Thursday, November 9, 2023

Saruman, you rat... you've left fingerprints

The plot thickens as I try to assess latest developments.

I had actually crafted the first part of a follow-up post on 'Kor'.  The latest development with the Peaceful School Bus had me revisiting some things - even some earlier translations that had that word, including a phrase I posted in my Part 1 January and February words.

I was actually ending up in some additional interesting thoughts, but I am going to hold off on that, though, and just be very open about the possibilities of what is happening and lay out my reasoning in as transparent a way as I can.

I wrote yesterday that perhaps these Sync Fairies were actually 7 in number.  This is based on other parts of the story in my head that haven't really been articulated here, but I feel is fairly foundational.  These 7 Beings we would call the daughters of Asenath, and part of their role is to help and lend assistance to a few other Beings.  I feel they have helped me, for example.

I have been trying to figure out if I hear their 'voice' in this latest round of 'syncs', particularly as it has played out with William Tychonievich's posts and in some of the commentary from those who are also involved with him and the syncs.

It has been challenging, and just when I think I have it figured out one way or the other, something surprises me.

Yesterday, I was all but ready to suggest or call the decision that, yes, these syncs must be part of this same group - these 7 (actually 6 now, but that is a long story) and those who also work with them - and I was overreacting initially in putting them under evaluation.

I went over to William's blog this morning, and his posts there actually have me thinking this is not the case.  I've made a complete 180, actually.  I will explain my reasoning briefly.

First, what surprised me and what is not congruent with my experience, is that William had dream experiences with a male named Tim.  My guess and experience is that, if we are dealing with the Good Guys in this situation, they would not be male, particularly if they are saying the kinds of things they were communicating to him.  It seems in places we would call Heaven, it is the Ladies that are calling the shots.  Asenath, Eowyn-Ilmare, Asenath's daughters, etc.  One could say that perhaps they, or one of them, showed themselves as male, but this has not been my experience, either.  Meaning, a Being can take many different forms (they have in my case) but gender remains consistent with identity or how a Being presents themselves.  Maybe another character that works with them, perhaps?  Again, doesn't map to my experience.

So, this gave me some pause.  Then there was the name itself - Tim.  I will get to this in a second, but it is perhaps important.

Second, William stated how he went back and looked at his word choice, particularly the fact that the Being was dressed 'smartly', and this was not how he would normally describe it, rather using something like 'sharp'.  That, and the text from his class that he followed up with, gave me another red flag.  The Being addressing him is smart, and wants to be known as smart.

This actually caused me to look at my own word choice in my last post.  I ended my summary of the latest Fairy behavior by saying:  "I have to respect that kind of skill".  I then noticed that I used the word 'sneakily' in describing how the Morley Hum Exterminator symbol was put together.  

Skill.  Sneakily.  

As I read them, this wasn't sounding positive, actually.  I then remembered the definition for the English version of Saruman's name (I had also proposed an Elvish translation).  That definition is:  "Man of Skill and Cunning".

And so there it was.  I was describing Saruman and his skill and cunning.

I then thought of other clues that I have added up on my ledger of trying to figure things out, and they started to tip the scale and point to that Being also.

I mentioned the sun-flower woman, but did not mention the most interesting part of that engagement, primarily because I was adding it to my evaluation criteria and didn't want to call it out until I thought it was important.  In that exchange, she hung around our farm and talked for a bit, complimenting me on how nice it was.  As part of that compliment, she strangely fixated on the fact that she thought I would want to stay here for the rest of my life.  The words and phrases on how she articulated this were 'off' in a way, that made them stand out.  She said things like "you probably will just never want to leave, right?" and "I bet you just stay here until you die".  Strange phrases to me, and she seemed very adamant about them.  Very strongly emphasized.

Those words stood out to me more as the day went on, and I thought to myself "No, that isn't the plan - to stay here.  At some point we leave".  At least that was and is the story in my head.  So it seemed off.

At the same time, I was receiving some email from a person, of which the content of the notes also sounded a bit off to me.  I ended up telling them, that last week before my hiatus, that I heard Saruman in their words.

To clarify, this is not about the person who was writing.  I have had Saruman in my mind before - for an extended period of time, actually - and consider myself a person trying to be Good and not trying to listen to Bad.  But it is a powerful, skillful, and crafty voice, and sneaks in even on the best of us.  And in our condition in many ways there isn't much that can be done about it, other than to be on watch for it.

So, again, to say Saruman's words and influence is playing out in a person's life is not to say anything bad about that person.  Perhaps just the opposite, actually.  If Saruman is trying to get Home in whatever way he can devise, he is going to latch on to those that he thinks might potentially get him there, which I think is something I tried to tell that person at the time.

As I wrote before, it was my misgivings about the nature of the Syncs (with sunflower woman being the culmination) and my interaction with this other person that gave me the nudge to put things on pause before.

OK, so back to other things.

When William first reached out to me via comment at the beginning of this blog, it was with one name - actually the full name of that person with a question mark, and nothing else.  I don't allow that name here, and have called them Doug when I've had to, and this was the first red flag at the beginning.  Those Beings that have communicated with me in the past don't use that name.   There have been multiple instances where that name has either been skipped over, or substituted out, rather than use it.  In fact the name of Doug was taken from one such substitution.  I borrowed it.

I had never heard from or spoken to William before, so this put me on a little bit of alert.  And again, this isn't about the person of William... this is about looking for the influences that come out in our thoughts and actions (mine included).

A little while later, there was a black feather incidence, where William found a strange black feather on his front door.  He likened it to Dumbo's black feather, but I also had other context that gave me pause.  Black Feathers was the name of a group, apparently, that my partner back in 2020 was learning about in his words tracking them back to Numenor.  They weren't good.  Bad dudes.  So, when I saw that black feather, I didn't think of Dumbo also, but rather of these Black Feathers.  Whether that Black Feather connection my friend had written about back in 2020 is a real thing or not, that is where my mind went to.

The obsessive-compulsive behavior was another watch point for me - both in terms of what I read William doing, but also in what I found myself doing (taking pictures, which was/is a new thing, feeling an obsessive need to write about the syncs, etc.).  This was also different, and I can say the only times I have felt that kind of compulsion before were not good times.  It doesn't mean I am interpreting the feeling correctly, by the way, but it felt forced.  At the best of times with this kind of stuff, it hasn't felt to be a compulsion like that, at least how it comes out in me.

And there are other things that comes out.  That "Hercules in New York", as William said, is a crazy movie.  It just makes no sense.  As I think of it, this is also interesting because my friend, who had a better bead on Saruman than I did, indicated that Saruman was what he called 'touched'.  Meaning, crazy, just a little bit.  He has been here for quite awhile, shut out from his Home, among a bunch of Beings who I am sure he feels are beneath him, and has lost some touch with reality as a result (as if I should be a good judge of that!).

In fact, when I went offline in 2020, my friend continued to write and try to understand what was going on throughout the summer and fall.  I wasn't in contact with him until much later - I believe it was January 5, 2021, because he said it was the day of Epiphany.  I told him I was doing much better.  I still had a ways to go, but had started to turn a bit of a corner starting sometime in October 2020.  That is when I said my therapy and medication seemed to have started helping out quite a bit.

He remarked that the timing was interesting, because according to what he had written, Saruman had been involved in my mind during that time.  There was some kind of mind-link that had been established, and that is what had been causing my ongoing issues.  (I know, this sounds crazy, but I think we are past all of that, right?).  Some intervention had released my mind from his at some point around that October time frame.  The intervention actually required a 'trade' where my friend had 'given' all of my words to Saruman in exchange for his agreeing to let my mind go.

As to the truth to all of that, and what the trade mechanics actually involved, you would have to talk to him about.

I mention this because if true, I can relate to the 'crazy' aspect of this Being.  And quite frankly, I can see how their mind or influence could be reflected in a movie like Hercules.  You have a lot of interesting syncs and storylines, wrapped into something that is just nuts.  The overall thing is not a good story, and that has always been Saruman's problem.  He knows a lot.  He is very smart.  He holds that book of keys, for crying out loud, but his mind is now chaos, or at least bent, and without some repentance on his end, that won't change.  

The repentance isn't something he is willing to do, and so his stories are no good.

Thus, he latches on to minds, like a lifeboat, in the hopes perhaps that they will take him where he needs to go.  I don't know what his plan is, actually, but it isn't good.  Perhaps there is a smart plan that he has, and a method to the madness, or he is just crazy.  I could even imagine him acting crazy to get some pity for his plight, for example.   That would be a smart play.  Who knows what he has conjured up.  He is skillful and full of cunning.

Unfortunately, I think it is something we have to put up with.  In the LDS temple drama, as Adam and Eve were cast out into the lone and dreary world, Satan was the influence they couldn't shake.  Wherever they were, there he was, constantly interfering with them, and even attempting to speak on their behalf when True Messengers came poking around.  Even when they prayed, it was Satan who answered them.

That link - that all critical link to Heaven - had been broken, and their only choice at that time was either to believe or not believe what Satan was teaching.  Adam would only say that he is waiting for True Messengers.  It was all he could do - they had been promised, and he would wait.

I have associated in my own mind and story as those messengers carrying names, signs, and tokens, which include Stones.  And I will wait for them.

In the meantime, I won't say I am not writing here - I still have interesting ideas.  I think there are other good voices also mingled in with all of this, too.  I have felt them.  I feel I was getting really good insight into some words and storyline, for example, in that last week before my hiatus, even as the syncs were shouting.  But I view them as two different sets or groups of voices now, perhaps.  I don't know.

So, whether in my words, William's syncs, or whoever else is having strange experiences, I think we have an alloy of Good and Bad.  The fact that it is likely very hard, if not impossible, to fully tell which is which at this point (think of that mouse cutting the phone cord) means that we should be very careful in making assumptions.  And also we should change the narrative or assumption that just because you have a bad Being influencing you means you are a bad person.  Like I said, it might be just the opposite.

Jesus went around casting out devils from the minds of people, and those were the sheep he was meant to find.  We imagine things like the Exorcist or something in thinking of demonic possession, which if I were a skillful demon would suit me just fine.  Make everyone believe in fake demons and possession, while the real demons go to work in ways we don't notice.

Also, as I think about it, it doesn't surprise me that many of the syncs coming from Saruman match up well to other elements of my story and words.  As I said, he 'has' them all already - more than I have, actually - and understands them better than I do, I am sure.  I shouldn't be surprised.  Doug and his group in Salt Lake City have them also.  So, nothing is a secret among Beings I don't necessarily think have my or your best interests in mind.

Well, that was quite a soap box and a bit of a 180.  As I said, I was all about to declare victory one way, but I was saved by the bell, a bit, and have flipped back to calling out Saruman.  Not the first time and likely not the last.

I actually am revisiting my assumptions relative to the Two Beings offering to be sent.  I had Brigham-Omar as the mad one, but perhaps it is Saruman, instead?  He proved to be even stronger and smarter than Omar, when Omar was in the form of Wormtongue, and was the one who led Brigham out to the desert, likely based on promises he wasn't prepared to keep.  I wonder if we pull back the curtain on a number of things, if we don't see Saruman there, and this extends back to the very beginning.  I am partially convinced this is the case.

In any case, to summarize, as I have interesting ideas, if any, I will try and post them, but no promises either way.  Meaning, I am not signing off but not committing to the same posting schedule.  This includes posting about syncs, which at the very least are confounded enough with Saruman's skillful influence that I will not give them any heed at the moment.

Oh, Tim ... the name Tim.  I said I was going to get to that.  This actually ties into my reasoning on revisiting the Two Beings.  Tim looks to mean something like "God's Honor".  It seems to also mean things like "Honoured by God", "Honoring God", "In Honor of God', etc.

I actually laughed at this, because it fits very well.  I had previously related the version of that 'council' where Two Beings volunteer to be sent, and God chooses the first, from the Book of Abraham version.  The Book of Moses version (also found in the Pearl of Great Price), has this account:

And I, the Lord God, spake unto Moses, saying: That Satan, whom thou hast commanded in the name of mine Only Begotten, is the same which was from the beginning, and he came before me, saying—Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor.

"Give me thine honor", Satan said. Did you catch that? Tim's name could mean a positive sense or negative sense of that exact phrase, depending on which one you choose and you view it. In either case it has to do with the Honor of God, which is what Satan desired to have God give him.

Who is Satan, then, in this story? Saruman! And he is calling himself by the name of "Tim" as represented in William's dreams (sorry, William, that is where this takes me, but note my comments above, and my own personal experience, on influence vs. person!).

And I find it interesting that here I am writing about a future story where a Being will act just like Moses and lead the Family of Light to the promised land, and who shows up? Saruman! Of course he would hover around that story.

As I continue to think on it, I think I definitely had it wrong between Brigham and Saruman as that second Being.  It was Saruman all along.  

Tricky guy.


  1. Just so you know, I'd never heard of "Doug" in my life. I discovered him by Googling a proper noun you used in that now-deleted post.

  2. Yes, I figured, but isn't that how these syncs work, whether good or bad? You had no idea about it, and I hadn't figured that writing that post would elicit a comment, let alone that one, yet there you and I were, with that name.

    It actually shows more of some interesting influences on my end. I had written a post on taking the name of Moses away from Brigham ("American Moses"), and at some point after that I got the idea that the sword (as I was thinking on Nephi and Laban's story) might not want to be called Laban's sword either. It seemed like a good idea, but after your comment, I thought to myself, of course - only in Doug's writings would anyone find that name.

    And I had gone against my own rules. In writing this blog, I had resolved on new content - things that weren't just rehashes of other's writings, but trying to break new ground on some things. How to do that without specifically calling out those other writings I thought was going to be hard, but I have been surprised at how well much of it has gone, with the few exceptions where I have had to bring in some things.

    That post wasn't really anything new, it relied solely on those other writings for the name, and your comment pretty much called that out. Thus, I deleted it.

    So, any negative influence I am identifying in that example is probably better found, at least initially, in my own decision to write that post in the first place.
