Monday, May 13, 2024

I think it is Honeycomb and not Juice; and also understanding Starerios

So, my current thoughts have me back to reviewing my words from the Fall of 2019.  We took a little time there to set up the discussion about Orion, Sirius, and Remmirath, with my words from October 29, 2019 guiding us that way based initially on the Remmirath post Remmirath and the Netted Stars:  The Seven Daughters of Asenath.

Coming up in my words will be further opportunity to discuss Sirius and Orion, and some stories involving them, so I figure let's get back on track with the words and see where they take us.  As I said earlier, it is kind of rewarding for me to take these and see certain things in them several years later.  

To review where we are in terms of the story, as of the last words we reviewed in October 29, I believe we still have Asenath as the primary communicator of the words I am receiving at that time.  The story that seems to have unfolded thus far is that Asenath intends to raise up her twin brother Faramir-Eonwe, but first there is a rescue mission that must be performed, with Joseph being the primary target of this rescue.  He is lost (by the way, Debbie in her comments on a recent post referenced the movie "Lost in America", and that is exactly the situation Joseph was in back at the end of 2019, as we will see in more detail in future posts if we get to them).  His rescue must happen before Faramir is brought back home (and which I think happened in the spring of 2020).  Asenath seems to explain this, and introduces herself by the name of "Autel" and references her 7 daughters, who will have a role in leading Faramir home, just as Orion follows the 7 sisters (Remmirath) in a Western journey through the sky.

Debbie also had mentioned the reunion of Twins in one of her comments, and that this is an event in the future, in whatever story she is thinking through.  While I can't speak for or necessarily know the other details she has expressed, I do agree with the overall theme:  The end result of Orion being led home is that Twins will be reunited, and this is in the form of Asenath and Faramir, sister and brother, reuniting in Aman (at one of the two Holy Places).  They will be joined by their respective spouses, and that the two sets of Twins will be together again (another specific reference to the 22 number).  I think it goes something like that at some point.

OK, so lets pick up where we left off

On November 1, I received the following words:

Sardi ar dyenido starerios aman-ore

If you recall, we have already covered these words, way back last September in my post "Ancient Juice as something that will be brought with the Sawtooth Stone".  In that post, I focused on dyenido, and translated it as 'ancient juice' and determined that this is something that will be brought with the Anor Stone to Faramir.

I am going to revise that guess in this post to something that I think makes a bit more sense, and is more consistent with other words and dreams, including dreams from just the past few weeks.

To arrive at Ancient Juice for dyenido, I assumed the translation for nido was "juice".  It is not a bad guess, because that is actually one of the translated words.  However, I don't think it is right.

Nido can also mean "Honeycomb" (based on the root word nidh), and thus dyenido can rather mean "Ancient Honeycomb".

Back in 2019, such a phrase wouldn't make sense.  I hadn't yet seen all of this Bee imagery in my words yet, including references to Eowyn-Deseret, and so Honeycomb would have been strange and random, and likely why I didn't go down that road.  It wouldn't make any sense.

Recall, however, a dream I had from the fall of 2022, which seemed to be from the perspective of the Sawtooth Stone, and that I related in my post  "Exploring what happened in the time following Sawtooth, Part 2: Stone on the move"., also written in September of last year.  In that post, I wrote:

I was lying on something like a table or stone slab, with individuals around me and leaning over me.  It felt like I was in something like a dark cave.  The individuals were carefully examining me.  They began using instruments to remove what looked like dark and rocky chips or fragment from off of my skin, which I now noticed completely covered me.  As they removed a piece of this rocky fragment, I looked at the area where I should have expected to see my skin now exposed.  Instead, I saw a yellowish-grid covering, which was alarming.  

I then had a dream that I was in negotiations with a mysterious professor regarding a final assignment that needed to be done next week, but that I was behind in completing.

When I woke up, I thought more on the yellow covering that my skin appeared to be, and realized very clearly that it was honeycomb.

The dream, I would explain or guess at, was from the perspective of the Stone as it was undergoing repairs and restoration at the hands of the Druadan.  They were doing work on the surface of the Stone, and revealing the Honeycomb underneath, with the Honeycomb being symbolic for the stone itself, what it contains, etc.

The Sawtooth Stone in question is 'ancient', and thus Ancient Honeycomb would be an accurate description or alternative name for it, at least based on the symbolism of that dream.

Further, everything I understand now has any Drink or Juice imbibing happening not here in this world, but somewhere else.  In other words, the Drink won't be brought with any Stone for Faramir or anybody else, but will only be had once they reach their destination.  Think of the Xanadu scenes.  Everybody knows Sonny needs a drink, but he doesn't get it until the end, once actually in Xanadu, or Aman.

Thus, I now propose that dyenido does in fact mean Ancient Honeycomb, and it is a play on words for the Sawtooth Stone.  Interestingly, if this is true, it is yet another example of something I wouldn't have been able to understand at the time, but only with additional time and other experiences could reach some sort of better story or conclusion, even over the course of writing on this blog.  We understand things, I think, when it is time to understand them.

I think we may need to also change Sardi, but am going to leave it for just now so I can think on it a bit more before changing.    I still haven't settled it in my mind yet.  But, for our purposes here, we have two Stones mentioned:  Sardi (one Stone) and Dyenido (Ancient Honeycomb).  Using these Two Stones, Starerios will rise to Aman, or something like that.

But what does Starerios mean?

In that same prior post, I suggested that Starerios is yet another name or title for Faramir.  In addition to the words I captured from November 1, I also recorded an important note relative to how the Starerios name was received, as well as recorded another dream about a very high cliff.  Here are the notes I captured in the Word doc:

Starerios – first seen as one word, but then again with first syllable replaced with “Star”; cannot remember what it replaced; whether an English replacement of what was in first syllable?

A dream written as:  "Also, a dream of a high cliff standing over the sea... first seen as a drawing or sketch, then as a real cliff, sheer sides, very high, on the sea shore" 

Regarding the dream, my guess is the cliff itself represented Aman.  Just a guess, but it seems to make sense with everything else.

In terms of Starerios, as noted, this was visually shown to me in the dream.  The original word first appeared, but it was switched out before I get fully understand it.  When it reappeared, it now looked something like this:  [Star]erios.

The bracket seems to replace whatever was originally in that first syllable.  But what?

I have a creative solution that seems to make sense, and it will involve Sirius.

First, I believe Star, as written in the brackets, is an English word.  So, simply a Star.  In looking at what it replaced, I look first to Elvish.  El, obviously, I've used before in other instances to mean star, including in other word and name games.  For instance, Kal-El, the name for Superman which can mean Bright Star in Elvish.

In this instance, though, I think the original Elvish word [Star] replaced was Elen, which seems to be basically the long form of El in Elvish, and means the same thing.

This is where the name game gets interesting, at least to me.  Elen, some of you may recognize, is also a name in English, spelled Ellen.  The name Ellen means "Bright One" or "Shining Light".  This is interesting in an of itself, because we have an instance where the Elvish word Elen means something very similar to the English name Ellen.

But the really interesting thing to realize is that Ellen is short for Eleanor.  Elanor.  El-Anor.

Cool, huh?

Here I think we have something.  As covered many times already on this blog, I have guessed that El-Anor is the name for the Anor Stone.  But, I also saw that Man playing a piano in my dream, who introduced himself as El-Anor (a name I first understood to be Eleanor, and which confused me as it seemed a Man was introducing himself with a female's name).    Once I figured out it was El-Anor, the question was then does this name refer to a Man or the Stone.  The answer is both.   El-Anor is both the Stone and the Being that the Stone belongs to.

So, Starerios could be rather written as Elenerios, I guess.  Now, was that how it appeared originally before it was replaced by [STAR]erios?  I have no idea, but I believe that the little name game above solves at least part of the riddle of the Starerios name.

What else do I see in that name?  I think a reference to Sirius,which is written in Greek as Seirios, and thus having a similar ending to Starerios.  In fact, remove the 'tar' from Starerios, and you pretty much have the same word or Star name.  Maybe seems like a random link or bit of stretch, but the connection will make sense, I think, in later posts.  Thus, I think the second clue or meaning of the [STAR] insertion is a signal that a specific, actual Star might be represented here by the name.   So, both a mention of El-Anor, but also of the Star Sirius.

Sirius is a dual or twin star, with one of these stars being extremely bright, and the other being a dead, burned out star and thus very dim by comparison.  This symbolism will matter a little later on, as I believe it has something to do with what will happen just a couple weeks later in that same November of 2019 to the Anor Stone under the direction of Asenath and as part of the rescue mission she sends off for Joseph.   Remember, part of my story regarding the stars and constellations is that they hold stories or symbolic elements regarding future events.  The current state of Sirius, with one Star very bright and the other Star very dim (dead even) symbolically ties to my story here, I think, and to the fate and current state of El-Anor.

This won't happen until November 17th, though, so we have a few more words to go through until we get there.  If my guess is right, it is a pretty big deal, one that I clearly didn't understand or appreciate at the time.


  1. WW,

    Part 1

    Speaking of stars and constellations:
    I don't know if this has any connection or not to your post, but I thought
    I'd share this with you. In March 1997
    ( abt March 24 or so) I had a very strange dream.

    A little background first:
    In March 1997, I was working at the bank where I worked ( and retired early from)
    most of my adult working life.
    Marshall ( my hubby) and I didn't have a computer at that time as we first bought our
    dial up (Yuck! ) computer in 1998.

    Although as mentioned in my previous posts, I've had many esoteric experiences
    and dreams for many years prior to 1998, but as you can imagine, research, at least for me,
    was somewhat limited. I did have a diary where I recorded many of my dreams,
    but for the most part a lot of my dreams, pre computer and WORD program,
    were not written down.

    However many of the very powerful dreams and esoteric experiences
    I remember very vividly like it was yesterday. My Hale-Bopp dream
    ( I had abt March 24 or so) was one of those dreams.

    Here's the dream :
    I recall that I was walking on the sidewalk of my grandparents house where I grew up (IRL).
    In the dream I was the age I was in 1997.
    IRL, my grandfather had a chain link fence installed all around the backyard of our house
    so as to keep our dog fenced in. My grandfather and father built a tall wooded GATE
    with a latch to enter the backyard from the sidewalk which the sidewalk
    was located on the side of the house.

    I wrote the word Gate in all caps, because it's going to have an important connection
    to this story.

    In the dream in 1997, I recall walking on the sidewalk up to the wooded gate, reaching
    over the gate to unlatch the gate. When I walked through the 'gate and into the backyard,
    I saw a very large spaceship on the right side of me which was 'parked' in the same
    location( where IRL) the family picnic table was located.

    At that time, a man suddenly appeared in front of me. I will call him 'the Space Man',
    although I don't recall what he looked like. However I wasn't afraid of him,
    nor did I think of him as a little green alien man.
    He actually 'felt' to be tall, not a giant, but about 5'11 or 6 foot or so.

    I didn't get the sense that he was any one particular race or age, although I did
    feel as if his gender was male.
    The Space Man telepathically said to me very firmly: It's Time to Go!!!
    I responded that I didn't want to go because Marshall and I had just bought
    a house and I wanted to stay with Marshall. ( which IRL was true)
    The Space Man (again telepathically) responded that if I didn't
    go, I would have to ingest something that 'would keep me on Earth as a human'.

    He then gave me a white Styrofoam cup. I recall holding the cup close to my
    chest and looking down inside the cup.
    Inside was one (somewhat small ) milky crystal.
    I woke up.

  2. WW,

    Part 2
    After I woke up, I thought : what a bizarre dream.!!!

    Lo and behold, 2 days later and early morning when I was getting dressed, ready
    to go to work, I suddenly stopped in front of our television set.
    Allthough I didn't take the time to sit down and watch the TV on work days,
    I always had the Good Morning America National News stations on as I got ready for work.

    What stopped me was a breaking news report about a mass suicide in California by a cult
    called Heavens GATE who killed themselves believing that there was a space ship following
    behind the Hale Bopp comet and they were destined to be on the ship.
    The VERY FIRST THING I said to myself: "OMG, I was suppose to be on that ship.!!!
    I immediately and very strongly felt that.

    Again keep in mind, that Marshall and I did not have any access to a computer and I had
    no clue whatsoever what or who the Heaven's GATE cult was.
    Yes, it's true that Hale Bopp had been mentioned on many of the morning and nightly
    news reports for many weeks prior to March 26, but neither Marshall nor did I
    have any interest whatsoever in comets or astronomy.

    As time passed Marshall and I would 'joke' about the fact that Marshall Applewhite
    was the 'crazy' leader of the cult and shared the same name with Marshall.
    I of course told Marshall about my dream, after seeing the March 26 news report
    about Heaven's Gate and to this day every now and then I'd re-visit the Heaven's Gate
    cult on the internet 'searching' for additional clues.

    I did find an interesting connection a few years ago, when I was connecting puzzle
    pieces of the 77 Meridian West, The shifting of ages and the New Atlantis
    and a dream I had on May 12, 2017 which I titled: Colorado Springs.
    The odd connection is the 104 Meridian West which I believe will be the capital
    of The New Atlantis very likely Denver.

    I personally believe that there will be events happen this year, that involves
    the TWIN gates ( Golden Gate in San Fran and Golden Gate in Jerusalem).
    If this happens I believe the presidential election will not be held.
    I believe there will be some type of intervention and a' temporary' Triumvirate
    type government mandate will be implemented.

  3. WW.
    Part 3
    Here's the dream;

    Colorado Springs
    I had an interesting dream…. The dream is as follows..

    I can’t recall all of this dream, but for some reason I was on a greyhound bus.
    The first stop was Arizona, but I don’t recall much of what happened there.
    The second stop was Colorado Springs, and I remember getting off the bus
    and trying to find a bank because,
    for some reason… I had a personal check I wanted to cash.

    I became afraid because I didn’t have any money. I really liked the small town of Colorado Springs and although there was snow on the ground, it wasn’t cold ,
    as I felt that all this took place in the Spring
    and it was a nice and sunny, warm day.

    I went into the bank and at first I got into the Spanish speaking teller line, but then I left
    and went into the English line. At one point I realized that the bank
    would probably not cash an out of state check, so I left .
    Ass I was walking out the bank I looked down and saw several dimes on the floor.
    I began picking them up ( because like I said, I didn’t have any money at all ,
    which frightened me )..
    There was quite of bit of dimes and I thought that at least I have money
    to pay for a phone call or buy snacks.

    . I then continued on walking and found myself in a government building.
    ( don’t know why I went there)
    Inside I began walking and for some reason I found a Tablet
    ( like the electronic tablet I currently own ),
    I was excited because at least I had access to information.

    I saw a middle age White woman and we began to talk and I told her that I was from Ohio and that I had been in Colorado Springs for only a short time, but I really liked it.
    I also told her about the dimes and the tablet.

    She said that she really liked Colorado too and had only been there about 3 years.
    She then left and I recall thinking that I had better started heading back
    to the bus terminal as I knew my bus would be leaving shortly.

    For some reason, I was lost and couldn’t find my way back to the bus terminal.
    I turned on the Tablet so as to find out where the bus station was,
    and for some reason a man began talking (much like a Skype communication ).
    I began to tell him about my experience in Colorado Springs
    ( especially my luck with finding the dimes and tablet ).

    I told him that I figured that I had found about 2 dollars or so in dimes.
    At first I mentioned that I had found enough dimes to make a roll
    ( which would be 5 dollars in dimes )
    but then I changed it and said that I think I had about 2 dollars in dimes.

    I also said that I loved Colorado Springs and felt like I was home, but needed to get back to the bus terminal but I had lost the way.
    He then began to talk to me about the metaphysical,
    although I don’t know why nor can I recall what he said.
    However he told me to go to this room in the Government Building, which I did.

    What was odd is that there was a meeting being held there and it seemed
    as if they all were waiting on me.
    The speaker too was speaking about the metaphysical ,
    but again I don’t know why or what was said.
    I recall taking my place on a bench seat.
    I woke up

  4. WW

    Part 4

    Last but not least!

    The reason why I believe the connection of the Colorado Springs dream and Hale Bopp is because of this: The comet was discovered independently on July 23, 1995, by two observers, Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, both in the United States.

    Alan Hale spotted the comet in Cloud Croft New Mexico, which Cloud Croft's coordinates
    are 32 lat and 104 long.
    (Actually 105 long, but factor in the Law of Three)

    Thomas Bopp spotted the comet in Arizonia which in the Colorado Springs dream,
    Phoenix Arizona was the first stop on my trip. Although Phoenix is not on the 104, it does share the same 33 lat with Cloud Croft and of course Colardo Springs ,
    Boulder and Denver are on the 104 Meridan West.
    Which 14/41 also has very interesting connections in my puzzle pieces.

    Also and I just saw this interesting connection tonight,
    and thought of your birthday July 22:
    the comet was discovered on JULY 23 1995.

    Doesn't the Dog Days of Summer (Sirius) start July 3---Aug 11?
    My hubby Marshall 's birthdate is Aug 11.

  5. Debbie,

    Your reminder of the Heaven's Gate group definitely has me feeling better about shifting any drinking of various substances to AFTER one has arrived in Heaven!

    I didn't realize that the Dog Days of Summer were actually defined dates, and were based on Sirius' location in the sky (since Sirius is the Dog Star). That is really interesting. July 23 is when Sirius and the Sun are in conjunction, and that date range you gave is based on 20 days before and after that date. Visibly from earth, it is as if Sirius is joining with the Sun during conjunction (i.e., Sirius is now behind the Sun). This made me think of my dream where I walked into the Sun, and also the other imagery on this blog of things seeming to enter the Sun (the recent San Ramon image of the bird, the Starship Enterprise, the Black Rabbit running into the Sun, etc.).

    Good catch!

  6. WW,

    This just crossed my mind after waking up from a nap today.
    Recall in the Hale Bobb dream , I,( in order to stay human) had to ingest ( drink ) a ''Milky" crystal.
    Maybe your 'juice' has some connection to the Milky Way, or the Land of Milk and Honey.

  7. WW,
    Another thought about your dreams and syncs about walking into the sun.
    Wouldn't walking into the sun be symbolic of the Phoenix?
    The Seriousness(Why So Sirius?) Fire of the sun would absolutely burn the 'old bird'
    and out of those ashes a new one.
    Recall the Joker asks: Why So Sirius?

    Also and speaking of Fire/Phoenix I watched the movie National Treasure again last night.
    Definitely chockful of 22 , 11 and 4 symbolism. George Washington's birthdate included.

    The Phoenix connects to my perspective about The Shifting of Ages, especially
    the End of the American Empire , into the New Atlantis.

    In my Colorado Springs dream, I traveled through Phoenix. Also in that dream, I traveled
    on a bus. A bus is symbolic of the movement of more than one person. In other words
    when the dreamer finds him/herself -traveling on a bus opposed to in a car, the 'message
    of the dream is about possible events occurring involving people (humanity collectively) and those events can't be controlled because someone else (and not the dreamer) is driving.
    I've had several bus dreams in the last decade or so.

    Also in the Colorado Springs dream, the bus was a 'Grey-hound. Of course symbolic
    of a Canine(Sirius).

    Do note that I've never been to the state of Colorado.

    On the roof of the mysterious Denver International Airport ( DIN ) are white tabernacles
    which I connected to my Feb 2015 Where's My Horn Dream, which after much research that dream led me to the Trumpet(Ram's Horn), the Third Temple, Red Heifer, white tents (i.e. tabernacles) the Jubilee and a Donald Trump win in 2016. Do note that I DID NOT KNOW
    anything about the above mentioned Before the dream, including a Donald Trump win.

    Recall Donald Trump didn't announce running for POTUS until JUNE ( his birth month) of 2015. Donald Trump is a Twin ( Zodiac Gemini ) and was' selected' to be Israel's Cyrus
    which is why Trump announced Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel in Dec 2017.
    Trump and Cyrus image is engraved on the silver Half- Shekel aka The Temple Coin.

    Recall my previous comment about the changing of vowels in words.
    Changing vowels, Don( etymology 'Latin dominus "lord, master, owner) is also Den
    ,Din ( as in Denver International Airport) and also Dan.

    Interesting Dan Rather just 'returned' to "News casting' after an 18 year absence.
    Remember : What's the Frequency Kenneth?

    Also the winner of the 2024 Kentucky Derby was Mystik Dan, beating Sierra Leone
    and Forever Young by a nose with a time of 2:03.34.
    Note the 23/32? Recall my recent 32 syncs.

    Also interesting the 3 connection of the horses.
    Mystik Dan, Sierra Leone ( meaning Lion mountain) and Forever Young( the Foutain of Youth, perhaps your ' drink/juice' sync? )

    And speaking of 3, recall my prediction about what I believe will be a ' temporary' Triumvirate type government mandate implemented after a very historic, very serious and perhaps a series of events which will absolutely be a Phoenix future for not only America but the World.
    Perhaps the 3 will be a Republican, Democrat( Obama?) and a techno-cracy candidate?
    And speaking of Obama check out the 2023 Netflix movie : Leave the World Behind.
    Chockful of symbolism and predictive programing?

  8. WW,

    I just read this about Mystik Dan ( the 2024 winner of the Kentucky Derby).
    Mystik Dan is a bay colt.
    From wiki:
    Bay is a hair coat color of horses, characterized by a reddish-brown or brown body color with a black point coloration on the mane, tail, ear edges, and lower legs.
    Do recall my recent comments about the 4 Horseman in Biblical Prophecy , The Electric Horseman 1979 movie ( which the horse was 'reddish-brown)
    and the recent black and white horses running loose in the streets of London on April24
    2024. Lon-Don or Lone- DON?
    ( Lone would fit not only your Lost syncs, but also
    my recent' 22 comment and its connection with the movie Lost in America)

    And speaking of alone, Recall my recent comment about Joe Biden's BB(22) comment
    about not supporting Israel.
    Which sparked this :Netanyahu insists Israel will defend itself
    even if ‘forced to stand alone’. ( see link )

    Lot's of Phoenix happenings around the world, which would make sense
    because the 22 is the Four( Daleth, Delta, the Door, the doorway to a new totally different place which The Phoenix is an absolutely totally different bird.)

    Also the color reddish brown is symbolic of the Rust. The rusting away of the Iron,
    which the Iron is symbolic of the Industrial Age which humanity is shifting
    from and into the Silicon (data/Information ) Age.

    Interestingly silicon's(bluish-gray) atomic number is 14.
    Of course Quartz crystals are composed of silica, which makes
    my Hale Bopp dream , and the milky crystal, very interesting indeed.

    Google 'ing, Milky Way and Silicon resulted in this interesting find:
    Ageless Silicon Throughout Milky Way May Indicate a Well-Mixed Galaxy.(links below)

  9. The Phoenix could be an interesting connection. The character of Faramir was obviously associated with Fire in LOTR, and I have him also later reincarnating as Abinadi, who in the Book of Mormon was burned to death by King Noah.

    Perhaps entering the Sun is also symbolic of a Baptism by Fire and/ or returning to Aman, which I believe is the same thing as the "Celestial Kingdom" that Mormons believe in, and that Joseph Smith likened to the Sun.

  10. Your play on words with Sirius (Why so Sirius?), reminded me of an exchange from Xanadu in which both Sonny and Kira claim to be Sirius (Serious). I was actually going to write a short post on it yesterday but didn't. Given you comment maybe I will try and type something up. It is pretty good little Easter Egg.

  11. WW,
    Yes, recall in the movie National Treasure, it was the use of fire, which made it possible
    to see the treasure.
    I'm glad you mentioned the movie National Treasure. I saw it years ago when it was first released but of course this time I saw a whole lot more symbolism that I didn't see before.

    The play on words: Why so Sirius, was actually from the Joker in the Batman movie : The Dark Knight.
    Why so serious? | The Dark Knight
