Monday, December 4, 2023

Revisiting Tom Petty: Evidence of confounded writing

In the post titled Rock & Roll in Rivendell: Tom Petty, Elrond, and Alma the Younger, I made a case for (or more correctly, gave into) the notion that Elrond was in fact Tom Petty.  As I said in that post, this was one of the strangest of all my thoughts, and it actually went back several years.  When I first had the thought, it actually wasn't a pleasant, or that-makes-perfect-sense kind of thing, but rather something that induced a bit of anxiety (as did many thought back then during that time period) and didn't make sense from a story standpoint.

The one thing that would nag me as I had the thought was something in Doug's writings, where it seemed that Elrond had been up to something, somewhere, and had 'awakened' (was reborn) as a Man on Aman.  It is a strange bit of writing, and in it, Doug goes so far as to say that Beings used a Silmaril to travel from Aman to Eressea to deliver the news of this event.

The question left unanswered is where Elrond had been during this time before his rebirth.  It was sometime after I had read this that the thought of Tom Petty had entered my mind and hung around.

The timing works out, or at least didn't disqualify him, and I think that is the one thing that kept the thought hanging around.  Tom Petty died in October of 2017.  Doug's writing indicated that Elrond's rebirth occurred in October of 2018, so one year later.  It at least left the thought, as crazy as it sounded, something that couldn't be refuted from a timeline standpoint, at least.

The invasion of the sync fairies then seemed, in hindsight, to hammer this point home pretty hard.  I've mentioned in other posts some of these, but just to list briefly:

  • The Tom Petty documentary on the plane where my dream of "Elanor" and the piano was pretty much demonstrated on artwork associated with Petty's song "Wake Up Time"
  • WJT's commentary on the 'wildflower' nature of Tom's album was relevant both in terms of providing an additional tie to Elanor for the entire album, but also unknowingly to Elrond's wife, a Being known as Benah.
  • This Benah is associated with flowers in several accounts, and there is more to her that I won't go into here.
  • My journals and writings contained (and in some cases, started with) songs from Tom Petty.  One of my notebooks where I have written quite a lot of meaningful (but also many wrong and confounded) things literally begins with verses from Tom Petty
  • I signed of from writing on this blog, but then reconsidered and wrote a return post on October 20.  In that post, I concluded with a music video by Tom Petty.  Further, WJT identified that October 20 is Tom Petty's birthday, which I did not know.

There are other things, including a reference to "Sons of Alma" from a dream I had as I first started this blog but won't go into more detail here, but you get the idea, perhaps.  Not only did these 'syncs' seem to be reinforcing an earlier thought about Elrond and Tom Petty, they also seemed to be suggesting this Being's influence in my writing, both in times before as well as now.

Despite all of this, however, I still can't come up with one good reason or story element as to why Tom Petty is Elrond.  What purpose did that serve, if true?

And I suppose that just because I can't come up with a story or reason doesn't mean that this isn't one.  There are plenty of things I don't understand or can't even begin to guess about, but it seems like with something as important as this, with so many 'events' surrounding it with these syncs, that some sort of intelligence or reason would at least be visible enough to develop a hypothesis or two.

I can't think of a single one.  And I have been trying - I can't help but create stories with all of this stuff (it is one of my biggest weaknesses, as well as strengths), and the more I think about the Tom Petty and Elrond connection, the more it just seems like complete non-sense.

So, I am backing away from Tom Petty being Elrond.  I don't think this is so.  I think the seeds for me to fall into this narrative trap happened quite some time ago, actually, but I think I can finally see the light through this particular confounded story (if we can even call it that) and call it for what it is.

In doing so, the silver lining is that I believe I did make the right connection with Elrond and Alma the Younger.  That storyline continues to make a significant amount of sense to me, in ways that the Tom Petty element, in all of its absurdness, just doesn't.

Thus, a confounded or false thought still left room for me to stumble across what I think is the right thought (or at least a story that could be right), and I just needed to winnow out the chaff.

In the end, the only reason that the Tom Petty story was holding together were writings from Doug, and indications from the "Syncs".  I don't trust either, so that just isn't good enough.  I do recognize that true things (many true things) can come through these sources, almost by nature of how lies have to be spread in order for them to take hold.  So, just because it came from a combination of these writings, and my own thoughts as I considered these things, doesn't automatically make it false, but it must at some point clarify into a story.  To remain in chaos, as this Tom Petty thread has, is the strongest indication to me that this is a dead end.

In summary, sorry Tom, you are not Elrond.


  1. I don't know if Elrond is relieved or not but I know I am. That part of the Story was (for me) a classic example of "which one of these is not like the others". So I'm happy to let that one go.

  2. Agreed. If any benefit to that storyline, I think serves to demonstrate what I have alluded to, in that my writing and thinking is at least partially corrupted and confounded.

    I think on the poem/ writing I posted a couple days ago on the 'matrix' , and how I wrote that "even in storylines false and confounded are kernels of truth that if found and planted apart can lead to a better course". Seems relevant for much of our thinking... problem is just finding the kernels of truth and planting them away from the crap.

    I do feel in this particular thread, that perhaps the Elrond and Alma the Younger connection might be the kernel (though I am not sure, as with all of this).
