Monday, February 5, 2024

Western rainbow cloud and Football Loving Chicken

One more post today.  

The winter here in Minnesota has just been crazy mild.  I've never seen anything like this.  In the past, throwing the football around in the backyard in February would have been impossible - too cold, too much snow.  But now, it feels like mid-April.

So, earlier this evening I was out throwing the ball with my sons and Football Loving Chicken (more on her in a second), and my youngest said "Hey look, there is rainbow cloud in the sky".

Sure enough, out west, the bottom of one of the clouds had become a rainbow.  I guess they call them "iridescent clouds", and it was pretty cool.  The sun was pretty low on the horizon, about even with the cloud but south of it, so the light must have been hitting it just right.  I took a picture with my phone but it didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped.  The colors are washed out.  In person, it was a really vibrant cloud, with the full spectrum of the rainbow in it.  Here is the picture anyway (you can kind of make out that small section of cloud in the middle of the image).

Given that I'd just spent the last couple posts on West vs. East, and this rainbow cloud was now appearing directly west along with the setting sun, I think this settles it.  West it most definitely is.

Anyway, we went back to throwing the ball around.  

I mentioned Football Loving Chicken.  I am not sure how she keeps getting out of her winter run, but she does.  The rest of the flock mostly stays in their area since they have a quite a bit of room, but she prefers the great, wide open.  Whenever we go out back to throw the football, no matter where she is, she will come sprinting to come hang out.  I don't know - she must see a fun time and want to join in.  Thus, she has been given the fairly self-explanatory name of Football Loving Chicken.

My youngest wanted to catch Football Loving Chicken at one point, but her moves were too good (as anyone who has ever tried to corral and catch a chicken knows all too well).  At one point he yelled out "Man, Football Loving Chicken has got some sweet moves!", and we all agreed that if only Football Loving Chicken knew how to carry a football, she would be a pretty good player.

Thinking about this, I remembered that I have seen a football playing chicken with some sweet moves before!  

It was in an old Disney cartoon-movie that I watched several times as a kid:  Robin Hood.  Lady Kluck put her football skills on display at the archery tournament.

Besides it being a wolf story (the Sheriff of Nottingham is played by a wolf), I am posting the video of Lady Kluck's football prowess just because, and in honor of Football Loving Chicken's sweet moves.


  1. Football Loving Chicken reminds me of Eggelita. Eggelita is a random chicken that showed up in my woods last spring. We have no idea where she came from but she has never left and has been pretty stubborn about finding a place to make home somewhere on our lot. I thought for sure by now a fox, hawk, or coyote would have gotten her by now but she's still here. Once we saw a hawk stalking her but just like FLC, Eggelita used her sweet moves to evade capture. Of course the downside is she poops all over our deck when she shows up at the back door every day looking for a free meal. But we've gotten so used to her that we look past all of that. She's basically a pet now.

  2. Eggilita's name is definitely more user friendly than Football Loving Chicken.

    Sounds like all you need is a coop and some additional friends for her!
