Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Hashtags, Keywords, Stones, and X

I don't have any social media accounts, and thus Twitter-now-X isn't my thing, obviously.  But the platform itself is ubiquitous enough for me to know of one important symbol relevant to it:  The Hashtag

This morning I realized I might have been inadvertently on to something, or unknowingly supporting my brief reference to Joseph Smith's writings about Stones and the fact that everybody going to the Celestial Kingdom gets one, and that the Stone has a New Name which is the Key Word.  It was a bit of a tangential comment in my last post, and I said I didn't really have much more to say about it.

Anyway, after I included the doodle I had made of that woman's face that ended up looking like she had a hole in her head, I also included that shot of some other sphere or ball drawings.  The reason I thought I was doing this was to add support or evidence that in that first image I was in fact trying to draw a sphere, but completely botched the shading to make it look like a tunnel, hole, or passage.  The drawing shows me making two attempts at the top to shade the spheres, with both looking more like holes.  I apparently gave up, and just used curved hashtags to show that these circles were in fact spheres or globes.

Here is the wonderful set of circles I doodled again for your enjoyment:

The hashtags came to mind this morning, though I don't remember how they did.  I just remember suddenly making a connection in my mind to "Hashtags" that are used on the platform that is now X.  You know, like #ThomasBeeMarsh, or some trending topic like that, since he seems to be all over the place now.

I went straight to the source, X's Help Center, to enlighten me as to what exactly the purpose of these Hashtags are.  Here is what they give me:

A hashtag—written with a # symbol—is used to index keywords or topics on X. This function was created on X, and allows people to easily follow topics they are interested in.

So, the hashtag is specifically stated to be used with keywords.  In later detail, and other explanations, the use of 'hashtag' and 'keyword' is essentially synonymous and used interchangeable in some cases, or combined in others, such as "hashtagged keyword".

The "keyword" stuck out to me, for reasons that should be apparent to you if you have been following along this long and winding road.   In D&C 130, we get Joseph Smith's exact working with respect to these Stones that will be distributed to Celestial inhabitants, and I think you will find the wording as interesting in this context as I did:

And a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom, whereon is a new name written, which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. The new name is the key word.

This quote forms part of the basis for that short phrase I threw in my last post, where I said Stone = New Name = Key Word.


As X just informed us, the hashtag is meant to accompany, tag, or signify keywords, and here we have a doodle I had made with a bunch of stone-like objects, whereon each is a hashtag, thereby potentially symbolizing a new name and keyword.

The fact that I doodled several of them in this fashion might represent of point to the fact that there are several or many such Stones to be distributed.

I would also remind those reading, that when Joseph mentions a "white" stone, we might be able to interpret this more as "shining or bright".  Recall, that in past posts dealing with the skins of Beings, I have suggested that 'white' has more to do with radiance (as you can see in looking the word up on Etymonline) than with color, and I am going to suggest or say that is the case when we talk of these Stones.  They are radiant, bright - stones of Light, which might also bring to mind the story of Earendil I also mentioned yesterday, where he had a shining Silmaril attached to his forehead as he sailed to Aman-Valinor.

This next part, and final thought, is also interesting.

Aman, where Tirion-Jerusalem resides, is the same land that I have referred to as the Celestial Kingdom, in my opinion.  This is the place where Earendil was sailing to with his own White Stone, and is the same place where I think many Beings, including the complete Family of Light, will be gathered back to.  Starting with my post X marks the spot (OR "Travelling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy!"), I began heavily associating this place (or these places) with the X.  It started with Xanadu, and then all sorts of things seemed to come along and support this:  In-N-Out, Indiana Jones, Crossed Keys, crosses within stag antlers, treasure maps in general - you name it.

Anyway, I couldn't help but notice that it is on an X that these hashtags or keywords are used.  Another wink, it seems, to this notion of X marking the spot, and the means (even if currently unclear) of how one would travel there.

Also of note, when X was known as Twitter, its symbol was not the X, but rather a blue bird.  A blue bird has come up before over on WJT's blog a few times in the form of Jay Leno, Blue Gowned Wizards, etc.  I made a comment on one of those posts where I associated Leno with the Blue Jay, and WJT also made this association in other posts.  I did a search on my own blog, thinking that I would have mentioned Jay Leno at least one time, but I came up empty.  Any thoughts on that must be in the comment sections of on WJT's blog.

As one last aside, the X symbol as a place marking a destination came up again this morning in another not-completely unrelated setting.

William Tychonievich had posted a random video of a cartoon called "Harry and his Bucket Full of Dinosaurs", which he found searching for the phrase what's his bucket (based on the phrase Ben Pratt had used in his comment).  I had also never heard of it, but did watch the clip he included in his post as it was pretty short.

In the episode, Harry opens up a diner called DinerWorld (within the world called DinoWorld that exists within his bucket).  Here is the sign posted outside of DinerWorld:

Note that we have a red plate, that if fully colored in, would be both the same color and the same shape/ design as the 'bucket hat' that sat on the woman's face/ head on the cover of that book titled "The Lion's Den".  And over that, we have the knife and fork forming an X.

Once again, X marks the spot.

And one last wink for this post and I will sign off:  As I was finishing up typing, YouTube was still going on in the background from playing that clip of Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs.  It has transitioned to a Sesame Street video called "Elmo's World:  Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes".  Elmo is very curious about hair, so enter Rapunzel (who has been featured on this blog), because she has the longest hair.

After re-enacting the Rapunzel story, Elmo decided to sing what he calls the "Hair Song", which consists of him singing the word "Hair" over and over again to the tune of Jingle Bells, a Christmas Song.  During the song, Rapunzel, who decided she wants to wear her hair up, re-enters and sings along.  Rapunzel is a green Being that now has her hair up in a manner that makes it look like a beehive.  Check it out:

I remembered that I had seen a green Being wearing a golden tiara before over on WJT's blog some time ago, and that I had likened to a beehive in the comment section.  I found the post, "Francis Bacon, papal keys, triple tiara, Denver Airport", and here is that picture:


  1. That beehive-like tiara also ties in with the blue bird via the TMBG song "Birdhouse in Your Soul," which repeatedly mentions a "blue canary" wanting to be "the only bee in your bonnet."

    "Jingle Bells" ties in with the Unsong chapter about "There's a Hole in My Bucket," which begins with an epigraph from Leonard Cohen: "Ring the bells that still can ring."

  2. Wow - I have never heard that TMBG song, so I watched the music video.

    Some disturbing lyrics. An electric night-light singing about being your friend in the dark (but not really your friend), a blue canary wanting to control your mind (be the only bee in your bonnet), etc.

    I had a mini-shiver when I went and read the lyrics for the verse about the night-light saying it would have been fired if its job had been that of a Lighthouse (what I assume was on the picture opposite it on the wall) due to what it had done to Jason and the Argonauts. An imperfect comparison, but it did strongly invoke the Sirens (Ungoliant's spider-like images) who rather than prevented shipwrecks, caused them, as the night-light said it also did.

  3. And of course I just realized that the Xanadu soundtrack features the group "Electric Light Orchestra".
