Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bigfoot: Seek and it shall find you

 Happy Father's Day.

"Fathers" have been a bit of a theme of late, specifically within the context of the Numenorean assault on Eressea and Valinor.  The idea being that the original Elvish Fathers found themselves in the bodies of Numenorean Men, and at some point involved in this assault - potentially even leading it.  We just don't know enough currently about this to understand how this came to be or exactly what happened.

Pharazon as Gim Githil (Ingwe) in my current story-theory, would have been one of those Fathers - in fact, recognized as THE Father, in a real way, in being the High King of the Elves, and the King of the Vanyar, a group also known as the Firsts or Firstborn (whose Church Joseph Smith even had some things to say about).  As it is written in the Silmarillion, "Ingwë was ever held the High King of all the Elves."

The notion of Sasquatch and Bigfoot has come up over on William Tychonievich's blog, and come through a bit over on my end as well (I shared that dream of a Bigfoot-being who I took to be myself, for example, from awhile back).  And for those keeping score, my son, for the third day in a row, is attempting to negotiate watching that War of the Planet of the Apes movie.  We originally had soccer practice scheduled for tonight (I help coach his team), but we decided with the wet fields, hot forecast, and it being Father's Day, that we would cancel practice.  I told my son, and the first thing he said was "Oh, so that means I would have time tonight to watch that Planet of the Apes movie!".  Not a chance, dude.

Well, today Fathers and Sasquatch came together in one of my Father's Day presents.

For one of my presents, my wife got me several more t-shirts from Eddie Bauer.   I really like Eddie Bauer shirts, but hadn't gotten any new ones for quite some time, and the wear was starting to show.  

She got me several, and I quickly scanned the prints.  The first one on top of the stack had some Eddie Bauer logo art.  But the second one that I turned to had this:

I obviously noticed the Sasquatch given everything else recently, but the words around the picture were even funnier to me:  "Seek and it shall find you".

Apparently rather than the Sasquatch being found as a result of searching, the Sasquatch (the "it") will be the one that finds or stumbles across you.  That seemed to be the message at least.  Too funny.

I looked over at William's blog and he has another post where he, among other things, ties the Elves to Monkeys through the Monkey-Elf reference from his brother's story.  Eldar mean "Star-folk", and he tied this to some of his recent writings of Apes as Stars and Apes as Angels.

This is one component of what I was going to touch on last night but just couldn't get the energy or find the story in a way I liked to put down.  I left it in my title, however, as "Stars in animal skins", referring very specifically to Elves in the bodies of Men (represented by the Gorilla-Bigfoot-Primate theme).  This was the case, obviously, in the story of the Elves, and specifically the Fathers, being born as Numenorean Men.  And while I am still trying to understand the complete relationship between the Eldar and the Family of Light, I was also alluding to and thinking through the fact that we have now, I believe, many members of that Family scattered across many lands and nations, literally Beings of Light now having taken on and adopted 'dark' bodies of Men.  That is the current state of many of this Family.  One major difference, of course, is that the Bodies of those Numenorean Men were in a significantly better state than the ones we are blessed with now.  Much less Sasquatchy would be my guess.

William also mentioned Elvis.  I had looked into this several weeks ago because my youngest son (who seems to have a bead on some of these themes apparently) came home with artwork that he called "Flying Elvis".

At school, they were supposed to make something featuring themselves, I guess.  I don't know how much latitude they had.  My son featured himself as a flying superhero cruising over the city.  While riding home on the bus, however, one of his friends told him that the flying person looked like Elvis.  Maybe it was the sunglasses and flashy smile?  Anyway, he came home calling the person "Flying Elvis" and had a good laugh about it.  Here he is:

Like William, just hearing the name Elvis made me think of Elves.  It just sounds very similar (Elvish).  Looking up the name, it appears that the match is even more interesting than how the name sounds.  Besides meaning "All-Wise", it also thought that Elvis comes from Alvin, and thus means "Elf-Friend".  Which, of course, takes us to Aelfwine, the character in Tolkien's writings who finds the Straight Road, travels to Eressea, and learns stories and history from the Elves living there.  Besides being a name, this can also be a title.  Recall that Frodo was deemed an Elf-Friend by Gildor, and recognized as such in other instances, such as with Galadriel.  In that case, since I believe Frodo earlier played the role of Earendil, you had an "Elf" housed in the body of a Hobbit.  And, of course, as Earendil he played a similar role as Aelfwine in finding the Road home and sailing across the Sea, something he would also partially replay at the end of LOTR sailing to Eressea from the Gray Havens.

So, is Elvis in this sense a Man or an Elf?  Or, as the question was posed in one of my dreams with a crowd looking up to the sky:  "Is it the Star or a Man?".  Probably both - a Star dressed up as a Man.

Interestingly, for our story about a Stone Rolling out of a mountain, and the potential redemption of many Beings, including Pharazon, Elvis was known as the "King of Rock and Roll".  If you type in "Elvis Presley Famous Pose" and pull up images, the very first one you will get (if your search results are like mine) is one from "Jailhouse Rock" (a funny little connection, thinking of our Earth as a prison) that looks like this:

Look familiar?

Lastly, go back up to my son's Elvis picture.  Do you notice what my son's Flying Elvis is wearing on his chest, and on his belt?  That's right - a Star.


  1. Flying Elvis! What are the odds? I specifically mentioned “parachuting Elvises” in my post.

  2. By the way, your title is fact checked true:

  3. And the Big Foot is on a wall! Kind of like Humpty, in a way - different ways of being 'on' it, though, but I think symbolically it works quite well.

    That is funny that the post also involves t-shirts prints. In that same spirit of Humpty Dumpty, I now see that "No." and "Eight" differently. "No" as an adjective means "None" which is represented by the number 0. So, you have 0 and 8 here on the shirt, which are the numbers that were in the belt joke(s) associated with Humpty, as well as in the "Remember the 80's" as part of Golden Graham's Retro Recipe.

    Some other things in that post also, like the name Michael Armstrong.

  4. Elvis wasn't the only king to balance on tiptoe:

    (In running a search, the first non-video result was another Pinterest page, listing 34 photos. 34 is a significant number for me, so I found this... I guess "amusing" is a decent word.)
