Friday, April 19, 2024

Bees hiding in plain sight

My recent thinking and post on Mbasse, I think, is a bit of a toe-hold on the wall of words from that Fall 2019 time period.  It may not be all that interesting to anybody else, but I have had these words for quite awhile now, and made quite a few guesses and translations about what they might mean, and I feel like I am finally making some headway.  It was just a matter of time, after all.  With this little hold on the wall, I determined to see if there was anything else I could make better sense of.

As noted in that post, however, one correction I made is that I feel it is Asenath, not Eowyn, whose words are represented, at least in this very initial period.  This may and probably does change as the words go on , in that there are potentially multiple 'speakers' (I think I see evidence of it), but for this very first set, I have reason to believe that this is Asenath.

The fact that this escaped me is surprising, given the overall context and set-up for these words.  To recap where we have been thus far, I relayed two of the three 'words' (which actually were names) that came from the summer/ early fall period of 2019:  Gim Guru and Gilga (likely a form of Gil Gal, and thus the tie to Kal-El).

This would have all led up to October of that year.  In another post from a few months ago called "Wolves", I related a riddle, of sorts, that I received in a dream about Asenath.  Here that is:

Asenath may be a man-maid of the sea
She may be called of your flesh much redeemed
She may grow old and die due to events and circumstances
But she may BE something else
What is she?

I have given part of my answer, but not all of it, on this blog.  This riddle-dream came on October 13th.  The intensive part of my words then started on October 24th.  In the beginning, these were mostly single words at a time, always part of a dream, where a word would be either spoken by someone, or read in some fashion.  I would wake up, write the word down, go back to bed, rinse and repeat.  During this 2019 to 2020 stretch, all of my words were from sleep in some way.

In any case, before we get to the October 24th words, or ground zero for what started coming after, I will note one thing from the riddle above.

I capitalized BE, because in my dream the Being who was speaking really emphasized that word and drew it out.  Literally only this morning did I see a potential reason as to why, and again it is one of those things that once you see it, in context with everything else, you kind of do a face-palm.

BE, of course, given the way it was said, could have been a play on words for Bee, and I think this is so.  But, even though I am still sifting through the roles and characters of Asenath and Eowyn, it seems that Eowyn is the character that we've been associating with Bees (very clearly actually, I think), so why that reference in something having to do with Asenath?

The answer may be because of the words that follow, I believe.  This "Bee" reference was sort of hidden in plain sight, but the words that follow after also have Bee contained within them, starting at the very beginning with the very first words that follow this riddle.  Thus the title of this post.  As I went through some of these first words, I saw Bees everywhere where I hadn't seen them before.

So, my current guess for the words that will begin about a week and a half after this riddle, is that it is Asenath speaking, but it is Eowyn, the Honey Bee, who she is discussing initially, as we saw in the reference to her, Faramir, and Nom-Tom at Tom's House that would occur in the November 2nd words.

Let's get into that first set of words and see if you also see it there, as I do, after stepping through it.

The Man-clad Bee-wife

Over 3 nights from October 24th to 26th, these were the words recorded.  

fibar dirbai mah-bi-za reha dah-bee

There weren't many - the flood gates were just starting to crack open.  Several of these came with dream scenes that might be relevant, but for our purposes here I am just going to address the words, and not how they came (well, actually with the exception of one word).

It is important to note that it isn't perhaps necessary to join these into one long phrase.  I think it works that way, but they also came individually as part of various dreams and so it can (and in some places, does) make sense to treat them separately in addition to together.  You'll see what I mean when we tackle dah-bee.

Also, for this stretch, all of these words were spoken, so I am sounding them out and writing them phonetically.  I wrote them above as I spelled them, and at this stage I am just getting used to these strange words, so didn't yet have assumptions about how an Elvish word might phonetically look.

As I mentioned, this kicked everything off, so to understand this would be great and likely give some clues to what follows, and I think I have a pretty good idea now (finally!)

There are two Bees hidden in this phrase, one definitely in plain sight, but which I didn't notice until this morning as well, interestingly enough.  Dah-BEE, clearly, right?  You saw it right off the bat, probably.   It took me almost 5 years.  Let's actually start there first at the end, and then we can piece it all together in a sentence later.

For Elvish translation purposes, it is likely spelled dabi (da-bi), but I think this is also a play on words for the English "The Bee" ("Da" being like "The"... you know, how Bill Swerski's Super Fans would say Da Bears).  The Bee.  When I realized this, I had a good laugh.  This was a good one - kudos.

The Bee or Da Bee is easy to see due to recent writings about Bees, and it also makes sense given the dream that this word came from, which only dawned on me in the process of typing this post out.

In the dream, I was standing in my closet, folding shirts.  There was a name on the back of the shirts, like you would find on a sports jersey, but I was unable to read what the name or names were.  As I was looking at the shirts, a voice behind me asked a series of questions, almost in an accusatory way, to which he then seemed to give the answer.  It went something like this:

Do you know what your problem is?  Do you know what you are missing?  Dah-bee!

So, I laugh right now looking at that - it is literally right there.  The Bee.  That was the answer to the questions in my dream.  That is what the dream was about.  Interestingly, I understood at the time that the questioner was giving me the answer to his own questions, but didn't know what it meant.  My best guess initially was that the word he gave me was dab-i.  Dab in Elvish means "permit, allow".  It was a stretch because I had to drop the i to make it work, but it was the best I could do at the time.  Perhaps it was permission or allowance that was missing and the problem?  But, The Bee makes so much more sense and I think I will consider this case closed in understanding this little riddle and word game also.  

Let's tackle the other hidden Bee, and then pull that whole phrase together.

Mah-bi-za (how I wrote it down) is unique in that I only remembered this word in waking up.  I sat there on the edge of my bed repeating that group of sounds, but not being able to remember the dream or why it was on my mind so forcefully.  It was a strange sensation.

Later, my best guess in putting that word into Elvish would be mabesse.  You've seen bess before as a name for Woman, and in Elvish besse means "wife".  Ma would mean something like "excellent" and is the base for words such as Maia, the angelic Ainu.  So, "excellent wife" is the best I could come up with in this case.

But I had sat there repeating the word with a different "e" sound than you would find in Bess or Besse (which are pronounced more like 'dress'), so it seemed like it could be a bit of a stretch.

However, now I feel it was an intentional word game, where it was in fact mabesse (I got that part and understood it right) but the pronunciation was changed to be maBEEse, or in other words, the "excellent bee wife", to emphasize this double meaning, or the identity of this Being.  I think pretty clever and it works well.

Given the storyline we've developed on this blog with Faramir and Eowyn having been married not only in Edoras, but also having some kind of eternal union performed by Ki-Abroam, and the fact that Eowyn has been identified as the Honey Bee, this word in and of itself seems to fit nicely with the story elements only recently explored here.  Further, we have identified Eowyn as Ilmare, who was a Maia, thus an "excellent" one (be excellent to each other, after all, is what Bill and Ted taught).

It is funny, but I had assumed that once I understood these curious words, some sort of story would be unlocked.  I studied them for a long time with that hope (just try harder!).  However, in many instances, it looks like it has worked somewhat in reverse - the story has grown in my mind, and I seem to find support for it in these words after the fact.

And, of course, given their nature, you can probably do a lot of things with these words, and twist them however you like.  I should know - it's pretty easy to do.  Maybe you've done it as well, if you have taken a look at them.  But, given everything else I have written and thought about here, it seems like this all just kind of works.

OK, so let's pull all that together in a cohesive phrase for these first 3 days.  I should note that, in looking back at a word document containing these, that there is another dream and actually one other word that I am not including in this set, for no other reason than I didn't include them back then.  Maybe I will cover them in another post.

Here is the sentence I have:

fibar dirbai mah-bi-za reha dah-bee

You-home man-clad excellent (bee) wife crown it high in

Again, this is assuming all of these go together, which might not be right.  As we saw, the Da Bee stands on its own, but the play on words leads me to believe it was intended for inclusion as an Elvish word also.

But what do we get from that not-so-clear phrase?  I think more support for our story.

We have a "man-clad" Excellent Bee Wife (Eowyn).  I have guessed that Eowyn didn't die, and that she is still Eowyn - a Man (as a race or type of Being), just like the Three Disciples from Bountiful.  Not magically transformed into something else.  She is a Man, but a member of that Family of Light in the form of Human.  That human is in a place that, to whomever is being spoken to, is also their home - 'you-home'.  This would be Eru-Place, or where Jesus is, as also mentioned elsewhere, and thus alluding to the fact that the person addressed in this statement also originally comes from that place.

The Bee has a crown (she is a Queen) and, being in Eru-Place, is very high.  That Reha word is still tricky, though, and I am not sure I have that right, to be honest, or even wrote it down right.   But I think the general flow of the thought works regardless.  You get a cleaner, more understandable sentence rewriting it like:

The human-clothed Bee-queen (Eowyn-Deseret), is high in Eru-Place (your home)

Makes sense, and seems a pretty clean translation or meaning derived from that set of words.  Interestingly, the 'human-clothed' or man-clad reference seems to correlate somewhat with the name of this blog - Coat of Skins.

That is more progress made on that phrase in 24 hours than in the last several years  The story I have been pursuing seems to have some foundation in these words, right from the start, which is encouraging.

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