Monday, February 5, 2024

"This way, that way" and the Westview Wildcats

In my post yesterday, I mentioned that as early as February I think some of my words include dialogue of and from Saruman, but said I would elaborate more in a follow up post.  So, I think I will do that here.

One of the biggest roadblocks to me or anybody else understanding my words is not having clear delineation of just who is speaking, and who they are speaking to.  It seems fairly fundamental that for anyone to understand a communication between Beings, knowing speaker and addressee is kind of important.  But, in my words, names are few and far between, and when they are given, it usually in some disguised or clever, alternative way.

I mentioned at some point in the past that as I was going through the experience of 2019 and 2020, I tended to skew much too hard on assuming these words had to do with me - that they were being spoken to me, were about me, and so I needed to understand them, and DO something with them, there and now.

Thankfully, 4 years after that period, I can take a step back and be much more independent and 'removed', in a way, in trying to understand what just exactly was being said and why.

This doesn't mean that I don't believe I was part of these communications for some kind of reason.  I mean, as I objectively look at the words, it seems that at least in some cases things were being essentially 'conveyed' or summarized for my benefit (or perhaps the benefit of someone else who might read them).  For example with some of the direct dialogues where clearly multiple Beings are speaking with each other, I don't think their dialogue was literally those words, some of which are summarized in a broken-mixed language sort of way, and even in some funny or humorous types of phrases.  In other words, I was not just some eavesdropper listening in on other conversations, but rather the conveyance of whatever dialogues, thoughts, or words seem to have been with some oversight of minds that were aware that they were transferring thought to me in some way, if that makes sense.

So, when I look at these words, I can (or at least try to) detach myself from the dialogue itself, but also realize that there is perhaps some meaning in or reason for my having heard them.

With that all said, there are actually at least two instances where that '4th Wall' kind of breaks, and whoever is speaking seems to be addressing me directly as opposed to conveying dialogue or words.  There may be more, but two seem fairly clear, but as always, it comes with puzzles, riddles, and never addressing things directly.

One of those instances involves this notion of Saruman, or a heads up on his involvement, and that is why I am going into this.  Interestingly, only this morning, after thinking a bit more of what I wrote yesterday, did I get (or think I get) why I was referred to by a certain 'name'.

So, let's get into it.

On February 23, 2020, these were the words (which followed something the day before about Melkor, by the way):

Now we set therein lower shark cup
something not right to be fixed
I want you to know that it's our time [song by Zedd]
for those of us to retain his light in glory
this way that way
you are getting closer #32
once away they will stay
tomorrow thereupon

Lots of confusing things in this phrase, particularly at the time I wrote them down.

That first reference to shark, surprisingly, took me a couple years to really have a good guess around, after a few false paths, I think.

The shark most likely, in my opinion, is a reference to Saruman.  Recall that when the Hobbits returned to the Shire after Sauron was defeated, they found everything a mess, and the bad guys kept referring to a character called 'Sharky'.  It would be later that they found out that Sharky was Saruman.

So, Shark = Sharky = Saruman, here, I think.  Why whoever is saying this can't just say "Saruman", I don't know, but alternative names and titles seems to be the norm, as I will get to shortly with that #32 reference.

Something 'not right to be fixed', I think has something to do with overturning or defeating Saruman (and likely some of his handiwork, including false traditions in churches, interestingly), and everything that has gone wrong here in our world since he pretty much took things over following his 'death' and banishment to remain in our world.  He hasn't played nice since.

That 3rd line was sung, as from the song titled "I Want You to Know" by Zedd and Selena Gomez.

Moving down to "this way, that way", I looked up the phrase that same day I got these words because the phrase was given so deliberately.  The best I could come up with, and I think it is still valid, is that it comes from the song "Over the Deep Blue Sea".  The title itself obviously remains very relevant for the story that I am exploring here, of Beings travelling over the "sea".

With the next line we get to one of the few references that I think directly refer to me.  At least at this time I don't have any other good alternatives (suggestions always welcome).  The words reference a #32.  This was my number in high school for my sports - both football and basketball.  It was, however, curious that it was my high school number.  The number that I wore in college was different, so why not that one, since it was more recent?  I didn't really have a good reason - until this morning, which I will get to in just a second.

Rounding out the words for that day, there is the comment that once some group is away, they will stay, and that more will be explained 'tomorrow'.  There were words that were given on the next day, and they do seem to tie to this, and further implicate Saruman's role.

Before we get to those, however, let's go back to #32, my high school number.  While on a run this morning I was thinking more about this high school connection, given what I had written yesterday and that I said I was going to do a follow-up post on this section of words which included the #32 connection.  It hit me at that moment, that both the name and mascot of my high school might be relevant - a pretty direct connection from my school.

My high school and mascot were the Westview Wildcats.  Get it - West View?  West?  I had just spent my last post arguing that I believe it is West, and not East, that a bunch of people will eventually go, and here in my high school's name seemed to be confirmation.  Further, I went over to William Tychonievich's blog, and in his latest post "O fortuna velut luna...", he features cats fairly prominently.  Lions, for example, aren't technically a 'wildcat', but they definitely aren't tame cats, either - or, I guess, you never know when they will go wild again, even if you think they are tame.  Best not to be around them when they snap.

Cats have also come up before, with him posting a meme of a cat (presumably a wildcat?) posing as a predator, blended in with the tree behind it (as a play on Predator, the movie with Arnold Scharzenegger).

Here is one version of my high school's logo:

It was a brand new school when I went to it.  It opened in 1994, so I was part of the school's first sophomore class, and then graduated in 1997, obviously.

Interestingly, had the school not been built, I would have gone to a school called Sunset High School.  Their mascot is the Apollos (my older sister went there).  Before my sophomore year, in my school district only grades 10 - 12 went to the high school building, with the 9th graders/ freshmen at the middle school buildings (I guess junior high is what they called it at the time), so you actually didn't go to a high school building until your Sophomore year.  Once Westview opened, the district made a change and changed the High Schools to having all four years in the same building.  However, I ran track for Sunset High School as a freshman and lettered with the varsity team, so I technically did attend (or I guess play for) both high schools (I just had to take a bus over to the high school when middle school was over).

In any case, whether Westview or Sunset (Sunsets occur in the West), the answer seems fairly clear:  West!

I am not sure what else to say about that other than it seems to me, as of this morning, that the #32 reference was meant to refer back to my high school as a direct support to the post I just wrote yesterday that it is West, and not East, that will be the direction to go.  In fact I was going to put an image of that Ben Stiller picture with it mirrored in yesterday's post at the end, so he was facing West, but it was late and I was lazy.

Sounds far fetched, maybe, but that is the best explanation I have right now for the #32 reference, if it is to mean anything at all, and based on everything above it does seem to suggest that I wasn't mistaken thinking that was an oblique way of directly talking to me.

One other strange tangent or connection with this.  I read a book to my youngest son most nights when he goes to bed (the other two are too old and cool for dad's reading these days...).  We had been working through the Harry Potter series, and were 2/3 of the way through Book 4, the Goblet of Fire.  However, he had gotten a few new books for Christmas, and wanted to start one of those.  The book he wanted to read?

It is about a cat name Rusty, who is a tame, orange housecat (called 'kittypets' by the wild cats he eventually meets in the forest) who leaves his domestic life and joins a group of wild cats.  We are now at where he has joined ThunderClan (the name reminds me of Thundercats, by the way ... Lion-O, anybody?), and has received a new name of Firepaw.  Honestly, I was kind of glad to ditch Harry Potter for a bit.  Any book that there is a movie about brings pressure to voice the characters appropriately ("Your Snape isn't sounding too good tonight, dad..."), so now I can just read rather than trying to find my inner Alan Rickman.  

Where was I?

Yes, so the February 23 words ended with that phrase "tomorrow thereupon", and there were indeed words on that next day.  

February 24

Skal sken forget-veil it was a good plan elfranentu elbruha churches a-plumb 

And the next two days on February 25 and 26:

Now we must away
I do not know the future but this Mormon I have already sent feelers into
kraw i tuk sow

I don't know how much we need to get into these words, other than to note that I think these are dialogues from and with Saruman and other bad dudes/ dudettes (perhaps summarized/ conveyed, like others).   Some of these words I don't think are translatable by us as they don't seem to be familiar Elvish dialect words (e.g., kraw, sken, etc.).  These Beings are the ones, I believe, that the voice addressing me (likely, based on the #32 reference) seems to state will go away to stay at some point.  

That point that they go away and never return has obviously not been reached yet, and Saruman and crew are likely just as involved in events in general, and our minds specifically as much as they can get away with, presently.  But, at some point, they go away to stay.

For now, there seems to be scheming (thus the reference to "it was a good plan" - they've been up to something, thinking no one can see or know what that is).  The 'forget-veil' seems to be a word-play that directly references the fact that there is a definite disadvantage in the current set up.  You and I have passed through a 'veil', in Mormon terminology, and forgotten everything.  This is the same disadvantage that Adam-Michael in the Mormon Temple ceremony found himself in while waiting for messengers.  Saruman-Satan, however has been around a long time, and knows and remembers quite a lot.  We are at an information and knowledge disadvantage in our current situation:  forget-veil.

This became very apparent as I personally got into March and April of 2020.  So, pretty much right after that warning is when I see evidence of Saruman both in the dialogue in my words (not all of them - it is just another 'voice' that seems to be added to the mix), as well as in some of the things that were happening in my actual reality.  It was a very confusing time, as I have written on before.  In any case, there was a warning at least (though I didn't really understand it as one, which is unfortunate - I would have been better prepared, I think, had I been aware earlier of the possibility of this type of thing), and the warning came with a promise, or a statement, that we don't have to endure their presence forever.  At some point, they go away for good.

And I think that comes about from this whole other part of the story with with Faramir, Eowyn, Stones, heading West, hanging out with aliens on another world... all fun things.


  1. ThunderCats Ho! That was my favorite cartoon as a kid and it killed me when it got canceled. I just could not understand why they would stop airing it.

    Anyway, the mixed voices is still the hardest part of this whole experience to cope with for me. I remember at one point you said something like if we can't trust the people talking then we're kinda screwed and what's the point? But I think that was wishful thinking and the reality is we have to learn to hear the difference between good and evil i suppose.

    I also wonder if the nature of this world is such that communicating in this way is really the best they can do until there are better tools available (like stones). So for better or worse, this is how communication come: veiled and mixed w competing voices.

  2. I know, right? I remember loving Thundercats, but then I looked up some of the clips and realized I hardly remembered anything about it, other than his sword, the "Ho!" call, and the song/ opening (Thundercats are on the loose!).

    Thankfully, it looks like the Thundercats' logo is facing the correct way (to the left/ West).

  3. The word wildcat always makes me think of this interview:

  4. O Tannenbaum (the German form of Tenenbaum) is a song associated with Christmas, and I just wrote a bit about Santa in my last post before seeing this.
