Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Green Jell-O and Theodore

Recently, William Tychonievich wrote about a Mark Hofmann dream he had quite a long time ago, in which Hofmann was speaking what was an apparently gibberish haiku, but that William understood to mean two things at the same time.  The haiku spoken was:

The broo jerroo
Ih is yerroo
The broo jerroo
What he understood was:
The blue Jell-O
It is yellow
The blue Jell-O


The Brother of Jared
He is a hero
The Brother of Jared.


I instantly saw a very clear connection to our Chip Monk Theodore in this Hofmann masterpiece.  How so?  Well, in an earlier post I had given my guess that the Brother of Jared is represented by Theodore.  Theodore is the Green Chip Monk, and Mark Hofmann is, in my opinion, describing Green Jell-O in a very indirect (yet poetic) sort of way.

The Jell-O in question is both Blue and Yellow at the same time.  Those colors combined give us Green.  The fact that I had earlier been thinking of the Brother of Jared as the Green Chip Monk made everything all the more relevant and pretty clear when I saw the color combination.

On top of this, I have now, for several days, had Moses on my mind, and have been tying him to Theodore as well.  It has been a fairly pervasive thought that I can't quite shake, and so I am letting some things run their course and we'll see where the dust settles on it.  The real interesting implication, of course, is that if both guesses are correct (the Brother of Jared and Moses are represented by Theodore) then this means Moses is the Brother of Jared reincarnated.

I didn't know what to make of this new thought at first, but I am getting more comfortable with the idea.  I am on vacation, and actually am only posting this right now due to my own run-in with Jell-O this afternoon (which I well get to in just a second), so I am not going to go into all of that right now in trying to keep this post really short.  I just wanted to mainly log that I think I am closer to solving (or at least having a solid hypothesis regarding) who our Green Chip Monk is.

One indication of this happened in the grocery store this afternoon.  We stopped in to the store to get some more supplies, snacks, etc.  I was only in the store for a minute or two before I had to step outside to take a call.  While I was out, my wife continued to shop with the kids.  When I got back inside, they were just finishing up and heading for the checkout.  My two youngest kids were excited about something that they had picked out.  And I will say we have never, to my knowledge, ever purchased this particular product in our household, and I have never heard my kids ever express interest in purchasing said product, let alone act really excited about it as a treat of some kind.  Never.

What was it?

Green Jell-O.

So I think I am going to keep noodling on this Theodore-Moses-Brother of Jared thought and see where it goes.

1 comment:

  1. It turns out that Jell-O was invented and first produced in Le Roy, New York. Interesting to see that name turn up again.
