Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Dark Crystal

The Dark Crystal, a Jim Henson movie from 1982, is one of the shows I cited in an earlier post as evidence that the 1980s were really the glory days of growing up as a young kid.  I mean, these types of shows just don't get made anymore.

This morning I woke up with the Dark Crystal all on my mind.  I don't remember any dreams about it, but it felt like I had either been dreaming or thinking about it.

The connection became immediately clear as I became fully awake.  I had just written a post last night about the Anor Stone being smoked or made dark, and here we have a movie with that literally in the title:  The Dark Crystal.

So, I am going to capture some random thoughts.  

In my post Men in Black, I cited a character that showed up in that strange sequence where a number of female characters seemed to be speaking (following Asenath's victory over the Balrog).  I saw an image of a Being seeming to sneak into a refrigerator, which at the time I assumed was mine.  The Being was cloaked, but it was dark and hard to tell anything out.   One of the female voices, while laughing, said "Beware this one!".  Suddenly, the lights turned on and it was as if the Being was caught red-handed in the act of sneaking things from the fridge.  As the Being was exposed, the group of women started laughing louder.  I remarked that the Being reminded me of something like a Skeksis from Dark Crystal, but only approximately.

Later, as I was introduced to Xanadu, I noted that the muse who enters the story is named Kira.  For some reason, a bit later I remembered a scene from the Dark Crystal where the two Gelflings meet up with each other and they share their memories with each other - something they called a 'dreamfast'.  I was curious as to what the female Gelflings name was.  Yup, it was Kira.

The name Kira can mean a few things.  It can mean simply "Lady or Woman".  This popped out because, again, one of the characters in our story is Eowyn, who several times has gone by the simple title Woman.  It also, however, can mean Lord or Ruler - on the masculine version Cyrl, so something like Queen for Kira.  In Egyptian, the name can mean "Like Ra", or "Like the Sun God".

There are a few others, but you get the idea.  

For whatever reason that scene where Kira and the other Gelfling, whose name is Jen (we will get to that name in a second), has always stood out to me.  The two characters are able to essentially communicate telepathically in sharing their experiences, but in a way that they are not only told what the other person has experienced, but they see it and in some way experience it themselves as the other person shares it.

A small detail I had forgotten until I pulled up the clip, is that the Dreamfast was initiated by a handshake between Kira and Jen.  Handshakes have come up before on this blog, specifically in the setting of Beings interacting with each other and sharing knowledge, as well as the connection between Stones such as the Anor and Ithil Stone (and thus Faramir and Eowyn).

Here is the scene where Kira and Jen meet and initiate the Dreamfast as their hands touch:

The name Jen is an interesting one.  In English, the name Jen is usually given to a female and is short for Jennifer.   There is of course Jens, which is a form of John, which might be interesting here as well, but I kind of liked just sticking with the simplest example here with Jen (because it works pretty well).  He is called Jen and not Jens, after all.

Jen means simply "White" (the long form female name Jennifer would mean "White and fair").  This matches up fairly well with other White names associated with Faramir in this particular part of the overall story (as in, White can be used for all sorts of Beings, in terms of their Light, Radiance, and Shine, but the story on this blog never seems to stray too far from the root story of Eowyn and Faramir, and their respective White or Radiant Stones, though Faramir's is currently not so shiny, I guess).

Even Humpty Dumpty (Pharazon) mentions that he got his really nice belt (or cravat?) from the White King and Queen.  Said to be a present from them to him, but maybe we have reason to doubt the full truthfulness of that statement?   Maybe Humpty was rummaging around in the refrigerator, for example.

In any case, in the names of Kira and Jen from the Dark Crystal, we have a potential nod to Eowyn and Faramir, and thus also the Kira and Sonny of Xanadu.  As mentioned previously, Sonny can be a play on words for the Sun and also the Son.  Again, White means Bright, Radiant or to Shine, just like the Sun.

One other thing on the name Jen.  Recall that one of the names or titles I have guessed at for Faramir comes from Joseph Smith's Alphabet and Grammar of the Egyptian Language.  That title is Jah-ni hah.  When I saw that Jen is short for Jennifer, I noted that Jenny is also.  As I realized this, I heard the name Jah-ni in Jenny, just spoken with a really thick accent, and sounding almost like Johnny, I guess.  I don't know.

Anyway, I mentioned our friend Humpty-Pharazon above in relation to the refrigerator and thus tying him back to that Skeksis-like Being who was raiding "my" refrigerator.  It struck me as I thought about the Dark Crystal story that there is a specific tie-in between the Skeksis and Pharazon and the Numenoreans.

First, the Skeksis were known for their extremely long life, and were called "almost immortal".  This parallels quite closely with the Numenoreans whose lives were also many times longer than a normal Man living on Middle-earth (the line of Elros among the Numenoreans having the longest lifespans of anybody).   

Second, the possess technological superiority over other Beings, such as the Gelflings of which Jen and Kira are, just as the Numenoreans used their technological superiority to first subdue Middle-earth, and then assault Eressea and Aman (requiring the intervention of Eru to put a stop to it).

Third, and very importantly, the Skeksis feared death and wished to live forever.  They used the power of the Dark Crystal to unnaturally extend their lives.  They committed many atrocities in their quest to live forever and to support their own lives, even when they consciously knew they were harming other Beings in the process.  The plot culminates with the Skeksis desiring to use the Dark Crystals power when the Three Suns align in the sky (an interesting references to stars, suns, or Stones aligning) to gain complete immortality.  The similarity to the Numenoreans here is obvious, and Pharazon's own fear of death and desire to wrest eternal life from the Gods themselves proved that civilization's destruction.

In other words, I am not sure that my comparison of the Being who was stealing things from the refrigerator to a Skeksis was necessarily a throw-away statement.   There could be something there. Using that link to the Skeksis, it may be that Being was in fact a Numenorean, and potentially even Pharazon himself.  It is hard to know conclusively, but that is one of my thoughts currently.  I thought perhaps you could say the Being in question represented all Numenoreans, but the voices who exposed the Being in my dream specifically said 'that ONE', as in one specific Being.

The Dark Crystal plot might also, however, shine some light on my statement relative to Pharazon and the Numenoreans repentance.  The Skeksis were indeed 'sick', representing split souls in that story.  Whereas their counterparts, the Mystics, were kind, wise, gentle, and able to heal, the Skeksis were the opposite, cruel, devious, and taking from the land and others in an attempt to heal themselves.  But it is revealed that they are two sides of the same coin, and neither a Mystic nor a Skeksis is able to be fully healed or elevate to another plane of existence without the other.

[Spoiler Alert:]  

In the end, the Skeksis are healed when the Crystal is made whole (Jen returns the shard to the Crystal), and they combine with the Mystics to become the Angelic Beings they once were before the Crystal had been shattered.

There may be some symbolism there, and more than just an echo of Joseph Smith's teachings about us not being able to be perfected without our dead, nor they without us.  If Beings were Good before this whole thing took a hard left and we found ourselves in a Void, then it seems that Restoration involves healing these Beings and making them Good again.  It may be that Pharazon and the Numenoreans fit this description of sick and splintered souls that need healing.

Don't get me wrong - I believe there are Evil and Twisted Beings, and there won't be healing for them (by their own choice), at least in this story (Gods' work is eternal, though), but it seems an unjust thing to condemn Good Beings who are Sick to the same fate and same place as totally Evil Beings, if ways can be found to heal them.  

So that is why I think part of the story has to be finding the Sick and Restoring them beyond the Evil that has overcome them, so that they don't have to remain and live with Evil, which would the worst of all judgements (even worse than the condemnation of the Evil Beings) and, in my opinion, unjust.  So, yes, the Skeksis-Numenoreans have no redemption in that state and as they were and are, but I don't think it has to remain that way, and it may be that many of those Beings might find a better story for themselves in whatever lies ahead.  I don't know, but it seems that is why Salvation and Redemption have to be offered to everybody who is not beyond it, in the hope that they choose it.

Random thoughts relative to the Dark Crystal - I wasn't sure where I would go with that, as it was just this really clear thought of that movie and the title that I woke up with this morning, and its relation to what I wrote yesterday regarding the Anor Stone, which is now technically also a Dark Crystal.


  1. WW,
    part 1
    Speaking of Dark Crystal, you may want to check out a series from Amazon Prime
    called Outer Range.

    What was odd is that I stumbled upon this series a couple of days ago.
    It was released in April of 2022, but I've never seen it before.

    The second season was just released, which is probably why it was on
    a loop on Prime of 'new releases'.
    The promo was of a man in a cowboy hat and since I'm not really into
    'westerns' I wasn't interested and kept browsing looking for a movie to watch.
    I didn't really see anything else I wanted to see, so I clicked on
    the Outer Range 'more info' and lo and behold the description reads
    ' time travel', which of course I was very intrigued.

    Lo and Behold, almost all of my puzzle pieces are in this series including :
    44, 11:11, 11, 22, 19 , 14, the eight point star, Bank Teller, Black Holes and Portals,
    Chronos ,Time Travel, levitation, 1972, THE ALEPH TAV symbolism
    connecting to the April 8, 2024 total eclipse,( which can be seen starting at
    marker/fram 0:25 in the clip below), foresight a BUFFALO,( which 'coincidently'
    connects with a dream I had on Dec 19, 2023 I titled:
    Where the Buffalos Roam, which at the time I had the dream
    I had no clue whatsoever why a buffalo was in my dream
    until I saw this prime series a couple of days ago.

    The buffalo in my dream was standing on top of a gas station sign.
    When I saw the buffalo in the movie (which the buffalo played a very significant
    symbolic role in this film) I immediately thought of my buffalo dream
    and researched the etymology of the word 'gas' as I felt the buffalo standing
    on top on the gas station sign was a very important clue.

    Lo and behold I found this in etymology online :
    gas (n.1)
    1650s, from Dutch gas, probably from Greek khaos "empty space" (see chaos).
    probably influenced by Paracelsus, who used khaos in an occult sense of "proper elements of spirits"
    or "ultra-rarified water," which was van Helmont's definition of gas.
    ... What got my attention in the gas meaning was the word Chaos:
    chaos (n.)
    late 14c., "gaping void; empty, immeasurable space," from Old French chaos
    or directly from Latin chaos, from Greek khaos "abyss, that which gapes wide open,
    that which is vast and empty".
    The significance of the connection to chaos and my gazillion puzzle pieces and
    my perspective and predictions about the Shifting of Ages, especially America
    is fascinating, at least IMHO.

    In the trailer clip (link below) listen to the protagonist (Royal Abbot played
    by Jason Brolin) speaking of 'empty void, which of course is the meaning of chaos.
    Also recall my recent comments about 'Lost and falling down'(which has a very interesting
    role in this film).

  2. WW,
    Part 2
    Since there was so much symbolism in the film that connected to my puzzle pieces
    I couldn't help but wonder why the writer of this screen play would place
    Wyoming as the setting.
    It was obvious, at least to me, that the writer has hidden a very important
    message in this film.

    I decided to research Wyoming and Ley Lines
    and Lo and behold after researching a bit I found information
    about Vortexes on earth and especially in North America and in particular Wyoming.
    ((see link)

    It appears that Wyoming has three Vortexes, and the one that stood out to me
    as far as the Outer Range connection was the Bighorn Medicine Wheel Vortex,
    which 'coincidently the coordinates are lat 44 and long 107.
    Do recall my comments about the 104 Meridan West.
    Although Bighorn's long is 107 do factor in the Law of the three.

    P.S. Also click on the Vortexes in Colorado and you'll see The Stanley Hotel. Recall
    my recent comments about Stanley.

    There's also a symbolic reference to Bears and the color Yellow.
    Yellow especially got my attention in the Outer Range film
    as the color Yellow has personal connections to me.

    Of course yellow also has connections to the Sun and the serpent,
    the serpent being a 'shining one'. Note the American Flag : Don't Tread on Me
    is yellow. Also in Chinese Astrology, we are in the year of the Dragon ( serpent).

    And last but not least, and speaking of dark crystal, and if you recall my recent comment
    about my Hale Bopp dream and the milky crystal, in this film it's the crystal ( in this case
    in the film the crystal is Black ) which serves as a conduit for Time Travel which in my Hale
    Bopp dream it was the milky crystal that was a conduit to be bounded to earth.
    Same element ( crystal ) but two different colors and properties.

    There was also a very interesting scene about feet,
    which if you recall my previous comment about my 1974 Past Life reading
    and the sole of my foot.

    We live in Very interesting times, no?

    OUTER RANGE Trailer (2022)

  3. “Crystal d’Arc” was in my sync stream a while back, for whatever it’s worth.

  4. You even have a mention of Asshat Asbalom in that post, or at least Balaam's Ass as you and Leo thought might be involved somehow with that name.

  5. Debbie:

    I have never heard of the Bighorn Medicine Wheel before in my life (and I grew up out West), and now I have heard of it twice in 24 hours.

    In my latest post, I cite a man named Denver Snuffer talking about various locations, and this Medicine Wheel is the first place he mentioned. I haven't had time yet to even look it up to know what it is. So, I heard it first there, and then you mentioned it in your comment here.

    Interestingly, Wyoming did come a bit back in 2020 for me, but more specifically the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Devils Tower in Wyoming plays a critical role in the story.

    GIven your imagery of a buffalo standing on top of a gas station sign, I wonder if there isn't some symbolism there related to space. The Buffalo is a symbol of the West, and Gas as you pointed out can mean something like immeasurable space (chaos). Perhaps the combination of the two points to the Wild West that exists beyond the confines of our own Earth.

    This actually syncs up somewhat with my recent commentary on Mr. Snuffer's thesis. He cited all of these places in the American West that people imagine as being the location of future Zion - thus, all squarely on this Earth and in America. I imagine things differently, however, with Zion, and the West in general, being 'out there' somewhere and not on our world. Out among the stars somewhere in the Void.

  6. WW,
    I encourage you to see the prime series Outer Range. It's chockful of symbolism.
    I personally believe and have already connected many of my gazillion puzzle pieces
    to a big picture which I believe will transform humanity and truth
    be told, not in a good way, especially if we don't change course.
    I've shared my perspective about the Shifting of Ages with you and also
    on William's blog many many times.

    I believe that we(humanity) are at a cross roads, also known as an X.
    If you followed the recent Aleph-Tav connection with the path of the three eclipses
    (which the theory was presented on many blogs and social media before April 8)
    it seemed to suggest and perhaps an omen/sign as to what I believe is coming, Globally.
    I Don't believe that humanity is on the precipice of the End of the World, but I absolutely believe we are on the precipice of the End of an Age( there is a difference)
    and America, the End of an Empire.

    Empires on average being abt 250 years?
    and America is what, 247 years old?

    I also personally don't believe or follow anybody's everything as I scour a vast spectrum of ideologies and information and connect that information
    after a gazillion hours of research, (all sparked by my dreams and esoteric experiences)
    and then I form my perspective from the information I've gathered.
    I personally don't believe in coincidences.

    When I saw the Aleph Tav symbolism in the Outer Range,
    I was quite intrigued to say the least especially
    so because of all the other symbolic connections in that film that mirrors many of my personal puzzle pieces.

    Having said all that, please also check out a blog titled: End Times Descending.
    I found this blog several years ago, while re-visiting my Hale Bopp dream.
    I was quite intrigued when I read Corey(the author of the blog) mentioned
    that Hale Bopp was a harbinger, which mirrors my own perspective and appears
    to support my End of an Age perspective.

  7. WW,
    Part 2

    Corey's recent post was about the two horses running loose in London on April 24, which I commented about on your blog. Do note that I formed my perspective
    about the 4 horsemen before reading Corey's as I don't follow Corey's blog
    everyday only about every 3 weeks or so.

    Corey's recent blog also mentions King Charles new red garden portrait
    which oddly enough Marshall and I just had a discussion a few days
    before about that portrait after it appeared on a blog Marshall visits.

    When Marshall showed the portrait to me he said:
    Check out this pink portrait of Charles, which I immediately
    said; That's not pink, that's reddish brown, almost ' rust colored'.

    After reading Cory's post and his connection also of the black and white horses
    running loose in London and the 'reddish brown Charles portrait I too
    believe that these connections are not a coincidence,
    and perhaps their intended message is insinuating the beginning
    of the 4 Horseman's ride.
    Recall my comment about the Bay colt Mystik Dan, reddish brown coloring.
    Also note the interesting connection of red and the red heifer.

    I also believe, (which Corey didn't connect ) that perhaps
    the 4th Horseman of the Pale Horse
    has 'ridden' too.
    Check out Obama's green garden portrait.
    Remember the Pale Horse is not White:
    copy and paste:
    " The word used to describe the color of the pale horse is the Greek word chloros, or green.
    It is meant to convey the sickly green tinge of the deathly ill or recently dead."

    Also scroll down in this particular post(first link) to see illustration
    of the Aleph Tav of the three eclipses and compare it to not only
    the character Autumn's drawing( in the Outer Range )
    but also to the Abbot ranch's brand as well.
    Autumn being the female with the blonde hair.

    Note the X on the illustration where the August 2017 total eclipse crosses
    the April 8th 2024 total eclipses path(s).
    The X is located in Little Egypt Illinois near the New Madrid fault.

    Interestingly, the word Autumn means : The Harvest
    which I personally believe humanity is on the cusp of a Harvest i.e The FALL.
    In the beginning of the Outer Range, the protagonist ( Royal Abbot ) mentions
    Chronos and his sickle.
    Recall my recent comments about the Yellow and Red O Oscar Flag
    ( meaning Man Overboard)
    of the Maritime International Signal Flags ( see link )

    Yellow mixed with Red is Orange. Which the Golden Gate bridge
    is a color called : International Orange.
    The Golden Gate Bridge in Jerusalem at the Temple Mount is also a
    Yellowish/Sun color, no?

    I think we are being given signs/omens of a Shifting of Ages.

    Here's the Hale Bopp post which is why and how I found Corey's blog.

  8. WW,
    I forgot to respond to your comment about the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
    Yes, I saw Close Encounters at its first release in theaters many moons ago.
    I think I'll watch it again with different 'eyes'.

  9. WW,
    I just found this information and illustration about all 3 eclipses
    and not just the two eclipses' path which Corey had in his blog post.
    Note that the two Total Solar eclipses ( August 27, 2017 and SEVEN years later,
    the April 8th2024 eclipses ) closely resembles Autumn
    ( the blonde female in Outer Range) drawing.

    However the Aleph Tav of the three eclipses
    ( which includes the Oct 14, 2023 annular eclipse) is missing in Autumn's drawing but is present in the Abbot's Ranch logo brand which hangs at the ' doorway/gate of the ranch.

    Interestingly Autumn( symbolic of the Harvest) drawing is not really complete with the Abbot's ,only having 2 paths as opposed to the three paths connections
    of the Abbot's brand logo.

    Perhaps the 3rd eclipse's path which was Oct 14 2023 is symbolic of the FALL,
    which Autumn( the character) starts in this movie.
    It was upon Autumn's arrival to the ranch' when the 'chaos' began and things
    began to unravel.
    The month of Oct being in the fall , and also Oct having the Eight connection.

    If you decide to watch the film, note The Eight Point Star especially
    at the BANK, where one of the characters works as a Bank teller, which again
    the bank having personal connections to me as I commented about banks
    recently on your blog.,_2023

  10. WW,
    I forgot to provide the link regarding the 3 eclipses illustration. Aleph Tav
