Tuesday, February 20, 2024

There's a hole in my bucket-face! AND Harry Marsh and the Sorcerer's Stone

I mentioned in an earlier post I had a strange dream about a Lightning McQueen helmet, but I didn't go into any detail on that.  Rather, I focused on the latter dream from that same morning which involved the phrase "Calilean Butler" and spent some time working through that a bit.

However, William Tychonievich recently wrote a post Je Suis Charlie Bucket where this Thomas B. Bucket (Marsh) theme reminded him of the song "There's a Hole in my Bucket".  He has some interesting statements about names there, which I am always a sucker for, obviously.

We have seen Liza come up before, by the way, in a slightly different form.  In the video "Iron", the name Lisa is tattooed on the character I have pegged as Brigham. 

In that post, I had also equated the name with Elizabeth, but also went Elvish on the name (as I do), in terms of coming up references to "honey" (and thus Deseret).  This particular definition might not be completely irrelevant to the topic at hand, as the Promised Land is described as one of "Milk and Honey".  We had honey already covered, and Thomas B. Bucket, I mean Marsh, is best known for the probably false or spun story of the bucket of Milk that he was offended over.

However, I was not aware, or didn't realize, that the name also literally means "God is Seven".  In my story, it is the 7 daughters of Asenath who seem to be actively working on the side of Good (as I have alluded to in previous posts).  In fact, in one dialogue I captured back in 2020 in the week or two leading up to my breakdown, a Being (who I now take to be Faramir) was promised that "Seven" would assist him, with my take on these being those Daughters.

William also mentions Henry, or quotes this other author's analysis of Henry, from that song.  Henry is referred to as Harry, because Harry is the spoken form of Henry.  This is a fascinating detail that I am going to tuck away for later.  You have a written name, and a spoken name.  In a later post - probably the Peter-Thomas Marsh one - I am going to explore what that might mean in the scope of Lehi's summary of Joseph's prophecy about a Seer (who will write) and a Spokesman (who will clearly be the speaker).  I see some possibilities.  Maybe you do to now, as well.

Anyway, Harry is compared to a Lion (since a Hebrew word similar to Harry means Lion) - a clear reference right now in my mind to Thomas B. Marsh, and continues this theme of Bucket = Charlie Bucket = Thomas B. Marsh = Camel-Lion.

After reading William's last post, and the explicit mention of a "hole in my bucket" in the context of Charlie Bucket-Thomas Marsh and this song, I became extremely interested in whether a Bucket has ever been slang for or synonymous with a person's head.  The reason for why will become clear in just a moment when I go through the Lightning McQueen helmet dream and subsequent 'syncs' and thoughts. 

However, I didn't really find that this was the case - as in, buckets aren't really used to describe heads.  I just didn't find any examples of this (until this fortuitously happened in a comment on William's post yesterday!).  I did find a term for a 'bucket hat', however, which at the time I didn't really pay attention to, but after WJT left a comment regarding the hat of the woman on the cover of my wife's book that I took a picture of, it became a little more relevant.  Here is a picture of a bucket hat:

It is a hat with a brim, which is exactly the style of hat the woman on the cover of that book seems to be wearing.  In fact, as I looked at it more, it seemed that that hat itself almost served as a replacement of the woman's head (or face) itself.  Where her head would be, there is this bucket hat.  Here is the cover again for reference:

So, we have a picture equating a head with a bucket (hat), which is OK, but still no reference to anyone equating a bucket with a head in terms of actual usage.

Enter Ben Pratt and his comment on that same post by WJT!

Ben's comment includes the following direct replacement of a face with a bucket in terms of a phrase:

I did catch the Charlie Bucket reference in the earlier post. Reading tonight I'm reminded how early in our marriage, we used the terms "what's-his-bucket" and "what's-his-face" interchangeably as generic names for a specific person one was referring to but whose name one had forgotten. Eventually the two terms merged (for very simple psychological reasons) into "bucketface".

I realize Ben is using face here instead of head, but the face aspect is just as, if not more, interesting to me in the context of what I am thinking through.  And faces are parts of heads, so I am going to take it and run with it.

So, without further ado, lets get into McQueen, which is going to meander into some other things, including a drawing (or more accurately a doodle) by yours truly.

The Lightning McQueen Helmet

In my dream, I was playing a baseball game in New Mexico.  I won't go into the details of the baseball game, though I am sure they are relevant and I continue to think about them - so perhaps another time.  The point I want to focus on here is this helmet I've referred to.  

At one point in the game (which was a pretty strange game, honestly, based on everything that was going on) I was back in what seemed to be the dugout.  The equipment manager found me after I had already been up for one at-bat, and he wanted to let me know that there was another helmet he had for me that I could wear if I wanted to.  It had some special upgraded features.

I was in what I guess was the equipment area and the manager began describing the helmet's features - it was lightweight, fast, and some other things about it that I can't remember.  It was supposed to be awesome.  As he we describing this to me, he was holding something that looked like a blue plate.  It was flat-ish, meaning it kind of appeared to be a helmet, but not really - it was clearly too flat to wear around my head.  I remarked that there was no way I was going to be able to get the plate on my head.  He laughed and said, no, what he was showing me was just meant to illustrate or help me visualize what he was talking about - a demonstration model or something. 

The manager then pulled out the real helmet and, apologizing, said that in order to get all of those features in the helmet, it needed to look like "this"... I understood what "this" meant when I looked in his hands and saw that it was a helmet in the shape of Lightning McQueen.  Not the red version of Lightning McQueen, either.  The blue version, after he is sponsored by Dinoco at the end of the third movie.  Like this:

I thought that wearing a helmet that looked like McQueen seemed ridiculous, and told him so.  It looked like a kid's helmet.  As I said this, I noticed a larger blue truck sitting on the floor which I also, for whatever reason, understood to be a helmet.  I said, "Well if you are going to make me wear a car on my head, I may as well go all out and wear that huge truck instead."

He laughed like it was a pretty funny thing I just said.  The manager let me know that this truck-helmet wasn't for me, and I think said some other things I don't remember about it, and I woke up.

In past dreams, cars have seemed to represent Stones, and that was my first impression after waking up and trying to make sense of things.  Recall that I had had several words or phrases from dreams immediately following this one, so I was taking any potential symbolism in this first dream a bit more seriously, despite the ridiculous nature of some of its elements.

Thus, in this instance, I imagined that the helmet, being a car, represented a Stone, and for whatever reason having it in helmet form meant that the Stone had something to do with my head.

At this point, I recalled another story where a Being wore a Stone on their head:  Earendil's voyage across the ocean to Valinor at the end of the First Age.  Obviously given the story elements explored on this blog, this caught my attention.  For those not familiar with the Story, Earendil had earlier sought to find and sail to Valinor but had been unable to.  It was not until Elwing, his wife, arrived with a Silmaril that they were able to reach Valinor.  Earendil fastened the Silmaril to his brow or forehead, and this somehow made it possible for them to sail across the sea and reach their destination.  Here is one passage from the Silmaril related to this:

Yet Earendil saw now no hope left in the lands of Middle-earth, and he turned back in despair and came not home, but sought back once more to Valinor with Elwing at his side.  He stood now most often at the prow of Vingilot, and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow; and ever its light great greater as they drew into the West.  And the wise have said that it was by reason of the power of that holy jewel that they came in time to waters that no vessels save those of the Teleri had known....then Earendil, first of living Men, landed on the immortal shores..."

And one artist's rendition of Earendil wearing the Silmaril on his forehead:

Anyway, so my mind went to this story as I thought about this dream about placing a car-helmet (which in my mind was meant to represent a Stone) on my head.  And this made sense to me, I guess, and I found it interesting.

I was more intrigued, however, when I found a picture I had absent-mindedly doodled in the fall of 2022.

Doodling a Woman with a Hole in Her Head

Later that exact same morning, I stumbled across a very interesting doodle in one of my work notebooks from back in the fall of 2022.  I have a habit of doodling, particularly when I am on conference calls (and when I get tired).   With my job, I am on calls with folks from all over the world, which at times makes for a lot of late night (sometimes early morning) calls.

Anyway, so my work notebooks in particular are full of various doodles in places.  I was going back through my notebooks, including my work ones, because I was looking for the phrase about  "In-N-Out" that I ended up writing up a post about on Feb. 13.  I couldn't remember when that phrase had popped up, and went back through several notebooks to try and find it (Leo eventually was able to help me locate it a few days later, as it was from earlier than I remembered - spring 2021 timeframe).

So it was in that search that I came across this picture that I had drawn during a conference call:

I doodle, but I think this is the first and only example I have of where I doodled the face of the person I was on a video conference call with. This poor woman was probably under the impression that I was studiously taking notes of everything she was telling me, when really I was just drawing her face (very badly).

The doodle would have started with the what was meant to be either the ball or the plate it rests in or on.  I know with the shading it actually appears to be a tunnel, but this is really evidence of my really bad artistic skills.  I had at first drawn a circle which I attempted to turn into a sphere (a lot of my doodles are geometric shapes, arrows, that kind of thing).  The only probably is I completely messed up on the shading and made it almost the reverse of what I intended - rather than a sphere, I had created a tunnel (or passageway)!.

Following the wannabe globe and the plate, for no specific reason I am aware of, I decided to draw the face of the woman I was talking to as if this plate with a globe/ tunnel on it was fastened to her forehead (I must have been both very bored and very tired and trying hard to stay awake and engaged).  The effect makes it seem that there is a hole or tunnel going straight into her forehead (whereas, again, I had actually originally intended that circle to be a ball or globe).

I actually did find some other doodles of 'globes' in another notebook, and I am inserting those so you can see I suffer from the same shading issues there, also.  Just really bad!  It looked like my solution to the problem with these balls, at least, was to scrap the shading all together and just use the number sign to give them a kind of 3D look.  The top two balls show that I again transformed them into holes, and the bottom holes show my solution to making them into globes.  In any case, at least you now know that you shouldn't ever come to me in order to have a ball drawn - I will give you a tunnel or a hole instead.

The picture I took of the woman with the ball-tunnel on her head was time stamped at 8:47am on Friday morning, so just a few hours after my dream about the Lightning McQueen helmet, and again the drawing itself was from back in the fall of 2022.

In any case, you have an example with this woman of also having a 'Stone" attached to her forehead, just like Earendil.  In seeing it like this, complete with 4 bolts going through the 4 corners of the plates, it made me think of the idea or notion of people having names 'sealed' or fastened onto their foreheads, as captured in Revelations and summarized in D&C 77 by Joseph Smith.  In D&C 133 we also have this reference:

When the Lamb shall stand upon Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand, having his Father's name written on their foreheads.

I have associated names with Stones, based in part on Joseph Smith's interpretation or writing that in the Celestial Kingdom, everyone receives a Stone, and on that Stone is a New Name, and that this Name represents a Key.  Stones = Names = Keys, in this sense.  On your forehead, maybe.

But I don't have much more to say about that at the moment, just logging that as an additional thing running through my mind.

I want to get back to Thomas B. Bucket, Holes, and Lightning McQueen. . . and Harry Potter.

Harry Bucket and the Sorcerer's Stone?

My thought was, and is, that having the Dinoco version of Lightning McQueen is relevant.

I started with the name Dinoco (of course I would), and things looked promising.   Let's for Elvish-sake, write Dinoco, as Din-och-o.  "Ch" in Elvish is pronounced the some as a hard C or K in English, so phonetically this checks out (with the call out that the "Din" in Elvish would probably sound slightly different with a shorter "i" sound).  

"Din" checks out very well, as it means "Opening, Gap, Pass in the Mountains".  In fact, if you look up Din you will see that it is a variant of Den... you know, the word we just covered with "Lion's Den", and which means more specifically a hole or passageway.

"Och(o)" also doesn't disappoint!  It means "Egg".  

So, before we actually get to the Dinoco logo that McQueen wears, the name itself seems to allude to this notion of a hole or passage, as well as a sphere (represented by the egg) in terms of this helmet.  A combination of a round-ish object and a tunnel or passage on someone's head, just like in the picture I drew of that woman!  I think that is kind of crazy, and I clearly have written about a lot of crazy things here, so my bar is pretty high for crazy.

But just wait - the logo makes this even cooler, as well as what I am going to get into with the Lightning Bolt.  Here is the logo that McQueen sports:

In "Toy Story" and also in other places in "Cars 3", a different version is used that has an Apatosaurus which I think is also relevant:

In both logos, it looks to be an egg that is the frame of the logo itself, so we see the Elvish "Och" in the drawing.  What other animal have we seen that invokes the size of these dinosaurs?  Oh yeah, the Camel-Leon.  That Apatosaurus neck on the 2nd logo had me thinking Giraffe all the way, for what its worth (but my mind was already there).

So, you see I am drawing closer to a something here involving Thomas B. Marsh, but I haven't yet gotten to the punchline.  To summarize where we are at up to this point, just recall that over on WJT's blog we have the Thomas Marsh portrayed as Thomas B. Bucket, and that we have a song about a hole in a bucket, and a comment about a bucket as a face, and a dream and a drawing that potentially involves a hole (and a stone) on or in a 'face' (forehead, head, whatever).

That is the tortured road we are travelling here so far.  Let's go a little further down that road, though, shall we?

The logo is great, but the real defining symbol of Lightning McQueen is the Lightning Bolt.  

It took me some time before it dawned on my that I had seen a lightning bolt like this before on someone's head - their forehead, no less:  Harry Potter!

A Bald Man (Voldemort) tried to kill Harry as a baby, and he got that nasty lightning scar on his forehead which everyone who meets him wants to see and this becomes his most defining physical characteristic - the scar or mark left by a failed killing curse.

So this is getting good, in my mind at least.  Harry Potter is, in a way, wearing the symbol of Lightning McQueen on his forehead, which is compelling stuff given the ground I've just covered above.

In WJTs post, as I mentioned earlier, he references an author who uses Harry as the name for Henry, the man with a hole in his bucket from the song.  Further, Harry was likened to the Hebrew name Ha'Ari, which means "The Lion".  So, it is the Lion that has a hole in their bucket, or, in my meandering and convoluted journey in this post, a passageway or path on or in their forehead.   

The Thomas B. Bucket name is funny as well, because if you were to look up synonyms of Bucket, a Pot is one word that would come back... as in, Potter.

Daniel Radcliffe is the name of the actor who portrays Harry.  There is a Daniel in the Bible who is relevant to us here, I think.  That Daniel is really well known for something: a Lion's Den.  

He is also known for another thing that became very central to what I have written here on this blog:  his prophecy with respect to the Stone that is cut out of the Mountain without (human) hands that I take to refer literally to the Sawtooth Stone (see my post The stone from Daniel 2:  An actual stone yet to come forth, as an example of my view on this).

Further, "Rad", which comprises the first syllable of the actor's last name, is Elvish for "path, pass" (and also "back or return").  A path or pass though a cliff or sheer rock face, perhaps.  That opens up some other possibilities in my mind as well that I will need to think about a bit.  

Tons of stuff to think about these days.

I am not 100% clear about what this all adds up to.  I will need to think more on these various pieces, but I think obviously the overall gist is Thomas B. Marsh continues to be an important figure in my mind, and to this story overall, which again is fairly fascinating given he wasn't a person on my radar until Leo brought him up about a week ago.  I am almost positive based on everything I've written here, that my dream of playing baseball and wearing the Lightning McQueen helmet was meant to be through the eyes or perspective of Thomas B. Marsh.  This also helps make sense of other things from the dream, and details of the baseball game itself.

I will try to next explore the idea of him as potentially Peter (a man whose name literally means "Stone", by the way), while I also think about ways in which the above connections might be made more cohesive or point to other aspects of the story.


  1. And of course the lion is the symbol of Harry's house (Griffindor). Harry is also a pretty good seeker whose job was to chase a magic ball through the air. He later gets a resurrection stone from that magic ball after putting the ball into a hole in his head (his mouth). At one point he's also give a golden egg for a task in the triwizard tournament.

  2. Leo:

    Great points/ observations.

    Also, the flying magic ball is called the "Golden Snitch". A 'snitch' is someone that informs, reveals, or gives information, usually about someone else. It seems part of the function of whatever is on these Stones, including the Sawtooth Stone, is to call out the bad deeds of evil doers. Would seem to tie to one of Marsh's job... 'by the word many high ones shall be brought low'.

    The fact that Harry (almost) swallowed the Snitch brings to mind John eating the book, and Joseph smith's comments that this description meant John was accepting or being given a mission.

    Similarly, Harry-Thomas B. Marsh may have been given the mission to be a 'snitch' -whatever is learned from these Stones and stories, he will use to fulfill that mission, and this could have to do with words that will come out of his mouth, maybe. D&C 112 really focuses on Marsh's 'voice'.

    Perhaps this will involve exposing secret and dark works that have and do exist in 'high places' (places higher than this world, at least).
