Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Honey Maid (OR: What crazy people see on graham cracker boxes and Oreos)

I've mentioned that the last week before I took my hiatus (the writings during the week of September 10) was a great week in terms of exploring and developing both a story and timeline relative to the events of the Sawtooth Stone.  I had gone back on words that I had not looked at for quite some time, and had been confusing, and seemed to be able to piece together a plausible meaning to what they were saying, which was also internally consistent irrespective of how strange or crazy it came across.

At the same time, these 'syncs' were becoming more intrusive, and in some ways almost seemed to become more 'noisy'... as in, shouting to get my attention, which I actually viewed, rightly or wrongly, as somewhat distracting as I was thinking on the story.  This culminated in the sun-flower woman showing up on my door, which I wrote about elsewhere.

On Thursday of that week, I had some time to finally take off the honey supers from our beehives.  I think I mentioned this before, but we keep bees on our farm.  This year we had to start with two new hives because we lost both of ours from last year (the joy of keeping bees over a Minnesota winter ... but it was probably mostly due to lack of mite diligence on my part, actually).  Here is a picture with the removal half done - one hive has all 4 of its honey supers removed and I am waiting until the 'Honey Robber' (a really foul smelling liquid that I put on top of the hives to move the bees down and off of the boxes I am removing) does its job on the second hive so I can take the boxes off.  

So 8 honey supers in total is what I removed (I leave 3 'deep' boxes that has everything the bees need for winter).  I stored them down in the basement for about a month until I got around to extracting the frames, which I actually just go around to the weekend before I started blogging again.  We ended up with 10 gallons, or about 120 pounds of honey.  Not bad for two new hives.

Anyway, later that night I walked into my pantry and on top of the counter was a box of Honey Maid graham crackers.  As I looked at this box of graham crackers, it suddenly struck me that it was Honey 'Maid' not 'Made'.  I think I 'knew' this already, but it was not something I paid attention to and for some reason always thought of it as Honey Made.  Even now in doing an online search for the image, I typed in 'made' before realizing my mistake.

As I seemed to comprehend for the first time that it was a 'maid' we are dealing with here in relation to this box of graham crackers, my gaze then shifted to the Nabisco logo in the top left corner of the box.  I have seen that logo I am sure thousands of times on their various food packaging but never paid attention to it.  For the first time ever I became very curious about it.

What struck me first was the line extending from the encircled Nabisco logo, with the 2 horizontal lines crossing it.  I immediately saw it as an antenna (not sure if anybody else sees that or something different...).  Because this story of the Stone is so prevalent in my mind, and particularly that week with everything I had written regarding the Sawtooth Stone, I then imagined that this antenna was attached to a stone - the oval shape surrounding the Nabisco just seemed like a stone, despite its more elongated. exaggerated shape.  

Thus, I was seeing evidence of one of my story elements staring back at me in my initial assessment of this logo that I was just now noticing as if for the first time.  A Stone with an antenna attached to it.  Antennas are used to both send and receive information over the air, and so right there in the logo I saw the Palantiri.   In other words, Stones like the Ithil and Anor Stone that can communicate, specifically with the Honey Maid (Eowyn-Ilmare) in my story.

But Stones are on my mind constantly, so it would seem natural I would see that anywhere that remotely resembles something like them, right?

Well, I looked into the logo more in some online searches, and found that my initial impression regarding the oval being in fact a globe or sphere that could be something like a Palantir was correct, notwithstanding its elongated shape.   The combination of the circle and the double cross actually has a name - the Orb and Cross - and a fairly interesting history.  Here is a brief summary from Wikipedia (this definition even uses the term 'antenna-like' to describe the lines from the circle):

Nabisco's trademark is a diagonal ellipse with a series of antenna-like lines protruding from the top ("Orb and Cross" or Globus cruciger). It forms the base of its logo and can be seen imprinted on Oreo cookies, in addition to Nabisco product boxes and literature.[39] The trademark is derived from a medieval Venetian printer's mark that represented "the triumph of the moral and spiritual over the evil and the material".[40] A symbol previously used to represent Christ's redemption of the world.[41]

This Orb and Cross was meant as a Christian symbol of authority and, as the definition above stated, also represented Christ's redemption of the world.  This matches up well with my understanding of the stories that will be shared across these Stones.  The Stones will restore stories and knowledge that have been lost, with Jesus and his Plan of Redemption for his family at the center.  Interestingly, also, as I am thinking while typing (if you can't tell that is what happens sometimes, and so you get the rambling, tangents, and these dang parenthetical comments all over the place!) is that Nabisco is short for National Biscuit Company.  A biscuit can also be thought of as something like a wafer, which is central to Communion or the Sacrament.  The Bread, in some fashion, that we are to eat may be found within or as the message that Eowyn-Ilmare has to share.

If you notice, we have also seen that diagonal shape of a circle with a line coming out of it before, as a slightly distorted image of one of the crossed keys from the Coat of Arms that has been the subject of several of my past posts.  Here that image is again, side-by-side with the Nabisco logo.  Can you see the Nabisco logo as also a key now?

And, as one would expect since the Honey Maid is Eowyn-Ilmare who will have the Ithil Stone, the Nabisco logo corresponds to the right or silver key, which is, of course, the Ithil Stone.

Oreos and Sun/ Son of Righteousness

OK, so the definition above mentions Oreo cookies, so I looked that up (and wanted to eat one, but we were out of them, unfortunately).  It gets even better with these, in my opinion.  Here is a picture of the design that goes on the outside of each side of the Oreo cookie:

You now have this Orb and Cross symbol, with the circle a bit more 'orb' looking due to Oreo being a shorter word than Nabisco, and it is now surrounded by 12 four-petal flowers.  The flowers, however, are each surrounded by 5 dots (sharing dots with the flowers on either side) in a pentagon shape that transform the flowers, in my view, into stars.  And, lastly, the entire face of the Oreo wafer can be viewed as an image of the sun, with the outside border looking to me as sun rays extending out from the next circle in formed by those joined hash marks surrounding the 12 flower-stars, with the Orb and Cross sitting in the very center of that sun.

The Sawtooth Stone was introduced to the Couriers as being "Brighter than the Sun", and its story will apparently be transmitted from Faramir to Eowyn by means of their Stones (and Eowyn will have a story perhaps known as the Book of the Lamb, or stories about Jesus, that she shares back).

In Lehi's vision as recounted by Nephi, Lehi sees a Being whose "luster was above that of the sun at noon-day".  This Being is followed by 12 others whose brightness "did exceed that of the stars in the firmament".  The first Being proceeds to give Lehi a story (in the form of a book he is supposed to read).  In short, we may be seeing some of that vision, and the connection to the Sawtooth Stone, portrayed on the face of the Oreo cookie.  Or, in other words, the Oreo cookie, besides being very tasty, may be helping us see the connection between Lehi's vision and the story surrounding the Sawtooth Stone.

Further, and perhaps more directly, Jesus mentions a Son of Righteousness to those at Bountiful, who will rise with healing in his wings.  Here is that passage again, because I think I included this as part of an earlier post, but can't remember which right now:

But unto you that fear my name, shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves in the stall.

Is it the Son of Righteousness or Sun of Righteousness?  Man or Stone?  I think both, as this Son uses the Sun to rise.  He will rise to Aman or 'Heaven', where Eowyn-Ilmare now sits.

And this is spelled out very neatly in the name of Oreo itself at the very center of that image.  Of course it would be - why should we even doubt that at this point?

The origin of the Oreo name is unknown, it turns out, but there are lots of theories.  I will throw my own theory into the ring for your consideration and suggest that it is, of course, an Elvish word.  Very clearly, actually.  Here is the root word in Elvish:

Ore:  Rising, Sunrise, Dawn, East; arising; (Or seed, grain... which also works well!)

Pretty cool, huh?  As Doug once told me, sometimes there is an -o added to the end of Elvish words that make the word an object.  So, we can do that here and literally make the word Ore-o, or Oreo.  An object associated with the Sunrise, arising, and even a seed.

And that object, of course, is the Sawtooth Stone.  A seed planted a long time ago (as I titled my first blog back in 2018/2019 without even knowing any of this) that will shine brighter than the Sun, rising with the Son of Righteousness, and causing others to also rise and shine.  It is kind of fun seeing all of this come together, even things and thoughts from years ago weaving themselves into some kind of coherent story... and on the face of a cookie no less!  Forget your peep stones, just go pull out a box of Oreos.

Lastly, another interesting connection exists between the graham crackers and Oreos in this story reflected on food (because, again, why not?).   They also seem to point us to the Promised Land.  In scriptures, the Promised Land is described in several instances as a land flowing with milk and honey.  We get the honey reference with the graham crackers (they are made with real honey, after all), and the milk from the Oreo cookie, which has the slogan of being "Milk's favorite cookie".  Now we know the real reason why.

Diving even deeper on this, the Oreo slogan used to be "America's favorite cookie", but in 2004 they changed it to be "Milk's favorite cookie".  I am sure they thought they were doing that as a global marketing tactic, but we know better.  They had to do that, because as I have alluded to in previous posts but haven't fully explored yet, America is actually not the promised land, and the Sun of Righteousness as represented on their cookie isn't going to take us there, but somewhere better.

Nabisco was ahead of the game on that one.  Good job, guys.

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