Friday, June 21, 2024

Blotting out Stars

 I am in a 'correction' mood today, I guess, so I am following up my last post with a real quick one (hopefully) relative to something I wrote yesterday in my post about Joseph returning home that isn't sitting right with me and I have an idea or solution for.

And trust me, there are a lot of things I probably need to update, correct, think through more, etc. so me going through and updating the Faramir-East storyline and then this next thing aren't my signal that everything else is spot on.  I don't believe that at all.  This whole thing is me exploring and working through things, and part of that whole deal is getting things wrong.  I just also have to prioritize my time and energy, since there are a lot of things going on in my mind and those two things are a limited resource.  

So, if some major thing for the story is really off, or I think it might be, then it is probably worth revisiting.  But if it isn't a major piece, or I don't quite know yet if something needs to be revisited and there are other story elements I am still exploring, then I am going to just let it be for a bit.  Otherwise, I'd be correcting things into all sorts of different possibilities or variations, and I am sufficiently indecisive as it is that neither you nor I want a lot of that.  For example, sometimes I toy with letting Tom Petty out of the penalty box - I have some reasons for doing so - but it doesn't seem super critical to decide on that right now relative to other things, so he's still sitting there until I figure out what to do about that.  Just one example.

But this correction isn't about Tom Petty.

Rather, I discussed briefly some imagery in a dream relating to what I take to be Joseph of Egypt (Ausir-Dior) finally being rescued and leaving our world.  At the end of that dialogue, Joseph expresses some concern about his Family once he agrees to leave with these Beings.  In my story, many members of the Family of Light - Joseph's Family - are scattered on our world, which is also known as the Bed of Wheat and Tares.  This Light Family is the Wheat.  In leaving them, Joseph wants to know they will be OK.  The Beings tell him not to worry.

At this time, or immediately after them saying this, the dream switched to a scene where I was a child sitting in front of a wall.  Here is how I conveyed the dream:

I was suddenly a child, and sitting down in front of a wall.  On the wall was something like a large mural of the night sky or space, complete with many stars.  As I sat there, I reached up with my finger to cover one of the stars.  The act of touching it, made the star disappear.  As I did this, the Disciples responded with that phrase "Let us go, we can cover all of the stars later".

I believe those Stars represented Joseph's Family - the House of Joseph.  Comprised of Stars, it is important to note that the Elves, of the Eldar, were known as the People of the Stars (that is the meaning of Eldar).  Which I think is a double meaning for them being both Beings of Light, but also calling out where they originally came from - the Great Beyond.

So, all that still holds with respect to the imagery of the stars.  The Family of Light.  However, I then made the following assumption or interpretation:

The covering of the star in my dream I think signified Joseph's anxiety in losing or seeing just one of those Stars dimmed and ultimately lost.

Starting this morning, this wasn't sitting right with me.  The symbolism doesn't make sense.  It is Joseph (I believe who I am seeing from the perspective of in my dream) who uses his own finger to cover that Star.  The act of touching it makes the Star disappear - it is no longer among the stars.  In other words, Joseph himself made the Star disappear.  How does that fit with my interpretation?

It doesn't, and a better solution hit me this morning.

All of the Family of Light is numbered and will be counted.  They will all be restored.

However, there are some Beings who have masqueraded as being part of that Family, and would wish to be numbered among them, even while doing that Family severe harm and destruction.

One such Being covered on this blog is that of Dairon-Brigham.  You will recall that he was actually among those first Elves to awaken at Cuivienen - or at least, that is how the story goes.  Regardless of the truth of it, my guess is that this Being is not of that Family, though in the past has appeared to be so (and represented as such in stories and accounts).

My interpretation now of that dream image is that Joseph, by his own hand, covered up the Star of Dairon-Brigham and he was now made, in fact, Dark.  He was no longer counted among that Family of Light, and it is the knowledge of Joseph, and perhaps the Story that he has to share, that will make this so definitively.  And of course with everything that Being has done to Joseph and his Family, that would be the first star that Joseph would cover, I imagine.  That Being is also a major reason for Joseph's Sickness.  All the Dark doings of Beings will be revealed and shouted upon rooftops.

And my guess is there are a few more Stars that Joseph's story will also blot out, but the Disciples told Joseph to let that whole thing go for now.  At that time, it was time to go home, all of that would be taken care of later.   Dairon-Brigham and other imposters would not be counted among the stars and gathered with them, and he didn't need to worry about it.

Anyway, my earlier interpretation wasn't sitting right with me, and this idea came along and seemed to make more sense of things.

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