Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Brittany Spears: A quick follow-up

 Early this evening I was out in our barn cleaning up some of some bee hives, frames, and equipment.   I had to put a new box of frames on one of my hives, and I had made a mess when I had been rummaging through my existing frames to put together the additional box for the bees.

Anyway, as I was restacking boxes and frames, the Brittany Spears name popped up in my mind again, but this time I distinctly interpreted the phrase as having to do with multiple Spears - like the noun, as a weapon - and they were in Brittany.  Before, I had linked Spears almost like a verb, I think, like skewering or spearing someone or something.  Now, it came across as something like the Spears of or in Brittany.

I mentioned I had dropped the location assessment or angle earlier because I don't really know where to go with it anyway.  Brittany is in France, and France has played a remarkably prominent role in both the story of the Sawtooth Stone, the history of the Shire and Tom Bombadil, and other tied syncs like Francis Bacon and Francis Scott Key, so it seems there is some relevance there, but it is unclear exactly what.

Anyway, so I looked up Brittany again.  In one overview of the region, it was noted that Brittany comprises 1/3 of the French coastline.  This stood out to me based on the fact that I have our Stone Couriers sailing across the Atlantic and arriving in France with their cargo.  Now, I guess they could land anywhere in Europe and make their way to France and wherever Tom's house might be, but it seems that perhaps the simplest way would be to land in France itself.  It is a more direct route and if they were trying to avoid too many complications or chances of discovery, intrusion, or loss/ theft, then sailing as close to their final destination may have been the way to go.

So, in that scenario, the fact that Brittany comprises so much coastline of France, and has several harbors and inlets scattered around for large and small ships alike, straight math not factoring anything else says they had at least a 33% chance of landing in Brittany.

Then it would have been a question as to how far overland they had to go to reach Tom's House.  Perhaps they didn't have to travel far, and their rendezvous with Tom was still within the confines of Brittany, and perhaps not even too far from where they landed?

In an interesting word game, I found out this evening that the word for "Key" in French is Cle (with an accent over the e, but I am lazy and don't know how to type that).  Recall that I had that little sync or instance with the newspaper that one day where I saw the words "Find Key House".

If we substitute Cle for Key, we then have Find Cle House.

In Elvish, C and K are pronounced the same, so Cle House could be spelled Kle House.

Where have I seen Kle before?  Oh yeah, in words that first gave me this notion of the Family of Light.  In those words I had Kle Family, or Light Family.  that is how I translated it at least (you won't find Kle exactly in that form in Eldamo, but I am fairly confident, as much as I can be, that Kle is Light here).

So, that would give us Find Light House, in that little newspaper message I saw, or a lighthouse.  I thought that was an interesting little game, but what made it even more interesting is that I then found out that Brittany has the highest concentration of Lighthouses in the entire world (I assume by concentration they mean lighthouses per mile of shoreline).  I have to rely on online sources for this, but it was cited in multiple places.  There is even a famous Lighthouse Route/ Road that is cited as a major tourist attraction.  From Brittany's official tourism site:

The Brittany coast has the largest concentration of lighthouses in the world, with a record in Finistère. From Ile Vierge to the Stiff lighthouse, via Pointe Saint-Mathieu or Petit Minou lighthouse, climb to the top of these sentinels of the sea and marvel at the extraordinary panoramas!

-- Brittany "On the Lighthouse route" site 


Anyway, so if we can swallow a Sawtooth Stone travelling with Couriers to the eastern seaboard of the US, and then across the sea by boat on its way to France, it isn't out of the realm of possibility for them to have landed in Brittany and to have even been guided by these lighthouses.  They indicated, per my thoughts on the pieces of that dialogue I captured, that they needed to write instructions down.  Maybe they were heading to a specific lighthouse as a marker or waypoint on their journey.  Who knows.

I just found it was an interesting play on words to get from Key House to Light House, and to find that Brittany is famous for its lighthouses.

Back to Spears, though.  We have more than one, since plural form of the word, and spears pierce through things, whether object or Being.  That is what they are designed to do.

I shared some of my January and February 2022 words in a series of post several months ago.  In Part 1, I related how it seems that a secret plan was now being shared with certain Beings.  As part of this secret plan, it seemed like someone and/or something would cross a divide and perhaps cause something to shine, light a beacon, or something like that (which I have touched on in a few different ways in different posts).

In those phrases is a word ter, which I translated in that instance as "straight and/or through".  But there is another related meaning which is simply "to pierce".  Interestingly enough, this concept of "piercing" also comes up in my 2019 and 2020 words, though I don't think we have gotten to any of those here, thought I will go back and check.

I am not even going to put those 2022 words here an rehash them - you know where to find them if you want to look them up.  The important thing I want to log here is that it seems that 'piercing' some divide, chasm, darkness, whatever as part of this return home is required.  And to pierce something, you must have something that will do the piercing, perhaps.

That is where the Spears come in, and my current guess is that these would be rather strange Spears indeed since they aren't likely to be very sharp in a physical sense.  Far from it - round, like a globe.  It is the stories and power that is pulled out of them that will do the piercing, like a sharp sword or spear.  Basically, I think the Brittany Spears are referring to the Stones, and in this case I guess it would be the Sawtooth and Anor Stones.  These would be the Spears that pierce whatever darkness, veil, or obstacle that exists, I guess.  

And so, if that is true, then this must mean that the Stones are currently in Brittany.  Hey, it is in France, and quite a few of these little syncs point to it, so I think better than zero chance, though obviously highly speculative and we will see where things go.


  1. WW,
    You wrote,
    "I shared some of my January and February 2022 words in a series of post several months ago. In Part 1, I related how it seems that a secret plan was now being shared with certain Beings.
    As part of this secret plan, it seemed like someone and/or something would cross a divide and perhaps cause something to shine, light a beacon, or something like that (which I have touched on in a few different ways in different posts).
    My response:
    Recall according to Stanley' Kubrick's
    movie The Shining, to shine means having the 'gift' of foresight, which
    I personally believe we all have, some a bit more 'polished' than others perhaps.

    I'm sure you know this, but it appears that bees 'shine' too.
    copy and paste ( see link )

    "Nests of the giant honey bee hang from tree limbs. The bees live in the open where predators can easily spot them, so the colony needs clever ways of warding off enemies.

    Shimmering is just one of several weapons, but it’s probably the most spectacular.

    Honeybees Mesmerizing Defensive Wave

  2. Debbie:

    I had forgotten that what the title of "The Shining" actually meant, and that it is the ability to communicate with another person telepathically and sometimes at great distances, while also being able to see both past and future events.

    This seems to be what also happens in conjunction with these Stones, in that the person who possesses them has those abilities (and is known as a Seer).

    Interesting connection back to the bees as well.

  3. WW,
    Maybe the Stone that you speak of is the pineal gland which I personally
    believe the pineal gland is our Third Eye which houses the soul, which I believe
    our soul is connected to God source.

    Copy and paste from Wiki: (asterisks mine)
    "The pineal gland is a pine cone-shaped (hence the name), unpaired midline brain
    structure. It is reddish-gray in colour and about the size of a ***grain of rice*** (5–8 mm)
    in humans.

    The 17th century philosopher René Descartes regarded the gland as having a mystical purpose, describing it as the "principal seat of the soul".
    Because I believe in reincarnation, I believe that all the knowledge that we've gathered
    in our incarnations, is stored in our soul.
    I believe that our soul transcends linear time and space every night in our REM sleep
    which transcending time and space perhaps also explains telepathy,
    although REM sleep is not necessarily needed for telepathy.

    In 1990 I had a disturbing dream that came tragically true in 1995.
    The person who was tragically killed in 1995 was our neighbor,
    whom I had Not met when I had the dream in 1990.
    It wasn't until 1993 when Marshall and I bought our first home
    that we met the woman in my dream.

    In the dream she was killed exactly how I saw it would happen,
    but what was really bizarre is that I saw the accident happen
    from HER perspective. When Marshall and I met her and her husband in 1993,,
    I didn't know that she was the person in my dream because again,
    I saw the accident happen from her perspective (i.e. her eyes ).
    I now believe that perhaps it was remote viewing, which
    I didn't know about remote viewing in 1990 when I had the dream.

    Although I've had many many esoteric experiences and a gazillion dreams
    throughout the years ( which I've shared a just a few here with you and on WJT's blog )
    that one particular dream in 1990 was a huge reason why I believe that our Soul
    transcends linear time, because if not, how is it possible to see 5 years into the future??
    And that's not the only premonition dream and esoteric experience that I've had.

    I believe that we all have the 'shine' ( let's call the shine having the ability to 'tap' the Sacred
    Science knowledge (which I believe we all possess, not just 'special' beings)
    . The problem is and IMO, the Negative Polarity in
    this duality dimension have strengthened our ego( evil ) to the point, where we have lost our way and even vilified and demonized by others as witches if we 'tap' that knowledge.

    If we can see the future, that means we can change direction if need be
    and that's priceless and powerful because it's 'free will'.
    As I'm sure you would agree,
    all power sources can be used for good or evil, depending on the intent and that
    absolutely includes knowledge.

    That's why I speak so often about the Shifting of Ages, as I think we ( humanity)
    are on the precipice of a spiritual war (Transhumanism via A I ) ...for our Soul,
    which I believe our Soul has always been our opponent's final frontier.
    I believe that they've already got our Ego and Collective Consciousness
    ( i.e. our connection with our fellow man/woman).

    Speaking of telepathy, If you ever get a chance, check out an episode of the
    1960's Twilight Zone titled: Mute . I found this youtube clip of a person's review
    of the episode but spoiler alert if you decide to see the show.

    Mute - Twilight-Tober Zone

    The Shining scene - Hallorann explains what the Shine is

  4. WW,
    I want to also add this interesting connection of Stones and Pineal Gland ( Pine Combs.)
    From etymology:
    1560s, "A solid generated by the revolution of a right-angled triangle upon one of its sides as an axis" [Century Dictionary], from French cone (16c.) or directly from Latin conus "a cone, peak of a helmet," from Greek konos "cone, spinning top, pine cone," which is perhaps from a PIE root *ko- "to sharpen"
    (source also of Sanskrit sanah "whetstone," Latin catus "sharp," Old English han "stone")
    Also I found these information interesting:
    copy and paste from wiki:
    "The Fontana della Pigna or simply Pigna ([ˈpiɲɲa], "pinecone") is a former Roman fountain which now decorates a vast niche in the wall of the Vatican facing the Cortile della Pigna, located in Vatican City, in Rome, Italy"
    Note the reference to Fontana.
    Recall a previous comment I made about what I believe
    about a baby's soft called the fontanelle which I believe is where the soul enters
    the physical body after birth.

    Descartes and the Pineal Gland
