Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"We found the Book Keeper!"

I thought I had at least alluded to one of these two dreams involving William Tychonievich, but I couldn't find anything on my blog.  Maybe I mentioned it in a comment on his blog.

I left a comment on his last post stating that I would write a brief summary of one dream that seemed like it might be relevant to his mention that he has had a few dreams himself related to searching for plates.  So, here it is.

This dream came from last fall, when there started to be some initial connections between his blog and mine, and I was trying to figure out what might be behind it.  As I think I have mentioned before, he is the second bald linguist to have become enmeshed somewhat in things I write, with Doug being the other one.  Doug was a bit different, in that I first started reading Doug's writings, and then had my own experiences, to which he became interested in.  William, on the other hand, showed up out of nowhere.  

So, I was a bit cautious and curious at the same time, as I have written about elsewhere, and didn't know what to make of him.  That feeling then extended to "Joan", since based on my own experiences, I assumed a real Being was behind some of this and was connected to him in some way, and my feeling was that Joan was just a name or symbol and there was some other Being behind this.  He had written about and alluded to her enough at that point that I assumed there was something there, and I was curious as to what.

Because of this, it wasn't necessarily unexpected or surprising that he showed up in one of my dreams, since obviously the situation involving him was on my mind a bit.

Anyway, in the dream, I saw a man who I took to be William.  I have never met or talked with him in real life, so why I thought it was him, I am not quite sure.  I have dreamed of individuals before, and sometimes I just 'know' it is them, even if the appearance isn't quite right, and other times I have guessed at whether someone is somebody (and been wrong).  Other times, I see or speak to people I know are meant to represent others, and not be taken literally as that specific person, if that makes sense.  In other words, there is room to say I may be wrong in assuming this was William that I saw, but that is what I thought (very strongly) while in the dream.

In the dream, rather than being Bald, William had long blonde hair.  By this time I think he may have mentioned in one of his posts that he used to have long hair back in High School (I think in context of saying he had looked like Tom Petty), so there wouldn't be necessarily anything special or out of the ordinary about me seeing him this way.  He just had a full head of long blonde hair, unlike his profile picture on his blog.  Doug, on the other hand, when I used to see him in dreams (and not as Darth Vader), always has appeared as Bald.

Dream-William was extremely excited about something, almost acting manic and erratic with how excited he was.  In this middle of this excitement, he yelled really loudly, "We found the Book Keeper!"  After he said this, I didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.  As in, should I be worried for said Book Keeper?  Was the Book Keeper trying to hide from William, and now his cover or location was blown and this was not a good thing?  Or was this a very good thing, and the almost manic behavior I was watching was just the result of excitement that was hard to contain?

I didn't know, and actually woke up at that point with that confused feeling - was this good or bad that William found the Book Keeper?  Which naturally reflected, I think, my wondering about William in real life.  Who the Book Keeper actually was at this point was almost a distant secondary concern, given how I was trying to understand what I had seen.

This was, however, before I realized that William REALLY likes books.  I knew he read, obviously, but it wouldn't be until getting a bit more into his posts and as time went on that I realized that books are kind of a big deal for him.

This fact helped make sense of the excitement, or at least cast it in the frame of something you could understand as being a Good thing.  Someone who really likes books found somebody of some importance, apparently, in the world of Books - enough to be called the Book Keeper.

As I thought more about it over time, I also didn't know how to take the phrase.  A Book Keeper can be one who keeps accounts (like the general ledger of a business, for example) just as easily as it could be someone who literally keeps a book, or has one in their possession.  I didn't really have a good reason for thinking one over the other, other than, again, William's syncs and thought processes often have to do with books and what he reads, so the latter seemed a likely options.  I wasn't (and am still not) sure, however.

William just mentioned today in the comment section of his latest post that he has had a few dreams about searching for Plates, and when he said that, I again thought of this dream, where it seems that he was at the end of a search.  His exclamation that he had 'found' this Book Keeper implies that he had been searching for him, or at least the Book that this Keeper has.

Anyway, just posting all of this here.  One thought or explanation would tie back to my earlier post, where the Plates that William is searching for in his dreams are the same as this Book that the Book Keeper has.  These would potentially be in France, and the Book Keeper might be one of a few different candidates housed up at Tom Bombadil's House.  I mentioned Helaman - of all the people in the Book of Mormon, his charge of the Brass Plates and the Anor Stone was made extremely explicit.  Could he be at Tom's, having these artifacts in his possession?  Kind of a crazy thought, but just exploring all options here.  There are other potential individuals who might be this Book Keeper.  Tom B., as another one.  Gandalf-Angel Nephi?  I don't know.

The point might be, that finding whatever Plates or Leaves are involved might also entail finding the one who has them in their charge currently.  I think that might be at Tom's, or at least that would be a place to start.  So one would just need to determine where that is exactly, and you should be all set.  Simple!

1 comment:

  1. WW,

    Regarding the Book Keeper:
    Those who keep the books, control the narrative.

    Coincidently just today I came across in my dream archives, a dream
    I had in September of 2016, I titled : Don't Open the Window
    which eerily connects with your post today AND the events
    that are happening now on the World Stage.

    I won't share the dream ( unless you're interested in me doing so),
    but hidden in the symbolism and riddle of the dream is the window itself.
    Does Microsoft Windows come to mind?
    A window is a portal.

    It was the Gutenberg Press that opened the "window" of communication
    for the collective.
    I recently commented on WJT's blog about what I believe to be the powerful
    significance of clear and flowing communication and the example
    I made was of the mouse cutting the cable/wire of the Yellow Bird's
    telePHONE conversation in the Dr. Seus' book
    One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

    Although the mouse is small, he is extremely powerful because
    the mouse was able to 'control' Yellow Bird's communication.

    Without communication( a source to gather knowledge, the good the bad and the ugly
    and from a vast spectrum of ideologies) we (humanity) perish because
    we become stagnant and our growth(evolvement ) is stifled.

    . Also without clear and free flowing communication ( again from
    a vast spectrum of ideologies, whether we agree or disagree with those ideologies
    or understand those ideologies or not) we are ripe for control.
    Which is probably why the slaves during chattel slavery were not allowed to read.

    Which begs the question, especially regarding the Black church in Colonial America
    do we really believe that the Baptist minister( who was forbidden to read)
    read the bible and knew what the Bible meant?
    Or was he 'told'( by the Book keeper) what to preach in the pulpit.
    If the Minister was told what to say, there's a reason WHY.
    There's always a WHY i.e.a Big Picture.

    Throughout history and especially in this Silicon ( Data ) Age,
    communication is paramount and cutting the cable/wire ( aka ghosting)
    is a powerful tool used in Social Media and the 'Negative Polarity absolutely knows that
    which is why they've always used that tool.
    To cut or to cleave is to divide.

    What's that quote?:

    "History is written by the victors."--- Winston Churchill
