Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Leon Eggbert, Pharazon, and Sun-Moon Time

In a post back in October of last year, I first introduced  the phrase "Sun Moon time" from an Elvish set of words from the spring of 2020.  In that post, I left off one final line that went along with the phrase.  The full phrase, with the missing line, is:

March 1, 2020

As soon as change comes upon Eressea, thou shalt rise to it beyond

Keno ansilio insgwiliant osse enflorien finu

Sun moon time

Leon Egbert

Leon Egbert (or Eggbert) is what I had left off in that earlier post.

I am not going to go into the Elvish part of these words now, partly because I had written a few days ago that if I am going to tackle some more of those Words, I was going to start where I had left off with the 'Nyarna' set of words (per my dream, but who knows if I even interpreted the intent of that correctly... I am not sure those words seem any clearer to me now, and staring at them doesn't necessarily seem to help!)

Rather, I wanted to explore Leon Eggbert just a little bit in light of recent thoughts and see where it goes.  It seems relevant to recent thinking on Pharazon, actually, as I hope to show here.

I will actually start with Eggbert.  I initially wrote it down as Egbert, but this was me writing down a sounded out word, so I think Eggbert is perfectly fine to use here, and is actually what was intended.  Now, of course, I look at name meanings all the time - back in 2020 I didn't yet know I can and should do this in certain cases, or at least look at the names a bit more carefully.  So, I didn't really try to understand the potential meaning of the name, and even if I did, at that time it wouldn't have made any sense, as you will see.

Let's break Eggbert down into Egg-Bert, and look at those name components.

Egg we will leave as Egg.  Simple.

What about Bert?  Bert can mean:  "Bright, famous, or noble".  So, combining this with Egg would give us something like Famous Egg.  Hmm - a famous egg... a famous and really well known egg.... anyone recall a Famous Egg being brought up lately?

Ah, yes.  Humpty Dumpty.  The most famous egg that I personally know of.

The Humpty Dumpty trend and theme that has shown up on both my blog and William Tychonievich's all started with me waking up with the Humpty Dumpty rhyme running through my head back on the morning of May 1.  Not only did I have the rhyme on my mind, but I had the very clear and distinct impression that Humpty Dumpty represented Pharazon.

Since then, Humpty has come up several times on both this blog as well as William's.  William even wrote what I thought was a pretty awesome twist on Humpty's experience, situating him on the wall enjoying a great fall (autumn).  

May has been Humpty Dumpty month, in a sense.

But Bert can also mean "Bright".  Was Humpty bright?  In terms of appearance, not really, it would seem, in the rhyme (and one might question his brightness in the form of intellect in his choice to sit on the wall, and in his conversation with Alice...).  But Pharazon definitely was!  As quoted in previous posts, in Words of the Faithful, Pharazon is said to dress up in golden clothing and armor so that he could shine really bright at midday (and of course he had his fancy belt):

In gold finery he covered his nakedness, gilded in sunlight so none could withstand him at mid-day

So, Pharazon was definitely Bright, or made himself to be, and I have Pharazon as Humpty, so we have now covered off both Famous and Bright.  

What about Noble?  Well, it can mean the same thing as Famous, so we have already got it partially covered, but I am thinking creatively today, so let's break it out further.

From that same paragraph I pulled the quote about Pharazon dressing up in his golden threads, it also refers to him and his desire to be the "portended Noble that would restore the land and its people to the glory that was sung of the gods in yesteryears, when the magic sun and the silver Silpion gave light and truth to all the fair folk" 

So, a Noble, both in intent (to be a specific Noble) but also in actuality relative to his high-rank, class, and birth.   Also, did you catch the Sun and Moon reference there?

And Humpty was also Noble... if taken literally in the sense of a lofty Being, sitting on top of a high wall.  A Noble Being.

In any case, with Egg-Bert we have a Famous, Noble, and Bright Egg:  Humpty-Dumpty-Pharazon.

Let's turn to Leon.

Leon means Lion, at its root, I think.  Lion's have come up before here, and over on William's blog, but in a couple peculiar forms:  A giraffe (Camel-lopard or Camel-lion) and a chameleon (also Camel-leon).  We have explored both forms of this Lion, but I want to quickly call out the Chameleon.

Lizardmen came up recently, and I have associated them with the Numenoreans.  A chameleon is a type of lizard, and this then would also seem to be consistent with a portrayal of Pharazon as a type of Lizardman, or a Chameleon/ Camel-leon.  So, this works well.

Maybe too creative to connect a Lion with a Lizard?  Could be, but I don't think so.  The chameleon has come up too much here and over on William's blog to be dismissed as not having a potential connection here in this setting, with everything else that has also been written.  I am not saying it has to be this way, or even is necessarily, I am just saying that in the name Leon we have have a fairly direct reference to the different type of Lion that has come up lately, and not only come up, but done so in very specific instances and references.  Though it seems there can be good Chameleons and bad ones, or something like that.

So, in my current thinking, Leon Eggbert = Pharazon, through potentially dubious sleight of hand maneuvers that have Humpty Dumpty as the linchpin in the game.

But it makes sense enough to keep as a viable option.

It also, then, helps give additional meaning or context to "Sun Moon time".  Recall that I have made quite a bit out of the Anor and Ithil Stone, the Sun and the Moon.  However, I also recently explored the existence of two Beings, Gim Goru and Gim Githil (the Gim G's), and stated that they also, based on their names, represent the Sun and the Moon.  I even specifically mentioned after I built up that part of the story, that perhaps Sun and Moon don't only refer to Stones, or the Faramir and Eowyn connection, but also potentially these other two Beings.

In that story, I have Gim Guru as Faramir, and Gim Githil as Peter.  This also then fits very well with my recent, and strange, thought of Peter being the same Being that had played the role of Pharazon.  In other words, when we see Sun Moon time, it might be at least partially referencing Faramir and Peter-Pharazon-Marsh acting in some kind of partnership as Gim Guru and Gim Githil.

Far-fetched, maybe, but not any more so than anything else covered here, and it is at least internally consistent and the connections make sense.  In my book that means the option that this is so remains open.

The redemption of Pharazon in the form of Peter (and other Beings) and his future role in redeeming not only Numenor but those that were harmed by Numenor's actions remains one of, if not the, most surprising story elements that I have thought through over the past little while.  It continues to come together into something that can make sense, both in terms of how the story itself works, but also with what the clues and syncs point to and form a picture of, though I am still interested to see how it ultimately turns out.

All I can do is just continue to see where the story leads to. 

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