Saturday, April 27, 2024

She Ran

Just a very short post to log something from the morning that will come into play in a little bit once I get to some words later in November 2019.  Right now I am on October 29th, which I will get to in my next post as a launching point to some thoughts on some constellations and their stories, as mentioned in my last post.

At this stage of my words, my guess is that it is Asenath speaking.  Following November 2nd (and actually concluding that evening/ morning), it is my guess that the voice switches to Eowyn for a period of time.  So that switch will happen fairly soon in terms of the timeline I am walking through in my words - in just a couple days.  It seems that Asenath kicks things off, and Eowyn jumps in fairly soon in the process.

In my dream this morning, I was reading a paragraph of words, and highlighted in big bold letters was simply the phrase "She ran".  Fairly straightforward in English.

But this is another double-meaning/ play on words.  I can't help looking into Elvish meaning for English words (and vice versa), and this was no different.

We have already associated Eowyn-Ilmare with the Moon and Ithil Stone, and even mythological figures associated with the Moon, such as Artemis/ Diana.  

What does Ran mean in Elvish?  Moon.

So, "She [is the] Moon".  Or something like that.  She, who is the Moon, ran, putting those two meanings together.  Ran also means "to go on an uncertain course", and thus also a potential reference to both her ascension and her journey and search out in the Void.

This will come into play at least by my Nov. 11 words - maybe sooner.  We'll see how it works out.  I just wanted to log this now both as a personal reminder for when that comes up, and also referencing the dream as a potential confirmation that my thinking is on the right path in terms of the transition of speaker to Eowyn by that time and in relating certain things.

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