Sunday, February 4, 2024

Music for when you need to escape reality

A quick follow up to my last post, which I just published a few minutes ago.

In finishing up the post, I had linked a song "Heaven Knows" from Youtube, and then went back to finishing things up.  Youtube just kept running the background, and I wasn't really paying attention to it until after I hit publish.

Some slightly strange, mostly relaxing music was playing - all instrumental.  It was on a different browser tab, so I went to that, and this was the image of the song:

It is a picture of two people sitting on a clock, looking at an upside down city.  William Tychonievich recently included mention of upside-down, or mirrored, cities in his post Wolves, swans, mirrored cities, and Kubla Khan.

Additionally, if you look at the name of the music, it is "Music for when you need to escape reality".  This seems like a pretty good reference to the Arnold Schwarzenegger picture (or Pepe?) where he is escaping the Demiurge's reality temple.

Anyway, just interesting this music, which I have never heard before, came up right after that song, and as I was finishing up that last post.


  1. Some pretty specific syncs!

    I'm guessing the music you need to escape the reality temple is "Shadilay."

  2. That whole Shadilay thing is pretty funny - I wasn't aware of it until I followed your links.

    Whether Shadilay or another song, it does appear that some form of 'music' (likely sung in correct key) is going to be needed.
