Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Knowing to what purpose the Dark People came West

I am going to turn back to my 2019 words at this point.  We left off the last segment with a cryptic statement regarding Joseph, that followed a statement that seemed to be about Asenath and how she is currently "under the beneath", or in the Void along with the rest of us (though placed in Tirion), and yearning for a full and complete restoration of her family.

The reasons why there is currently no restoration or a completely united Family as of right now are probably many, but the Numenorean assault on Eressea and Valinor has to be counted as one of the biggest factors.  In my story, the creation of Numenor at the end of the 1st age was part of an initial plan to bring scattered Beings home.  I think some of this is alluded to in Alma's discourse as found in Alma 13, where he mentions Melchizedek (in my book currently guessed at as the first King of Numenor, Elros) and how many souls during that initial period entered into God's 'rest', which I take to be the literal place of Tirion.

A highway was created, basically, being a Straight Road that not only Elves in Elvish bodies could reach, but also Men, whether an Elvish Being or some other type of Being (Ainur, for example) who were clothed in Men's bodies.

This Way was disrupted long before Pharazon, as the Numenoreans fell into pride.  Their blessings had been given to them by the residents of both Valinor and Eressea, and these gifts essentially gave them everything they could have asked for (with the exception of power over death).  They were meant to use these gifts, I believe, to then bless the lives of the people of Middle-earth.  This was the way, and we get a sneak peak at that as part of Sidney Rigdon and Joseph Smith's vision that was captured in D&C 76, where Beings of a 'higher' kingdom were meant to minister to and teach those of a lower kingdom.

Those of the Celestial Kingdoms (Ainur and Eldar) taught those of the Terrestrial Kingdom (Numenoreans) who in turn were meant to teach those of the Telestial (Middle-earth).  In doing so, Beings would learn to live according to the 'laws' of these higher kingdoms and be prepared to live among them.

With Sauron the Shadow and Ruler of Middle-earth, it seems that the plan may have been doomed from the start.  I don't know.  I guess if things had worked out in a different way, the Way would have been a rescue operation where Beings - all who would have come - would have been delivered away from Sauron's evil influence.

This didn't happen, and Sauron's Shadow began to spread to the Numenoreans from Middle-earth.  How that exactly happened probably remains to be told, but the effect we at least know something of.  Rather than benevolent lords, the Numenoreans became cruel to the people of Middle-earth, taking their resources away from them, along with enslaving and killing the people of Middle-earth.

Joseph of Egypt would be one of these Beings born among the Men of Middle-earth and brought back as a slave-servant to Numenor ("Egypt"), by the way.

Numenor was powerful, and they used that power in a way that was not of Heaven, in enriching themselves at the expense of those less fortunate, enlightened, and powerful as they were.  In that pride, they also cut off communications with the Eldar.

The first sign of trouble with the Elves began with Tar-Minastir, it appears, who was the 11th King of Numenor.  He still loved the Elves, but envied them.  And from this time forward, the Numenoreans increasingly envied the Elves, both for their seemingly endless life and immortality and because the Ban did not apply to them, they could live and be West, but the Numenoreans could not sail and join them there.

Obviously, my story differs a bit from the accepted details of this Ban.  In my current guess, acceptance into Valinor-Tirion was a desired outcome of the creation of Numenor.  It was hoped for that Men would eventually also be in that place, and Alma 13, if applied to this situation (which again is my current guess) suggests that indeed many Men had their garments washed white (were made to have Bodies of Light) and entered into Tirion.  These Men would still be subject to Death, however, as this was not desirable or necessary to undo at that point, but there was no reason why they couldn't live in such a place as Tirion if the laws of that land were something they were capable of living by and being happy in.

I mean, in my story it is almost necessary for this to have happened, because if not, then it makes zero sense to have Lehi and Nephi originate from Tirion (my guess as to Jerusalem).  I would have no way of getting them there in my current story (unless something from the story of Moses leads people there later, which I guess is a possibility).

So, my guess as to the details of the Ban and what the Numenoreans were angry about was that they couldn't reach Eressea or Tirion on the terms they wanted, vs. the Way that was prescribed.  They became proud, refused to repent, and wanted to have their cake and eat it too, or something like this.

Whatever the truth of the matter, the Shadow spread on Numenor long before the birth of Pharazon.  He was born into the Shadow.  Just to give you perspective, Tar-Atanamir was the 13th King of Numenor, and they called him "The Unwilling" because he was the first King to not relinquish his throne willingly before death.   It was also during his reign that Manwe sent messengers to warn the people.  That was 12 Kings and over 1,000 years before Pharazon was born and became King.  Things had been going off the rails long before Pharazon stepped onto the scene.  He was as much a product of the many years of darkness that he was born into as any other person.

Pharazon's big mistake, however, was in seeking to take on Sauron directly.  Whereas before the Shadow was on Numenor indirectly, and eating away those people and that land like a festering cancer, Pharazon invited the source of that Shadow to come into his world, at which point things really got bad.  It was inevitable at that point - their doom was sealed the minute Sauron stepped on their island, and Pharazon would become a total tool for a captive of the Being he had thought to bring among his people as a captive.

OK, so with that preamble, let me turn to the next set of words, which I got on November 10, 2019:

Nov. 10
star-erios bai-clad worst pen hur ista sure before goren if-lorien andar as where-to dun lie-eth il as he per tar bar fi a il-gash connor hash-nee

There are a few phrases and words that can provide some toe-holds for us here, though I will confess I don't have a good read on each and every word here.  But some phrases pop out, and seem to tie in well with some past and recent story elements and winks.

You will notice "Star-erios" again here.  In the past, I have guessed this to be Faramir-Eonwe, so I will keep that consistent here and see how it plays out.

There is also the mixed phrase "bai-clad".  One of the translations for "bai" is "clad", so this could be a word where I saw the Elvish word and then the English translation, which would make sense.  Bai can also mean "Outer Seas", and you could have this be then something like "Clad in Outer Seas".  I don't think it matters, actually, for the overall summary of the phrase in this case.

In any case, if we take the first part of the phrase, star-erios bai-clad worst pen hur, we get something like:

Star-erios [Faramir] man-clad badly confused/mixed-up without strength or vigor

We thus get a statement about the current condition of Faramir.  He is a Man, and confused, mixed up, and weak (without strength).  This language calls to mind the prophecy of Joseph of Egypt-Numenor that Lehi quotes in 2 Nephi 3 regarding the Seer:

And out of weakness he shall be made strong, in that day when my work shall commence among all my people, unto the restoring thee, O house of Israel, saith the Lord.

Again, it is restoration we are after, which is what Asenath and others are most working for.  I have Asenath's brother Faramir as the seer that will play a role in that restoration, and this lines up with him starting from a position of weakness.  It is a detail that gives me a bit more confidence that I have my guess right concerning both the Seer and the the identity of Star-erios.

OK, so Star-erios-Faramir will be a confused, mixed up, and weak Man.  Going on to the next section of the phrase we have ista sure before goren if-lorien andar as.  My rough translation would be something like:

To have sure knowledge [of a time] before dead Elves of fallen Lorien far outside with.

So, Faramir will have 'sure knowledge' of something involving dead Elves of "Lorien".  This Lorien is potentially tricky.  It is both a place, actually two places:  Lorien on Valinor, and Galadriel's land on Middle-earth, which she patterned after or in remembrance of Lorien.  It is also another name of Joseph of Egypt, or Irmo.

In this instance, however, I am going to guess that this relates to Eressea.  If my guess is right that the Book of Mormon events actually occurred on Eressea (#2), this means that the prophecies, such as Ether's, involving the New Jerusalem being built or established on that land means Eressea is the home of the New Jerusalem.  This House, if you remember what Ether says, is built up to the House of Joseph.  It is their land.  And since Joseph = Lorien, I am thinking here that Lorien in this sense refers to Eressea.  Here is Ether's prophecy (from Ether 13):

And that a New Jerusalem should be built up upon this land [Eressea], unto the remnant of the seed of Joseph, for which things there has been a type.

For as Joseph brought his father down into the land of Egypt, even so he died there; wherefore, the Lord brought a remnant of the seed of Joseph out of the land of Jerusalem, that he might be merciful unto the seed of Joseph that they should perish not, even as he was merciful unto the father of Joseph that he should perish not.

Wherefore, the remnant of the house of Joseph shall be built upon this land; and it shall be a land of their inheritance; and they shall build up a holy city unto the Lord, like unto the Jerusalem of old; and they shall no more be confounded, until the end come when the earth shall pass away.

So, for our purposes, because his House will ultimately be built there, I think we can look to Eressea as being "Lorien", or what will ultimately be known as Lorien.  The next part of the Elvish phrase will support this reading, I think, when we get there.

If this is correct, the "dead elves" referenced are from Eressea.  When did Death arrive on Eressea?  During the assault on that land and its people by Pharazon and the Numenoreans.  The word "before" is specifically used here, and consequently my understanding based on this is that Faramir will have a sure knowledge of events or a time before or leading up to the result of Dead Elves upon Fallen Eressea.

This interpretation matches up well with recent events and posts, both on my blog and over on William Tychonievich's.   Why did the Numenoreans "come buy" and take those Pumpkins and steal the light, nectar, and the "dear bread" of these Eresseans?  This will, apparently, be revealed and made known, and again my hypothesis is that the answer to that question will be a redeeming one, strangely.

The next part of this phrase seems to further support this interpretation.  We have where-to dun lie-eth il as he.  Here is how I interpret that:

To what purpose Dark Folk forth all beside him/the other [Pharazon] 

"Where-to" is a strange, actual word that means something like "to what purpose or end".  Essentially the exact question it seems some people want to know:  Why?

Dun is a word that should be familiar to readers of William's blog.  It come up in William's dream answer to Claire, in which he recites some things, concluding with the phrase "And now my tale is done".  He spent some time on homophones with this, which is where Dun came into the picture.  Both a Dun Tale and a Dun Tail.

Dun can mean a couple things in Elvish:  West, but also Dark.

"And now my Tale is Dark", is one interpretation of William's response to Claire, which is of course an interesting response given that Claire's name means, among other things, Light.  William is saying, in the dream, that his story is Dark here at the outset, and actually uses the word "now" in front of this.  Meaning now, or at this time, his story, or the story of the person he is speaking as in this dream, is Dark.  Claire responds that this is 'well said', meaning what he said is true - his Tale is Dark, or understood in that way.   But Claire also responds that she has a True Song of a Wandering Aengus, which is the Being I guess at being Pharazon.  And my guess is that Claire's True Song sheds some Light on the Tale, which will no longer be Dark after what she knows is revealed.

I don't know - could be too creative, but the notion of Dark is important here, and it is represented in William's writings, including a reference to Dark People.  He even goes out of his way at times to use socially unacceptable terms (N-word stuff) for Black or Dark People, both in his actual writing as well as in his dreams (e.g., the Jay Leno dream).

And, again, in the eyes of the Elves or other Beings of Light, we are all Dark or Black People - we have no light or glory about our bodies.  The Numenoreans would have been thought of in this way by the Elves of Eressea, and it is how we are viewed today by Beings who have more glorious bodies than our own.

That was a bit of a tangent, but a potentially meaningful one.  We have a Dark story of Dark People assaulting Eressea, all following Pharazon in this effort.  He, the word I interpret above as identifying Pharazon, means "the other person, him (the other)".  Calling him this in that Elvish phrase makes complete sense given who was referred to at the beginning of the phrase.  I have Faramir (the Star-erios mentions) as Gim-Guru.  The 'other' in the partnership of the Gim G's that I have written about elsewhere would be Gim-Githil.   And Gim-Githil I have guessed is Pharazon, among others.  "The other".

So, that all fits.  And it appears that this then indicates what Faramir will have a "sure knowledge" of.  He will know the reason why Pharazon and the Numenoreans did what they did, which I believe will include choices and sacrifices made by the Fathers (who were found among these attacking Numenoreans) that resulted in this tragedy.

OK, so not sure if anyone else is following this, but it makes some sense to me.  The phrase then closes with per tar bar fi a il-gash connor hash-nee.  the 'sh' endings on gash and hash throw me off a bit, but my best guess on piecing this together is something like:

half lofty home you all-void lead to run to heal below

We've had this notion of "running" (as in Run, boy, run), and the half lofty home seems to be a direct reference to Eressea, which was split in half.  I think it is suggesting that with the knowledge gained of the True Story of Pharazon, someone will need to 'run' through the void to Eressea #1 (the lofty or upper half of that split world) in order to begin the healing process and answer the question for them.  If Elves are asking the question as to "Why?", my guess is that group would be found on Eressea #1, and so that is where the evidence would need to be presented that exonerates and redeems the accused. 

This would then begin the 'restoration' and healing process that Asenath is yearning for.

In my dreams, multiple times there have been speakers discussing a 'change on Eressea'.  In one instance, this was part of a dream sequence in which I was speaking to someone through a bright shining ball, in which I said:  "As soon as change comes upon Eressea, thou shalt rise to it beyond". 

Sort of fascinatingly for me in looking this up right now to note this statement and dream came from the same night/ morning as the "Leon Eggbert" name, who I now identify with our Famous Egg, Humpty Dumpty Pharazon, and references the Sun and Moon (Gim Guru and Gim Githil, in this case, potentially).  Here is the complete phrase:

March 1, 2020
As soon as change comes upon Eressea, thou shalt rise to it beyond
Keno ansilio insgwiliant osse enflorien finu
Sun moon time
Leon Egbert

OK, so this fits actually pretty well and looking good.  I think I am on the right track, or least keeping things consistent.

The change that comes upon Eressea occurs after the True Song is shared in that World.  Hearts soften and Beings are welcomed home.  Among these will be Pharazon.  So, I am pencilling in that it is Faramir who initially goes back with the Story (since I don't think he is under suspicion as part of any questions or ban), shares it, there is a change in that world, and they welcome their Fathers home.  So, my dream here I discussed the change on Eressea may have been through the eyes of Faramir, who had completed his run across the void, speaking to his counterpart Gim-Githil back in our world.

The second time a 'change' is referenced I will save for a follow-up post, as it gets into some other things immediately around the time of the Sawtooth Stone recovery.

So, to summarize, we have Faramir-Starerios still in his weak state (which doesn't seem to change at this point, even after gaining this sure-knowledge of the Numenorean story) knowing exactly why Pharazon and the Numenoreans (including the Elvish Fathers) attacked Eressea, crossing the void with this knowledge, relaying it to the Eresseans which creates a change on that island and allows Pharazon and the other Fathers to return Home (which I assume is meant by the 'it beyond').

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