the pie eating contest is more pie, as they say.  Or, I find a way somehow to throttle my thinking down.  We'll see how it goes, and I may adjust to see what works best.  

On to the business at hand.

This morning, I woke up after having a very clear dream image and then overall impression of and interest in "Harry and the Hendersons".   

I have actually never seen this movie (that I can remember).  But I ran across it awhile ago, and took note of it for two reasons.  The Bigfoot theme (Harry is the Bigfoot), and the fact that John Lithgow was in it.  I have a tendency to go off on tangents, so I will leave the Lithgow connection for another time (I had traced him to this movie, and some other interesting ones, after noting that he was in Footloose, which I had also looked into for other reasons).

I don't know anything about this movie other than a Sasquatch named Harry comes to live with a family named the Hendersons.  I looked up the plot on Wikipedia, but I am not sure I fully understand what is going on after reading it, to be honest.

Anyway, after waking up, I became interested in the names, of course.  Harry has come up in other settings, so I thought maybe there was something to look into.  Though, in the past I have taken the Harry name and gone more toward Peter-Marsh.  Here, I am going to take a slightly different angle or approach and see how it works.

The first thing I discovered is that we actually have a sort of double name here, meaning the same name in different forms.  I looked up Henderson, and that means "Son of Henry".  Harry is a nickname for Henry, so really with the title of "Harry and the Hendersons" you have the equivalent of "Henry and the Sons of Henry" (Or you could swap out both instances of Henry for Harry).

Henry and Harry mean "Ruler of the House".

And then my imagination started to run, as it does sometimes.  What House?  Well, Harry's House.  And the clue to what that means is given in the word play of Harry.

Harry, if you were to just hear it, might be mistaken for Hairy (and in fact Harry, as Bigfoot, was quite Hairy).  The Elvish word for Hair is the same word that would be applied to a specific House in our story here:  Finwe's House.  As I have written on before, Finn or Finwe is correlated with Hair.  Finn, as one of its translations, literally means "Hair".

And this goes back to my post titled "The Houses of Hair Man and Bald Man" that I wrote in May, where I contrasted this image of Bald Men (in my dreams) with the House of Hair, or Finwe's House.  For those interested, I spent some time in that post on a man with the name of Luther (or Luthor, I guess).

But back to Hairy, I mean, Harry.

So, we are dealing with the House of Finwe here, potentially.  Who is this Ruler that is represented by Bigfoot, in this particular instance?

I think Faramir, who is Finarfin.  This is, to me, another little wink, that although I can't explain exactly why, and there are issues to work through, my strong guess or sense is that Eonwe became Finarfin, who would become the Ruler of the House of Finwe after the exile of the Noldor.  Not joining in with the exile of the rest of his family, he remained a "Free Man" (Francis), not bound by the doom of his House.  As such, he would be in a position to assist in their redemption, perhaps, though I am not sure what specifically that means.

And, as I mentioned before, Finarfin is definitely a 'hairy' name, give Fin, the name of his Father Finwe, occurs not once but twice.

So, you have Harry suggesting Finarfin-Faramir - again, at least just in this specific set of symbols.  What about the "Sons of Harry"?  Hendersons is plural in the title, so more than one.  This could relate to the entire House, I guess (Harry also standing for Finwe himself, and thus his 'sons' representing his entire family of House).

But this can also be more specific given the story I have explored here.  I have identified the Stone Couriers as Glorfindel and Gildor.  About a month ago, on July 5, I wrote two separate posts, one for each of these individuals, stating the case that they are the sons of Finarfin and Earwen (Eowyn-Ilmare).  Here is the post for Gildor, and here is the one for Glorfindel.

Further, I have guessed that it is these two who will serve as escorts for Finarfin-Faramir, bringing him "East" to the House of Tom Bombadil, where the Red Sawtooth Stone currently resides (and where Glorfindel and Gildor would have taken it).

As confirmation for this reading, that Harry stands for Faramir-Finarfin and the Sons of Harry are Glorfindel and Gildor?  This is movie poster you get when you look up the movie on Wikipedia:

You have Harry holding a Red Rose, symbolic of the Sawtooth Stone.  I actually have another thing from yesterday involving my daughter's backpack that I will need to post on that also ties to the Rose (and also helps solve a vexing issue with an old symbol from earlier in the blog that didn't seem workable in swapping out the Anor Stone for the Sawtooth Stone... but we are all good now!).  Since I haven't seen it, I am not sure how the Red Rose fits in with the movie as a whole, but it words very well for my purposes.  Even Harry's name colored like the rainbow (the spectrum of the colors of Light) seem relevant to me.

Anyway, I saw something else that was stood out to me in the Wikipedia summary.  Apparently, the Hendersons go and visit a Bigfoot specialist after they lose Harry.  Here is the description:

George tries to find Harry and visits the "North American Museum of Anthropology" to speak with Dr. Wallace Wrightwood, a supposed expert on Bigfoot.

Wallace Wrightwood - another WW, and apparently an expert on Bigfoot.  

In any case, to close this out, you could actually take all of the above and still apply it to Peter-Marsh, instead.  I mean, that would make sense, as well.  Gim Githil would be the Ruler of the entire House of the Elves, though the specific connection to Hair isn't as strong here with him, since it is not Finwe's House that he was in.  But it could still work.

I have identified Glorfindel and Gildor as the "Sons of Alma", who are Helaman and Shiblon, and as such the grandchildren of Alma the Elder, who I have tagged as Peter-Marsh.  So, all of that could work really well.  

As I think I've mentioned, there seems to be some interchangeability in the symbols or stories around Peter-Marsh and Faramir.  I mean, if my guess is right that Peter is Pharazon, he did in fact try to dress up as Finarfin-Faramir on Numenor, for crying out loud, getting all gilded up in his bright, sunny gold.

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