Monday, August 26, 2024

Honey Nut Cheerios strikes again

Whoever is in charge of the Honey Nut Cheerios cereal box art design over at General Mills is sure tapping into something.  The company's world headquarters is based here in Minnesota, after all (in Golden Valley, which makes sense I suppose).   Actually, come to think of it, General Mills also makes Golden Grahams. . . 

Anyway, I reached for my trusty scriptures, I mean cereal box, this morning, and was once again met with a story.   This is a new box, purchased yesterday after we flew into town for vacation:

There are a few things going on here that my mind took off with.

First off, we have our giant Ace of Hearts, this time as the giant cereal bowl.  It is filled with with each of the O's, which now look to me to be very much like our Eclipse/ Black Hole/ New Moon Shining symbol, which I have before equated to Stones, specifically the Rose Stone in past discussions.  But there isn't just one O in the giant Heart, but rather many.  I have cited Joseph Smith's commentary before that all those entering the Celestial Kingdom will receive a "white" (shiny/ bright) Stone, and here we have the Heart, which William Tychonievich has cited before as a symbol of Zion itself, filled to the bring with these Stone symbols.

So, I see in this picture all of the Stones now returned home (with their respective owners).   Seemingly, in a direct tie to this thought, on the back of the box is an activity where we must help Buzz (the Bee) create "the one sweet path" that literally comes from counting, in order, from 1 to 40.  This path is also called a "beeline", which, despite its meandering path on the actual cereal box, is a phrase that is used when someone moves very quickly and very directly (in a straight line) to a point.  Sounds like the path that needs to be created between our world and the White Tree, and the 'beeline' the Swift Messenger will make in creating it.

The "counting" was interesting because it links this path that we need to help Buzz find to the Stones that will then utilize the path, I suppose, in being gathered home.   In my Story, the Stones are part of this plan to bring the Family of Light home, and as Tom Bombadil told the Couriers, they are "to be gathered, to be counted".

In our last Honey Nut Cheerios incident, we had a pretty direct tie to our Amazing Talking Dog.  Here we have another, as the box tells us Real Honey has been used for an "Amazing" taste

Back to the front.

It goes without saying that we have our hexagon bee symbol again front and center, which came up recently on Link's Door, which I symbolically to Tirion, where X marks the Spot, which is the place where all of those Stones will gathered to.

But my vision then focused on our friend Buzz.  Recently, I linked Hermes-Mercury to the Swift Messenger Faramir Gim Guru.  In doing so, I also spent some time on his Caduceus, the stick Hermes is shown bearing.  I gave my opinion that this stick represented the combination of the Rose and Ithil Stones, joined as one now in Faramir's hand.

And here we have Buzz bearing a stick, with a Ball of honeycomb on the end.  Remarkable, given that both Stones have been linked directly to Honey.  The Ithil Stone belongs to the Honey Maid (Eowyn), and the Rose Stone was represented in one of my dreams by Honeycomb.

Further, my memory of Buzz (by the way, I had to look up his name, and I will end this post with that), is that his shirt was a light orange.  Here, however, it is definitely Red.  As it should be if this represents Gim Guru (as we see in Alvin's Red clothes, and even Sammy Hagar as the Red Rocker).  

Thus, as I looked at the picture, Buzz was essentially transformed into a little copy of Hermes-Faramir, who either had completed or was in the process of "Jewel Hunting" and gathering his Family home.

Lastly, the name Buzz.  Space travel has been a big thing on this blog, and I am not even sure what to make of it, with respect to what that actually looks like.  But I have been pretty consistent in my thinking that Faramir-Gim Guru (and now others) will go on a Sky Walk, and Outer Space is pretty much all I know or can imagine in thinking through that, whether that is actually the case or some analogy for something I wouldn't be able to understand.

Buzz, besides being a fitting name for a Bee, I guess, is also a name pretty directly associated with Space.  Buzz Lightyear first came to my mind.

You can actually see, by the way, that Buzz bears the colors of our 3 Chip Monks on his right chest, and is that the Rose Stone on his left?

Buzz, however, was likely named after or for the astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who joined Neil Armstrong on the Moon.  Buzz's real name is Edwin.  In looking up that name, it means "Wealthy" or "Rich Friend".  And this made complete sense when I saw this.  Joseph of Egypt is also the Being known as Ausir, and he said that the Seer he prophecies of in 2 Nephi 3 would be "named" after him.  Ausir, as a reminder, means "Wealth".


  1. I think it's time to up your breakfast game, Bill. Or I at least hope you're throwing in some fruit or something!

  2. Well in complete transparency, this wasn't even breakfast. I woke really early in the morning with two things on my mind: i) Moses, and ii) how hungry I was.

    We are on vacation, and have more sugary cereals around as a result, so I reached for the Honey Nut as kind of an early morning snack. I honestly do eat a lot of Cheerios, but the plain kind, and I just add honey myself. Since we keep bees, I have more honey around than I know what to do with, and I find Cheerios with my own honey added tastes a lot better than Honey Nut, which obviously is going to taste more fake, processed, etc. But you don't get the cool symbols and stories from a plain Cheerios box... trade offs, I guess.

    For breakfast we had egg sandwiches, so it was a bit better than just sugar cereal.

  3. Since you woke up thinking of Moses, it stands to reason that you would want to eat something small and round and tasting of honey. Perhaps with a side of quail.

  4. Maybe the “A-maze-ing” spelling is meant to draw attention to the etymology of that word, perhaps casting the Amazing Talking Dog in a different light. He produces webs (woof) and mazes. I’m reminded of one of the late Gene Ray’s epigrams: “Word enslaves mind. Talking dog could enslave humanity.”

    I’m typing this on my phone, and when I’d typed “the Amazing,” it suggested “Spider” as the next word.

  5. That does sound better. I can't blame a guy for hitting the cereal box up for a quick hunger release and some early morning syncing.

    I guess I expected being a farmer means fresh bacon and eggs w unpasteurized milk every morning, vacation or no. And now two days in a row I'm here adding no value to your post w my comments. Carry on!

  6. WJT:

    Yeah, I figured the hunger and Moses was linked in general (and even, I believe, links to Theodore, who in the Chipmunk stories is always hungry and looking for food). Which made it even more interesting to see the path on the back of the box that numbered to 40. Moses' path was in theory meant to be a 'beeline' but it ended up becoming, per tradition, a 40 year wander in the wilderness... a roundabout count to 40 and the final destination, basically, which is kind of represented in that maze.

    On the Dog, I am currently inclined to disagree with your take, if I understood you correctly that the Dog I've been threading is bad (though I realize that there are multiple Dogs that could be symbols). The forces of Evil aren't the only ones whose words are 'amazing' or confounding and bewildering to their hearers. The Book of Mormon stories show this.

    Abinadi, for example, told Noah and his priests: "Yeah, my words fill you with wonder and amazement, and with anger".

    Nephi used Isaiah's words to communicate that in the last days God's 'mighty ones' would be called and would be equipped with his 'weapons of indignation' to destroy. As a result, all men "shall be afraid; pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be amazed one at another..."

    Amaze also means to confound, and it is the context of some of the very Stones and records I have been writing about here that Alma tells Helaman that "by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth to pass the salvation of many souls".

    And not all Spiders or Weavers are bad, if that is where you were taking that last autofill sync, with the Pink Spider being an example.

  7. Oh, hey, the spiraling part of Zelda's new staff (the "Tri Rod") bears similarity to the Caduceus.

    WJT's auto-suggest sync may be due to the existence of the Amazing Spider-Man. (Now I'm curious what Google's search box offers with that prompt...)

    Here's something I forgot to mention when you posted about the previous Cheerios box. The bee and dog together reminded me of a game thing, as usual. Guild Wars 2 has a special event every year, around the time of April Fool's Day, called the Super Adventure Box. It's basically a game within the game, riffing off 8-bit classics (including Legend of Zelda) with a simple plot and graphics, plenty of collectables, and sharply-increasing difficulty.

    Each of the Box's first three levels contains a cluster of large flowers, where Bee Dogs will spawn. They'll take baubles (the Box's currency and thus main collectable) from the flowers, then zoom off in the direction of their honeycomb home, protected by the level's mini-boss, a Queen Bee Dog. Notably, two of the three Queens are hidden at the end of mazes. (The Box's next three levels replace the Bee Dogs with, uh, thieving raccoons that steal baubles from hillbillies' distilleries. Makes me wonder, since the baubles also serve as nectar/honey somehow, does that mean they're making moonshine mead?) (in-game demonstration)

    After I found the above video, I ended up watching a bunch of other GW2 vids. By synchy chance, one of the first mentioned an item called the "Preserved Queen Bee". Probably not that interesting in full context, but it appears at 4:12-4:55 in the link below. (Of all the items it discusses, I only have the greatsword Eternity (2:40-3:43), crafted years ago when I had plenty of time for games. Oddly, there's something on its hilt that I've always thought looks like a glowing keyhole.)

  8. WG:

    Good find on the Tri Rod. It looks to be two sticks wound around each other to form one stick, or staff, just like the Caduceus snakes, and the description of the Ezekiel/ 2 Nephi sticks. I may put this in a quick post just to make it searchable, because there were some other things about the Zelda' staff description as I quickly looked it up (e.g., the 'binding' power that came with it, and the fact she got it from a Being named "Tri").

    That is funny about the "Bee Dogs", and interesting that it comes in the context of Guild Wars 2 since that has come up before.
