Friday, April 26, 2024

Autel: Asenath the Ainu of the End (or of Without End)

I actually feel pretty good about where we are with the translation of those first few days.  We'll see if it sticks.  It does seem to support and build out the story I have explored on this blog, which isn't to say it is right, only that I can see that story in those words without too many issues.  And if this is the case, then everything is working backwards - the story is helping with the word translation, and not the other way around.

This next one is a bit speculative, but I also feel pretty good about it, and it has to do with the word autel.  This word will come up multiple times in the first month or so, and has always been tricky.  If you look up that word in Eldamo, you won't find anything in that form.  You will have aute, which means rich or wealthy, which could tie into this, but given the context of the word and how it came, nothing off the shelf seems really satisfactory.

Here is the next set of words from October 28, continuing on from the last night.

sah-kee ainu tel en ainu tel essen (autel)

There is an important note to this that will help in deciphering what is said here, or my guess as to how to decipher it.  That note reads:

‘Ainu tel’ phrase - Seen as a caption on the bottom of a picture from something like an encyclopedia page or newspaper; had difficulty nailing down the words, as they seemed to shift on me as I looked directly at them, thus some confusion between “ainu tel” or “autel”

In essence what was happening as I was reading that phrase in the dream is that it was shifting between Ainu tel and Autel, as if they were interchangeable phrases.

First of all, before I go further, I need to say what a godsend finding this old Word file on a USB key has been for these earlier words.  I had transferred some of my notes or observations about the words and their associated dreams into this document in early 2020 as I was going through all of this.  Since the notebooks that these words come from aren't available anymore, this is the closest thing I have to how I wrote them down and was thinking of them at the time, which is important for me now as I approach the words even if I didn't understand what was going on then.

But why have the words shift like that as part of my reading them?  In my notes, I had even written in parentheses:  "or autel instead of ainu tel?".  My answer to my past-self's question is it is both, I think.  To help answer this riddle, I looked at the other instances of where autel showed up in my words.  I found two other instances that were direct uses of the word, and then a third word-game in which after I solved it, or realized what it was, seemed to clearly also say autel.  That last word-game was a fun one, in that once I understood it, it made a bunch of other things make complete sense, including the identity of Autel.

That's right:  I view Autel as a name - code-name perhaps - for a Being, specifically Asenath-Nimloth.  

Which brings up the question as why we have all of these disguised names or word-games at this point.  We have had Nom (Aule-Tom B.), Mbasse (Eowyn), Eriol (Faramir), Un Im (Joseph), and now Autel (Asenath) showing up in this first week of words.  I am not sure.  Maybe for similar reasons that Joseph Smith called himself Baurak Ale in some of his writings?  Perhaps so that the names could be realized at a certain time, and not before?  Again, I don't know.

But note that with those names, in addition to Abraham (Tom), we now have all four of the Beings I have associated as the parents of the Family of Light now mentioned (or will by Nov. 2 - that is when Mbasse and Eriol come up).  This was somewhat remarkable to realize just now.

Anyway, we will get to those other Autel mentions, including the word-game, in another post - for now, I am just focused on the October 28 words.

The potential meaning of Autel is interesting, and actually we can dive into those unpublished words of Doug's for a supporting clue as to Asenath's story to derive its meaning. 

In one of those stories, Asenath is known by a prophecy regarding her arrival in Eru-Place.  The fact that she brings these 'crumbs' (Stones) into Eru-Place sends a signal to people who know things, apparently (Seers), that this girl will be the 'end' of that kingdom or realm.  Meaning, when she shows up, the clock is ticking as to that world vanishing or coming to an end.  At least that is how those people back then and in that place interpreted the prophecy surrounding Asenath.  Based on that interpretation, by the way, at one point she seems to be literally kicked out of the place, perhaps in a hope to forestall the end.  It is hard to fully follow because the writing is terrible and written by Beings who seem to think they are more clever than they are, so it isn't fully clear what happened.

She is even given a nickname in that story, though, as Joseph sits down to write his prophecy regarding her scooping up her family and saving them at some point in the far distant future from that time.  The nickname is "End-bring-maker".

Keep this in mind as we look at this name.  Let's actually start with Ainu Tel, the phrase that appeared prior to shifting to Autel.  Ainu means "Holy One", or even "Holy Spirit", which again given what I have guessed about Asenath (i.e., that she and her brother comprise the Holy Ghost) is interesting to see here.  But in terms of the general use of Ainu, this refers to either one of the "Gods" of Tolkien's mythology, either a Valar or Maia.  It is a type of Being, and that is how it seems to be always used.

So we can infer we are dealing with a Being, and that they are an Ainu.  Next is Tel.  Tel  means "to end, finish, close, complete, come to an end".  So with Ainu, we could have something like Ainu of the End, or Ainu that Finishes, or simply End/ Final Ainu, or whatever description or title of an Ainu who will or is associated with an end or finish to something.

Back in 2019 when I got this, and had no access to Doug's words, this wouldn't have made any sense.  I eventually adopted an alternative definition for Tel as 'sky', since even by this early the concept or theme of Beings being raised to the sky had been in my mind.   But, I think with some of the references in those writings as a key of sorts, my belief is that this does mean "end", and that this is a hidden or obscured reference to Asenath, the End-Bring-Maker, or she who was assumed brought the End.

The phrase would shift to Autel in my dream, as mentioned, almost perhaps as an easier nickname or abbreviation for Ainu Tel.  Perhaps it is also a play on words for Asenath's close association with Aule (Abraham- Tom B.) whose name looks extremely similar to that and literally means "Maker".   Aute is also buried in that name also (becoming it when you lose the L), which means "Wealth, Rich", which is the same meaning as another name for her husband Joseph:  Ausir.

So, there could be a few reasons why the name of Ainu Tel was first shown and then was alternated with Autel.  But, again, I take it currently that Autel is the "Ainu Tel", and that this is Asenath.  Later words seem to bear this out, but as always I write with full knowledge that my guesses might be wrong.

[NOTE:  After publishing this post, I realized maybe the most important reason that this name was changed to Autel.  I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier, but it hit me as I was quickly re-reading looking for the many typos I always leave on my posts.  Au, in Elvish, means "without, away, off".  Thus Autel can literally be translated as "Without End".  In this way, Asenath is actually correcting or changing what she represents.  Through her, and her plan which included Stones, she is saying rather than a Being who Ends, she is one who brings a future Without End, thus using her previous nickname to illustrate what she and her Stones or Crumbs that are all that is left of the world that 'ended' really represent.]

Going back to the phrase at hand, though, the rest of it, namely the word "essen", seems to bear out that the speaker is actually introducing themselves as Autel.  Given that German showed up the day earlier, it is tempting to think that this might be another German word.  It might be (it means to eat, meal, cooking, food, etc... which is not completely out of bounds for other things that have come up), but for our purposes in this post I will use it as Elvish.

In that context, it means "Name my" (Esse-en), or more clearly, "my name".  I am going to skip the first word "Sak-kee" right now, and just pull together the rest of the phrase, which would go something like:

Ainu of the End, or Autel, I; Autel my name

So, "Autel is my name" is essentially what the speaker could be saying here.  We had the clue the day earlier relating to the 'lasting paths or Stones", but here, if we believe the translation is marginally correct, she is directly stating who she is and that she is speaking.

The next day, I believe, she will mention her Daughters, and then we are on to another phrase I have covered before about a Stone and Juice, but I actually am going to make an important change to what I have assumed about those words.

I will do that, however, in another post.

1 comment:

  1. I left the following additional note above in the text in the "Autel" section of my post, but I wanted to also include it here in the notes so it isn't missed:

    After publishing this post, I realized maybe the most important reason that this name was changed to Autel. I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier, but it hit me as I was quickly re-reading looking for the many typos I always leave on my posts. Au, in Elvish, means "without, away, off". Thus Autel can literally be translated as "Without End". In this way, Asenath is actually correcting or changing what she represents. Through her, and her plan which included Stones, she is saying rather than a Being who Ends, she is one who brings a future Without End, thus using her previous nickname to illustrate what she and her Stones or Crumbs that are all that is left of the world that 'ended' really represent.
