Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Alpha and Omega, and the 144 or gross

 So, I was heading back down the track of my Fall 2019 words, and have been pulled back toward Orion again.  In this post we will still incorporate some words, but they will be from the Fall of 2022, instead.

Recently, William Tychonievich noted that I had written my post on Orion the same day that a magazine wrote an article involving Orion.  The magazine has an article for each day, with this article assigned to May 6 and 7.  Those dates, interestingly as well, are Monday and Tuesday... Moon-day and Twos-day or Tuis-day.

I had published my post on May 5, but at 11:03am, meaning that in Taiwan time it was 12:03am on May 6, so things ended up lining up to the day.  Lucky I didn't hit publish 4 minutes earlier...

William noted this, and would later write a seemingly unrelated post about Hesiod and Revelation.  He started reading Revelation on the same day that he noted the Orion sync (May 14).  This stood out to me because Revelation is the only book in the Bible where we get the name or title Alpha and Omega and in my post on Orion which William linked to, I suggested that Orion is the Being associated with Alpha and Omega:

What I will now suggest, and perhaps explore in a later post as part of my thoughts around Orion and the Being he represents, is that the name that this sign represents is likely THE NAME.   The name of redemption, specifically the redemption of the Eldar, who woke up seeing the promise of that sign in the sky.  It is both their beginning and it signified "the end", in that Menelmacar-Orion was a sign of the Final Battle at the end of days, and the ultimate victory of the Family of Light.

Alpha and Omega.  Beginning and End.

As a quick additional comment, William also followed up with the interesting insight that Hesiod, which he had also started reading, has to do with the Beginning, and Revelation deals with the End.  So this all seems to line up well thus far.

As a reminder, I have assumed that the character of Orion or Menelmakar is Eonwe-Faramir, who was also known as Urion, which is obviously very similar to Orion.

In Revelation, it is assumed that the Being speaking to John and referring to themselves as Alpha and Omega is Jesus.  I am going to go a little blasphemous here and suggest that this is not so, but at least my view will be consistent with what I have written earlier and with my guess as to the identity of Orion.

Rather than being Jesus (and again, this is the Bible, so I am not sure even how much of Revelation is trustworthy or worthwhile, if anything, but doesn't mean we can't use it), I think this is the Holy Ghost, speaking for and as Jesus.  In an earlier post on the Holy Ghost, I suggested that this Being will literally be sent in the name of Jesus, speaking and acting as if he were him.  I view the discourse in Revelation as an example of this.

Trying to demonstrate that, though, isn't the purpose of this post - I just think that is how it is, and it makes sense to me.

What I did want to mention, however, is the concept of the "144" and how this ties into Orion-Faramir and the End, as I am thinking through it.

I believe I've mentioned before that The Lord of the Rings actually starts with symbolism regarding the number 144.  At Bilbo' birthday/ farewell party (held on September 22), while the entire town was invited to the overall celebration, there was an invitation-only dinner party for 144 individuals comprising Bilbo and Frodo's extended family.  The party within the party.

Incidentally, this number, 144, would be the combined ages on that day of Bilbo and Frodo (Frodo had the same birthday).  Bilbo was 111 and Frodo 33, adding up to 144.

Bilbo referenced this in his speech, and referred to the combined group as a 'gross', which some attendees took as disrespectful, thinking that the only reason they had been invited was to fill up that number, "like goods in a package".

144 is also mentioned in Revelation, but with 1,000 after it.  The 144,000 Beings who will be 'sealed' from all the tribes of Israel, and then are listed as 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes.  My intent is not to necessarily adhere to whatever that is, but to merely mention this concept of 144 and Israel.  It is important for our story, I think.

In earlier posts, I've brought the Cuivienen, of the Awakening of the Elves.  There were 144 of them, ultimately divided into 3 main groups of families.  They would be ultimately invited back to Aman, where of those 144 who began the journey, roughly 2/3 accept the invitation (1/3 would not even start on the journey).  On the way, some of the shese would drop off, so that by then end fewer Elves actually reached Aman than those who did not.

Throughout this, the 144 remained as a symbolic number to represent the Eldar in total, as even by the time they were invited back, there were more Elves than that.  Numbers and divisions of 144 were meant to represent proportions of the total number, and not actual headcount, as far as I understand.

Now, recall that that the beginning, when these 144 Elves first woke up, it was Menelmacar or Orion that they first saw in the sky, among all of the stars and constellations that Varda set.  In this way, he was the "beginning" for them, and their fate and redemption from the very outset seems to be tied to that Being.

The number 144 would also show up in my words in October of 2022, along with a mention of Orion, I believe, by another name that we have covered on this blog.

Recall that there were a few other sporadic words from earlier in August, including my dream of the Honeycomb and the Sawtooth Stone.  It was quiet, or at least I don't have any notes I see, until October 10, which is strangely my wife's birthday, as I think about it right now.  Here is what I have from that morning:

October 10

Jan eh [Jah ni?] sola gross determino ascertain to come back 

Stone - there is so much hurray about Jesus Christ

Pas gar 96

Alight, so acknowledging I am not entirely sure what this means, lets dive in and connect this back to a few things.

I wrote Jan eh, sounding out what was spoken.  Afterward, I wondered if that actual word was Jah ni.  I think this is the case (though could be wrong), and if so, then we have a name that has been covered here before.

Jah-ni hah is a name found in Joseph Smith's Alphabet and Grammar of the Egyptian Language, and which in prior posts I have identified as the Holy Ghost-Faramir-Eonwe.  This also means we are referring to Orion, then, if my guess is correct.  Joseph Smith gives the following various translations for this Being (or title that a Being can hold):

One delegated from the highest source acting in or being clothed with the power of another; one sent from the Celestial Kingdom; one that with delegated and redeeming power, and second in authority; being a swift messenger going before, and having redeeming power, as second in authority: and stands next to or on the right hand of power

Again, this is consistent with the role of the Holy Ghost, to be sent in and act under the name of Jesus, and the servant that Jesus mentions to those at Bountiful in the Book of Mormon.

This is also consistent, then, with the rest of the words that follow from October 10.  

Sola gross determino I would translate as "only 144 to define/ mark/ conclude" (sola and determino seem to be Latin-based, and we have already covered gross above).  This would give us, then, 

Jah-ni hah only 144 to define/mark/conclude ascertain to come back

Does the "only" mean just 144, or does it mean only Jah-ni?  Probably both.  There are 144 to mark, and it is Jah-ni's responsibility alone to do so, perhaps.

Again, by Jah-ni, we are referring to Orion for our purposes (just as a reminder for how this ties in).

And 'ascertain' means to make certain - so perhaps it is his role to ensure they come back?  This would seem to coincide with Jesus' statements that Israel will be saved, and he will not lose any of his sheep.

The next line is interesting, and I am not sure if this just refers to the Sawtooth Stone or the Ithil Stone (the Stone Eowyn would have used to aggregate and compile currently 11 different accounts of Jesus).  But if I had to choose between the two, I think it must be Eowyn's stone, and she is referring to what she has already been able to compile, even without the addition of the Sawtooth Stone.  In other words, the Story she has pulled together is a good one, and it has a lot of 'hurray' about Jesus.

By the way, we will get back to some specific references where it appears that Eowyn is recounting her experiences in compiling this record when we return to the Fall 2019 stories.

This may, then, also give us a clue as to who is speaking, but it is hard to know.  If it is the Ithil Stone, and a reference to what is on it, then it could stand to reason that this is Eowyn speaking.  My current guess, but just a guess.

I think we have Elvish with the last phrase, pas gar 96.  I actually didn't even realize or notice that 96 was 2/3 of 144 until maybe a couple months ago.  I had been wondering what this number was.  I think, however, it refers to the proportion of the 144, so 2/3 would be 96.  In Tolkien's actual account, the number that began the journey to Aman was 88, so slightly less than 96.  How to explain the discrepancy?  I am not sure.  Maybe it was actually 96 instead?  Maybe just intended to refer to the 2/3 proportion?

In any case, pas gar can mean something like "Juice to hold" or "Juice place".  Pas seems to mean Juice, very clearly, but gar could be a couple things.  Either could work, and it seems to suggest that 96 (of the 144?) will hold Juice or be in a Juice place, which I am guessing would be Aman.  Maybe this is an initial number of the 144 - at first, the original Beings on the Great Journey return, and then other ways are found for the remaining 1/3?  I don't know.  However it works out, having the Juice as being something that Beings are brought back to, and as potentially a place where it is, seems to support my change to where Juice or any drinks being administered are not in our world, but in Aman - the Juice Place.

I am up for other guesses on the 96, but that is the best I have so far.

Anyway, stepping back this entire story in some way also helps explain the Alpha and Omega reference to Orion.  He was there at the very beginning (his sign), and will lead them at the very end.  Further "determino", as it turns out, in Latin is quite literally to set bounds, or to limit (de-terminus).  Or, in other words, to set a Beginning and an End, which is setting bounds and limits.  Alpha and Omega.  So, Orion will be involved in all of this.

I am not sure where else I want to go here.  It can seem pretty strange, but could also make sense and is consistent with other things I have been thinking through.  We'll see where it goes.


  1. WW,
    Part 1
    You wrote : "One delegated from the highest source acting in or being clothed with the power of another; one sent from the Celestial Kingdom; one that with delegated
    and redeeming power, and second in authority; being a ***swift messenger ***
    My response:
    Isn't the swift messenger the planet Mercury aka Hermes?
    Recall my Colorado dream and me finding 'dimes' on the floor at the bank.
    Mercury Dimes.
    Although IRL I actually worked most of my adult life at a bank, interestingly I still
    have many dreams about working at a bank, which IRL, I would never, ever
    consider doing at this time in my life.

    Symbolically a bank is a place where valuables are stored.
    A river bank is where the water meets the land, a transition of sorts.
    This river bank meaning also connects with the fish having the purpose
    of either being sacrificed or of service.

    A dime is a tenth part occurring to Etymology online. 1 after 9 which
    also interestingly 1 and 9 are the Alpha and the Omega.

    1 after 99 is a hundred.
    ONE HUNDRED- 44(144) is interesting for several reasons.

    Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro meaning:
    One (1 ) for (4) all..... and all for (4) One (1),
    the unofficial motto of Switzerland, and what an intriguing place Switzerland is
    considering it's the home of CERN and given CERN's purpose of serving as a portal,
    I personally am not surprised there is a connection with four.

    Recall my previous comment about the 104 Meridian West.
    40 days and 40 nights (44) as well as 40 acres and a Mule, being symbolic,
    not literal. The Mule, being a half- breed. A horse and a donkey.

    4+4= 8. Recall my previous comments about the 8 point star of Ishtar and
    Navigation and the Union Jack.
    The Four Horse ( Horus/Hours )-- men?
    88 are KEYS on a piano. 36 black and 52 white ( the dark and the light ).

    The element Mercury has an atomic number of 8 and the planet Mercury
    also circles the sun in 88 days.
    copy and paste:
    "Mercury completes one lap around the sun every 88 days, so the little planet crosses the plane of Earth's orbit every 44 days — once while moving "up" and again while coming back "down."
    These points of intersection are called nodes. These nodes line up with the sun from
    Earth's point of view just twice per year, once in May and once in November." ( see link )


  2. WW,
    Part 2
    Hermes/ Mercury aka the divine trickster also has a number 4 connection.
    His winged sandals and winged petasos having 2 wings each.
    Hermes also has a 'goat/ram' connection.
    Also Hermes being the deity of commerce and merchants
    and carrying a satchel/pouch/purse suggests a connection with banking as well.

    copy and paste from wiki; (asterisks mine)
    "Hermes' attributes and symbols include the herma, the rooster, the tortoise, satchel or pouch, talaria (winged sandals), and winged helmet or simple petasos, as well
    as the palm tree, ***goat***, ***the number four,*** several kinds of fish, and incense.
    However, his main symbol is the caduceus, a winged staff intertwined with two snakes
    copulating and carvings of the other gods.

    Also this copy and paste. (Note the wording 'twinkling, which means SHINING.)
    Recall my mention of the El's being the Shining Ones.

    copy and paste: ( link below )
    "The ancients knew Mercury by different names depending on whether it was an evening star
    or a morning star. By about 350 BC, the ancient Greeks had realized the two stars were one. They knew the planet as Στίλβων Stilbōn, meaning ​​*"twinkling",
    And speaking of Shining:
    The Kubrick film The Shining also features 'twins'. (link below)
    The little boy in the movie (whose name is Danny) had psychic abilities
    (known as having the Shining) which Danny learns from the head chef
    Hallorann played by Scatman Crothers.

    Recall my comments about vowels and the name Don/Dan/Den.
    Also recall my comment about the significance of the 'cook' and table in symbolism
    being a place to not only break bread but provides food for thought.

    Listen in the clip below with Danny and Hallorann.
    Listen to Danny's mention of room 2 3 7.
    Two Thirty sevens (37+37) equals 74 which equals(7+4 )
    to 11. Another hidden easter egg regarding the El's perhaps?

  3. Part3
    Also in in the movie Shining, Danny's imaginary friend is Tony.
    from Etymology online Tony from tone:
    ..."from Greek tonos "vocal pitch, raising of voice, accent, key in music," originally "a stretching, tightening, taut string," which is related to teinein "to stretch"
    (from PIE root *ten- "to stretch").

    ... I also found the 'key in music' description interesting:

    "Key, in music, a system of functionally related chords deriving from the major scale and minor scale, with a central note, called the tonic (or keynote)." ( see link )
    Over on William's blog there has been many syncs and discussion of keys.
    What's interesting is that I have had many many dreams throughout the years,
    of finding and losing keys.

    IRL, when I first started working at the bank in 1979 it was called Third National
    Bank and Trust Co, which merged in the late 1980's with Society Bank
    and then in the 1990's merged with KEY Bank. I retired from Key.
    After connecting the dots perhaps the Key is the true knowledge aka
    The Universal Language seen through our Third Eye and spoken
    each night by our Soul in our REM sleep.
    Not a physical Key.
    Also last but not least the movie The Shinning takes place at the fictional Overlook Hotel, which IRL is the historic Stanley Hotel , both( the fictional and non-fictional setting) being located in Colorado on the 104 meridian West.
    Also do note that Nickola Tesla's wireless technology experiments were
    done in Colorado Springs on the 104.

    The number 4 including 104 has personal significance in my own life.
    Coincidently when I first started at the bank, my teller number was 4.
    Also 'coincidently' the bank branch Troy Stanley where I started was on the corner
    of two streets, called Troy Stanley. ( I find the sync of the word Stanley interesting given
    the Overlook hotel was a Stanley )

    What's really odd is that many many years ago, the Troy Stanley branch of Key Bank
    was closed and a Funeral Home bought the building!!!

    Another twist is that Marshall's family printing supply business closed
    in 2011 also located on Stanley Ave. They sold the building a few years later
    to a wholesale business which sells to Funeral Homes!!
    How odd is that?
    The Shining (1980) Twins clip
    The Shining scene - Hallorann explains what the Shine is

  4. Debbie:

    On Hermes/ Mercury, yes, see a couple of my previous posts tying some of that mythology to this story. For example, I had tied the notion of 'roller skates' in Xanadu with different footwear potentially required to walk on air... like the winged sandals of Hermes.

    Your references to Stanley are interesting.

    In my story, the Sawtooth Stone was recovered from a mountain named Williams Peak in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho. The nearest town, and the one that you have to go through to access the trailhead to reach the mountain apparently, is called Stanley.

    Also for trivia, you mention the Overlook Lodge in The Shining. The exterior shots for that hotel were actually Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood in Oregon. I only know that because Hood is the mountain right by Portland where I grew up.

  5. WW,
    Very interesting indeed especially your post ; Needing new shoes to skate in Xanadu.
    I recall seeing the movie Xanadu when it was first released in the early'80's.
    I didn't really like the movie at all to be honest.

    What was interesting is that I was going to comment about feet on one
    of WJT' blog post several days ago but I decided not to.

    Do recall in my Past Life reading, the reader asked me to take off one shoe and show
    him the bottom of my foot.
    I didn't know it at the time, but now I think the significance of that,
    and what I've come to believe, is that the soul enters and exits
    the body through different portals.

    I believe the soul enters the body at birth through
    the baby's soft spot i.e. the Fontanelles and exits the body every night during
    REM sleep and at death through the soles of our feet.
    If true I believe that would explain out- of- body experiences and may also
    explain, if true, why shoes are ejected from our feet in bad car accidents according
    to information I've read.

    For me personally, even during the winter I do not wear socks at night
    because I can't sleep and if I do decide to wear socks ,
    by the morning the socks or at least one! are off of my feet
    which I'm assuming I kick them off.

    The zodiac sun sign Pisces (which I am a Pisces(on the cusp with Aquarius)
    is ruled by the feet.

    As I'm sure you know :
    The vesica piscis" literally means "bladder of a fish" .
    The vesica piscis is also a portal ( a woman's vagina).
    Being a portal the vesicn piscis' fish shape is throughout many of the historic
    arch buildings especially buildings of higher learning.
    Interestingly, Osiris' penis ( The Washington Monument)
    STANDS in the middle of a vesica piscis meaning: Osiris is rising. ( see link)
    . Osiris of course is symbolic of the letter X.
    The X in Xanadu.
    The symbolism of the X is EVERYWHERE especially in cinema
    as I'm sure you know.

    I stopped the video of Xanadu that you linked trying to count the points
    on the flashing colors star . I don't know if it's an eight point star or not,
    as the scenes move so quickly but if it is, that's very interesting.

    Above I wrote the word Stands in all caps, because of the Stanley connection.
    copy and paste the word stan from etymology online:
    .... Indo-Iranian *stanam "place," literally "where one stands," from PIE *sta-no-, suffixed form of root *sta- "to stand, make or be firm."
    Also, while reading your post I thought the reference to the silver pedestal
    was interesting as well.
    The word Stal In addition to meaning : a stall as in a place where animals can be kept,
    also means to stand still i.e to STAN ( once again, the Stanley connection).

    Also, what's interesting about the silver pedestal is that several years ago
    my levitation dreams became less and less in frequency.
    The very act of levitating quickly and way up into the air
    changed as well.
    I recall several of my levitation dreams were of me trying desperately
    to work my feet( up and down, up and down as if trying to lift off from a pedestal )
    and although I was able to 'lift off' just a little bit, I wasn't able to soar very high up
    which really frustrated me because it meant I couldn't escape from
    the 'bad guys'.

    Very interesting information. Thank you for sharing it with me.

  6. WW,

    I forgot to add this about the Fontanelle and the Soul.
    copy and paste from etymology online:
    fontanelle (n.)
    also fontanel, 1540s, "hollow between two muscles," from French fontanelle (16c.), from Old French fontenele "small source, fountain, spring; fontanelle," diminutive of fontaine "spring" (see fountain), on analogy of the dent in the earth where a spring arises. In reference to the "hollow" in a baby's skull, it is first recorded 1741."

    and this referring to fountain, as in Fountain of Youth.
    *** recall I commented about the 3 horses in the Kentucky Derby and one of the horses
    was named : Forever Young which I connected to the Fountain of Youth
    and your syncs about ' juice'.***

    here's the etymology of fountain:
    fountain (n.)
    early 15c., "spring of water that collects in a pool," from Old French fontaine "natural spring" (12c.), from Medieval Latin fontana "fountain, a spring" (source of Spanish and Italian fontana), from post-classical noun use of fem. of Latin fontanus "of a spring," from fons (genitive fontis) "spring (of water)," from PIE root *dhen- (1) "to run, flow" (source also of Sanskrit dhanayati, Old Persian danuvatiy "flows, runs").
    As I'm sure you know , water is a conduit to 'the other side'. Being that the Soul
    enters the body in the 'spring waters' would be appropriate for a ''new' incarnation.
