Thursday, June 27, 2024

Updating the timing of the Sawtooth Stone confrontation

Up until yesterday, I just had a file with my 2019-2020 words up through April 22, plus a few other days around the first week of May.

I now, however, am in the possession of a file I created back in 2020 that has words extending all the way through June 23.  Most of these days and words I had completely forgotten about - I was actually surprised there were as many days with these words post-May 7 as there were.

I've just had one initial read through, but it is obvious that I will need to seriously update my assumptions regarding specific events around Asenath's encounter in the Sawtooth Mountains.  I was way off.  What I see will also likely have implications for the Stone Couriers and timing around their adventures.

There have also been some fun and interesting little discoveries.  Glorfindel and Gildor are mentioned fairly obviously now that I know to look for them.  I think we also get more color on Joseph's return, potentially, as well as the Dead or whoever it was that also headed home around that time.  So, I anticipate that storyline being both updated and changing in some significant ways from what I had guessed at before.

I am extremely interested to dive in and see how things look.

For this post, I want to correct the timing of Asenath's confrontation in the Sawtooth Mountains.  I was also going to clarify the timing of the retrieval of the Sawtooth Stone, but after getting into it and typing most of it out, I am going to put that in a separate post that will follow this one.

Asenath and Baal-Ox:  Updated dates

I had Asenath's confrontation occurring somewhere between April 20 and 21, which was primarily guided by the overly exuberant group of Beings declaring "Good times to roll!".  I assumed this meant Asenath had been successful and there was a celebration.

But this is not so, and I guess I shouldn't necessarily have assumed this was the case.  These Beings, who I guess are the Daughters of Asenath, seem to have a different relationship with Time in terms of being able to understand future events, so I don't if their exuberance, celebration, or whatever it was needed to wait until something had actually happened.

Between the celebration outburst that I captured on April 22, it was radio silence for the ensuing 3 days.  Finally, on April 26, there were what I recorded as 'faint words', which said simply:

This is what matters

This apparently was followed by a song called "I hope you dance" by Lee Ann Womack (I don't remember the song, but I do remember hearing those faint words).

I attribute those initial words to Asenath, likely spoken or thought as she is now descending to take on her Enemy.  This guess is further supported by the following words that I received later that same afternoon.  I had grown really tired and had taken a quick nap.  During that nap, I wrote down the following (I am adding speaker guesses and punctuation to make it easier to follow):

[Voice 1]:  Your Majesty, it has began

[Asenath]:  Wish you were here

[Voice 1]:  It is based on tentatives, and is being monitored

[Asenath]:  For Joseph truly saw our day, son of Baal Ox

In my original writing I wrote Baal Ox as one words spelled "Baelox".  My belief is that I was clearly sounding out phonetically the voice I heard, as Bael would likely be the way I would have sounded out someone saying Baal.  But this is a guess, in the end, and I suppose that a Baelox might be someone different altogether than Baal.  It is the best guess I have at the moment.

In any case, in reading those words, that day came back to me, and I remember being nervous or having some anxiety that afternoon.

It would be that night (so written down that next morning,  April 27) that I wrote the phrase about "Mommy's home!" that I attribute to the Daughters welcoming Asenath home, and which she seemed to need some medicine - a drug - which was referred to as Milk and Honey.

I captured those April 27 words in the post "6 days from our Earth to Tirion", and called out that with the prior assumption of Asenath encountering Baal Ox on April 21 and leaving the 22nd, then this seemed to be consistent with the 6 days of travel phenomenon I had seen in some of my other words.  

These new dates and timing obviously make that observation and the implications I made from it completely wrong.  It would seem that Asenath was home no more than a day after her encounter, if these new dates are to believed.  How that works, I don't know.  Maybe there are different forms of travel for different Beings.  Maybe these were the real time stamps or reflected the actual occurrence of these events in real time.  Maybe there wasn't really anything to that 6 day travel interval I had noticed - it was just a couple examples, so not a very large sample set.

OK, so I will stop there with my latest correction to the Sawtooth confrontation, and then follow up on this post with some details with respect to the actual retrieval of the Stone.

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