Saturday, May 18, 2024

Smoking a crystal: Darkening the Sun in its going forth

Even though Breaking Bad has come up before, this post isn't about that kind of crystal or that kind of smoking.

As I indicated in my pre-amble post invoking Little Shop of Horrors, this post will be about what seems to be a fairly critical event that happened in November 2019, though I didn't realize the significance or what was happening at the time.  I still may not, but I have a better guess, I think.

Jumping ahead a few weeks from where I left off with my 2019 words, on November 16 I had just one word:


But I also recorded a note that I captured as:  

Also, woke up with the sense that the word “Autel” meant “tomorrow”.  Looked up the word, and it clearly did not.  Words the following day (11/17) likely explain why I felt this way.

OK, so arsil could meaning something roughly as "Royal shine", and I think refers specifically to a crystal or Stone ("Sil" being the basis for this).

Recall that later in February 2020, so a couple months from this time period, I would have words about the Anor Stone that started off as:

Those of us who delivered that ball-instrument to Lehi's family;

a compass, yet not wholly so, sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised.

A palantir it was - a globe of crystal, metallic-seeming royal ancient sunlight beaming

So, the Anor Stone was described as having royal light that it beamed, or shined, and I think is describing the same thing as the Arsil.  A Royal Stone.

But I also have that note related to Autel, and the initial sense that this meant 'tomorrow'.   However, the actual word Autel showed up in the words the very next day, and I at that point understood that my sense must have been that Autel would be involved in 'tomorrow' in some way, rather than actually meaning tomorrow.  I wouldn't, though, understand that Autel could actually be a name (or that the name could be for Asenath) until just a few weeks ago.

That phrase I received the next day ("tomorrow"), went:

Smoke crystal ansir autel

Ansir can mean something like "now or today".  So, given that, we have the above phrase say "Smoke crystal today Asenath".  Or, in a longer English phrase, "Asenath to smoke crystal today".

To smoke, in this sense, means to dim or shroud the crystal.  There is actually an example of this type of thing in Words of the Faithful.  Izilba had a crystal that Silmariel advised her not to 'smoke':

Izilba, do not smoke the dwarf glass of Beleriand-protection (from the phrase "Izilba flu-affil brin-sil-beriand").

But whereas in that account Izilba is being told not to smoke a crystal, my words seem to suggest that Asenath is indeed going to smoke a crystal, and that the crystal she will smoke is none other than the Anor Stone.

And this is a good thing, apparently.  Along with the words I recorded, I also wrote down the following note (or at least typed a reference to a note from my notebooks):  

Note that this was apparently an exciting event.  ‘Ansir autel’ was emphasized in a very excited manner by the speaker, with the words being held up very close to me (hard to explain the sensation) and repeatedly.

I remember this very clearly, actually.  I saw the words visually, and had the sensation that whoever was communicating wanted me to understand that this was a really important thing.  There was even the sensation of fireworks going off against a dark background as I saw these words, and I was almost forced out of bed to write them down.  It was a big deal, but its full meaning was lost on me.

Now, what I think occurred between the days of November 16 and 17 is that the Anor Stone was dimmed (Smoked) to lessen its light or its shine in preparation for it to accompany the rescue party on their way to our Earth in search of Joseph.

Why did it need to be dimmed?  I am not sure, exactly, but I think maybe because those who carry it will be travelling through enemy territory (Ungoliant's realm surrounding our own world) in order to reach Earth.  In essence, they are clandestine messengers sneaking behind enemy lines, and in order to sneak properly, they needed the Anor Stone dimmed so as not to attract attention?

I don't know - it is the best I can do at the moment relative to the why it needed to be dimmed or lose its shine.  I am up for other suggestions.

I am also not sure what procedure Asenath would have used to smoke the Stone.  I do find it fitting, though, that given the Stone's connection to Faramir-Eowne, it would be his twin sister Asenath who would dim his stone.

I also, strangely, believe that this dimming of the Anor or Sun Stone was potentially a fulfillment of a prophecy surrounding the Sun losing its light or not shining, and this is one reason the speaker (who I believe was Eowyn in this instance) was excited about the fact that the Stone was being smoked that day by Asenath.  It marked a milestone, for one, but also marked the beginning of the formal search and rescue operation for Joseph.  In my prior words, I've determined that Asenath was determined to 'pluck' her brother Faramir from this Earth, but that first she must raise Joseph back home.  This is the start of that process.

I was actually worried that the only reference to the sun not shining as part of the 'last days' was found in Matthew 24 (and Joseph Smith's translation of Matthew 24).  I am not sure either are reliable (though they might be), but that particular prophecy really focuses on terrible tribulations happening before the sun does not shine, and I was going to have to really get creative to make that work.

Never fear, though, for I believe the prophecy in question is actually in Isaiah 13, and in Nephi's quoting of Isaiah as found in 2 Nephi 23.  Now, in those words we still find end-of-days type prophecies, and tribulations, but it seems to be more in context with the gathering that I have been exploring a bit on this blog.  The specific phrase in question goes:

For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light; the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.

The sun 'going forth' is a strange phrase, and many more modern translations have changed this to the 'sun rising'.  In doing so, however, I think they have lost an important element that is more in harmony with the actual basis for this prophecy.

I believe with the 'sun' here we may actually be hearing about the Anor Stone, or the Sun Stone.  It will go forth from Heaven or Aman, and it will be darkened or smoked as it does so.

Kind of strange to think about, but it could work.  So rather than looking for our actual Sun to burn out or literally lose its light, I am suggesting that the prophecy itself is a play on words and points to the Sun Stone being darkened.  We might also, then, interpret the other parts of that phrase in a similar light or way.

For example, when it says "the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light", we might understand this as the stories and knowledge that the constellations and stars were meant to give will have been lost to a future generation (ours).  We do not know how to read the stars anymore, and thus their light has been lost to us, which is a topic I realized in typing this that I covered in my introduction of Remmirath, Orion, and Sirius:

In our day, we have completely lost the Key to what our own stars were meant to say, and quite frankly lost the knowledge that they were mean to say anything.  We have retained some knowledge of the shapes in which they came (e.g. Orion), but the stories have become lost and utterly corrupted.  Varda's work still stands, but our ability to understand her language is gone.  The Map remains, but we have no Key.  

For the Moon, we have already covered that both Eowyn and her Stone (the Ithil Stone) are symbolized in some way by the Moon.  We have also covered that on her Moon Stone is contained a significant amount of 'light' or knowledge, comprising at least 11 different accounts to date from 'apostles' as to true stories of Jesus.  The 'so much hurray about Jesus Christ' mentioned in those October 2022 words.  Yet, the light that Eowyn has and that is contained on her Stone has not been caused to shine on or for us.  This also makes more sense than having the prophecy refer to the Moon as the rock orbiting our Earth, at least to me, since that Moon has no light of its own to not shine anyway - it is just the Sun's reflected light, whereas the prophecy seems to suggest that the Moon in question has her own light to share (and hide).

In essence, we could be in a state where all 3 parts of that prophecy are now fulfilled.  That is interesting.  The stars give us no light (we do not understand their stories), the sun has been darkened (the Anor Stone has been dimmed of its shine - as of 2019), and the moon does not cause her light to shine (Eowyn and the light contained on her Ithil Stone remains hidden from us).

Makes a lot of sense to me, but I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking it too creative an interpretation.

In any case, we have the Anor Stone dimmed on November 17.  Though it seems the "Germans" who will carry it might not depart for over a month (our time) after this.  December 28 appears to be the day they head out on their journey, from what I can tell, but I will save those details and that part of the story for another post.


  1. I like it. I assume the sun stone gets undimmed at some point. Looking at pictures of the Nauvoo sunstone depictions it seems to shine bright again in relation to some things being proclaimed, judging by the horns above it. I also note it is rather egg shaped.

  2. When I saw Arsil, my immediate thought was “shards of Narsil,” as if the name, too, had been broken and you had only been given part of it. Not sure if you can fit that into your story or not.

  3. Leo:

    Yeah, I think it becomes undimmed again.

    Maybe through its connection with the Ithil Stone? The light of that Stone is used to undim or relight the Anor Stone when they link up? Could be an option.

    And then that would help explain the phrase that it appears someone is supposed to speak before rising up through 'troubled seas' about making something shine, while I think having the Anor Stone in their possession. Perhaps the relit Anor Stone helps light up the Tree (Mellow G).

    Or maybe I have that all wrong, and the Stone gets undimmed back up in Aman. A few different options to work with I think in how the story goes. For now I think I like that first option, but overall, yes, I think you are right that it shines bright again and could have some things to share.

  4. WJT:

    I am not sure about tying to the sword itself, but the name Narsil is meant to symbolize the Sun and the Moon, and it was said to shine with both lights.

    Perhaps the shards of Narsil in your thought (and the Arsil word that is incomplete, as you say) in some way represent the current state of the Anor and Ithil Stones (and their owners): physically separated.

    And Word of God is said to be like a powerful two-edged sword, so perhaps a sword of sorts will be pulled out of these Stones - like Arthur pulling out Excalibur.

    Although it could be the actual sword Narsil also comes out in the story somewhere. I don't know. It does tie to our Numenorean/ Pharazon theme as it seems it was during that time period that Elendil began to use it openly, having come into possession of it in some way. That is the first we really hear about it.
