Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Find peace: Quick follow-up

 It occurred to me that 'peace' is also another name for Este, the same Being who I identify with Asenath.

Thus, it might be the 'find peace' refers to both a place and a person.

In prior posts, I have articulated that I have viewed Asenath as holding down the fort in Eressea, and Eowyn as being in Tirion (after at some point returning from Eru-Place, apparently).

However, I did have that dream where I met my older sister and her husband coming back from somewhere, and she had said they had been at "Mellow G".  See my post "Mellow-G... solved (I think)" for where I think I connect the dots in a way that makes sense, with my older sister representing Asenath, and her comment about being at the Mellow G as indicating she was in Tirion (Jerusalem).

Placing Asenath in Eressea currently, as I think of it, is both an artifact of prior thinking or assumptions, as well as mapping out future events.  Some of those past assumptions have already changed, but I have still left Asenath in Eressea without revisiting that, so maybe I need to do that right now.

My main reason for having her there is that I think the gathering happens between Jerusalem and New Jerusalem, and that New Jerusalem is in Eressea where Asenath's house is/was.  Makes sense to have her there.  But, based on Eressea #1 potentially being a 'dark' place at the moment, perhaps she herself is not there yet, back at Tirion waiting for the opportunity to return to Eressea.  Just because she will be there, doesn't mean she is there now - in fact, thinking on the potential state that Eressea is in, it seems just as likely to assume she is not there or around there, perhaps.

This would seem to be consistent with my dream of Asenath being at Mellow G/ Tirion.  Further, because she can now be placed there, we can then revisit or leave open the dialogue between the Three Disciples and the identity of who they were speaking with at Tirion.

Recall that I had updated my view that the Three Disciples conversed with Eowyn in Tirion, whereas before I had thought they had spoken with Asenath in Eressea.  My primary reason for updating who the Disciples were talking to is that I updated their location.  If Asenath was in Eressea, but I placed them now in Tirion, they must be talking to someone else.

That someone else would need to be Eowyn, given some of the Disciples dialogue (i.e., it could only either by Asenath or Eowyn, in my view), which then pulled her out of Eru-Place, where I had indicated she had gone, having left there and arrived in Tirion sometime before the Disciples visit.

However, I don't think I need to do that.  Additionally, as conveyed in my post "Wagon's East!"... or was that supposed to be West?, Saruman tells Faramir that Eowyn is East (I assume this means "Eru-Place"), and the dates on which he says this are after the dates on which the Disciples speak to someone on Tirion.  She can't be in two places at once, so either Saruman is lying (I don't think so in this case) or placing Eowyn in Tirion at that stage in early 2020 was not correct.

I think easier to leave Eowyn in Eru-Place until only very recently, and thus assume I didn't have it quite right in making those earlier changes.  In fact, I believe it is possible my dreams of travelling in the desert and hiding from the spider, to then find myself standing outside my home in the dark addressing Ungoliant, as captured in the post "Dreams of Ungoliant and the Vampire Thuringwethil" and which I said were likely from Eowyn's perspective, likely coincided with Eowyn's journey back from Eru-Place to Valinor.  Which means she would have been in Eru-Place until only very recently (early January maybe, if those dreams were somewhat based on recent events).

I could be interpreting all of that wrong, but it makes sense right now, so I am going with it for the time being.

Having Eowyn in Eru-Place during this time means it was Asenath to whom the Disciples were talking to in Tirion.  And this is fairly consistent with their internal dialogue after talking to Asenath, referring to her as "Ausir besse" - Ausir's wife, with Ausir being a known other name for Joseph-Dior, who is Asenath's husband.  I had gotten around this before by suggesting that Faramir can also be known as Ausir (true), but this is quite a lot cleaner, I think.

Anyway, apologies for that if you are still reading and following along.  I was just kind of thinking as I typed, and trying to get everyone in the right place at the right time, and have it be internally consistent.  There are a lot of moving parts, you know.

To summarize all of the above, then:

  • Asenath is in Tirion, and it was to her the Disciples spoke with back in March 2020.  She will at some point go back to Eressea, but not yet.
  • Eowyn was in Eru-Place up until only very recently, likely making her way back through enemy territory to Tirion in the last few months.
  • Consequently, it would seem that Asenath and Eowyn are in the same place right now (at least in this narrative)
  • The 'find peace' from my dream yesterday has a double meaning, in that it means to find both Jerusalem (the City of Peace), as well as Asenath, who is also known as Este, which means Peace and Rest.

If the words are intended for Faramir (I lost who the words came from, and it was never clear who they were meant for), this means a reuniting with his sister in Tirion, as well as with his wife Eowyn.  One implication of this is that you have the Holy Ghost in one spot again, and the 'parents' of the Family of Light also back together.

I think this is pretty clean from a narrative standpoint, so I am happy with the outcome and updates from this particular line of thinking.  As always, I leave it open to revision.

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