Sunday, December 31, 2023

Hanging out in Mellow-G

 I haven't written a dream post for a bit, and this morning I had a few that stuck with me for no currently apparent reason.  I am sitting here watching the Vikings getting crushed by the Packers, so I figure a short post to distract me from the torture is in order.

For the last couple years, I have had a recurring 'nightmare' which seems to be a fairly common type for many people.  I would find myself back in school, either college or grad school depending on the dream, and there would be a couple days or weeks left in my final semester before graduation, and I would realize that I wasn't going to be able to graduate due to a few different reasons, again depending on the dream version.  Sometimes I would have a test that I hadn't studied for and knew I was going to fail.  Or, I hadn't completed a final project for a class and was going to have a failing grade as a result.  Another version would involve either classes I had signed up for but never attended, and thus would fail, or classes I had needed to take but didn't, and thus would be short on credits.

These dreams would instill a sense of panic and anxiety in the dream itself, that would then persist as I woke up.  After waking, I would need to get my bearings and remind myself that I had indeed graduated, and so I didn't need to worry about this anymore, but it would sometimes take a few minutes to get that all sorted out.

Anyway, like I said, this dream, in whatever form, kept coming back, but then stopped earlier this year.  In that final dream that was like this, I was once again not going to graduate, and I was running around in my dream, panicking about my situation, when a woman's voice very clearly said "But you have already graduated!".  When I heard this, I wasn't worried anymore and woke up.

That was the last time I had the dream, and I thought that maybe they were gone for good.  However, it came back last night, or more accurately this morning, but with a slightly different twist.  The variety I had last night was in grad school at MIT, and the situation was I hadn't signed up for enough credits to graduate and only realized this in the days leading up to graduation.  The twist was my reaction in the dream.  I still grew extremely worried, and I felt that way when I woke up and still needed to take a few minutes getting my bearings and remembering I had, in fact, graduated many years ago.  But, even as I was worried in the dream, rather than grow panicked and run around trying to fix things, I found myself challenging the narrative a bit, and even thought that "Well, if true, there isn't much I can do about it now".  The "If true" thought meant I was still worried that it might be true, but I wasn't certain, and held out some hope that perhaps there had been a mistake, or that I would still be able to graduate.

Anyway, I woke up from that dream, and a little while later went back to sleep, and had another dream.

In this other dream, I found myself in something like a set of condo or apartment buildings.  They were really nice buildings, with a big courtyard area.  I couldn't figure out if I lived there or if we were staying there on vacation.  As I was walking through the courtyard with my wife to a set of glass elevators that we were going to take back up to our 'place' (room, home - not sure where we were going, other then it was where we lived), I turned around and saw my older sister and brother-in-law coming up behind us.  

I felt strangely very relieved to see my sister there, and I noticed she was dressed up really nicely, like they had been out on a date or something.  My brother-in-law came up to me and gave me a hug, looked at me and said "My man!", which was a bit strange and not a phrase I have heard him really use in greeting me or anybody else for that matter.

I asked my sister where they were coming from, and said, "Oh, we were just at Mellow-G".  I had no idea what Mellow-G was, but as she said it, it seemed to me to be a play on words for "Melody" (though I don't know why Mellow-D wouldn't have been a bitter fit for that?), and I pictured something like a club with a stage on it.  It turned out that this Mellow-G was in fact a place where people played a part or put on some skits or plays, because I now suddenly noticed that my brother-in-law was dressed all in white, and even had his face painted white.  Kind of like a mime, I guess, but paler looking.  He began to tell me about the role he had been playing in whatever it was they were doing, and though I can't remember what he said exactly, in reflecting on it since, I think he was dead - as in, his white appearance was either him as a ghost and/or how dead bodies might look like dressed in white clothing.

I woke up shortly afterward.

I have no idea what "Mellow-G" is supposed to mean, if anything, but that whole scene has just kind of stuck with me all day.  So, I am logging it here to see if perhaps it will turn out to be something down the road.  I think back on my post where I first mentioned the Empire State Building from one of my dreams.  In that post, I wasn't even going to include the reference to the ESB because it seemed so random, but decided to at the last moment.  And look how much mileage we have gotten from that.

So, we will see if this turns up anything.

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